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Who makes this hair?????

Annie Rubanis

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You know you can right click on anything that is attached to an avatar. as long as it is a prim, and chose the "inspect" button, or "object profile" button to locate the creator

Any time you see something somone is wearing in world, and is a prim, and you want to know right away who created it. Just use the handy right click

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Thanks for the suggestion and I definitely would inspect this hair if I saw it on another avatar.  Unfortunately, I just see it in pictures on the marketplace or on SL fashion blogs and not in-world yet.  I've sent messages to blog writers and have received not response about who makes it either.  It's really becoming quite a mystery, lol.

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Annie Rubanis wrote:

Thanks for the search!  I have that hair already and it is very similar.  I'm beginning to think the hair in the ad doesn't really exist, lol.

well you know what you could do? you can take a couple of styles and put them together..i do this sometimes..

but it's best to use the same creator so you can have a better chance of getting the same color and texture of the hair...

find a creator that does updo's and then look at an updo with the side bangs and then look at other styles in their store..if they have that section in the back that you like on another style..you may either be able to take just that section off or maybe they have addons to their updo's..

i saw a lot of really sexy updo's in my search lastnight..

maybe just go to the market place and do what i did..

go to avatar accessories..then hair..then womens hair..then updo's and find you something you may like better..

i was so tempted to start shopping lastnight..but the hunt was calling me to it in a much stronger way LOL

plus i really only looked inside a few of the stores...so it may still be on there or in world..

i just looked at all the adds on those pages..so mabey they messed up and put it under pigtails rather than updo's..that could be possible...

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Try inquiring via notecard to the owner of the prim with that picture on it (or whatever creator posted the other product that model was displaying on MP if that's where you saw it. They might be able to give you a lead.

In some cases it could be a yet to be released style and you'd just have to wait but they will probably indicate that if so.

I had a similar issue not long ago. I saw a wonderful hair on an add so I went to the store hoping they also had the hairs. I even bought the outfit thinking maybe the accompanying ducumentation told where the hair was from.

It actually did except that it was errant, lol. I scoured the entire store credited in the notecard that came with the outfit but the style was just not there. The really cool thing was I found a better one! The one I have now :)

2 nights later I was at work and a collegue walked in wearing the hair I'd been searching for. I was like girl, where's that from?!

So...I wound up with 2 cool styles and 2 LM's to great new hair places. Couldn't beat that :D

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