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Experience Keys/Tools/Permissions

Sayrah Parx

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Anyone know how it's going with the Experience project?  I wasn't able to get into the limited beta, and I'm really looking forward to it.  It will make so many things possible, and many other things much more practical.  Does anyone know how close it is to being available to everyone?

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We're getting mixed messages. According to a report from a recent TPV developer session, they're "continuing to work on back-end issues which need to be sorted prior to the project progressing" and the XP viewer is stuck as-is until they're "confident they are ready to start pushing things forward again." Meanwhile, however, participants in the beta have been hearing the equivalent of "Real Soon Now".

A bit of additional complexity: Some participants have recently started testing "grid scope" experiences, in contrast to the land-constrained version we've had up until now. (I'm sure they have in mind "game" stuff, but even without explicit "player" permissions, the grid-wide ability could be tremendously useful to scripters for reliable, low-bandwidth communications such as name registries, etc., unrelated to game-oriented experiences.)

We still don't know the details of how any of these will be dispensed to developers or controlled; there are rumours that every premium member will be eligible for one free land-scope experience key, but how else they'll be distributed isn't known -- at least not to me.

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So don't use them. Problem solved. Of course, the downside is that you can't let very selective "global" permissions do very minimal "control" to your avatar, so that precludes all kinds of games and even simple stuff like portals. But at least for now, folks will still find other stuff to do in SL that doesn't rely on those permissions.

Superstitions aside, there is an actual problem with Experience permissions, and one that's very similar to the complexity of Android user permissions (for example) -- and that is the ability to request (and grant) just those permissions that are necessary (or desired) of the experience / app.

Android permissions are somewhat better in the sense that the app can specify which perms are needed, and not have to ask for all kinds of irrelevant perms that they'll never use. They have the advantage, however, of upgrading through Google's Play Store, at which time they can ask for new permissions when they expand scope. It's not so easy to do the same with SL Experiences.

All that said, and despite what LL intended for Experiences, some scripters anticipate that most Experience Keys will never involve user permissions at all, instead be used for the KVP store (by which, as just one example, the aforementioned low-bandwidth comms can be implemented).

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Qie has it pretty much right on. However, the RC Experience Viewer version did recently update, Friday I think. About all you can do with it is see the panels and controls. But, the cornfield will let you try out an experience using the viewer. You cannot edit experiences without being in the beta. You can play with permissions granting and rejecting.

Jean has a valid concern. But, she is reacting, as many low information people do, to what she imagines rather than what it is.

You can keep up with advances in SL tech on Inara's and my blogs.


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Thanks for the updates!  I've been wondering how they would control it as well, and could not think of a good way myself.  It would need to be open enough for most people to use it in good faith, while preventing griefers from overloading the system.  If they have to charge for the keys, I hope it would only be a one-time fee like groups and uploads.  I'm hoping it will always be possible to use as an estate manager on estate land, without having to be premium.

Jean, I think they've also built in a way to revoke specific permissions that have been granted in the past.  So if someone would actually go through the trouble of abusing global permissions, it's easily fixed.

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