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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. I have a laptop with those sort of specs except 16GB of ram but only a 6GB nvidia 1050 mobile. I tested it the other day with the updates and had some troubles but after updating Visual C++ Redistributable and a reboot, got it running SL. ok.
  2. Even they were switching sockets willy nilly a few years ago to where it wasn't possible or feasible for me to update a couple of computers I was using back some years ago. Intel was the more stable one and so I bought one of their i7-7700 and then they changed! I have a great aptitude for unknowingly picking the end of line hardware.
  3. Today the computers don't evolve so fast but the planned obsolescence does through changing Cpu sockets, ram etc. Can't update a computer for 8-10 years nowadays unless we're just talking the case.
  4. Well SL's own viewer seems to have less problems running PBR then FS's new release does which makes me wonder in itself. How many of the machines that are having problems with FS, would run SL's own viewer easier? I think probably a percentage would though we would still be left with some of the brightness and darkness issue but those are resolvable as well as SL's viewer being just terrible in usability and lacking any support. The Lab probably just thinks some coding elbow grease and this will all blow over and we will welcome in a brighter new future.
  5. The lab is simply not that dependent on new residents except to the point that it gives the landowners continued confidence to pay for another month's tier. That is by and large where most the Lab's income derives from. The L$ and content sales fees are just some gravy.
  6. Maybe it is just reaching a point where from the Linden developers view as well as some Creators, it is going to be too much of a headache supporting older residents too. Meaning those who are balking at content becoming increasingly difficult to create and keep up to date with for those just looking to do some light creating or modifying both in terms of knowledge and tools to do it with. Just really moving more and more to where we have professional creators and consumer residents. Empty sandboxes, little local chat where people discuss how to make their virtual world better because it is all in the hands of professionals in ivory towers.
  7. Good point that it limits one's customer base. I have walked away from a number of outfits because a creator no longer rigged for Lara and I am not willing to spend the L$ to outfit LaraX with accessories.
  8. Sort of surprised there isn't some complaints from Apple users.
  9. Missed most of that page somehow! Anyway good there are those who have confirmed it. I don't always trust what is heard at those meetings.
  10. Quality content doesn't age overnight. It becomes classic.
  11. Not that I am a plant person but how difficult would it be anyway to have a pbr and non pbr version available if you have the amount of experience you are saying you have?
  12. Some thoughts from Inana Prey on the Mobile announcement: https://modemworld.me/2024/06/26/sl-mobile-available-to-premium-plus-and-premium-in-open-beta/ Some points from her article: This is beta software and liable to glitches (such a avatar skins rendering fully or partially black under a variety of situations). Log-in is subject to multi-factor authentication, so if you use MFA, have a valid code available from your chosen authenticator when initially logging-in. Once you are logged-in to Second Life on a specific device, future log-ins will be automatic on starting the App until you log-out / are logged out from your device (e.g. because you try logging-in from a regular viewer whilst connected via SL Mobile). The app also supports “standard” touch-screen capabilities including strafing movements (camera), pinch-zoom (camera zoom), etc. SL notifications can be displayed as a part of your device’s notifications. In order to comply with Apple requirements, Adult rated regions in Second Life cannot be access by the iOS version of the SL Mobile app. The last point I thought was interesting in that from the sound of it, the android version is allowed to access Adult regions whereas the IOS version is not. I'd love to hear confirmation of that from anyone using the Android version.
  13. Oh good to know. I drive a fair bit and use the phone with Lumiya to be inworld when my partner is on. I can be online for several hours without issue so good to know the SL mobile viewer might be challenged to stay cool.
  14. Thanks for the photo and tablet specs you use. It at least gives me an idea whether I am willing to get the Premium subscription to have that degree of mobility. My phone has similar specs and had no issue with the Lumiya viewer so reasonable chance it will work. To do local screenshots see this page
  15. It is finally here at least for Premium+ members and soon™ free to everyone else! IOS too for those that care. Available at a Playstore near you. This at least for some of us is better news then the PBR viewers.
  16. Colored Bling!! Wonders how long it will be before Clubs outlaw it like facelights or the viewers have a setting to not see it on others.
  17. Ok thanks. Announced 20 hours ago. In addition to it being available to Premium and Premium + members, it seems also for: Ok maybe I am reading that last part wrong and it is only for a future launch event.
  18. I've taken my share of laptops apart and even put them back together successfully but my normal method of cleaning is to just use a blast of air through the openings to dislodge debris and dust. When I do that on a fairly regular basis, it keeps my own laptops reasonably clean and dust free. I realize one has to go deeper then that for a client who likely brings it in for service every few years but a good air dusting semi annually work ok for me. I do slide a thin screwdriver through the slots to stop the fans from spinning while shooting short blasts of air through.
  19. It seems it has only been up since Updated on Jun 17, 2024 And the Lab hasn't announced it anywhere I have been. One can download it but not use unless one is Premium +. Have you tried it?
  20. That is what I thought to myself initially at first too but the novelty started to wear off fairly quickly. Really makes me wonder how much lasting power it will have for the majority.
  21. That's good though can't sign in with it so it is useless. Love to hear if the android version is any good and further ahead then the IOS version.
  22. You've had confirmation that there is at present an android version? I've not hear anyone mention that they are at testing that. It's planned but the likelihood it will be 2027 or later before it is finished is fairly high.
  23. You mean being built in that it is in long term alpha mode. which as far as we know, is only so far on apple devices. For all we know they are having issues supporting PBR in the mobile viewer.
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