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Desdemona Enfield

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Everything posted by Desdemona Enfield

  1. Hello, Rodvik, As I say to all newbies (smiles)... Welcome to Second Life des/de/mona
  2. These are marvelous features.. thank you. Please add to your list of technology advances the availability of a script editor that does not freeze the viewer for over a minute when loading large scripts and a notecard editor that manages to keep its visible cursor location and character insertion location in the same place. These problems are documented in the jira and awaiting action. des.de.mona
  3. Thank you for your work on the viewer 2.x series. My personal metric of success for V2 has been the frequency with which I have to resort to the viewer 1.23.5 (or its tpv clones) to get my work done. With viewer 2.4 this has dropped to "rarely". These occasions are now confined to situations in which I have to work on large scripts (1000+ lines; cursor position, loading lockup, copy/paste problems; see jira reports). I would like to imagine that a "trial by fire" which annoys your user base during most of 2010 would not have been necessary. However, I am aware that bug detection via top down analysis and simulated loading is.. well... a really wonderful _theoretical_ concept. In practice, unless 50,000 people are actually using the viewer and driving the servers, the subtle design and implementation flaws are not likely to reveal themselves. des/demona
  4. Hi torley, You should also do this trick if you alternate between using Viewer 1.23.5 and LL V2.x. Ditto v2.x and any of the other v1.x source code based viewers (Phoenix, Imprudence.. whatever). Note that I am referring to alternating use, not concurrent use. In addition, I recommend using the "--settings" command line option give every one of of your viewer programs distinct setting files. dayse/da/mona
  5. Well, I tend to see this as a financially driven decision... LL probably cannot afford to keep two grids operating, and they probably do not want to totally alienate future customers by just chopping off their accounts. So, you merge the grids... what could be simpler? As for the adult-child interaction issues... doesn't this problem also exist on facebook and other social networks... granted SL is a prime venue for dynamic interactive porn (smiles), but the same issues would be present for static text and image porn on facebook. .. and what about the access granted via skylight (see: http://blogs.secondlife.com/community/features/blog/2010/11/16/help-us-test-the-sl-web-viewer-beta) .. what about the day when SL becomes a web-based facebook applet? ---------------------------- And I, for one, welcome our new teen overlords..... It's going to stir the creative pot and lead to change.... and change is a good thing.. for us and for Second Life. During 2008 and 2009, in my opinion, second life was a stationary product... there were no new server based content creation features and no serious improvements to the viewers. This quiescence led to serious competition from opensimulators and third party viewers. Well, that party is over.. Second Life is evolving again and probably leaving most of those projects in the dust. des/demona p.s.: ... and remember.... when you try to cover you ass by asking people "Are you an adult?".. you should probably also consider asking them "Are you a law enforcement officer?" It's my understanding that this is the S.O.P for RL sex workers.
  6. Hiyas, Regarding content migration to other grids: I recently ported dozens of scripted devices to an opensimulator environment that uses the Xscript engine. No serious problems. The scripts work fine. This is a quite an improvement over a year ago when the recommended fix for the script engine problems was.. and I kid you not... "run one script per region". In terms of general reliabilty, the Linden grid still has the edge over opensimutors.. so be prepared to restart your opensim regions frequently.. and.. oh yes... the land management restart operation may crash the region.. so you may need admin login access to the server... or rely on your server's tech support response cycle. Don't expect a lot of help from opensimulator.org. My impression is that they are understaffed and overworked, and therefore unresponsive. Don't expect a lot of documentation on the more obscure aspects of the the opensimulator, for example, setting up scripted email functions. If you want to know how the deeper things work, be prepared to read the C# code and figure it out for yourself. If you encounter bugs with your opensimulator system, don't expect a lot of help from the issue tracking system unless you are able to provide it with your simulator's GIT or SVN source set identification number. If you have no clue as to what that means... well... good luck getting a response from them. des/demona
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