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Tari Landar

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Posts posted by Tari Landar

  1. 3 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    Nothing you ever say can be taken in good faith because of your long history of cynical beatdowns of people making sincere posts.

    Shall I introduce you to the pot? Literally everything you post is cynical, everything, lol. You have a much longer history of adding nothing but cynical posts to the forums than I. I'm not sure why you believe otherwise. But, like I said, keep being you.

    3 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    Since your post came right after mine but one and I'm in this thread multiple times it is reasonable to expect you're answering me.

    No, really, that's not a reasonable expectation for most folks. My post was clearly aimed at someone concerned about traffic numbers, like the OP. Your post was not concerned with traffic numbers, therefore, not addressed to you. It seems pretty simple to me. 

    3 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    Because you are condescendingly replying to him as if he posted his woes about low traffic and slow business for his fishing game, which isn't the case. I don't at all agree with his "business model" or plans for "incubation" but I can readily see that he didn't write in his OP "oh woe is me, my traffic is down and business is off" but -- and this is super super important":

    I didn't do any of that, try reading it again without your cynical shades on. I actually praised his system, his products, because they've been quite largely successful for a very long time. I don't have to personally like someone. and certainly not all of the time,  to be able to recognize the work they've put into something, or be able to contribute to a thread. Not everyone gets their hackles up about something and then forever remains that way.  :) 

    His concern, along with bots, is about traffic. I read through every single reply, not only his, before I even posted. A huge amount of focus was being placed on traffic. I, quite directly, addressed traffic, specifically. 


    3 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    Your "empathy" for those concerned about business involves a supposed commiseration with the sufferers of the standard SL viewer because the Lindens know something is broken but won't make it a priority.

    Yes, I do commiserate with them, whether or not I have personally experienced it. I can certainly understand why something would be so frustrating. Many, many people are quite capable of doing the same. What an odd thing to get on me about, lmao.

    3 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    But you can't explain then why the Lindens hurried to fix this within 30 hours in 2018, but have left it for 3 months today. You aren't curious about how they might be up to one of their life-changing alterations of search once again as they were before with Viewer 2. You imagine it won't effect YOU.


    I can't explain why they haven't fixed it, no, and neither can you or anyone else, so we're in the same boat on that one, aren't we? I am curious as to how they intend to fix it, like I said, it's problematic for people and has been for some time, so, yes I am curious. How on earth do you know what I imagine? I never once said it wouldn't or couldn't affect me. Just because it hasn't yet, doesn't mean it never will. Like I said, even when people agree with you, you'll argue til you're blue in the face that they don't, lol.

    Have an awesome day :D 


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  2. 1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    No one could ever believe your statements of good will after the constant stream of venom you've unleashed on the forums but I don't care. It's precisely because I don't rely on traffic that I am raising the brokenness of search because it cannot be used to find things. You cannot seem to grasp that there is a world not just of greedy land barons and mendacious merchants trying to get INTO search by gaming traffic to get on top of it, but of ordinary people and a landlord who  uses search to manage properties using search TO FIND THINGS. They are two different functions. My already, existing paying tenants who already pay me money and don't need me to pitch ads to them and force myself into their view cannot find the OTHER properties I have so they can MOVE AROUND IN THEM. People using my FREE land preserve cannot go from one to another because the DIRECTORY IS BROKEN. I cannot MANAGE my land for 30L per parcel instead of paying rapacious web-based rental systems to scrape my business information for their purposes unknown. I can't do the ordinary, every day thing everyone does which is type in MARDI GRAS when you want to find a plate of cupcakes with little crowns on them. Typing in "APPLE FALL" on some bad broken days of search give me apple farms and autumn picnic locations but not that famous store. That's being broken. That's not normal. That is not about traffic.

    What you are not grasping whatsoever is that none of my concern is about TRAFFIC and showing up in a list FIRST. That is completely unrelated to anything whatsoever. I am completely uninterested in any number on the corner of my parcels of land which are almost never over 100 or 200, i.e. irrelevant. I am not talking about traffic, which is needed to show up on search. I AM TALKING ABOUT SEARCH AS A DIRECTORY TO FIND THE ANSWER TO QUERIES USING EXACT PHRASES.

    It is about FINDING A RETURN ON AN EXACT NAME SEARCH AND GETTING A SHORT LIST OF RETURNS TO TRAVEL TO THOSE LOCATIONS. I could post the different screenshots of what results on the TPVs (and used to result on the SL viewer) and its neat and crisp of 100 or 120 lines showing "Ravenglass Rentals" at 100 locations. I could contrast that with a search on the broken viewer with "Ravenglass Rentals" that shows up 5237 items with other people's rentals (that never happened if the search was for RAVENGLASS), things that aren't rentals at all (random pieces of land not put in search)

    I don't care if I show up on a search for "rentals" because...I don't. There are too many rentals in SL and you can't seem to grasp the enormity of this field of data and the very limited possible. Your nattering on and on with this hectoring, superior tone about traffic as if I was running a fishing game with magic fishing poles wanting to get noticed more than the other guy with magic fishing poles and obsessed with traffic like a witless child lets me know that you just can't grasp the simple problem here: search is about finding things. It's the other side of the equation. It's not about getting into search to be noticed by others finding things. I want to find "Poland" when I type in "Poland" and not 6000 things that are mainly not "Poland".

    I realize this isn't something you can believe or trust because you are so skewed toward cynical hatred here, but I am not concerned about exposure. I don't need to go to weekend Ted talks to learn from other businesses in a business incubator about how I can maximize my traffic. I have too many customers and can't handle them all because I can't stay online all day. That's why they are on SELF-SERVICE so I do not need "exposure". If they come by using search and can read a notecard at a 12-year-old's level, they have found themselves a home because I have open land, with open groups -- try to imagine such a fantastic thing.

    I used to have a big apartment building that had a sign downstairs that said 'YOU MUST READ AT A 12 YEAR OLD'S LEVEL AND BE ABLE TO RIGHT CLICK ON A BUTTON TO LIVE IN THIS APARTMENT AND IF YOU CANNOT PLEASE LEAVE." That got their attention. I can't tell you the millions of people who called me to ask if I could send them a group invite to see the apartments -- they were open and they didn't need them like they do in so many island bunkers. I can't tell you how many people can't right click on a teleport button and go to the floor numbered. I can't tell you how many people can't grasp through the naked eye, let alone through a zoom with ctr-shift, that the first floor of this box in a virtual world is absolutely identical to the other 12 boxes stacked above it to make homes so that they already know what those floors look like. I tore down that building long ago because it was too crazy-making listening to uneducated entitlement happy brats all day who could not read at a 12-year-old's level, figure out that the box they were in was like the other boxes, right click on a button, and go up to a floor and pay a rental cube.

    When you have cheap rentals, you really don't need Search. Search comes to you spilling through every crack, flying, walking, TP'd in by girlfriends fresh from the disco floor. That is, ,you don't need Search to be TRAFFIC -- A SEPARATE CONCEPT ENTIRELY -- to be discovered, putting you at the top of the list. What you need is SEARCH -- real, functional search, so that a person looking in a DIRECTORY can see, oh, that one is the waterfront for $200, but that other one is the skybox for $700, one is in mature, the other is in PG, hmm, what should I pick. It's search for -- wait for it! -- INFORMATION enabling CHOICE which is already AFTER a warm leader and often even after a sale, because what I try to maximize is moving from one house to another by RETURNING the cancellation fee so that the tenant isn't bilked out of a day's rent because they found something they liked better.

    Your horrifically condescending screed about what "people are trying to tell me" about "traffic not meaning anything" and how I need to "make a better product to be attractive" is so irrelevant to the issue I am highlighting here that I've explained adequately and you have failed to understand for 3 months that it's almost not worth bothering. Your little haughty lecture is applicable to some guy named Phil with an adult furniture store and mannequins in the back going through the routines who can't get noticed because another guy named Fred has swankier beds or prettier models. It's a lecture I've given in less snarky form myself even to my own tenants renting stores. "Traffic doesn't make sales," I tell them with my eternal mantra. "Sales make sales." I do not offer traffic on my malls -- imagine, malls, completely obsolete in many ways, due to merchant events, still functioning, and still useful to people simply because they are modest creators not at the level of the high class merchant events and without the capacity to invest in advertising campaigns or staff. I make areas where people can start a business or have a modest little gatcha resale or decorating operation and not lose their revenue to my rent. We don't need traffic. We don't get traffic. Traffic is not for sale here. A directory that enables them to find a key word that says "Christmas gatchas" or "modern at work" or "antique furniture" is what is needed for INFORMATION, not traffic. INFORMATION helps make a sale, but at a later, more sophisticated end of the equation than you are prepared to admit exists. No one will come to any property of mine because they found me on top of search -- I'm not there and don't try to be there.

    They find me because they are searching for jello moulds from a gatcha machine and if one of my little stores happens to specialize in 1950s kitchenware, their key word will show up somewhere in the middle or bottom of a list. The searches for yard sale, gatcha, kitchen wares will not bring them to my property. The search "1950s jello mould" might.

    Now, if I was going to make a haughty, condescending critique of my own operation, I could do it better than you by far. I could say, Prokofy, why make the Lindens provide your property management tools for you and your tenant finding aids for you? Buy a system that you run from the web with all your properties hyper-texted for your tenants to find online. Organize their hops around your properties with a web based inventory management system by the major monopolist of SL, or if you don't want to spend on that lag monster scraping data not to invade privacy but to maximize business opportunities (let's say), then use a customized or proprietary system that merely lets your people teleport around without using Lindens' broken search. Totem poles with arrow signs on them like the RP sims.

    And I would reply to such a critique: but I have that TOO. These are businesses where you have to have multiple redundancies built in. You have to have search/places (or did when it worked); you have to have classifieds, you have to have signboards and portal boards from your office; you have to have your Picks; you have to have word-of-mouth, etc. etc. Everyone knows that. You must not have ever tried to run a business like this or you would grasp that in the rentals business, search, even on a good day, in this crowded field, is only one of a variety of ways that will produce a sale. 

    But search has to work for people to find things, and not only to give me or somebody else a sale, but for them to explore or socialize. It's the normal life blood of a community, and one that the Lindens have expressed astounding indifference to for the last 10 years since Viewer 1.23. The Lindens want people to buy products on the Marketplace so they get the commission. They want people to buy servers.  They don't care if underneath that other people try to sell breedables or rentals. They don't feel the need to facilitate this at all. I think they should not because this is my business; I chose this business because it illustrates a principle of civil society that I wish to promote in a philosophical way in virtual worlds -- the free movement of goods, services, and ideas across frontiers. It's something so completely not about "traffic" in this vulgar way you conceive it as Crazy Eddie's Prices Which Are Insane for him to make a buck off a rube that I don't know where to start.

    When you say in your final effort at a beatdown is in fact only revealing your own vulnerability -- that the Lindens know about traffic and I don't need to know; that they long ago dumbed down and crippled traffic by not making it work as it does on Google, even with a Google appliance; that they weight Marketplace searches in particular in obvious ways that serve their own corporate and social interests, you've completely missed the boat. I don't care that they do all those things because I don't need traffic, once again for the zillionth time. I need directories that work for people to search for what they are looking for. The inability for some people to admit that 30L payments for Search/Place ads are in fact ads even if they are not $100,000 classifieds is indicative. They are closer to a fee for a service to be in a minimal director rather than an investment in the attention economy that works in a rinky-dink toy world, but they are still an ad

    The Lindens are usually in better faith and nicer than anybody on the forums, and they know it's broken and say it's broken without this sort of condescension that even Oz used with me 10 years ago but had shed by the time he left. They grasp that there is no traffic on my land because they've seen it for years. They know where I'm showing up in the rentals key word search -- nowhere, or at the end of the 5627-line chain. They know it's about communities where people want to be able to go from one place to another like on a train or bus using teleports and be able to find a willing buyer if they are a willing seller with key words, not traffic inflation.

    I think you must not have read my posts from years even before you were born about how the Lindens changed how traffic worked because it was gamed with camping and bots and pick sales. I was one of the people lobbying AGAINST bots. I am not a guy named Phil or Fred grumbling about how my traffic pumping tricks got undermined. I never had them. I didn't have camping chairs and don't now -- who can afford to pay them out?! Search is crippled in terms of traffic now in funny ways, but still, if there is a furry club that has a traffic of 100,000 because they have good music and friendship -- not bots -- and another furry club where the people are mean and the beer has run out and only has 50,000, people can see what is on top and go to the 100,000 club. Traffic, while crippled and changed and jerked out of position to save its soul, still renders meaning at least at that primitive level.

    I personally think it's fair to ask the Lindens to enable a functioning search so that I can MANAGE my land (something you can't even grasp or admit here, so obsessed are you with this primitive caricature of a loser out of touch with 10-year-old search realities who can't realize their shabby motel cabins will never gather traffic because of their peeling paint). I don't think I should have to pay for third-party tools or depart from the immersion of the virtual world to manage inworld land on an external web site. That gets costly. I think it's fair to ask the Lindens to provide the Residents with a directory where they can look up jello moulds or rainbow unicorns and TP right to them, whether they have 0 traffic or 100,000 traffic on their land description. This is so far away and really so far above your snarky "traffic" take on this that it's really not worth discussing with you in particular at all. I've gone to the length of answering this so that any others interested, and most importantly Lindens WHO TELL ME THEY ARE WORKING ON FIXING SEARCH AND NOT THAT I NEED TO WORK ON MY TRAFFIC PUMPING SKILLS, HELLO.

    I do suspect that this is taking so long because they are changing the nature of search again and adding Google like features which I think are inappropriate for this tiny world. But I'm not a coder or a platform provider and there's a lot I don't know. They changed search 10 years ago because it skewed the economy for them as it was gamed and did not enable them to create real value and meaning in the economy which you need if people don't head for the exits. They grasp that people don't want to buy bad hair in ugly boxes with 100 bots perched on top of them just because they are on the top of the search page. Many sales happen today at stores THAT DO NOT EVEN PUT THEMSELVES IN SEARCH AT ALL. They don't need to, they have GROUPS which is how they make sales WHICH ARE BROKEN TOO and an entirely other story. Many sales happen at scheduled events, recurring or one-time, which people find through EXTERNAL BLOGS and not SEARCH. This conversation is about something else. It is about how there is no telephone book or directory of services in the yellow pages in this city.


    Did you actually read anything I posted, or possibly consider that my response was actually directed to the OP's inquiry and not your specific problem (which is a grid wide problem for many)? Or does the world still revolve around you and only you in your neck of the woods, so all topics must relate to you personally, lest you make them so? You nearly always assume everyone is addressing you and your issues when most of the time, they aren't, lol. It's really weird and I have yet to actually understand it, not that I have to, of course. Even when people agree with you, you seem hell bent on believing they don't, then arguing about it. I have no clue why. But, I don't have to know why, and you certainly don't have to change, for anyone, including myself. Keep being you :) 


    I use search constantly, personally, who knows how many times a day I really use it when I'm on, but it's a lot. I wander the grid a lot. I KNOW it's broken, I have never once said it's not broken. I have been adamantly saying it is broken, has been broken, and needs more attention from LL for a very, very, very long time. My post, and nothing within my post, had anything at all to do with your issue with search.

    Most of the time, when I personally search for something, I actually can find it. But, that is probably because I use a different viewer than you do, which we all already know and I am not in any way judging you for, because you have your reasons for not wanting to use it (it is LL's fault their viewer doesn't work as it should, not the users' fault, not your fault, not my fault, but LL's fault, period). I tend to search places for places, people for people and groups for groups. Sometimes I search for very specific terms, such as a specific name, place, etc.. and sometimes I search for more non-specific stuff, depends on my mood. That's how I personally use search and find things, and unless someone/something/some place isn't listed in search at all, I nearly always find it, or at least I think I do. I have had little issue with it. Despite my own experience, I do know that, overall, search is still very much broken. I understand how much it frustrates other people. I understand how problematic it can be for business owners. I can understand how infuriating, irritating and frustrating it can be, because LL has yet to actually fix it even though they know all of these things. )I need to put that emphasis there because I understand that MY personal experience is not that of others, nor would I ever suggest it is. This is merely MY experience, I know that yours is not the same). I, nor anyone else here on the forums, actually have/has an answer that will please anyone, or even really address the issue. Only LL can fix it, and, clearly, it's not that high of a priority for them. It's one of the areas in which they are severely lacking, especially when it comes to communicating the problem, and communicating with people about the problem. 

    The OP's entire premise was very much  about promotion and traffic, not search. Your problem is, while occasionally somewhat related, not the same thing.

    My post was addressing the OP, not you. (this part is super important....super super important)

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  3. I need to preface this with.....no hostility, no grudges, no hate, no denigration, whatever else, intended, just merely facts and information. 

    The main reason people likely believe (whether they are wrong or right in their assumption) you're posting about this, has very little to do with the whole of sl, but rather focuses primarily on your own personal business model. You sell products on the basis of increasing traffic for landowners/renters, and the like. (again, not denigrating your business, it can be a solid business model, please don't get your hackles up about it). Unfortunately, this type of business model relies quite heavily on traffic being far more significant.

    Traffic has not been significant for a very long time. There is no changing this, LL has made up their mind, has stated countless times why they made up their mind, has discussed how things were going to change, when they changed, and has discussed it ad nauseum since then. Traffic is never going to hold the significance you desire again, because LL does not want it to. One needn't work for LL to know this is a fact, because LL has told us it's a fact. All the wishing and hoping it were not a fact, won't change things.

    People do still purchase and use your products, they can be helpful for exposure, primarily when coupled with other events/existing businesses and not singularly left out without such, but semi-effective much of the time otherwise as well. Though truth be told, without doing events, and offering more of your products, landowners aren't quite as successful as those that do (which is expected behavior, of course)/ Gimmicks work, both in virtual reality and actual reality, and these are a gimmick like any other, that's not a bad thing, but it is what they are, much like sales, events, etc.. are all gimmicks too. People still do use and purchase other similar products that also boast the selling point of increasing traffic. They do increase temporary traffic to some extent, and certainly exposure (which really should be your primary selling point, to be honest...because it's WAY more important and means far more to the average being than traffic which it seems everyone but you knows, is of no significance), although in varying amounts. What they don't do, at least not very successfully, is increase one's standing in search because traffic plays little to no role in that these days and hasn't, as I mentioned above, for quite a long time. This goes doubly so for the broken search some folks seem hell bent on using. They also don't increase overall traffic, for the very same reason. The only time most people pay attention to actual traffic numbers next to their search queries is when using the legacy search and specifically sorting via traffic number (one can surmise they may think higher traffic increases likelihood that people might be present). Still, those numbers don't always, or even usually, mean what people think they do. I can search for rock club right now, find a whole lot of places that have high(er) traffic numbers, that are actually empty or mostly empty much of the day and night. One 2-4 hour event will increase their traffic number quite significantly if numerous people are there for, we'll say an hour or more each. That doesn't mean the overall general traffic of that place is high, it just means it was for X amount of time, and Y number of people helped get those numbers there. BUt, again, most folks don't use even the legacy search in this manner, so traffic numbers will mean very little to them. 

    This is what people are trying to explain to you...what you want traffic numbers to mean, isn't what LL wants them to mean, nor is it what LL has set them up to mean. If they did mean what you wanted them to mean, selling your products on the basis of increasing traffic would be quite truthful, and also even far more successful endeavor then you've already got on your hands (which, is, as I said before, already quite successful). As it stands, however, because traffic isn't as significant as you want it to be, or think it should be, the increase traffic line is, while still truthful, a bit of a stretch.  If you instead focus on the exposure (which is not actually the same thing as traffic) your products can give, you can stop all this worrying about traffic significance which LL has stated numerous times is never going to change. LL is, after all, the ultimate authority and while they may be piss poor at doing plenty of things, I'm a firm believe that they probably know more about how they should handle traffic than you do, given that you didn't even know traffic significance changed over a decade ago, lol. 

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Wili Clip said:

    Ok I just checked and I see you have a free rod.

    Wow, you really do have a huge ego don't you? Can't admit when you're wrong at all, can you?

    I have told you, now twice, that I also own the coin hunt and fish buoys, and have for years, and THAT money is what was wiped clean. I don't really give a ***** about any money that was on my rod, lol.  Actually, February of 2017 is when I got the landowner supplies and began investing in your product. So, clearly, your records, and ability to check them, still sucks butt. 

    Ok, I'm done with you and this load of horse manure. You really are a piece of something I can't say on the forums.


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  5. 22 minutes ago, Wili Clip said:

    It is easy to criticize someone else. I don't wish it upon you to ever find yourself in such a situation.

    I have actually had the very painful experience of dealing with a rl company that had a data breach. I wouldn't wish it on anyone else either. That's part of how I know you handled it poorly, and why I think your continued action of brushing off the effect it had on others because you are now currently back whole, is also a poor way of dealing with it. 

    23 minutes ago, Wili Clip said:

    I think your criticism is unjustified. But you were not even there when things happened. You came after few months and it is easy to be critical and smart about it. For Tari Landar I don't ever recall of even having an account in my game system. This is why my suspicion that you 2 could be same person behind 2 accounts. Mercedes you did mention in one of your previous post that you have many accounts. I am also not sure why you are back after you already wrote in previous post that you're all out. I am sure this will now give you even more energy to try to attack me and try to get at my reputation. I have no idea why you're so focused on me. I do have a special club of extreme fans that I call "wili haters" fan club.

    Check your damn system again buddy, because I am, very much, in it. Nice try at deflecting the real issue, but now I know you're simply full of your own crap and nothing more. 

    Wow you are......something else, let me just say. I tell you that my account was wiped of all funds, and you come back with..."I don't think you were ever even in my system". Yeah, you sure do know what you're doing there buddy. 

    I own both fishing and coin hunt items...so, your system is more messed up than you think if you don't have those records, and I have had them for YEARS. I used the product as a simple consumer, coin hunter and fished,  before I joined as a landowner. I invested quite a lot of money into your system, actually. 

     I don't have much hope for your future ventures anymore, and I don't wish you luck with them either.

    Have a fantastic evening. :D



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  6. 3 minutes ago, Mercedes Avon said:

    Tari and I are not the same person. I do not use multiple accounts on the SL forums to come in and back up my posts, because I think that's scummy.

    Lmao, oh dear, no one could possibly confuse me for anyone else. Well, they could, but probably not a smart idea, lol. I'm an odd duck. There aren't many of us on these forums that type up entire books for most of our responses, either.

    Plus, my typos are damn hilarious, and I rarely ever fix them. Most people probably care a lot more about those typos than me. I'm blind as a bat and dgaf about them  :D


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  7. Man, I hate when people outright lie.....sigh. You're probably not going to like this post. But since I refuse to fuel your system with any more of my money on the off chance that you won't know what to do if something goes awry again (and it probably will, ***** happens), I don't much care if you do or don't. 

    Super long, but you're into super long diatribes full of verbose drivel, so.... (feel free to ignore my drivel folks, it's a doozy, as per usual)

    1 hour ago, Wili Clip said:

    Whole community was very understanding and supporting and we didn't have anyone complaining.

    Not true, I know a lot of folks that complained, and have since stopped using the product because of the poor way it was handled. Ftr, I am both a user (collector, fisherperson) and supporter (ie, investor, by providing a space for others to use your products, from which most, except you, won't see much benefit other than traffic, the entire purpose of course) of your systems, and also quite friendly with a lot of folks who also fit into both categories, so, before you assume I'm talking out of my rear and know nothing about it..don't do that. A lot of people lost a lot that was invested in the system. A lot of people complained. Most were never made whole, please don't act like they were. Even through it all, few blamed you personally, and why would they, because they understand these kinds of things can happen to ANYONE. What you were blamed for, and people ultimately shushed for, was the piss poor handling of the whole thing and the way you're treating others' losses, while having not actually lost a dime that people invested, yourself. All payments people made go to you immediately, you didn't lose that. People lost money they paid for your products and things to use with your products when the system seemingly "wiped information out due to a hack". Yes, you comparing it to Pearl Harbor was absolutely disgusting, a horrid comparison and you really are being daft about that, which is where the socially inept opinion people have of you comes into play, I believe...please stop.  You don't have to care about what others think of you, but you should care when the reasons for why they think the things they do are because you're being careless (that's the nicest way I can put this) with your thoughts, words, and actions. 

    1 hour ago, Wili Clip said:

    Landowners running my systems have been extremely supportive and the number of landowners running our system has tripled since then.

    You and those you employ as your CSRs are the only ones that believe this line, none of us do, lol, even people that do still support you and will for a very long time don't believe this. They simply enjoy the product, at times at least, lol.

    Many of us who left have chosen not to continue using your products because of the issue and because the money we had placed in these products, both dormant and active products (in the case of dormant, it should remain on our account within your system, but did not, and you know it, it didn't just disappear though, it went right into YOUR account the moment we paid it, so, that part was not "hacked") was deemed "lost".  Some of the new landowners you have aren't actually new at all, they're landowners that have owned your product for a long time and have either allowed them to go dormant (not funding them, or taking them into inventory for varying amounts of time) or moved the product to a different location. This happens all the time with not only your products, but all of the similar systems as well. It's pretty common knowledge. That doesn't make us new landowners, it simply extends our relationship with you, as the sole business owner. 

    1 hour ago, Wili Clip said:

    . But mostly because of amount of work that was put into and because our community is one of the biggest and resilient.

    No, it's because people were counting on you to restore those immaculate records you have always claimed to have to return the money we/they were rightfully owed by placing it in your system, linked to our accounts. Most of them have never been made whole, so please don't pretend they were, and please don't discount their experiences because you want the world to think everything is hunky dory. It's not your fault the system was hacked, but it is your fault that you handled it poorly. You tend to do that, and so do the CSRs you employ at times with the "we're only human" line (this applies when they're being treated unfairly, yes, they should never be treated poorly by anyone, it does not apply when people simply want answers, which folks can't discuss in group chat, you don't allow it, end of), they tend to shut down ANY negativity, ANY questions that question the way this was handled, and ANYTHING that could potentially anger you. Then other folks (friends, perhaps?) join in and gang up on the person daring to ask questions, because, god forbid, they want answers. That mob mentality is real whether people want it to be or not, it is.  

    We can only all assume it's because you're a lot more negative than you want people to believe and those folks know how you'll respond if you get cranky (and who wouldn't be cranky after dealing with a hack, but it's not the community's fault and you all need to realize what the community lost too, not just your own wallet, which only served to benefit from all the lost funding players and landowners basically handed over to you with no return). It's a risk to invest in a product like you offer, everyone understands this, but that doesn't mean treating the community like the risk is irrelevant to you because "things happen", is a wise move, especially if you're going to try and push some new idea like you know what you're doing. You're trying to build the faith people have in you and your ideas, and you're doing a very bad job of that by blowing off the negative attributes of existing business ventures. 

    1 hour ago, Wili Clip said:

    Not everything was lost (most players have kept a lot of virtual goods where most of their value was in).

    That's not true and you know it. Almost every linden I had in dormant products and my account is gone and I have no way of even figuring out what the entire amount is anymore, even though that used to be possible, which is why I've personally washed my hands of your products for good and decided to simply eat the loss. I'm a small potato in the grand scheme, but I'm definitely not in the minority when it comes to an almost complete lost investment. I have seen this happen to quite a few landowners, both small and large amounts, I have witnessed them get shut down by mentioning their losses, I have seen them get berated and told, well, the same shpeal you're spitting out here, lol.

    This is why I have no faith in any idea you propose which involves others investing in your ideas. You don't really value the investments others make as much as your words try to say otherwise. You don't take it as seriously as you should. Let's not pretend you haven't made a mint on your products here. I mean, we all know you have, and honestly, good on you for it, really. That was a lot of hard work and you deserve to be paid for that hard work, obviously. You should be proud that it has been as successful as it's been and made you a pretty decent chunk of change. Not many can make that same claim, it's definitely worth being proud of yourself for it. But, with that pretty big chunk of change comes a decent amount of responsibility too, and you lack it, entirely, when things don't quite go right. You're not ready to create a new product, or propose a new idea, much less ask others to help you raise capital, until you can do much better with what you've got and make good on promises already made :)

    1 hour ago, Wili Clip said:

    Yes we sending the notice to our 37 000+ members group. The 1000 L$ charge for changing values in database is the same thing as Linden Lab is charging everyone 20000 L$ for.

    That's a crock of poop and a half. Many other creators who also relied heavily on using avatar names versus UUID do not charge anything to make changes for people, no matter how much of a pain in the rear it would be. LL's name change charge has nothing to do with you updating your databases and code to work with a name change that you were well informed was coming. You knew you were using a method that soon would be obsolete, knew just how many users you had and could easily surmise that if even a small percentage chose to change their names you'd be in for some work, but didn't want to put the effort in to change it. It's okay to admit that, you know. You don't have to make things up. You could've fixed the issue preemptively for everyone across the board well over a year ago in less than one day, and not tried to turn it into yet another means to make more money off people. Sure it might've taken some thinking  on your part to figure out exactly how to work the new handling of accounts in your system, but it's not an impossible task. One would think having to go in and individually make the change on repeat for the...however many years sl exists...would be a lot more tedious than going in once and doing it for good.

    You're not a bad person, fyr, I don't hate, I don't dislike, I don't offer constructive, albeit it maybe not the most pleasant, criticism just to be a jerk. I just know my experience is definitely not a singular event, and there are a lot more people out a lot more money than you're letting on. You're trying to make it seem like it was less of a problem for people, and it really wasn't. I'm not sure if people realize how much money others put into these systems, or how much was really lost (and how could they?) It sucks that someone hacked the system, not only once, but then again once they did it successfully the first time. It's tremendously difficult to deal with such issues, especially when you have a very large community of people that you are going to hold you accountable. I don't blame you one bit for that issue, it's not your fault that ***** happens. I just don't like the way you've handled it and by pushing this new idea with the repeated mentions of raising capital and investing in all of your posts, I thought it prudent to point out that you already have difficulty handling investments made by people. Should something go awry again (and I do hope it never does) will it be handled as poorly? One can only surmise that it very well might, no matter how prepared you are, because you don't take to heart what people say, and you really haven't learned anything from any of this.

    Best of luck on whatever ventures you seek in the future, but personally, I dope LL nixes whatever idea you've proposed until you get a much better handle on your current ventures. 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  8. I don't usually like discussions like this (and don't like this one either, actually) because the word organic always gets thrown into them. One thing that all discussions about sustainable living/eating have in common is that the general public doesn't seem to understand what the word organic actually means, or at least they can't come to a consensus on it. In fact, it has more definitions than it does letters, or at least that's been my experience with people discussing it.

    People seem to believe that organic means that no chemicals were used, no pesticides were used and that the creation/production/harvest/delivery/storage, etc.. of said products is somehow less taxing on the environment and/or humanity, among other things. None of those things is actually true on global or even widespread scale. Some of them might be true of some things, sometimes, but none of them are true all the time for all things, or even most. In fact, "organic" produce and meat (for example) can actually be even MORE taxing on the environment, contain MORE chemicals and pesticides (just a different variety), and often cost far, far more in resources (and money to the consumer). Organic foods do not improve sustainability in the way people think they do, at least, not the vast majority of things labelled as "organic" (and this goes for products far beyond that which we eat, too). While the processes, chemicals, pesticides, etc.. may differ from that of non-organic, organic is not inherently better, never really has been, and it's only getting worse as more and more products are given the label. It became some weird fad to call everything organic, and brag about eating/buying organic some time ago and it kind of snowballed from there. Now everything has some "organic" counterpart that people seem to think is somehow better, more healthy, lends more to a sustainable lifestyle, and, most of the time, people are wrong. 

    Unless you control every aspect yourself, ie, grow, make, etc.. your own "organic goods", or can somehow get a firsthand experience of seeing the goods you purchase/consume go through all of their processes (or anything remotely like that, ie, knowing who grows your veggies, produces your meat, etc.. etc..)....you really don't have any idea of that "organic" label is as truthful as you think, or means what you think/have been told, anyway. You also won't really know if that product being "organic" actually makes it overall better, at all. It's far more likely that it doesn't. 

    It's one of the weirdest misconceptions I have seen when it comes to sustainability, and yet it's the most common one and people have this weird NEED to hold on to it as if it's a truth. I will never understand it. That's why I don't usually discuss such things, because I usually offend someone by saying "organic doesn't mean better", or something along those lines.

    As to the OP, if I could live a more self-sustaining lifestyle, I would, including my diet. I limit my junk to only certain junk and I don't over purchase crap that is more resource intensive when I can avoid it, regardless of my desire/like for those things. I do make an effort when possible to support local, but local is rather limiting and definitely not sustainable (ie, it would be more resource intensive both on consumer and planet, than non-local in enough cases) here. I could do better in this regard, I'm sure most people could. If I HAD to do it, it wouldn't be nearly as difficult as some make it seem. Global sustainability versus individual sustainability can be vastly different, though. On a personal level, it would likely be far more costly initially, and take quite a while to truly be consider sustainable, but it's certainly possible given the right circumstances (which aren't present, at the moment).

    I make a concerted effort to do what I can with what I've got. When I can do better, I will. Until then, I try to keep my footprint as small as possible. I certainly won't pretend I live a very sustainable lifestyle as is, and I won't  do things (like pretend organic, or a specific type of dietary habit for that matter, is universally better) to try and make it seem like I do. I do intend to have a really lovely garden again this year, but given where I live, that garden is only so sustainable, or, rather, for so long towards that. I do other things that help a more sustainable lifestyle. I don't buy unnecessary crap, I don't drive which helps a lot with my carbon footprint (more than most people realize), we use until it can't be used anymore(and then we repurpose whenever possible), we take on a barter lifestyle whenever possible (services and/or goods for likewise). I, and by that I also mean my family, do our best to limit the footprint we leave on this planet in the ways where it has the best impact (especially when combined with others' actions), but may not get us the most "popular karma points from people who...."(I probably shouldn't finish that statement, so I won't, but you get my point, lol)

    • Like 1
  9. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

    In this case, I'm not beholding. 

    There is literally nothing I find breathtaking or beautiful about that pic, the model, the pose, any of it. If you like it, that's awesome, but not everyone is going to agree. Most of what you see there in the pic can be achieved in sl as it is, including poses that work right. The things you can't achieve as easily, you can in at least in photos of sl, which is pretty much what that is...a photo, lol, and nearly any photo of anything in sl can be made to look more realistic by someone with the knowledge and skill to do so. Although most people probably won't see what you do, even if you could achieve that, graphics/systems/etc.. varying as much as they do between people. 


    • Like 2
  10. Mine likes to go galavanting around the city and countryside in search of new adventures. She's rather fond of swimming, flying, a fantastic bowler, has some of the most amazing cars ever, creates with such finesse the world has never seen before, and is loved by all she encounters. She's a magnificent and adventurous being, exploring every nook, cranny and hole in the wall place within the confines of sl boundaries. She's scaled the tallest mountain, dove into the deepest underwater caverns, ran through every rolling field of wheat while the wind brushed back her silken hair ever so gently, and she never tires.

    She's also the President of the Northern Chapter of AWAO (Avatars With Absent Owners) having been elected into the position by a unanimous vote back on July 1, 2008. With this position comes great power, and great responsibility. She recruits new members who find themselves lost without direction, meaning, purpose, and she redirects them. She helps them get settled into their new lives, with all the information they need to flourish. She is single handedly responsible for ensuring that all goods and services are free for all AWAO members, while their owners are otherwise occupied. The moment owners are no longer otherwise occupied, the AWAO (nd their personal possessions) fade into a blissful peace and serenity, while awaiting their turn to be emerge from great slumber to once again enjoy the perils and joys sl affords them. Helping new AWAO members understand the intricacies of being an AWAO is one of her most prized responsibilities. She also oversees the International Coalition of AWAO Chapters, in addition to her Northern Chapter duties.

    She's humble as the day is long and would be as red cheeked as a Geoffroyus if she saw this post.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  11. If you read the "award" that IMVU got from Lifewire, it literally describes everything Sl offers on a much larger, and grander, scale, lol.  Even AW (Active Worlds) scored higher than IMVU, lmao. 

    Not much worth bragging about, really, though, they aren't even actual awards, it's just a product review. 

    The link for the "awards"


    Any company, like IMVU, that has to intentionally advertise that way is only doing so, because they're hurting in some fashion. Likely, they are tired of losing players to other products, so someone suggested some kind of aggressive marketing tactic aimed primarily at people who use SL, which is their biggest (and most successful) competitor. They know most players venture away form IMVU to SL, and seem to think they can stop that, or somehow lure SL residents there, with this tactic. In reality, it'll backfire and make people question them more than desire to join, lol. It's a rather stupid tactic when being used by a company on somewhat shaky ground, as they currently are (lots are, not entirely their fault, but they've offered a subpar product for a long time now). 

    Makes me laugh and feel sorry for the employees of IMVU more than it bothers me.  They're trying a wee bit too hard here. 

    • Like 5
  12. Umm.... yes?



    It resembles a lot of my sl road incidents too! 

    (very well loved, and heavily used, table, lol)

    But, really, I do actually, lol. This year's back yard project will be largely based on something I've built in sl, specifically so that I could recreate it in rl. Sl makes for a great testing ground. 

    • Like 3
    • Haha 6
  13. In no real particular order, actually, only bulleted because I'm being fancy, and stuff

    • uploads (textures, mostly, but other stuff too)-after first using the temp. test to make sure they'll look right so I don't waste money uploading
    • animals, I love them, I own a lot, especially breedables (I do have way more than any reasonable human should including thousands upon thousands from creators/companies that no longer exist, none rezzed atm though)
    • weird things, novelties, stuff I can rip apart to figure out how they work for later re-creation, or re-purposing
    • when/if I have enough, or just need to, cash out to pay rl bills

    What I don't spend money on...because I don't shop for them

    • clothes
    • hair
    • skins
    • makeup
    • jewelry or other accessories
    • houses
    • ummm, probably most things others spend money on lmao 
    • Like 1
  14. 58 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    t's about me asking if the cloud is better -- was it really meant to make SL faster?

    No, and how many times do you need people to tell you this wasn't the premise behind the move, even if it could be a potential effect of such a move?

    59 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    It's about me listing things that have gotten *worse* since the cloud

    And being wrong about some of those things, which were already as bad as they currently are before uplift took place (whether or not it was your personal, or even my personal, experience). 

    59 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:


    Not one single person has ever denied that, quite the opposite, but you missed every single one of those points, hence, kretecake. 

    1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:


    That was your interpretation, but not the main purpose for moving to the cloud. Making certain things more efficient doesn't necessarily always equate with better overall performance. It's an assumption people made, and apparently still make, when they don't want people talking about the "techie" side of things because they haven't the inclination, ability, desire, whatever have you, to listen or understand that side of things. You don't like that side of things, you've never made any bones about that, but continuing to poo-poo it away won't make the things people have said any less true.

    • Like 1
  15. Hmmm, tough call for me.

    My life is both literally and figuratively at stake (heh, I typed steak, I think I'm hungry) every day when I wake up, in rl. I still prefer to do so, even knowing the risks, though I do try to limit them beyond that point, if only to lower the probability that the dastardly evil doers of the world, in whatever form they possess, don't get the, I presume, charmed pleasure of ending my very existence. 

    If sl were somehow also involved in the master plan to off me, as rl so very much is, I would probably learn how to do a LOT of things way better. Things like driving, parachuting, golfing, hell, even walking. I'd probably stop playing with dragons so much, throwing myself off high objects just to watch me splat, walking into walls just because I'm too discombobulated to walk around them right the first time, using ANY spiral staircases or bridges for that matter, throwing things up in the air and watching them land, swimming in unchartered, probably even chartered, waters...oh so many things. I have developed this amazing skill for being able to do just about everything wrong in sl, most of which would likely lead to my demise if it were possible. 

    Now is this a "if you get hurt in sl, you get hurt in rl too" scenario, or merely "if you die in sl, you die in rl" scenario. That might change my answer a bit. A few bumps and bruises might not kill me, after all. 

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    Search problems have been around at least since the move from Viewer 1 to Viewer 2 where its mechanism was changed, but it has never this bad. I know because I am inworld every day using it numerous times. Are you?

    I have probably used search in more ways than you ever have in sl. You have a primary focus, or primary focuses, for most of your sl-which I am not denigrating in the least. Whereas my sl has no primary focus, which means I use quite a bit of sl, in a lot of different ways, including search to do far more. Neither wrong, or right, better, or wrong, they just are how we use sl.  I don't expect that you'll know or understand how the programming, or as you have pointed out numerous times over the years, the geeky/nerdy side of things in sl work. But, plenty of people on these forums DO actually understand it. I don't know why it's so difficult for you to accept that, lol.

    1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    The cloud involves moving data bases and re-addressing things, I should imagine, which is why things like map tiles -- and lists of names on land-- might move slower. It's a reasonable proposition.

    Again, I already stated that about the map. The land list of names will likely have more to do with a specific location's performance, which can be affected by the uplift (as in, overall loading slower, not that the queries of object owners themselves are difficult or even slower at base function), than the map which should NOT have been affected by the uplift in the same way. The fact that LL can neither pinpoint the actual problem, nor offer an ETA on its fix, even still, indicates to me that there is more to the map issues. But, again, I don't expect you to understand, or even want to understand, the more technical side of things.  I just wish you didn't deny they existed even before the uplift and will continue to exist after until LL gets to the root of the actual problems. Simply saying the cloud has caused everything, or made everything worse, is no solution and not even true in many cases.

    1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    No, I don't blame the uplift for the edit window opening above the thing you are trying to see when you edit, that's always been there. If you read my posts instead of reacting to them and plotting your rebuttal, you'd know that.

    I have no idea what the hell you're talking about here. I didn't mention anything about edit, or an edit window. Maybe you need to go back and read what you quoted. 

    1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    Again, group issues have been around for ever, but the slowness, or not uploading the names at all, is new.

    No, it's not a new issue. Deny it all you want, you'll still be wrong on the matter. It's a very old issue and hasn't been made any worse, or any better, by the uplift. The latter is why people take more issue with it now than before, because it was assumed, wrongly or rightly, by some that it would get better. It hasn't gotten better in years, it has nothing to do with the uplift. It's an ongoing issue that's probably going to keep getting worse until LL fixes it. 


    • Like 1
  17. 2 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

    Every project like Uplift ends up re-learning: It's the last 20% that takes 80% of the effort.

    And yet... this Map tiles thing, jeez! How can it take so long to fix? This must be some code base, a decade of baling wire and bubblegum.

    Spaghetti programming, except way more complicated and likely so broken at this point that starting over from scratch would be a much better idea than trying to sort that mess. 

  18. 5 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    You seem to think that goal here is to prove that these issues existed before the cloud.

    But that's not the point.

    That was YOUR point, my point was that some of these issues have been an issue for a very long time and no amount of cloud uplifting can fix them. 

    5 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    And no, search did not break "before" the cloud uplift, unless you mean the break in 2018. It broke after the cloud lift was considerably under way -- just a month or so ago, and after they fixed something else broken.

    Yes, it did, the particular issue YOU are experiencing may be new, to you, but search has had numerous issues for years on end. Try looking outside of your own scope for five minutes and you might learn something. Notice that not once did I blame you, your system, your whatever, for the problems. I just happen to know that a lot of them have nothing to do with the cloud and loading onto the cloud couldn't possibly fix them at their core.

    5 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    Perhaps you don't own or rent land. Click on the ground to get the "about land" menu as owner and officer. Tab to objects. You will see a list of the prim owners. That used to instantly load when clicked. Now it doesn't. Again, you must be owner or have a role with powers to do this to see the list of names -- otherwise you only see totals of prims. Obviously radar is unrelated to this and I don't see that as slow or affected by anything now.

    That's not made clear by your original "the list of land names", which is why I asked for clarification. You'll also note I didn't say it wasn't affected by the uplift, just that it SHOULDN'T be.

    5 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    The Lindens noticed -- or group owners dogged them -- that the dates were loading all wacky and out of order in groups. They fixed it in their latest intoxicating drink patch called Dawa. Some of the other things they prioritize for fixing elude me as priorities, but they need to look at these basic functions which have slowed considerably.

    Where, in anything that I said, did I disagree with you that LL drops the ball on things? You never actually read what anyone has to say to you, you just seem to assume you knew where they were going with it just so you can argue. 

    5 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    When the cloud is offered as a improver of SL in terms of speed and such, you can most certainly blame it "for everything" when everything is slower. This might be growing pains, I don't know. But this unwillingness to blame the cloud for anything is silly.

    Again, reading comprehension is important. I never once said the uplift isn't responsibly "for anything". But you literally blame the cloud uplift for every damn problem you have, or think you have, and in some cases, it's just not possible for the cloud uplift to have been the culprit, it's just not. If you were under the impression that the uplift was going to solve most, or all, of the existing problems, you were mislead. Some of the problems, like I said, can't be solved by moving to the cloud. Yes, it was offered as an improvement for SOME things, but certainly not all, and I have never seen it advertised as that. But you don't seem to like to read those things,  because they're too technical for you. I get that, you don't like that geeky, programmer sort of side of things, and you don't have to. But dismissing it all because you don't understand, don't want to understand, or simply don't like, is foolish.

    5 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    The Lindens acknowledge the map tiles, which have been a hot mess for weeks and getting worse in ways I have never seen (like taking you not to the sim you typed in) -- not better.

    That's what I said, or did you not read that part too?

    5 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    With search, they are strangely reluctant to admit it. Maybe it can't be fixed.

    Been broke for very long time and the cause definitely has more to do with programming than it does the uplift. No, I don't think they're currently capable of fixing it, and the uplift to the cloud certainly would have NO effect on this hot mess. 

    5 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    With groups, sure, they've been borked for a very long time. When they did a renovation of the groups to remove the idiotic hippie collectivism and such, and made the groups more granular and took out "officer recall" which was ridiculous and a griefing tool, and did a bunch of stuff, I guess the programming was a bolted add-on, or maybe not so stellar, I don't know -- some of the key Lindens involved are in fact good programmers still at the Lab; some are ideologues who may have not in fact done the fixing they should 10 years ago, I don't know the story. But again, the cloud is involved because it was supposed to make pushing data through pipes faster. Wasn't it? 

    You're partially correct, uplift IS/WAS supposed to help with some things, but it's not a fix all solution for every problem. It can't assist with problems that have nothing to do with the way it functions. The group issues have been around for ages, longer than some reading this have probably even been in sl. Uplifting to the cloud can only assist with issues like this by simplifying and combining other processes thereby leaving more resources dedicated to this problem. Uplifting to the cloud can't fix bad programming, no matter how streamlined the data flow is made, bad data (bad programming) is going to remain so until someone fixes it. You can't put muddy water through a hose and expect it to  come out crystal clear on the other end. This sort of issue is akin to that. Or if you'd prefer, automating a packaging process that would normally be done by hand can't be an improvement if the products being sent through for packaging are broken. It's the same concept really. If it doesn't work, at its core, before being uplifted to the cloud, the data stream is going to be just as messed up when it gets there. Not everything goes through the cloud either, at least not in the sense I think you believe the cloud functions anyway, but that's way too much boring programming mumbo jumbo. I don't know who convinced you that moving to the cloud would solve all of, or even most of, sl's problems, but you probably shouldn't trust that person, because they lied. It can only fix so much on its end, LL is still completely responsible for making sure things, basic things, work first

  19. 1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    o Search is broken. I've written extensively about this. I asked one doubting Linden to search her name and see the 5000 returns and the inability to scroll through enough pages to find her name due to lag. What this means is that paying $30 to place a lot in search/places does not work, it can't be seen.

    This has been an issue since before the cloud uplift. I think it may have been made a wee bit worse with the uplift, but it's difficult to decipher exactly how, as it really SHOULDN'T happen the way it has. It has nothing at all to do with anyone's individual device, it really couldn't, to be honest. Although I don't personally have issues with search, certainly not the way I have seen others say, I do recognize that it's a big problem for many and it has been for a while. 

    1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    o Groups don't load. That's always been a problem. You can't search for a name in a group, you have to try one letter, then two letters and wait for it to pull them up. These searches were slow; now they move like glaciers. This problem, and the brokenness of chat, and age-old problem, have forced some groups to move to Discord, which I personally don't like, but at least the chat doesn't freeze.

    This has been an issue for at least six years, on a grand scale, and a minimal scale for years even before that. It has absolutely nothing at all to do with the cloud uplift and anyone, including LL, that suggests it does, is a moron. This amounts to piss poor programming on LL's part, plain and simple. It's been an issue for so damn long that many can't remember when it wasn't. I don't think LL will ever fix this problem, I'm not convinced they know how. 

    1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    o When you pay for something on the Marketplace, it takes forever to arrive. It could be slow before -- now it is molasses. Even to the point where a notice now comes up that the merchant cannot sell this item now, although of course they can, it's in stock, copyable etc. Then many minutes go by -- it arrives.

    This might have some cloud uplift effect mixed in, or it could simply be LL playing with the damn gears of the MP again. Every time they fiddle with the damn thing, they break something, so I wouldn't chalk this up entirely to the cloud. I wouldn't personally actually link the issue with the uplift at a;l as it's been a problem numerous times over the years. That said, I really don't experience as long of a wait as some people do, for which I am grateful. I always receive items in under 5 minutes, and I know that's probably, almost definitely, not a majority of experiences today.  This problem could easily be fixed by firing everyone that works on the MP, all of them except basic support, and hiring people that know what the hell an ecommerce/marketplace site is, how to program one, how to run one, and how to listen to people when they tell you what's wrong with it. LL won't listen though, they'd rather placate people that can't even program an algorithm for flags properly, lol.

    1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    o When you try to pull up the list of names from the land menu, you can't, or you wait forever.

    Which list are you referring to? Do you mean access list/ban list, nearby radar, people? Although I don't think any of them SHOULD be affected by the cloud, it's entirely possible if someone fudged something up on the backend. It's not a reasonable cause (because of how it functions, which is boring programming crap), but certainly not impossible.

    1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    o When you arrive on a sim, it's not that there's grey squares -- it that things you know are there, like giant trees or somebody's car, just never rez, they never appear. You bump into them sometimes. If you relog sometimes they pop back. I actually thought that somehow everything in a rental had disappeared or I had the wrong group, because I couldn't see things, so I re-decorated it, and came back a few days ago to see everything doubled up.

    This is definitely a cloud uplift issue. Although some may say it's your machine, connection, yadda yadda yadda, this is actually more reasonably caused by the uplift and the various issues it has been having. Not everyone will experience it that doesn't make it any less of a problem. While similar issues may have existed periodically in the past, or may indeed be caused by the user end in limited cases, in this case, it's more likely to be an uplift problem. 

    1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    o The map is abominable. It does not work. You click on it, and it if you try to click on yourself on it to get the coordinates or teleporter to a region, it will give you neighbouring regions God knows where. I have never seen such a broken map. Teleports just don't work via the map, forcing you to crawl-walk across sims, or fish for landmarks, or use broken search to try to find something you know is near where you are going.

    This isn't a cloud issue, either, and there are multiple map related issues. They can't even define the actual problems, or offer an ETA and they have been saying the same thing about this issue since November. The map problems have been around longer than the cloud uplift and usually coincide with something being fudged up on the backend of something else. This is most definitely NOT a user issue, nor is it anything any user can do a damn thing about. LL still refuses to say when they intend to fix the problems, which they originally blamed on the uplift (but that makes no damn sense and the uplift can't be blamed for all problems, despite what some, including some at LL, may think). 

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  20. The people that believe $50L-$100L (or even less) are "lowball" tips, are likely people that have more disposable money at the ready. Please don't just listen to those people, at least some don't have the slightest idea what it is like to NOT have that money at the ready whenever they need/want it to be and that's likely from where their opinion is seeded (even if the conversion to rl currency is actually quite small, it doesn't matter). Most people will appreciate anything at all, whether that is $1L or $1,000L. I cannot imagine myself being upset by someone not having tip money, or tipping a smaller amount. I never have been, I never would be. For me, personally, that seems an absurd response to something like that, to be honest. I don't expect others to agree with my stance, as evidenced by this and other similar threads, but, eh, I'm going with my stance on this one, lol. I think more people think along the lines that I do inworld than you might find here on the forums, actually. You'll see it at many a venue where $10-$100L tips are VERY common and quite appreciated by the recipients. We're a pretty small minority of sl users on the forums after all.


    I have done rl work where tipping was a very large portion of my actual income (because I happen to live in the US where tipping is more commonplace than many other countries in the world, right, wrong, or indifferent, that's reality), it does not compare to such work here in sl, at all. So equating the same costs to a similar rl scenario doesn't work as a comparison either.

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  21. 2 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

    Now if the prize were say a free lifetime premium account with all the perks that go with including the 2048 parcel, the whole grid would get involved. Make it like a quarterly or semiannual treasure hunt. That would create a bit of buzz for SL. 

    This, or, well, something like this anyway, although this would be fantastic.

    It really wouldn't kil LL to put a bit more effort into marketing and creating a bigger buzz around and within sl. In fact, it would benefit us all if they put a bit more effort into it. I know they have a marketing team, but there really isn't any nicer way of saying whatever marketing team LL has always had (which I suspect has changed hands quite a bit, or at least been altered, so not all can really be held responsible for this) has screwed the pooch on nearly all fronts. 

    One thing LL could do, which is pretty common practice, to help create a buzz is to help sl itself be more interactive as far as things like contests, community involvement, etc.. that doesn't revolve around SL b-day "celebrations", charity events, naming or photo contests, the realms(which let's face it certainly aren't in their prime anymore), "limited time" events, and user group meetings that really only appeal to an existing audience and even then, in very limited capacity. These kinds of things aren't nearly as engaging for a lot of people as LL and those who love these things would think.  I'm not denouncing all of those things or in any way saying they are bad, they ALL have their place and ALL can be and are enjoyed by people, but they definitely could be expanded upon with a small amount of effort.

    Take a look at the forums and just how frequently we get asked "what else is there to do in sl", "what do you enjoy doing", and things like that. Fun hidden gems, interactive games that result in some kind of "win", for lack of better terminology on my part, that can be measured as useful/entertaining/something worth achieving by more than a very small group (in the grand scheme) of people could be very beneficial for the whole grid. Things that have prizes, again for lack of better terminology on my part, nearly always do better for marketing than most of the things LL does. Offering things that would be useful to a wider group of residents like premium accounts, a name change (like the name contest did), a plot of land (which we know LL has in over abundance, when you look at abandoned land), even $L prizes, would appeal to far more people. 

    Marketing schemes like this not only help keep current audiences engaged, but they encourage new audiences too, even if only temporarily. Sometimes just drawing people in for something that might be temporary (like  contest) is enough to keep them engaged with a product long enough to find appeal elsewhere within it too. 

    It also wouldn't kill LL to make some of the other little gems around a bit more known and not such hidden secrets (so, not easter eggs, but fun all the same). The linden bears are a great example of that, as most people have no damn clue what they are (or that they even exist), and more people might like to have them. I've found a lot of people that do myself just by mentioning them, or when I had them out on my land, people would as about them lol. It would be cool to see MORE of them, including old ones that we can't seem to find anymore or from old LL employees. Sure they don't appeal to everyone and some folks wouldn't want them cluttering up their inventory or home, but they can be fun to try and search out and this one would be hella easy for LL to expand on and create some buzz around, then make into an amazing little hunt. The forums, even the blog, really aren't the best place for LL to create buzz for anything, we're such a small pond here. It's a good way to test the training wheels out on new marketing schemes, that is, using old methods and making them better. Start small LL, work your way up to bigger and better. 

    BUT, this has all been suggested for at least as long as I've been here and LL has yet to listen. I don't hold out a whole lot of hope that they ever will, although that one lil smidgen of hope always remains, I suppose, lol.


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