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Entries in this blog

Strawberry Linden

Phenart : Autumn rain


Phenart - 1.png

"I have a confession to make, I’m actually pretty ashamed of myself! You see, last night I left sl at around 9pm, to get an early night. I haven’t been sleeping good and I was so tired. So, I turned off my computer and decided just to watch the news on telly before heading to bed. I settled on the sofa, feet up, and put the tv on. The next thing I know I am opening my eyes and it’s 6am this morning!" Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden
"Slink, a popular virtual world brand for avatar enhancements, produces what's basically the Tesla for mesh bodies in Second Life -- not just sleek and stylish, but energy efficient and good for the environment. This is because their creator, Siddean Munro, painstakingly optimizes them to have the least number of triangles without hurting visual quality." Read more on the blog.
Strawberry Linden
"When it comes to mesh heads for male avatars, the situation is starting to get pretty decent with several brands offering multiple choices. Slink, for example, is now up to four male mesh head with their latest two releases, Marcus and Ethan." Read more on the blog.
Strawberry Linden
"I am so glad it is my ‘end of the week’ it’s been manic again work wise and I really really need the time off. I would also love the time back to myself to be able to take pictures and draw and play animal crossing. Basically all the things I normally get to do to wind down in the evening." Read more on the blog.
Strawberry Linden
"I actually love this photo! It has to be one of my favorite photos I’ve done lately. I stole some of my concept from Miggins. She did a photo like a year ago with a dinosaur and then she did photo with these babies with a chain and I was sorry I borrowed the idea. " Read more on the blog.
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