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Chloe Bunny

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Everything posted by Chloe Bunny

  1. One camper 5pm UK time Saturday and one Camper at 7.20am ish UK time Monday
  2. In the RL - widowed parent - so those are my own reasons for retiring the alts and staying with the one home. Couple of alts is quite a lot of ££ for the dependants. We all have different preferences. Set to group worked fine for me as well🙂
  3. What I have learnt from hopping which was mainly for fun on my part and the love of the place - is that if you only want one home or location and you are using alts to find it you will always be faced with "just one more hop" or the "alt to main switch" or forever be on alt accounts. Better to cease all alts (if you only want one home on your main account) and be prepared to be homeless if you land a parcel and want to try for a different one. Obviously if you want more than one home at a time this does not apply! I've sat out all new releases too for a long time now but that camper release really threw me off balance!!
  4. Only do it if you can bear to part with it!! - I find Thursdays slow and I am 8 hours ahead of SLT so it was 10am for me very few people are around. It didn't come back until 2pm - and was released with another camper and I got the other. I am happy with this though but it could have been much different! So glad to be on my main and not pay for any more alt accounts. One and happy! Everything I have released on Sunday has immediately gone back into the land page.
  5. Maybe no one picked it up yet? ... oh I see what you mean - y'know I did not notice as I was underwater when I arrived and I don't usually fly up or take a look if I've seen it on the map first
  6. Two at least will have been through in the last 15 mins as my old parcel was also released the same time as the one I have now. I also got that HB you just gve up on my alt account earlier. It may have been in your logout? As far as the auto tells me nothing much went through until about an hour ago - slow day.
  7. So I attempted the alt to main catch and release at 2am SLT time - it went into maintenance for 4 hours! I got bored waiting and then clicked the first camper I saw when I came back. And I got almost the exact same parcel at the same lake almost opposite the previous parcel! Weird! But I am happy with it and it's my main account. I see that as a fluke and a success all at the same time!
  8. Congrats!!!! It always works for me with plots I am not looking to keep I would hope i have the same luck. Well done!!!
  9. I have not yet tried - but I am planning to try it. I have to get to the point where I am okay with losing the plot (so to speak!) I am working out from what I know of previous catches / abandons and re-catches when is the least risky time 🙃
  10. Seems to be slow to be taken boats and trads. Im not inworld but I am sure it's just the odd one or two.
  11. My alt's neighbour also - although I am thinking of attempting the alt to main switch at some point. Risky business but it's not off the table!
  12. I've found that I estimate when my 24 hours block is up it's always earlier than I think by a few hours so I always try catching again on the off chance and it works
  13. 512 size with 175 allowance - it makes decorating easier for me personally as I like detail and closer living space. I wish it was 512 land and 300+ allowance - maybe in the future? !! But coping well for now! It's been half half for me with water locations and campers. Some are waterfront but elevated so high that you can't actually see the water from the parcel. The content package is great as well!
  14. There are hills to the back but campers down a little and to the left in the photo along the lake. But I find the camping parcels have more privacy (generally from the ones I have had). TY!
  15. Letting a camper on The Beaten Path go in a second - it's by the station and the trackline!
  16. Releases of new regions happen every week on weekdays. It can be any weekday. Popular days for it to happen are Mon, Weds, Fri. Keep tabs on this thread and if it HAS happened and you miss the homes in the release you can still refresh as abandoned homes are more frequent up to half hour afterwards. You can spot them 24 hours a day but they are rare. Manual refresh during a release and after. Good luck! **should maybe mention that regular posters here are often persistent we are collectors / hoppers / in love with finding homes and or / just spotting the homes. But it is that persistence which gets you a home. Or several or whatever you are looking for. At the moment a lot of time and energy is needed to even spot one. Big release of campers went through and you could get one very easily. But that was the start of last week and now they are rare again! Keep this thread up and notifications on to see latest replies. Several people will report a release!
  17. This is where I now live and why - after all those locations. This is pretty stunning area and I feel that with less LI spent on landscaping I don't miss the extra allowance! I have not decorated at all yet but I don't feel the need to do much at all to the exterior. This was an abandon (as most of my recent campers I got locked out of the release after one go because I had been scooping abandoned boats!) Abandons rule. Campers do too. I take it all back about not being interested in one because of lower allowance!
  18. I always go at least half an hour after the region releases! Best stuff comes up...
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