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Frigga Freidman

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Everything posted by Frigga Freidman

  2. Well, there's 14 of them there now And one green dot in Enchanted Snake. And now one again in Diary of Riddles.
  3. Three green dots in Diary of Riddles now. None in the fantasy areas a few minutes ago. And a watch party appears to be starting in Hanshin. Green dots have all gone away. 8am SLT
  4. Remember with the Stilts that only a chunk of the alphabet at a time was released. Try looking at some A and B regions. (I can't go inworld at the moment to check myself.) My laptop finally finished installing its update - the parcels I've checked don't have *any* designation, which is different. Usually in an unreleased region they'd be designated 'Protected Land' or 'Linden Home', so I suspect stuff *is* happening now.
  5. Well, there were 100+ names listed in Chat for that group a couple of days ago, with only 12-15 people active at most. I was going to test the ‘presence’ by logging into another of my accounts at the same time, but my laptop was downloading an update so everything dragged. Will try again later, if Chat seems to be working.
  6. Yes, that's what I've concluded. No comments visible after 10am SLT. Considering that Patch has in the past announced "not today" in the Belli Cit chat, the fact that nothing has appeared in the forums indicates a release *could* still be possible today. Personally, I have no interest in getting a Fantasy home, just as I had no interest in the Chalets, but witnessing the buzz can still be fun. Given the enthusiasm in this forum, I did expect people to be waiting for a reveal, but inworld there's been nothing today in any likely location that I could see. (I missed the actual release of the Chalets, but assumed it was as manic as the Stilts. I guess maybe it wasn't, after all.) Anyway, good luck to everyone who wants to nab a fantasy home. Whenever. Still holding on for The Jetsons...
  7. If you’re a member of Bellisseria Citizens and you open the chat window, everyone else who also has that chat window open is listed in a column on the left. Your own name will be at the top of the list, then those who have most recently participated in the chat, then the rest in alphabetical order. Usually you have to scroll and scroll to get to the bottom of the list. (Note: the names shown are *not* those of everyone who belongs to the group, or even everyone logged in who belongs, just those who have the chat window open or dormant in the background.) But I think there may be some problems with Chat right now - none of the groups that are open for me show anything posted after 10am SLT,.
  8. Oh well. My prediction has not come to pass. Not even the second teaser posted by @Patch Linden. Hangs head in shame. Exit stage left, to the vacuum cleaner.
  9. It's so quiet here in the forums, and in Belli chat - usually there are 100+ people logged on, but now there's 8, including me though I'm not really there. It's usually very busy in the lead up to a major release. Is there something happening that I'm missing? (I'm feeling guilty about using the 'buzz of excitement' as an excuse for not doing the vacuuming 😕 )
  10. I can now report that for those of you using Firestorm, you can track all 185 of the Fantasy regions using the Region Tracker. I'd thought that there was a limit. If you identify regions of particular interest to you, just add some sort of note to the label when you add the region. Then sort by number of avatars on the parcel (number in the right hand column) to get an idea as to when a region has released. (Those 3 other SSPE regions are non-Fantasy ones.)
  11. Two hours and 30 minutes left for my prediction to be spot on!
  12. It's been slim pickings in Tuesday's sales this week, but I did find an item I liked at Old World - this wooden spice rack. Two versions together for $127. One with dish cloth at 4 LI, and the other at 3 LI. But I found them way too large, and re-sized the 3 LI one to 2 LI, seen on the left of the picture. Numbers-wise, the LODS aren't great, however this item resized still looks much better than the spice racks I have from Hive and Dust Bunny, and is 1 LI less than the one from DRD that came with my kitchen.
  13. No fragile ego here, but a mild degree of irritation at *this* comment. Had I been tasked by an employer to create an efficient, editable, shareable spreadsheet, I would have done so. I was not. OCR away!
  14. My natural inclination to be helpful is difficult to erode but, yeah, I’ve reached that point. 🙄
  15. If not manipulating the data is what you're after, I suggest you just copy/download the 5 parts of the list and print them out to mark up manually as you wish.
  16. I'm not at home now, where the spreadsheet lives, and in any case I don't see how I could do that and make it useful/editable without being bombarded by individual requests to edit it, and also risking that some info about my identity is hidden in the metadata. If a knowledgeable person knows how these issues could be circumvented, I'll take another look later tonight.
  17. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FANTASY REGIONS - UPDATED LIST 10 AUGUST (with thanks to @LoganPryor)
  18. New (?) group gift from Apple Fall to make your home smell sweet like Crisp Cotton, Tobacco, Sapphire Musk and Olive & Sage - each jar 1 LI.
  19. Just putting the link to the alphabetical list of regions here:
  20. Good luck, all! (I'm sticking with my Wednesday morning prediction, though )
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