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Frigga Freidman

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Everything posted by Frigga Freidman

  1. It must've been from a neighboring parcel, then, as I'd only input urls from radio stations. Must investigate all this further when I have more time.
  2. The viewer itself wasn't blocked from opening, but I made multiple attempts just to see if the message re-appeared. I've only recently enabled Streaming Music and Media in the preferences (last week), and have to admit that not being a techie person I didn't quite understand what else I needed to do to get things to work - I'd encountered a soundscape and music on other parcels and tried copying the urls and inputting them into the About Land > Media and Sound pages, but it didn't work and I just forgot about it. I've now disabled Streaming Music and Media, and removed the info I'd input in About Land, and the message has not re-appeared when logging in. (I know this sub-forum isn't the place to ask about those settings, and having lived without music for umpteen years can survive without it.) Thank you for responding!
  3. Apologies if this is the wrong place to post this - I rarely venture outside the Land > Linden Homes forum, so I'm in foreign territory here! I've just logged into Firestorm, and for the first time in 18 months of using it I've received messages from Malwarebytes Premium about a Trojan that was blocked. Actually 2 separate messages on each of 3 login attempts. Just want to give people a heads up. (I'm using the latest version of Firestorm for Windows, 6.4.13 (63251).)
  4. PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT ****************************************************************************************************************** I've been away for a bit and don't know if it's been mentioned in *this* thread (as it was in the previous "When did you last see" thread that was locked back in April), so I think it's worth mentioning here (before the rush to grab new-theme homes and abandons) that you can easily check which themes are currently available on the Land page by logging in with a non-premium or Linden-homeless premium account and using this url: https://land.secondlife.com/en-US/lindenhomes/land-selection.php It's also worth mentioning again that when you abandon a parcel and want to ensure that it has been allocated to someone else before you "roll the dice" again, there's no need to stand there waiting for the next owner to appear; just click on the arrow-thingy to the right of the entry for that parcel in your teleport history to see if the parcel name has changed from Linden Home to something else.
  5. If you're looking for something to fill a bit of wall space, take a look at this shelving from Fetch in today's Saturday sale - 1 LI without decor, 3 LI with. The subtle mountain theme means it could work for any style home, except the stilts. $75.
  6. @Marianne Little, look away now! This weekend at Nutmeg, a lovely cabinet (4 LI, 3 LI without the hanging crockery) with really good LOD and a low chair (6 LI) with less-good LOD. Both for only $60.
  7. At Muniick: Assorted plants (2-3 LI) $50 for the group Coraline refrigerator v.2, PG, 5LI, color change, $60 Butcher block kitchen island, A, 4 LI, $75 The Essen bedroom set, PG or A, $60 each set Also still available - drawer planter, 3 LI, $25
  8. The Roo Daybed (Adult) at Consignment for the Saturday Sale - 15 LI, $50. Limited texture change - there are 7 colors for the non-black and gray triangles.
  9. These fence panels (2 LI, all 3 colors for $50) at Nomad would make nice privacy screens for stilt houses, or maybe even a room divider.
  10. FLF at Floorplan: Standard lamp (2 LI) and a screen (5 LI) - $50 each. There are some texture change options for the glass: silver, gold, rose gold. NOTE: I have just discovered that this is not a working lamp! It contains no scripts. I do think this is something that should have been stated explicitly by the creator/seller (and will be telling them so directly).
  11. This 2 LI pool was put on sale a few days ago for Fifty Linden Friday, but it's still available at the sale price at What Next. Lots of texture change options. Sure could use one of these in RL right now! (The 1 LI drinks cooler/dispenser is also still available for $50.)
  12. Another bit of fantasy-ish decor on sale for Hello Tuesday - Old World's 1 LI bookstands - just $47 for the pair.
  13. Some sales that might be of special interest to those with log homes, or planning for a fantasy home - items for your garden from Lacrime dell'anima (found upstairs, if the link doesn't take you directly there). The gazebo is LI-heavy (26 LI), but for $25 and with good LODs, it may be worth adding to your inventory! Also still on sale are several arrangements of flowers-in-logs ($30) and a rough-hewn table and stools made from redwood, also with an attractive log planter. ($30).
  14. Happy Weekend at Kazza: "Tiny House" couch (couch 14 LI, palm 5 LI) $60, and "Tiny House" bed with color-change pillows and blanket (bed 11 LI, palm 5 LI, 2nd floor platform and stairs 2 LI) $60.
  15. Also something to keep in mind for a fantasy setting, or maybe even an isolated chalet, is this ruined castle wall (13 LI) with some impressive (but LI-heavy) landscaping (29 LI) from Xantes - all for only $50!
  16. Maybe something for the garden of your fantasy house? This Moonlight Arbor from Serenity Style is on sale at The Outlet - the resized demo is 11 LI, but no idea if that's the same for the full-size version. PG $175, A $225.
  17. Dreamland Designs has this 17 LI (!) sofa on sale for $50 - PG or A. No color change options unfortunately, but I think it has a nice beachy vibe. The coffee table set (table 2 LI, beach tray 5 LI, rug 2 LI) is also on sale for $50. And if you look to the right of these items, you'll see a gift box (no group tag required) that contains the "peaceful wild garden" - 10 LI, which is easy enough to break down into its component parts. (It looks like this was a gift at SL18B, so if you missed it there you can still pick it up!)
  18. KraftWork's offering is a set of table-top carousel horses (1 LI each; a set of 2 costs $75, each color sold separately). If you're using a circus/amusement park theme, check around the corner for this free group gift - a 1 LI kid's pop-up book.
  19. Some bits and pieces from this weekend's sales - if you've ever wanted a decor electric guitar and amp, Hidecki has them on sale for $75 each. Only 1 LI each, compared with at least 3 LI for Hidecki's other guitars. LODs appear to be really good. Also music-related is this 2 LI snare drum table for only $66.
  20. Yee haw! Done in Photoshop (CS4). 1. Created a white canvas 1024 x 512 px 2. Show > Grid, then took a screengrab of it; saved and opened the resulting .jpg in Photoshop (had to add 2 more pixels to the canvas on the right to make it up to 1024px) 3. Uploaded the grid image to SL and added it as the texture for my 8mx4m wall to get measurements 4. Opened the image I wanted to use as a texture in Photoshop, placed the grid image in a layer above it 5. Created a new layer and drew the bright blue box (fill and outline) to correspond with the doorway (adding a bit extra as the doorframe would cover edges) 6. I needed to flatten the image, but the bottom layer couldn't be unlocked (not sure what I did wrong), so I duplicated the bottom layer, made the locked layer invisible and then flattened the image. 7. Used the Magic Wand tool (with a tolerance of 30) to select the entire blue area 8. Used the Magic Eraser tool to remove the blue area, leaving a transparent area in its place 9. Saved the image as a .png and uploaded it to SL, and adjusted transparency. (Don't forget to make the object Phantom and then Lock it!) Once again, there are many ways to accomplish the same task in any image editor.
  21. Excellent value! Soft-linked, it's all 12 LI, but it's easy to unlink and use the parts individually: pelican 2 LI, large rocks (2) 1 LI each, beach grass in 2 clumps of 5 1 LI each, 'Beach' sign 1 LI, the 3 weights 2 LI, loose rope and the 3 posts 5 LI.
  22. If you like the blocky style of the Llewellyn bed that was on sale at Muniick recently, this weekend's sale at Consignment is worth a look - both the whale sculpture (2 LI) and the console table (2 LI) for 50L$.
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