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Chloe Bunny

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Everything posted by Chloe Bunny

  1. Okay Doran HB 😟is back in the pool again in one minute (caught it twice)
  2. Doran Houseboat is being released in 10 seconds... thanks for the fishing whoever threw this fishy in! (glad to know my reflexes still work!)
  3. Houses trickling in - and land page getting slower ... at least for me!
  4. Hopefully I don't annoy my neighbours with the amount of times I decorate, clear, change HB style, build some new add ons, decorate, clear then change HB style. Again! .......I think this is how that Submarine was able to plonk itself on my parcel .....πŸ˜‚
  5. GLAD YOU LIKE IT!!!! I got a lot of attention for having that parcel and lots of messages both genuinely happy for me and also the passive aggressive sort. I was assuming you were just waiting out until the attention faded a bit!! There ARE some very serious players in Bellisseria so I feel that speculation about a popular parcel was unfortunately inevitable. When I got it during release I was nice to everyone who chatted but ultimately no one has claim over a parcel until they legit land it. I landed it by using my own method (incidentally it does not involve being inworld, standing around parcels, spotting Lindens on the map, watching for restarts or any of that), luck of the draw and being able to put 6 whole hours into being at the land page that day. And there were other regions released exactly the same time so it really could have been any parcel for me as well. I hoped to make it easier for someone announcing a time on a Sunday which would make a clear for all fair "try". Reading that you have managed to get a home by using the info I gave out is pretty awesome news. I left because I preferred my HB on the other side of the lighthouse and I only want one home and I found that seasons were harder to observe on sandy beaches! Simple reasoning. I would not keep it just because it was popular. Now you have it and love it. And I don't miss it. Win Win!!!!
  6. It will happen - I was on more than usual during UK time yesterday - only one boat spotted but several houses went through. A mixture of auto and manual methods. ALways check that drop down!! I know it sounds easy from someone who catches things often but I also miss thing often as well and see nothing for ages. I know the disheartened feeling of ....nothing!
  7. If you are totally new to this check out the "how to get a home" posts on the forum by @RaeLeeH will save lots of your time and answer all the questions!
  8. Trad! 2pm SLT (i think?!!) 8pm here ( no, 12 ... maybe!!) - first time ever I logged in from scratch and there was a house top of the menu !!
  9. Trad again!! - traditional is too long to post every time I spot one
  10. Always fun to know whats still up and what's gone! TY!
  11. Thank you - and damn it. Ha ha !! I was there this morning photographing it thinking hmmm I kinda like it
  12. Ooooo Alala I think did not get released earlier..... so it's Alala or abandons by the sound of it!! Unless I;ve missed bits of forum whilst out today!!
  13. Not sure - I was on auto so too late - there showed all the houseboat photos including sand background ones in the choices - only boats too - so , im not inworld - have any only HB regions been inhabited? If so there's the answer!! ...terrible sentence structure there sorry!....
  14. Look for regions which are all ready but no one living in them. No lettering etc. All still belonging to LL. Then turn all your attention to the Land page. Land page is where it's at!
  15. Not me either - less allowance is a big decider - I bet the trailers are great but highly unlikely on my end
  16. I am not sure - could all be coincidences rolled together .... invokes curiosity in others though ....!!
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