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Kwakkelde Kwak

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Everything posted by Kwakkelde Kwak

  1. I second that and would even go as far as saying I'd use a 256x256 or 512x512 in repeats rather than a 1024x1024. Afterall, it's just a platform.
  2. It's a feature, not a bug. That is if you did what i suspect you did, including the joint positions in the upload window. You should only tick this box if you want to upload a custom skeleton. That custom skeleton can be very useful when you make complete avatars, not when you make attachments.
  3. The first clue might be hidden behind the magic "Weitere Informationen" link. If that doesn't help, I'd try another browser to see if your Firefox is the problem. All I can say is FF26 works fine here, under windows 7. LinuxMint 13 with FF25 shows youtube links just fine as well.
  4. Unlike I wrote in the second threadyou posted, I think Medhue used the skull. Why not ask in one of those threads or ask Medhue directly?
  5. I've posted something here in the animation forum. I think your issue is the "break spline" part.
  6. This isn't meant to be a full guide or complete tutorial on making animations in Poser, this post just shows all the basics on how to set up your poser scene for animating for SL. Setting up the SL Avatar - Download the Second Life avatar files for Poser, you can find them on this page. - Move the folder called "SL Avatar" to C:\Users\Public\Documents\Poser 9 Content\Downloads\runtime\libraries\character. (If you use windows) - Open Poser, both the male and female avatar can be accessed from the library. Remove the "Andy" figure by selecting a piece of it and hitting delete. Double click the female avatar from the library and it will appear as "Figure" in the scene. (It's possible to have multiple avatars in one scene, in that case it would be good practice to change the names.) Setting up the scene By default, the feet are locked into position. For this tutorial, they need to be able to move freely. Uncheck "LeftLeg" and "RightLeg" under Figure->Use Inverse Kinematics. Use Shift-Ctrl-V to open the Animation Palette. Alternatively you can access this window through the "Window" drop down menu. In this window you can set the number of frames and the framerate of the animation. The default is 30 frames @ 30 fps, so one second of animation. The example here will have 24 frames and will play at 12 fps. The first frame in the animation will be the reference frame for SL, so it's excluded from the actual animation. The first and final frame of the animation itself will be identical, so frame 2 will be the same as frame 26 (!). To make the animation loops smoothly, the first (or last) frame needs to be excluded too. - Change the "Rate" to 12 - Change the number of frames to 26 and confirm - Drag the little arrow next to "Play Range" two boxes to the right - Open the "Figure" menu on top of the screen and select "Zero figure", this will reset all rotations to zero Now you have a good base pose for SL you might want to save for other animations. setting up the animation - In the Animation Palette, select the second frame, this will be the base pose for the animation - Select the "Right Collar", you can do this either by clicking it in the viewport or in the Animation Palette On the right lower side of the screen, you'll see the Right Collar is selected in the "Parameter Dials" window - Change the tab from "Properties" to "Parameters" - Change "shrug up-down" to 30 - Select the Right Shoulder and change "reach up-down" to 35 (Alternatively you can use the Editing Tools (keyboard R, W and T) and the viewport to move the bodyparts around) You'll notice in the Animation Palette, the corresponding blocks turning green instead of gray. - In the Figure menu, select "Symmetry -> Right to Left" - In the Animation Palette, select the second frame, next to "Figure, so all bodyparts for frame 2 are selected. Copy the values with ctrl-C, select the last frame and paste them with ctrl-V You should now have light green blocks for frame 1, 2 and 26, representing key-frames. The blocks for frame 3-25 should be dark green, meaning they have interpolated values. If you hit the play button in the Animation Palette, you'll see the arms moving all over the place. - Select frame 2 and click the "Toggle Spline Break" button, you'll notice all blocks for frame 2 will be marked If you play the animation now, the avatar should stay in the base pose you made for frame 2. The final step is to make the actual animation, just select any frame between 3 and 25 and move the bodyparts around. Don't forget to remove one frame before you upload the animation! You can do this either by removing a frame in Poser (If you do this, make sure the first and last frame of the final animation only have key-frames) or by skipping a frame in the SL upload window (find a calculator). EDIT... To make a longish post short: Make sure: the first frame has no rotations the second and last frame are identical on the second frame the spline is broken
  7. RudolphFarquhar wrote: Mandela remained on the Black List (see what I did there) because he was a co-founder of the militant arm of the ANC, and co-wrote its "mission statement" recognising the need for violence and NEVER, as far as I can determine, publicly renounced, regretted or apologised for his commitment. **********Rudi********** He remained on the list until 2008 because in 1961, after the ANC was banned, he founded that wing? Now you're just trolling again.
  8. Storm Clarence wrote: So how wise was President Reagan for realizing and acting accordingly? I'd say in his position he could have screwed things up beyond repair and he didn't do that.. Again, none of my posts are meant to discredit (or credit) Reagan. Maybe putting Mandela on the list was the best he could do. I don't know and it doesn't matter. What is really important, is that Mandela was NOT put on the list for any terrrorist acts on his part. He was on the list because he was a member of the ANC.
  9. Power means you call the shots though, freedom only means you can call your own. (Again my apologies for the non-intended pun) Hard to google "South African" and "zebra" to find out who said that. Luckily I'm a good googler if I say so myself. Here: Dr. Anthony Edward Rupert Chairman of Rembrandt International Group of Companies Stellenbosch, South Africa "The Challenge of Africa" "Today, due to apartheid, we are seen as oppressors. We therefore have to face the most difficult trek of all – away from any discrimination. I am sure we shall succeed. We are of Africa – the pale-skinned catalysts that help to make things work. My message to the West is: Please do not turn in upon yourselves. Your future too lies in Africa. We need you now. ‘Southern Africa is like a zebra’, Chief Buthelezi, the leader of the great Zulu nation, recently said: ‘If the white parts are injured, the black parts will die too’. I agree and say: ‘If the black parts are injured, the white parts will die too." Whether the quote is made up for good speeches or not, I do not know (or if this is a mis-quote). Anyway, isn't that the truth? So how wise can we call Mandela for realising this and acting accordingly? We all know the alternative solution Mugabe had.
  10. Storm Clarence wrote: Are you trying to say that being on the terror list had nothing to do with Mr. Mandela and his ANC that condoned and practiced terrorism in their struggle for power? Or that ANC and Mr. Mandela aligned themselves with Mr. Gadhafi and Mr. Castro? Look at the freedom their two countries enjoy some 25 yrs. later. We could debate whether it was a struggle for power or a struggle to be free. That's not the point though. With the 1980's bombings in mind I can see why SA put the ANC on their list. The US placing the ANC on their list a year later I can also understand. What I haven't seen yet, is a valid reason for Mandela being on that list. So far in this thread we all seem to accept Mandela moved towards a peaceful change. Given the fact he was released in 1990, only two years after being placed on the list, it's hard to believe he supported, let alone actively supported, any violent attempts against the regime.
  11. You possibly misread what I wrote. I said he supported the regime, not the ideology. I'm in no position to blame him, being the third most important person in the world means you have a lot of things to consider. Oh... "Can we abandon a country that has stood beside us in every war we've ever fought, a country that strategically is essential to the free world in its production of minerals we all must have and so forth? I just feel that, myself, that here, if we're going to sit down at a table and negotiate with the Russians, surely we can keep the door open and continue to negotiate with a friendly nation like South Africa." I'm not questioning why Reagan supported the SA government. All I am saying is, it was the reason the ANC and Mandela ended up on the terrorist watch list.
  12. RudolphFarquhar wrote: Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: Mandela was put on the list by the second most powerful man in the world. FIFY! The most powerful one being Nancy's astrologer, of course. **********Rudi********** You mean third, number one being Henry Hathaway, the director of Reagan's life "Wing and a Prayer".
  13. Do you by any chance mean facts like: The ANC and Mandela were put on the US terrorist list in 1988, when Mandela was already in jail for 25 years. Mandela was put on the list by a demented, politically matured during the cold war president who supported the apartheid regime. Draw your own conclusions from these two facts.
  14. You can also just edit the bvh file in a text editor. There's two parts in the bvh file, first the skeleton hierarchy, then the motion. Search for "MOTION" and right under it you'll see the number of frames (you don't want to edit this one) and the framerate. You can simply adjust the number. At 30 fps it will say 0.0333333 (1/30), so if you want 12 fps, change that to 0.08333333. Btw, your Poser experience didn't last long:) Two of the most valuable tools aren't included in the free DAZ: the animation palette and the graph (not sure what they are called in DAZ). Last time I looked they're available for DAZ at $20 each. I couldn't make an animation without those two.
  15. Alicia Sautereau wrote: You`re making as much sense as a duck, like I said, we were worse. Can`t I even trash my own country in peace? sheesh... You can do whatever you want, but if you are going to keep posting the way you are, you can expect me to respond the way I did, twice. Stating things like "we were worse" or "Mandela was a terrorist" is exactly the black and white (no pun intended) nonsense that has no place in history.
  16. Alicia Sautereau wrote: Regarding our own past, there is quite a few bits "missing" from our history in the books, the dutch were 100 times worse back in the area of dinkytoy sailer ships. Again, some perspective. Although The Netherlands were the last European country to officially end slavery (or one of the last at least), you need to look through 16th-19th century eyes. Appalling as it was, you can't compare this to a second half 20th century situation where racial segregation becomes part of a country's law.
  17. I wasn't planning on dismembering anyone, my math is the math, that's how you calculate it whether you like it or not. We could calculate it by showing the chance of having 0,1,2 or 3 people left every turn, which would be not that hard but very long...with might I add the very same results. Your assumption is based on nothing, unless you mean 1 is close to 0, which is what the math says.
  18. I run both windows and Linux, on two different machines. First of all, I can't run my most important programs on Linux, WINE doesn't work well with it. WINE isn't a Linux default either, so not a plug and play situation, even if it would run half decent. While I can choose for myself when I do it, I spend more time downloading and updating Linux than I do cleaning Windows. I wouldn't feel comfortable using a Linux machine for business purposes anyway. Windows viruses won't affect a Linux machine, but that doesn't mean you can't pass them on I think. Finding something as simple as hardware monitoring tools for Linux I have found near impossible, forcing me to script some conkey setup (my scripting skills are pretty much limited to copy pasting). It works, but it took me a full day. The problems you had with your wireless, I had myself, but the other way around. The adapter I had used for years on XP, didn't work at all on Linux. Believe me I've tried to make it work and while I'm no expert, I know my way around a computer. I have never had any issues with drivers for Windows. Everything I have plugged into the computer worked out of the box. I prefer Linux over Windows on my old PC, simply because it does the job (watching a video here and there for the better part) just fine and XP won't when support stops (pretty soon). When I have issues with my Windows machine, a simple google usually allows me to fix it quickly. If I search for any Linux issues, all I can find is complicated command line magic. At the moment both machines are running fine, so that itself is proof everything can be fixed somehow, I prefer Windows nonetheless. I think the main reason why a lot of big companies use Linux, is because it is open source and not because it works so well compared to Windows.
  19. Nova Convair wrote: Just thinking .... Every sim crossing will cost you at least 10% of your passengers. So if you have 10 crossings and more than one passenger left you can take it as a success. After 10 crossings, you can expect to have 35% of your passengers left if you lose 10% of them every time. 100 * (0.9)^10 = 34.8678...... So even if you start with 3 people you can expect to have one left
  20. I had a look at the files, it's definitely a problem with the channels. The texture is baked on channel 3, but channel 1 is used in SL. I think you used "Automatic Unwrap" in the "Render to Texture" menu. I wouldn't do that, but if you do it like that, you need to transfer the UV map from channel 3 to 1 before you export the model to dae. Add a UVW map modifier to the stack after you baked the texture (if you open the UV Editor, you'll see the mapping is not matching your texture), you'll see it shows map channel 1. Change it to 3 and click "Abandon". Now change it back to 1 and select "Move". If you open the UV editor now, you'll see the UV mapping matches your texture. Now you can export to dae and import the model in SL. I would map the model by hand on channel 1 before baking, using the "Unwrap UVW" modifier. Then you can "Use Existing Channel" when you bake. The automatic unwrap (or flatten UVs) is a nice way to start unwrapping, but it's far from efficient. If you look at your texture, about half of it is completely wasted, which is bad for resolution/detail. The only way to overcome this (without editing your mapping) is using a bigger texture, which again is bad for memory use/performance in SL. Look at the difference in the picture below. (even the new one on the right can be improved a bit) Also note that I changed the geometry from ngons to quads by connecting some vertices. You could also change the bottom of the table, that didn't look right. I used a single quad for that. Good luck!
  21. From the information you post, I can't tell what went wrong. I still suspect multiple channels. Could you post your .dae file somewhere (or preferrably the .max file) somewhere? I don't mind having a look at those.
  22. iCade wrote: What a weird problem @.@ That's what I thought yesterday!
  23. I'm not sure. The only thing I can think of is you forgot to install the latest service release (SR3.2). I nearly tore my hair out this weekend over a crashing Poser, only to find out they had a new patch. A shame tech support isn't available during the weekends. The one time I had to contact them, they responded very quickly.
  24. Optimum Actor wrote: Apart from copyright issues, what about Mesh from video games made by yourself, or by yourself from gamemakers like Unity? You can't see this "apart from copyright issues". Who made the mesh is not relevant, who owns the rights to distribute and/or sell the meshes is all that matters. If I make a mesh and sell it to you with all the IP rights, you can do as you please. I, as creator, cannot. If you made a videogame and you still hold the rights to that game or its contents, you are obviously free to use or sell any of it in SL.
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