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Holocluck Henly

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Everything posted by Holocluck Henly

  1. Sneaks in and tests... Well it did cut off my fobwatch, but I've seen worse Thanks for the advice!
  2. Is it possible to subscribe to a blog (say I want LDPW) and NOT get deluged by comments? I always wanted to be notified of specific Linden or Dept blogs
  3. Welcome to Second Life. My only apprehension from reading the initial blog post of your joining the exec team was a strong emphasis on gaming references. As I tell RL people, Second Life is literally what you make it; while some use it for gaming and role play (many email/groups RPGers of ages back have migrated here) and many have fled defunct game sites like TSO to continue here, there's a myriad of other purposes which I'm sure by now you've found we do. With anywhere from 40,000 to 90,000 logged in at any time during the week, there's that much diversity in purpose as with the cultures who comprise active residency. Many of us also "escaped" from a series of VRML-based 3D communities which began as early as the mid-1990s. Based around a community template with emphasis on member experience points, earnings from fake jobs and often the wrong people assigned to run a heirarchy of residential areas, each one has been a failure, ruined by greed and illusory power trips. Only a couple of these sites hang on for posterity. I say good riddance to them and thank goodness for Second Life! My only regret is that some of the things I created there as wrl format could not be converted for upload here. SL is big enough that residents into what they're into can be oblivious to what other people are into. Second Life offers an ideal environment for people to explore their psyche, potential, sexuality, innocence, or a new language. And if someone chooses to run their private estate similar to the above VRML template, they can do it to their heart's content. We'd never know or have to be involved with it. It's what makes this place so great!
  4. GOHA's six regions used to mean I had a winter spot for 3 months. That's now gone. I'm not celebrating.
  5. A resume in virtual worlds, but all games, or in the case of MMORPGs, manipulating characters against characters. I'd like to see his view of Second Life as a cybercultural environment and microcosm of civilized society first.
  6. Two concerns: 1. PG / General land borders Mature land. How do you plan to protect younger residents from those who put lewd content on those borders? As I've written before, I lived on such a border where there were several properties with blatant TMI content right on the line, much less anything within draw distance. 2. Who's to stop residents from taking snapshots from Mature/Adult areas of any content and sending them to minors?
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