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Doc Carling

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Everything posted by Doc Carling

  1. Interesting. Perhaps I should give Black Dragon a try.
  2. The past is the past. And the die hard fan fraction in SL ist willing to accept all technical issues as long as SL is up. That is a known fact. Thread opener wrote he owns 2 sims. I don't know, if he means parcels or regions. However he pays for a service and mustn't justify that he expects a stable product. I think as a customer he has a right to expect that. I'm not into Linden bashing. The guys have all hands full to keep SL on course. But it is neither fair to bash or mock residents as soon as they mention something critical about SL.
  3. Another one of my avatars. This one is a LAQ Laia head.
  4. A LAQ Laia head on Maitreya mesh body + random classic skin + custom shape built with BoM.
  5. Yes. But I had to relog. Now it works correctly again.
  6. I was wearing my hairbase and my shoes only. Now my jacket rezzed. Don't know, but it doesn't feel like a real progress. lol
  7. You are funny. Allow me the question who is causing the most of the technical issues we have to deal with? Don't get me wrong. Moving entire SL to third party servers is doubtless no kids play. But the technical problems we see are no bad fate or a punishment by the Gods because we sin too much in SL.
  8. Hi, I'm sorry to hear about your technical troubles. If you are using the Firestorm viewer, you can find more informations about the error and how to solve the problem here: Failed to find items... The hints should work with the LL and other viewers also.
  9. An avatar that I built and use as model. It's a Lightstar Athena head + custom shape + random skin on a Maitreya mesh body with BoM. Light with EEP. While the avatar on the first 2 pictures is not edited and looks the same in SL with the same EEP settings the third one is a with Photoimpact X3 edited version. Anyway, nice look. I think I would choose this one, if I had a female alt. (Oh, actually I have two. lol)
  10. I have the W08 head. I use it with BOM and have no problems. The effekt can also be a shine caused by a light setting that you either applied to your avatar or that's applied to the place where you took the snapshot (EEP).
  11. Gina. Lightstar Athena mesh head + custom shape with BoM.
  12. Another one that ends as cold case...
  13. That's me under cover. lol The lady is one of my model avatars which I built for photo shootings. Maitreya body, random classic skin + classic head with BoM and custom EEP light.
  14. Ginger. Maitreya body, random classic skin + classic head with BoM.
  15. Ah, so as a woman you didn't notice yet that there is an entire industry branch that offers eye make up to women? Including false lashes, lashes enlarger and everything else to change the natural lashes look? Wow! 😃 Anyway, I'm convinced that your lashes don't need any make up to make gents fall in love in with you. 🙂
  16. This conclusion is doubtless wrong. 🙂 You know, this is a long thread. Please check all the post, if you can find any positve comments made by you female guys. I think there is none of 160 replies. Well, my pictures are not perfect. I don't state that. But are they soo bad that earn negative feedback only? I don't think so. lol If I do the same to your pictures, wouldn't you defend your work?
  17. They do. But eyes with little or no make up look natural and innocent to men. And that's what they like also. I assure you nobody of us would call that creepy. lol
  18. I tell you a secret. Most of all my pictures are meant to enjoy myself. 🙂 Well, these characters are born in a male fantasy. So they have most likely attributes which attract a male audience more than a female one. I consider that as normal. Apart from that you and everyone can comment my pictures anytime. I just ask you to accept that they are a play with fantasies and have absolutely nothing in common with how I see real life women. I mean, if we can't see that separately, then we have even to blame the Muppet show as degrading and wrong because it presents Miss Piggy, a fat little pig, as a female.
  19. If you look a few pictures above there is one I made from my SL neighbour Dominique. It is her avatar. I didn't built it. It is all her work. See her eye minimal eye lashes. You find them creepy also? If people don't have all the same taste or style that's not creepy in my opinon, but a normal thing. 🙂
  20. Quite right like what or who? With what are you comparing? It is not my intension to build authentic female faces. Sure, I know comic characters with overdone eye lashes. But that doesn't mean that I must copy that. Anyway, I appreciate your input. 🙂
  21. These characters are born in my fantasy and have exactly the eye lashes I want.. I use Izzie's under eyelashes concealer btw. Izzie's concealer
  22. Little wallflower. A Dream Clara head.
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