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ildiko Evergarden

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Everything posted by ildiko Evergarden

  1. no there aren't any stores out there making derogatory avatars.. As far as i know .. " Selling a black avatar would not be cultural appropriation. A white person operating one, with the intent to explore and understand the black perspective, while of questionable value, would also not be cultural appropriation " Next question Is being a black avatar and your white RL ( not in a racial way) considered cultural appropriation? Now the reason I ask that. Because I have some friends who have dark skin avatars and they are pale skin-tone in real life. And there have been people yelling culture appropriation at them. Saying they are using "black face". Which isn't true.
  2. Ok, now that you say that. Let me ask you this. Should store owners and creator of second life skin. Should they close their stores down because their skins are "supposedly 'culture appropriating? Because it's " supposedly" black face? or Red face? Or white face? My question is will you contact them and tell them to stop.. and will they stop? IF it's offending you on a personal level?
  3. Exactly.. do what you want.. be who you wanna be. No one should be on here ranting about it. period. Your avatar.. your choice.
  4. Yea but people coming here to rant about cultural appropriation in a virtual world is a bit ridiculous in my opinion. it's a virtual reality.. for god sake... I mean telling a white person to stop roleplaying a black person and they've been doing it for years. Do you really think they will listen? No.
  5. You just read right throught that and missed the point of "being what you want to be." but ok...
  6. Exactly.. which is why cultural appropriation doesn't belong on second life.. Second life is about being something you are not in reality. Creating something that doesn't exist in real life. The moment people bring in real life issues into second life it breaks the whole meaning of "create your own imagination" and " be what you wanna be" People come on here to get away from the stress of real life. Not run away.. take a " break" from it sorta speak. It's no one business to know what race, gender, hair color or eye color in real life. This isn't Instagram, facebook or twitter. Now what you wanna do on other social media with other people. But don't bring that crap into second life. If a resident wants to be a Nazi soldier from ww2 in second life.. they have that right be that.
  7. Is this what's been going on , on the forums? Oh dear god....
  8. Welp, then I guess they should start shutting down Gorean sims. Half of the people in that sim play a different race from their own RL. because it's cultural appropriation. Because it's not considered " roleplay' anymore.?
  9. It's on my profile in-world on how long I've been here. ?
  10. I think I'm in the middle of the spectrum but a little more introvert. I have a few friends ..but not a whole lot. I don't like going to SL and RL clubs. SL because I lag all hell. RL because I hate drunks. I dislike obnoxious people both in SL and RL. So yea I kinda avoid crowded places and people at all cost.
  11. I really wish people would keep RL issues out of second life. It's an avatar... it's not that damn serious. Having an African or having an African America avatar isn't offensive and it's not blackface. I know a few black females in second life who have white avatars, latino avatars they use for blogging. At the end of the day, this isn't REAL LIFE people.. this is second life... a damn virtual world. Please keep RL issues out of second life.. Next thing you know people are gonna start ragging about elf avatar, werewolves, etc. This is a fantasy world where you can be anything you wanna be. This is not real life. stop it.
  12. yup i got booted again and can't log in
  13. glad that helped you out. Me, not so much
  14. A lot of Daz3d creators have stressed this on Renderosity forum years ago when mesh first came to second life. They do not want their products redistributed in second life marketplace. They don't even want their products on here PERIOD. And the problem is.. Evo isn't the only store doing this. A lot of those suspect " top " designers are doing the same thing. I've been on Renderosity and saw some of the same outfits that I've seen on SLMP. Not modified .. the same outfit.. different textures. No one says anything because they are top designers and of course you got a boatload of their "stans" out to threaten you when you call them out for ripping from daz3d creators. Daz3d creators really need to be informed that their products are being ripped. I hope those rippers get DMCA and removed.
  15. As you are entitled to your opinion as I am entitled to mines and will continue to say that furries are bigot buttheads
  16. All forums will have positive and negative people. Best to block the negative. However, so far I've seen some positive and opinionated people on these forums. Rarely trolls. I tend to ignore posts that aren't on topic.
  17. It's an avatar.. not a real person. The person behind the avatar is real. But the avatar itself isn't real. Really wish people would understand the difference. And most furries are bigot buttheads anyway. There have been some human/furry couples. Because behind the avatar YOU ARE HUMAN! Wow congratulations
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