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Tari Landar

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Posts posted by Tari Landar

  1. 1 hour ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

    The difference is prepaid cards (these days) are rechargeable/refillable whereas gift cards are mostly one time use only.  The OP did specify gift cards.

    Visa gift cards fall under both categories. They are both sometimes refillable, and sometimes one use, sometimes it depends specifically on where you get them. They are still considered prepaid cards, though, because the balance is prepaid onto them. 

    I've used VISA and Mastercard versions for sl, with hit or miss results. 

  2. 56 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    LL has to worry about money laundering issues.  It is much harder to track a gift card back to a real person.  Whereas a credit card or PayPal or Skrill account can be tracked to a real person.

    The tighter the US laws get about online gambling and game money being taken out to RL, the stricter LL has to be on things like that.

    This reason would make sense, if it were true. 

    It would be a more reasonable response/reason if LL didn't accept ANY prepaid cards. Which also removes it as a CYOA (well, cover LL's own behind, really, lol) response if they didn't accept any prepaid cards. Unfortunately, they still accept them, just on a hit or miss basis, there is no rhyme or real reason to it. 

    Some merchants choose not to allow people to purchase things like gift cards with a prepaid card, on the same basis...fraud prevention, but that number is decreasing every year,  when it was once an increasingly popular policy, for that reason. 

    There really isn't any rhyme or reason behind it, now, though. It just sounds better to some consumers for some companies to say "we can't tie it to a real life identity, so no", even when they don't actually follow that policy completely. That's where the CYOA part comes into play, companies think it's a CYOA policy (or are told it is, I suppose), but it can't be so if they don't actually follow it themselves. It has nothing to do with rl financial regulations, either, if it did, LL and every other company that uses this as their reason would have to follow it to the letter, and they don't.  Even LL's own info pages tell you that some might work, lol. 

    I wouldn't know any of this if I wasn't someone who has used prepaid cards and experienced them both working and not working, those that can be tied to my rl identity, and those that cannot. It's actually quite stupid, which is why I recommend not even bothering to try and use them unless you already have it in hand and just want to see if it'll work. I wouldn't recommend buying/putting money on one on the assumption it might work, though. If you have one, just try it, if it works, great, if not, oh well, lol. 


  3. Those cards are considered prepaid cards. MOST prepaid cards do not work with sl (blame LL, this falls squarely on their shoulders and always has, even if they now use a different payment processing company). Sometimes prepaid cards do work, but it's not very common. Even when they do work, they will not *always* work. There is absolutely no rhyme or reason to it, to be honest, and LL won't give you any information as to why. Residents here most definitely can't give you any more information either, since LL is cryptic about it. 

    I'm not simply attempting to bash LL with those statements, just the simple truth, lol. I have used prepaid cards to buy $L in the past, so I am of the camp that has experienced them functioning as one might expect. However, I have also had them fail, so, I fall in that camp too. Like I said, absolutely no rhyme or reason to it.

    You are, however, correct that most companies, and most online retailers do accept them without much trouble at all.

    If you are intending to purchase one as a gift for someone else, or if you have received one, the only way to actually know if it will work, is to try. It's truly hit or miss though. My recommendation is to not even try, because you may end up finding it was a waste of a purchase (purchasing the card that is, or, rather, putting money on one). 


    ETA_ If you look up whether or not you can use prepaid cards with sl, you'll find a mixed bag of information, including info directly from LL that both says you can, and says you can't. So....unless you've (or whoever has it) already got the card in hand, I wouldn't waste your money on one hoping it'll work. Odds are better that it won't. I've had the same card both declined and accepted ;) 


    Você fez suposições sobre os proprietários e os chamou de nomes. Não deve surpreendê-lo que você foi banido. Os proprietários de regiões podem banir pessoas por qualquer motivo que desejem. Eles nem precisam de um motivo para bani-lo. Para começar, você não deve depender de sploders como sua renda no SL. Existem maneiras melhores de ganhar dinheiro no SL. Não há muito sentido em denunciá-los por abuso. Não é abuso para o dono de uma região banir você. Ninguém aqui pode realmente ajudá-lo com o motivo do seu banimento, nem LL. Apenas siga em frente e encontre outros lugares para ir. Não existem muitas regiões com sploders de vodu. Existem muitos outros lugares que você pode visitar no SL.

    Desculpe minha pobre língua, o português não é uma das minhas línguas mais fortes.

  5. 43 minutes ago, Miller Thor said:

    @Scylla Rhiadra Thank you for all the suggestions that we will reconsider in the coming days and weeks, away from the skyboxes. What we will implement more quickly is the idea of warning. However, also back in our way by placing a watchdog instead of a prim or similar, which then strikes when someone has dared to cross the fence. We just take great care that everything we put up fits into the overall picture of the region and it will be difficult to use some standard SL products. This will probably mean that our construction team has to come back into play so that nothing disturbs the ambience. We just want to create a compromise for our tenants as well as for all the nice guests without destroying the townscape, and that would already cause ban fences.

    Note: Why we have almost everything in German can also be explained from the overall picture. Gosau is located in Austria, where our language is German. If someone has a problem with something, they only need to ask one of the people present and are happy to receive information in English. So everyone has the opportunity to be informed and if there is not an answer immediately then the one away from SL is active in his real life. But no one is guilty of an answer, even if it becomes later.

    I'm going to be blunt here, because, frankly,  think sometimes it's needed. 

    You're still not getting the point anyone is actually making.  Even in this reply above, you're blaming the guests for your lack of attention towards the actual problem. The actual problem is that you're not listening, and you're so focused on your tenants privacy that even you are actually ignoring the ambiance you've created. If you have had to ban that many people in all this time, simply for going inside a home, on the assumption that EVERYONE who enters the home has nefarious intent...it is not the people entering the home(s) that are the problem, but your methods of informing them why they should (can?) not.. You've already been given many great ideas, and the one(s) you're focused on involve creating drama around anyone entering the home(s). Yes, an attack dog, an orb that immediately bans or removes without warning, and quite a few other things, are, absolutely, drama creators, that's kind of the point of why most of them are created (and why on many regions, the no warning booters/banhammers are frowned upon). They are more likely to cause the very few who are entering the home(s) with nefarious intent to keep doing so, rather than informing the vast majority of guests why you'd appreciate they did not enter them.

    If you're not willing to accommodate people with the language barrier, that's not on the shoulders of guests, that's on you. You are more likely to have non-German speakers than you are the opposite, that's simply by nature of who logs in to sl. Having someone present isn't going to help unless you have someone standing outside each and every building or area you don't want people to enter, to tell guests, in multiple languages, to please not enter. That's not remotely reasonable, so I would never suggest you do that (it's actually quite silly, but it would be required if you stuck with the "just ask someone" method). But how are your guests to know they need to go ask someone what a sign says? A sign that, btw, does not rez immediately for a lot of people, so even if they can read German, they still might not see it.

    You have the sim set up to be welcoming to all, but expect that guests will simply KNOW, without you offering ANY information to them which lets them know, that certain parts are prohibited from exploring. That makes absolutely no sense at all, and it explains why your ban list is so large.

    It sucks to put so much work into something that you love and have others try and ruin that experience for others, whether they are tenants or just guests. It's easy to get emotional over things we love, things we like, things we have put a lot into. I get that completely.  But the ranting and name calling is a bit much, really, and makes you seem like you're probably neither reasonable, nor nice. I am not saying you aren't, I am simply saying your words make you seem like this. I am sure you are a wonderful person, but your tone and approach here is definitely not. 

    I've had sims that were public, but had some areas which were not public. Using the tools LL allows,, and some merchants sell in the case of non-land tools,  I was able to maintain the level of privacy needed for the non-public areas, without harming the ambiance of public areas, and I didn't have to use a jackhammer approach to do that. I didn't have to assume anyone who did manage getting into a private area was always there with ill-intent. In fact, I never assumed that. In the years that I had sims like this, my ban list never grew over 10, at its largest, and for the most part sat at 5 or less. 

    You're using a jackhammer to fix a mouse problem and it's making your sim sound less and less appealing every time you respond with "we'll just attack anyone who enters our private areas that we refuse to indicate as actually being private, because people should just know they're private".  Save yourself some headaches, use a proper orb that offers not only a proper warning time, but also INFORMATION, appeal to your guests rather than attacking them, and keep the ambiance of the sim you've created. It's really not as difficult as it sounds, lol. 

    • Like 12
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  6. 7 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    There is absolutely no reason to claim this has "nothing" to do with the cloud precisely because *you don't know* and *they don't know* why it happened. That it clearly is related to coordinates and addresses of things suggest that when the address of a sim is changed in the cloud this can happen *more*. And it will be hard to prove that it does because a goodly portion of the SL population will not know SL is moving to the cloud; will not know what the cloud is; will not realize their objects went in the sky; or if they do, will think it's merely a form of griefing.

    I have not seen objects move like this since 2009. My theory then was that it happened more often next to sims that were all or part water. That may have no logic whatsoever but what I saw on Refugio was also related to being next to a Linden void sim that is all water. 

    Dude, get your panties out of that nicely nested in your butt knot they're perpetually stuck in all the time, rofl. Good grief, being contrary 24/7 must be exhausting. 

    I said PROBABLY, I didn't say it has nothing to do with it, lmao.

    It's an annoying oddity in sl that has likely existed since long before I was here, most definitely since long before any cloud services were introduced, my first encounter with it was in 2009, and I've seen it since. You associate it only with the cloud, I merely suggested it's not likely the only cause, but rather something that LL doesn't seem all that interested in really figuring out (because they never have been all that interested in it).


    • Haha 2
  7. This will probably be of very little help, but I'll share anyway...

    The house being essentially thrown somewhere it doesn't belong, probably has nothing to do with the new uplift. I only say this because it's happened before, but sporadically (at least according to LL). We had a large quantity (almost the entire sim's worth, but not quite) of items once literally thrown up, at varying heights, back in 2009. I've seen it a few times, different sims, sometimes just a particular parcel rather than a sim, sometimes lots of items, sometimes not. I don't know what actually caused it, because most items don't end up in "places they used to be", which could be explained by the server somehow remembering an old location and returning an item to that location. While that's a bug too, that one is easily understood (though perhaps not easily remedied).

    When it happened to an entire sim, some of the items we were able to drop back down and get back in place, but a lot of them we had to either pick up, or delete those that were copy, and rez new ones in the right places. It was a pain in the butt when things rubber-banded back. so I definitely feel for you dealing with a wandering house, even if it's not that big of a nuisance, it's annoying to say the least. When we talked to LL about it back then, there were no real answers or fixes, even after the sim was "reset and moved to a different server"(their explanation, not mine, lol). At first it was thought to be corrupt assets, but that wasn't the case. It was also thought to be the server, but it turned out that wasn't the case. They couldn't replicate it, and neither could we. 

    That's all basically to say, I have no friggen clue what causes it, but neither does LL, lol. I only know that bug, that problem, has existed since at least 2009, probably before, and has persisted since, it just can't seem to be replicated, explained, or fixed. You just have to move stuff back, take things up, re-rez new copies, until it sticks.

    We were still moving and finding things days (I think a couple months past before I finally found the last objects) after the fact, because they were thrown at differing altitudes so some of them we wouldn't have come across at all had we not been looking for them, or flying, or jumping off high surfaces to make ourselves splat (okay, that was me) over and over again and just happened to see them up in the air. As obnoxious as it was, it was also hilarious to randomly find a turtle walking mid-air, flexi curtains blowing in the breeze as if some ghostly creature was controlling them, palm trees and flowers scattered about, and every other oddity for quite a while. 

  8. Oh, I forgot one

    I forgot to bake the pumpkin pie, which I pre-made, but put in the freezer to bake it later

    so, there's that too

    On the plus side, I now have a pumpkin pie waiting for me, for another day, so, boo, but in the end, a win, for when I remember it's in there, assuming I do.

    I may forget for a few months, it's been known to happen

    • Like 2
  9. My peeves today...

    The mini sips (okay, okay, okay, shots) I took  almost all day long (lmao) gave me heartburn, and I don't like it, it's ruining my food-itis. 

    Also, people that hide behind personal issues (of any kind) and use it as a means to be a-holes, but then get mad when someone calls them out as being an a-hole with some long diatribe about how they don't care, no one matters, no one's opinion matters, blahdy blahdy blahdy blahdy blahdy blahdy, I'm tired of typing blahdy....,

    and also the people that support the original a-hole in any fashion (I typed hoe.....lmao, that was way funnier) as if they get a free pass because....issues.

    I think more sho, err, sips, will fix my heartburn, I'm sure of it. I shall imbibe. 



    • Like 6
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  10. 38 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:

    Yup, see. It is always: People.

    People are literally ALWAYS the problem. Just had to agree with that part :) 


    I'm not grumpy, just coming to the realization that more and more people suck, not the good kind, and a huge portion of them always have. It has nothing to do with any virus, pandemic, current events, or anything....people are just using it as an excuse to be a-holes of epic proportion because they assume others will be all "oh, it's okay, you're going through a rough time"

    Itch, please, we're all going through a rough time. People are dying, people are losing their homes and jobs, unable to pay their bills, missing their friends and family. It's not a free for all pass to be a douche, though. It never has been, and until this year, we've (society) never accepted it as such. 

    I'm actually quite a happy person, in all honesty, just tired of the expectations of the world around me that involve me putting up with others' spit far too long, keeping my lips glued, my tongue tied and my hands under my own ass for the sake of others.


    No, just, no, lol. I can't accept that it's perfectly okay for people to be a-holes, but not perfectly okay for me to respond to said a-holeness. That goes for anyone, really. I can't accept that others have to be nice, or rather not be upfront, honest, blunt when necessary, simply because someone is going through a rough time or wants to pretend to be butthurt because everyone else is using that excuse too, so why not. In my world, it's all or nothing. You either accept that you're acting like an a-hole and people are okay to respond in kind calling you out on it until you knock it off, or you find something to do with yourself that occupies your time until you can not be an annoying a-hole and knock it off on your own. That's what many people do. and most used to do, when life struggles and whatnot get in the way. 

    But annoyingness is a whole 'nother can of worms. I don't accept that the current state of affairs is a free for all for people to be annoying and I have to accept that this is who and what they are, and never inform them they are being annoying a-holes. 

    It might read like I'm grumpy, unhappy, angry, whatever, but I' really not. In fact, I'm laughing my ass off typing this up, because it's friggen hilarious and way overdue. I am alive, I have an amazing family, I have a home. Those three things might not always be the most steady,  other things may threaten them at times,  I might struggle with them, but I still have them and will always have them, until the day that I die. Through that, I can always find reason to be happy, even when people annoy the ever loving truck out of me. That reason to be happy, is why I can laugh at the sheer asshatery of people and the audacity to believe they can behave and speak  without nary a response from others  in kind.


    Yes, yes I shall respond in kind when the need arises. You don't have to accept it, you don't have to like it, you don't have to read it, you don't have to agree with it. I'm cool with all of those. But I won't simply "not say it" because god forbid someone call someone out on their monkeyspit. 


    And this is why I shall remain in this particular thread, almost exclusively, because I have a feeling, I'm not the only one that feels this way. But I will also likely offend someone if I dare venture anywhere else. I may have sensitive feelings at times (who doesn't, really), but those are the times I avoid or get away from situations where my very raised hackles may be strained even further and I'll feel hurt by something someone says or does. I was always taught this is common sense, but I was also taught and have come to learn that common sense isn't very common and certainly has gone down hill in recent years. 




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  11. I can mostly only read the forums, and not post, because I have a lot of really not nice things to say, most of them very well deserved. I type them up and then have to delete them.

    It's a personal peeve, though, not a pet peeve, because my person is the problem.

    My  demon-gnome-spawn-that-exists-only-in-my-head-person and I simply can't agree on this matter, and it's rather disappointing. Now I have to spend most of my reading time here on the forums logged out, because I can't trust the gnome to not say something when I'm taking a drink or not looking. She's far more ornery and sneaky than I'm willing to give her credit for.




    Plus, a lot of people really suc...

    Gnomes...sigh, can't live with them, can't live without them


    • Like 4
  12. 17 minutes ago, Fauve Aeon said:

    I wonder if there is an info-graphic timeline on the history of such things, I need to look. That would be fun! I love posts like this. I came in Feb 2008 so I’ve seen some things but pioneer-type stories from how things developed in times before I arrived are really interesting. If the people who came at the beginning hadn’t stayed and done the things they did then, we who came afterwards wouldn’t have what we have now to enjoy.
    And yes, I love the newest things, too. I got a new avatar just today. But I just set out some sculpted fence pieces today as well because they fit the scene. And I make and use prim projector lights all the time.

    I would like to see something like that if ever anyone created it. I think it would be quite awesome. As misguided as I think LL has been on many a subject over the years ( they have and still remain, many is the understatement of the year), I can still honestly say my life has been all the better because of LL and SL...but now I'm digressing again.

    (Below is unrelated to the above quote, I'm merely consolidating my posts)


    I don't particularly care when (or why) anyone came to sl, why, or what tools they used when they first got here. Nor do I care what products anyone did or did not buy. I was simply pointing out a falsehood regarding avatar creation (which, wasn't cool and came off entitled and snobish as hell) and why those tools still exist today. I'm not keen to continue with the intentionally obtuse, deflective and all too often offensive nature in which some choose to express themselves, though.

    Personally, I'm grateful the tools both existed then, and still exist today. I'm grateful people were able to use those tools to then go on and develop even better tools, methods and assets. I'm grateful that I learned on those very tools and still hold them in high regard rather than snub my nose at their very existence.  Lastly, I'm grateful those tools do still exist for the folks that like using them and that those folks don't have to give a flying rat's left nut what other...(insert whatever you want to here, my word choice would be extremely offensive, and I do have some restraint) think about those outdated tools. 

    As to the OP, I think choices are pretty damn good, but LL does have some limitations, or rather, they need to. That is why we DO have a rather large variety of choices to make once we're inworld to select our avatars, or update them, or whatever we desire. I watched someone go through the new account creation stuff earlier this year, and yes there is an option to choose which avatar you want when you come in (it was that person's  second av they forgot their old account info, so the option exists for all). Unless that has changed in the last few months, that is still part of the process when signing up and running through all of those initial steps at the beginning (someone tell me the name of the starting point again, because I forgot it in the time it took me to type this). Anyways, it's one of the steps when you come in, just like the learning how to jump, walk, buy crap, change, etc.. You can also change relatively easily by using the library or the even easier option pointed out earlier via the menu. Either way, it's super simple to change your av and the range of avs available is far, far more extensive than it has ever been in sl. So, yes, other skin, gender, species, theme, etc.. avs are definitely there and not hard to find, even for noobs. 

    Back to my corner again :D






  13. 43 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

    It's good for building, that's why I use it.  For my photographs I basically use Annan Adored Optimal Skin No Shadow to view skins.  If it's an art photograph, I will experiment with many lightings and even tweak those.  

    However, the thread I read the vast majority of users said they used MIDDAY

    Bolding is mine, but...

    Both of those bolded items are windlight settings. Yes, the environment editor actually uses windlight settings. That does not mean that every setting makes use of all possible options (such as actual lighting, desptie the name windlight, they don't all actually use specified lighting techniques/modes...it's complicated, I won't bore you, lol). 

    However, what Solar was saying about those av tools, and I agree completely with it was that those avatar creation tools you were going on about, were once the ONLY tools we had to make avatars for a very long time (in the scheme of sl, anyway). In fact, even in 2005, when you state that you first started, those were the primary avatar creation tools in use by pretty much everyone. Those tools were implemented in sl long before the option to create (read: upload) skins and other various body parts and clothing. They were, in fact, our creation tools, from the very beginning. They have since been added on to, and creators were slowly given more freedom on what they could create as far as avatars (skins, clothes, etc..) is concerned. But those tools you hate so much and keep going on about, WERE the only avatar creation tools, and definitely were in use in 2005, hell even in 2008-2010 (pre-mesh times) they were still quite popular for making clothing, either entirely or with the added assistance of prims and sculpts when those too were added. People even still use them today for different things, they still have their place. 

    I am fairly certain that Solar responded to you because you were making claims that simply were not true about avatar creation way back when. Perhaps, as you said, you're remembering it wrong, or perhaps you haven't actually been in sl since 2005 (but I can sure understand why it might feel like it, lol, haven't we all been here for ages anyay?). You both can argue about what is and is not the early days of sl (though it's a rather ridiculous argument). But the fact of the matter is, those avatar creation tools are a homage (although, again, they ARE still used by people today, whether or not they are your cup of tea) to the early days of sl and avatar creation. You can't really change that by defining what the early days means to each of you.

    Those were the tools we had, that's what we used. We used them to make our avs, and our clothes...and we were darn happy to have them! 

    I still have every piece of clothing, shape, hair, etc.. I made with those tools and I don't care how cringey it is to some, lol. I'm actually very proud of my earliest clothing creations (again, all created using those tools). 

    • Like 2
  14. I had a lot typed here, but I removed it all, it was very not nice, and then it just made me feel bad, because even I care about people I don't like. 

    Bagnu, I am going to encourage you to ask people to stop white knighting for you. They are, seriously, making things so much worse.

    It really is painting you in a worse light than I think you realize. You might not care, but I suspect some part of you actually does care, as I suspect most people would.  Whether or not I, or anyone else, is still angry with you doesn't even matter. It's not doing you a lick of good to let others speak for you (and at textual face value, without individual interpretation, those words others are uttering are very much attempting to speak for you, the motives behind which is left to interpretation). It's making the original offense even worse at this point to keep it going. That person seems to WANT to keep it going, which, again, leaves motives to be interpreted. 

    When someone has a history of causing this kind of mayhem anywhere they go, it's not really wise to want them on "your side". I don't judge the company you keep for being your friend(which is what your thread was about, and it seems most agree with that sentiment), but I can guarantee you that some might judge you for the company you're with if you keep letting this one continue. 

    If you were actually sincere in your apology (whether or not any of us believe that sincerity is irrelevant at this point),  now actually care about the offense and hurt it caused people, you'll understand precisely why the last few pages have only made that worse, and why asking those people trying to make excuses and white knight (along with keep it going by mentioning it repeatedly) for it to stop would be a good idea.

    You may not understand why it was offensive, or why it hurt people, and I don't think anyone trying to explain it would help that, but hopefully you do understand how it's being made worse and are willing to actually try and stop that. I can't speak for anyone else, but I can tell you that MY opinion of you as a person isn't being made any better. I'm not suggesting that should matter to you, as I am but one person and there's still some level of offended still on my side of the fence. I do, however,  suspect I might not be alone in my desire to want to think better of you, and it's getting increasingly difficult. 

    That's a much nicer way of saying what I wanted to say, I think, before I take a break for a while. 


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  15. 3 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

    I'm confused. I know I sent you one message here in the forums. I don't remember ever having sent you an IM inworld. If you can find it please send it to me so I can confirm if it was me or not. I won't lie. I'm worried a bit about some sort of hack.

    It wasn't you, it was twerps reading and white knighting for you and it's gotten old, my patience has worn thin, and I'm not about to answer them inworld since now I've logged off. I can see from other responses here that I am not alone in the receipt of.......eh, it doesn't matter, I'm more miffed now than I was before and I don't expect anyone but me to care about it. My problem to deal with. 

    Now I'm bowing out of this thread and going to find something else productive to do because my time in sl for the day has been demolished, since now my feathers are ruffled and are probably going to stay that way for a while.

    I'm a big enough girl that I can admit it's my own damn fault for ever bothering to tell someone they've been offensive. 



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  16. I'm going to say this again, since we're playing the "I'm new" card, even though I have said it before, and frankly it's beyond annoying and shouldn't be necessary for me to say at all, it's pretty common knowledge and usually proper netiquette.  

    Keep forum stuff on the forums, and keep forum crap out of my IM and inventory inworld.. PLEASE. That includes those reading and feeling the need to white knight for someone that I have, repeatedly, said offended me terribly, yet have still been far more pleasant than I probably would otherwise in any other locale.  

    I don't give a flying pig's left friggen nut if it didn't offend you, or you think I shouldn't be offended (worse, that I should "get over it"...that deserves a hearty...something.... but I won't), or if you're that person's friend, or not. I really don't give a crap. So please stop trying to come to her defense by filling my damn inbox with crap about me and all kinds of other stuff I'd rather not read. I've hardly been mean and I've been far more diplomatic than I honestly (now) believe is deserved.  She clearly doesn't care what I, or anyone else says, or thinks, and I suppose good on her for being consistent in that, however annoying most of us may find it. 


    I really wouldn't do that to other people, I'm not sure what in the world is running through people's heads when they do (I also don't want to know, cuz some of them are just wretched creatures). 





    • Like 9
    • Confused 1
  17. 19 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

    Well good. I'm glad you don't hate her.

    But you didn't answer my question....why do you hold an incident over someone's head when they've apologized for it? Why bring it up again unless your motivation is to trash them?

    I'm not Cindy, but I'll answer for me

    I do it because people keep insisting we shouldn't have been offended by it, and shouldn't still be, as if they are the authority on what is and is not offensive. I also do it because the whole premise for that entire debacle was later revealed by Bagnu to be a fabricated lie, and that irks me. It was intentionally offensive AND not true. Sometimes words have consequences, and these ones, admittedly, are my own problem (me being offended that is). Only I can tell myself not to be offended, no one else gets to do that for me.

    Still doesn't mean I hate her.I do actually loathe that entire incident, and what was said, because it stings like hell. 

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  18. 7 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

    Calling someone who is genuine a troll is extremely offensive -- there's no greater insult really.

    Calling people fuddy duddy, or other names, for being offended when someone has blatantly offended them is also insulting.

    That said, I can think of a lot of greater insults, most of which I'd never dare utter. 

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  19. 23 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

    Maybe the fuddy-duddies should just block her if it's so important to have some kind of correct format.  I get bugged by abusive people easily

    So do those of us that were offended, or are offended. You argued until you were blue in the face that it wasn't offensive, because YOU weren't personally offended,and were certain you knew others that wouldn't be. That doesn't negate the offense others felt, and nothing you say will change that. 

    If it makes me a fuddy duddy to be offended when someone says something offensive about those who have disabilities, then I will be a fuddy duddy until the day I die. You don't get to dictate what does and does not offend others, regardless of how it affects you (or doesn't).

    I can both be offended by a person and still converse with them, despite my personal negative bias. I am not about to speak for others, but I am sick and tired of being told to block people just because I express that something they do or have done, bothers/bothered me. It's not the be all end all of every encounter, it's merely something that exists. When I close the forums, or go to another thread, it's not something that torments me to the point it causes stress. It annoys the crap out of me when dealing with people that continually brush it off as if it never happened (I'll refer back to my first paragraph). But that's par for the course on forums, imo. 

    I still try to be diplomatic even when my internal self is screaming at me to just tell someone off, because I know they probably both need and deserve to be told off. I'm not always nearly as successful at this endeavor as I think I am, but I make a concerted effort, even if the other person doesn't really deserve it(or, I feel they don't). I don't think you're any more successful at being diplomatic towards others as you think you are either. In fact, I don't think anyone is. Okay, maybe a few people are pretty successful more often than not. 

    There's nothing wrong with telling someone something they do is being conveyed, understood, read, perceived, taken, etc.. poorly.  It could be reader perception, it could be the delivery, it could be the intent of the person delivering the message (in this case, I honestly believe it's more the latter 2). There's also nothing wrong with getting in a discussion as to why it's happening, even if one party, or both, seems to be banging their head on the proverbial brick wall. I'm fairly certain that is why most people haven't actually blocked people they dislike, because they do still make a diplomatic effort (at least sometimes) and still want to converse with even the most thick of skulls.  Sometimes patterns, and peoples (yes, peoples) change, given enough proverbial brick walls. Sometimes not. I'm not someone that discounts someone entirely until or unless I find, as a human being, they have no merit left. I've yet to find someone like that in life, anywhere, oddly, even the people towards whom I have seemingly nothing but animosity. I'm an odd duck, though, and don't expect that others would do, or feel, the same.  That all simply means I have no qualms telling someone when they've offended me, why they've offended me and if I think something they're doing is stupid/wrong/whatever negative connotation it might have.

    If no one ever tells you that you're annoying, how can you ever not be? The only reason any of my posts have white space at all is because people told me to knock it off, kindly and otherwise (ad it was well deserved). I'm still not concise, but at least I have white space now ;) 




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  20. 3 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    And, really, this is why I don't get the hostility here. Pearl is completely inoffensive. Annoying? Maybe, but that's subjective. She's not attacked anyone, either as an individual or a class.


    Many have been offended by things she has said, they have even stated such. Even if one later backpedals and pretends to say sorry, the offensive words were never removed. Even after it was pointed out, numerous times, that something was extremely, not just a little bit, offensive, we got he "oh I didn't mean to...but". I don't like caveats like that, in fact, they bug the crap out of me. It's probably a flaw in my own character, but that screams disingenuous to me, screams so loudly that I simply can't hear anything else said. To top it off, it was later learned that the offensive thing she pretended she was simply relaying from others was never actually said to her at all, and she made it up.

    Bugger that, she HAS been offensive, seriously offensive, to a whole, rather big, class of people. I don't give a fig how many weren't offended, or even how many within that class that weren't, or aren't, offended, if  even SOME people are....that makes you offensive.

    I don't hate her, in fact I hate very few things and even less people, it's a really, really strong word. But my being offended by previous actions(words) on the forums is forever going to skew my bias in a negative manner, as I would expect happens to most people when they've been offended by someone (especially when the offense was a total fabrication by the offender...). Sigh, I'm not making myself any less offended the more I stew about it.

    I'm certain you weren't trying to say people can't or shouldn't be offended by the things she says, but I'm willing to bet some might read it that way. She may not be offensive to you, or whoever else, but she very much has offended me and I know she's offended others. I consider what was said an attack. I've tried to put my opinions as diplomatically as I can, even admitting that I am judgmental, while still trying to answer questions. It gets increasingly difficult when people try to pretend that past offenses never occurred though. I still try, though I am starting to agree with others that it is more likely an exercise in futility (I'm also a glutton for punishment apparently)

    I'm a grudge holder, sometimes (in this case, very much so, it was that offensive to me, it's only actually happened a few times in my entire existence on these forums to the extent that I can't let it go), which is also a massive character flaw on my part, but, not really one I've had nearly as much success removing as I'd like to.


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