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  1. Excellent idea. Right now, if you drive Southwest in Soulgiver, you get to a tunnel where a teleport takes you to Ogilvie! If the road was connected through the abandoned land, the roadside parcels of abandoned land could be sold at auction and drivers would not be forced to teleport.
  2. I miss: Earl Dinkins - he had several quite interesting locations displaying his art and poetry. Simple Wunderlich - One day his "Simple's Zoo" and other builds just disappeared. Ub Yifu - I think he left Second Life because some of his work was being copybotted. Let us appreciate those creators who remain.
  3. I've never had a last name, but I noticed that "Fairelander" is now a temporary option, and it. got me to thinking that I might buy "Mainlander" if it was available.
  4. Many good parcels seem to be going for a song on the SL Auctions. If you just want a place to call home, a minimum bid on a 512 is $L500, on a 1024 is $L550, and on a 2048 is $L1050. My alt had tier going to waste so I bid on a 1024 in Lota, and got it for L$590. It has the best and worst views in the Mainland. I had a structure in my inventory (Barnesworth Anubis' La Jolla house) and was able to modify it, and rotate it to fit the parcel. Here's a secret - after a week I no longer minded the neighborhood clutter. I remember my Mom telling me "After a week on the mantelpiece, a sock becomes part of the decor." Don't be afraid to try living on the Mainland. Parcel in green. Typical Mainland view from one window (Hi def view). Not shown: a low skybox and some "giant prim" architecture". On the other side, just hillside and sky. Far below, part of the Lunalis small-gauge railroad. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lunalis/206/232/103
  5. Another 'Lazy Sunday' sale. This item only available on the Marketplace, ad does not give an expiration date. 75 Lindens at least for today. Fundati Ash Premium Ash Tree Set. No season change HUD, but items can be resized. All animated. Ash Trees viewed from 35 meters. From left to right: A is 12 LI, B is 10 LI, and C is 9 LI. The ground branches (one of a set of three) in front are 1 LI. Ash trees from 35 meters. Beautiful trees up close. I've used them close to a building on a smaller parcel.
  6. Lazy Sunday through August 29th - On Cube Republic Marketplace for 175 Lindens - Fatpack contains three folders with Mountain Oaks, Pans Oak, and Old Oak Trees. All have foliage changing HUD for five seasons and some come with or without bases. From left to right - Mountain Oak (one of five versions) Pans Oak Redux 2022 - 34 LI - has HUD to change tree foliage and lantern color - the lanterns ( 1 LI) can be rezzed on their own. CR Old Oak Tree - 33 LI Above - Mountain Oak, Pans Oak, and Old Oak Tree - closer photo Above - Mountain Oak, Pans Oak, and Old Oak Tree from 78 meters. Above - five versions of Mountain Oak from left to right 1 -24LI, 2 - 11LI, 3- 17LI, 4 -18 LI, 5 - 14 LI 4th is the five kinds of Mountain Oaks 70 meters These are high LI items, but look beautiful. What I have done when landscaping is use a 'focus' tree near the front, and then fill in the background with low Land impact trees. Snapshots have not been gimped except to cut the images to size so they don't crash computers.
  7. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Playful Paradise/10/147/22 I saw some interesting things in the Slept on Sales ad, so I went to look at Dabble & Evergreen. I am hoarding my Lindens right now, so didn't buy anything to try out, but thought that folks who are landscaping 'desert' ranches might be interested in the cactus and other decor. The items on the far wall are all L$75 to L$99. I especially liked the planter with the scorpion.
  8. Thank you and Sabrina Cooke for the suggestions. I'll try them!
  9. My avatar is wearing the Senra head and body, but with different skin and accessories. BUT - I can't get rid of the toenails...I've tried different alphas. Any suggestions?
  10. I appreciate that you go to the trouble of looking for items appropriate for Bellisseria, stage them, photograph them, and post articles about them. I've found quite a few items I would otherwise have overlooked by following this thread. My complaint is with creators who copy each others' designs rather than making things that are more authentic. A proper egg basket should be easy to carry, easy to reach into, and easy to clean. Obviously, some designers have never been pecked by a broody hen....
  11. I don't mean to be persnickety, but as a chicken farmer's daughter, I would find that egg basket impractical because the opening is too small. I think bucket-shaped baskets are more traditional. Sorry.
  12. Who is going to decide what looks good and what doesn't look good? Here is a 'Mole Build' from 2009. I'd take it over many a modern mesh structure. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bhima/145/83/43 (Poster from my Mole Museum)
  13. Here's one - A Linden Mug. Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to steal it. Just found another Magellan not too far away but couldn't get good pics because of the fishies.... ooh! and there's some other neat things nearby. I wonder how many Easter eggs there are at SL20B.
  14. What might have made me quit (If I wasn't so stubborn): - Being stuck under the floor of a building with poor mesh construction, - Choosing 'wear' rather than 'add' and ending up partly naked, - Trying to figure out how to open boxes without wearing them, - 0- second orbs - 0 - snotty forumites - 0 - cliquey resident groups In retrospect, what helped me was other residents inworld, and forumites who patiently answered all my newby questions, and a few online resources. And, I should add that, although I have explored a number of other virtual worlds, there is no place like Second Life.
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