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Deploys for the week of 2012-01-02

Oskar Linden

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Happy New Year. I hope that the holiday season was a happy one. As you can see there was no main channel promotion this week. We will however be putting RC code on each of the RC channels this week.
Second Life Server (main channel)
  • This project contains upgrades to the voice system.
  • Updates
    • Voice diagnostics updated to improve our ability to diagnose voice issues.


Second Life RC BlueSteel
There was a datacenter failure this morning and a new RC will not be released.


Second Life RC LeTigre

There was a datacenter failure this morning and a new RC will not be released.



Second Life RC Magnum
There was a datacenter failure this morning and a new RC will not be released.


We will be monitoring this thread during the next week so please feel free to post issues that you feel have been introduced by the new code. Please file a JIRA for issues you find and post the JIRA link into this thread. It really helps us out. When determining if issues are relevant or not research is key. Tracking down exactly the right situation where an issue is occurring greatly speeds up the development process to get fixes in place.
I appreciate your help. Have a good week!
p.s. If you are interested in helping test SecondLife in beta please join the group "Second Life Beta" in-world. We also have an email list where we communicate upcoming projects and how you can help. ( https://lists.secondlife.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/server-beta ) Once a week we meet on ADITI to discuss new features, new bugs, new fixes, and other fun stuff. You are more than welcome. Information is here: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Server_Beta_User_Group
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Oskar Linden wrote:

    Second Life Server (main channel)
    No promotion this week.

There were rolling restarts last tuesday for the main channel and version was promoted. The entire grid is now runing this version.

Sorry to hear the updates for today were cancelled. I was very excited about the new llSetRegionPos() function.

Greetings, Chriss.
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Welcome back to the asylum:smileyhappy:.  Now...Maestro says the RC roll is "cancelled", the GSP have vacillated from a Wednesday Roll to a Thursday Roll, and now it's as though it never existed...this place (this Blog) is the only location any sane reliable info is ever posted.


What is it with your colleagues over at GSP...you do all work for the same company don't you?

A simple post giving the same info as Maestro's would surely be appropriate?

One good thing...2012 can only get better...can't it?:smileyfrustrated:

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Chriss Rosca wrote:

Oskar Linden wrote:


    Second Life Server (main channel)
    No promotion this week.

There were rolling restarts last tu
esday for the main channel and version was promoted. The entire grid is now runing this version.

Sorry to hear the updates for today were cancelled. I was very excited about the new llSetRegionPos() function.

Greetings, Chriss.

That was my bad. Most people here were on vacation since like the 18th of December. Tuesday morning was the first day back. I didn't see that we had a release planned then. I updated the notes.

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Ayesha Askham wrote:

from a Wednesday Roll to a Thursday Roll, and now it's as though it never existed...this place (this Blog) is the only location any sane reliable info is ever posted.


We've always held the Thursday slot as a potential roll day. I don't like using it, but sometimes we need that extra day to get stuff ready.

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I see it's classed as "needs more info", and I'd read that as meaning it needs you to provide more info. There's been times when I've been a bit doubtful about such requests (not specifically here) when I've described  what I'm seeing, and had everything but the specific software blamed. In this case, I would try a different viewer, for instance, and a third-party vehicle. Is it the server, the viewer, or the scripts in the vehicles. There's a couple of Advanced/Developer settings affecting movement: what does turning off interpolation do?

They seem to want you to help them, but it doesn't feel like a dialogue. 

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