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Tari Landar

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Posts posted by Tari Landar

  1. Being sick...and no one knowing why...and still not being able to know why because all things pandemic (it's not the virus, not that it matters all that much)

    It's more than a peeve, though, and more than slightly a smidge over maddening, beyond frustrating, to a word they haven't yet invented and I'm too peeved to invent myself. 

    But, it is what it is, right?



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  2. 16 hours ago, FreshPrince Oskar said:

    so what is considered a top tier SL account? 

    Anyone above 10,000m above ground is pretty high on the tier level, I think


    Ok, for real-

    I honestly don't think there is such a thing, or at least, I don't personally think of people, avs, accounts, in that way. Older doesn't mean top tier to me, and newer doesn't mean lower tier, it never has. Some people seem to value people, or accounts based on what they know, especially about certain topics. Take shopping and fashion for example, which are topics I have little to no interest in, but other seem to believe they (or others) are the most knowledgeable in the world on....That sounds judgey, but it's really not, I just have different taste, different desires, a different picture of what is fun, entertaining, enlightening, informative, whatever, about sl. The same would go with any other topic one could think of... photography, sim hopping, clubs, dj-ing, freebie hunting, building, scripting, etc.... I suppose.

    That was way more information than you were looking for, I bet. 


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  3. The inability to properly hide quotes is why I try not to quote unless I feel it's necessary or my response, especially in certain instances. Because the software used here is so friggen flawed and I know some folks really, really don't want to read things from some people. Most of the time it's easier to address a topic without addressing a specific poster, but, unfortunately, sometimes it's not. 

    I think the only workaround to this is to try and add as much white space above the quote, in the box, so that it needs to be expanded. At least, I think so, I'll have to try harder at it myself and keep testing to see if it helps. 

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  4. 13 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    ETA: Ah I should have looked elsewhere first. Apparently said "another thread" hasn't just been locked up but removed entirely. I'm with Solar on this one. It peeves me when they do that.

    I think this is a community peeve, to be honest. Maybe not ALL in the community, but, enough. 

    Sometimes asshatery deserves to be preserved, locked yes, but preserved. Sometimes not, and I get that too, but sometimes (probably more than not) it does. If nothing else, it can help with topics in the future when someone comes in with a "huh, what are you guys talking about..." comment. And we can go "see. THIS", and be done with it.

    But, alas.......

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  5. A frequent occurrence in my house (and not just by me, but frequent all the same)...

    Get my shoes on, or slippers if I've already got them on, put my coat on because it's frozen nipple weather, get all the way to the mailbox only to realize it's exceptionally colder than it appears or the weather people say, get back in the house and realize I never put bottoms on.

    Eh, it is what it is, I suppose, and at least my coat, and/or shirt in the case of nicer weather, goes down far enough lmao



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  6. 1 hour ago, Orwar said:

     Peeve: when a song sticks in your head

    This happens to me constantly, except it's not usually just one song, it's almost always a whole bunch of them that bleed into one another. They're not even usually of the same genre/tempo/theme, just to further complicate things.

    I've gotten really god at writing my own mental mashups, lol. 

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  7. Current peeve...

    My nose won't stop bleeding. You'd think humidity/meds would help with it, since it's pretty normal for dry winter heat. But, sadly, no, it said eff you, I do what I want.

    So now I sit here, with gauze stuffed up my nose, which hurts btw., waiting for it to knock it off so I can go to sleep, still be able to breathe, and not drown myself. 

    First world problems, right?

    Oh and before anyone worries, not that you would, this is actually perfectly normal for me, lol. It's still a peeve, because it's annoying as hell, but, normal all the same. I can't get it cauterized for now, so I'm stuck dealing with at least a few a week until I can. 


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  8. 1 minute ago, Maitimo said:

    I remember years ago there was a multi-tool gadget thing (Crystal Gadget?) that had a free version which spammed local chat like that, presumably to embarrass the user into paying for the full product.

    But yes that is horrible, I really hope that doesn't catch on, or else I'll just stop buying things altogether.


    People still use that, I literally saw it yesterday and had a good laugh about it. 

    Many of the "free" tools out there today, both made more recently, and older ones, do this and spam local when someone wearing them comes onto the parcel/sim, or uses them.

    I see those couples "lovers" bracelet things that I thought no one really uses anymore every now and then too, lol. 

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  9. I'm pretty sure most furniture stores actually do offer gift cards these days. But it would be loads easier if you knew the person's sort of style. 

    I'm particular fond of comfy looking (since there is no "feeling" in sl, as it were) furniture and not so much the "zomg it's a museum, I shan't sit on this" furniture, lol. So if it were me, I'd go with Chez Moi,  Bazar,  Gracefully Wicked has some cute comfy looking stuff, ummm, I'm not up to date on new stuff lmao. I like those three though and have stuff from all three. 

  10. 15 minutes ago, ChinRey said:

    I'm less worried about EEP in itself than the process that led to it though. The last few years, while most of the Lindens were having fun in Sansar, Oz and his crew were developing routines for long time strategic development. It's been three steps forwards and two steps back but they have made considerable progress. As Lucia pointed out, although it's always nice to have better atmospheric rendering it's really strange they chose to give it priority at this stage and all those silly bugs are also rather worrying. To me this seems to be the kind of project they used to do back in the six dark years: spur-of-the-moment idea, little or no consideration of how it fits into SL as a whole, little or no task analysis, launch-and-forget. I really hope it's a one-off case and that they aren't reverting to old sins.

    Thanks for putting it into better words than I have the grace to utter, atm.

    It's really hard to give kudos to LL for anything, when they have a glaringly obvious pattern of simply not listening, or acting without thinking.

    I still give them props when due, well, I try, but this trend of, as you said, reverting to old sins, is wearing thin on people. It's not so much just one thing, but a culmination of lots of things, even if some of them are little, minor and affect a smaller group of people negatively. It speaks volumes to people that have been waiting for LL to actually listen on age old problems, or even new problems that arise.

    Though mostly unrelated to the actual topic at hand, EEP, the whole MP is one giant LL fiasco that has been barreling down in a massive spiral since its inception, and it's not getting any better over time. In fact, they're listening less and less at this point. It's only slightly related because it just shows how little thought LL puts into some things, and how very little they listen when residents tell them "this isn't working", "something's broken", "HELP US", or anything of the sort.

    It makes me sad to see them continue on that pattern when the potential to be better and do better is right there at their fingertips. Set it and forget it only works on (some) kitchen appliances, not virtual environments and their development, or mere existence. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    This is a totally fair point, although the operative term might be "if". It's certainly true that converting some existing WLs to EEP can break them -- Orac's Fog, for instance, is just . . . a dark screen in EEP. But most WLs do, in my experience, translate quite well and faithfully to EEP.

    An interesting question: why does LL (or FS, for that matter) not create a WL / EEP setting (or settings) specifically for the visually impaired? It seems to me that accessibility is now a much higher profile issue than in the past. I should think this would be a really worthwhile thing to do.

    (Similarly, some more dedicated provisions for the hearing impaired might be a very good thing.)

    I should state, it's not an IF for me, it's a "EEP messes up my settings, so now I have to make new ones that work with EEP, if I want to use EEP and also figure out how not to lose the small-ish amount of FPS I already have" (though I do not HAVE to use EEP at this moment, thankfully, I only know it does, because I have tried it, numerous times, and it always fudges things up royally). As I said, I know I'm in the minority on that, doesn't piss me off any less though, lol. It's also rather annoying that I have to transfer or convert squat, but that's more of an annoyance with how very little work LL is willing to actually do on this, than an actual problem, I suppose (and probably fueled by grumpiness, lol)

    As for the accessibility thing, the best answer I can come up with.... they aren't legally obligated to do so...so they don't. I mean, I don't necessarily expect them to, though I do think it would be nice if they made some sort of effort, I do also know it's not likely they ever would, or will, because the audience for it is probably quite small and we're not worth the effort. It's been suggested for many, many years, as long as I've been in sl anyway. LL absolutely SUCKS at listening, to pretty much anything


    57 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Do we know that EEP affects frame rate and performance?

    I'm not doubting it -- I'd be unsurprised if it did. But I haven't noticed it myself. I recognize that not every system responds the same way to different changes in the viewer or the environment, but I've so far heard just anecdotal evidence that it does (or doesn't) impact on things like FPS.

    Is this quantifiable? Or demonstrable?

    Anecdotal evidence, in this case, is actually really, really important, because it comes from the very people that have to use this product (I can't, unless I can adapt it to work how I need it to, so I don't count, lol) and it's not like there have only been a few people complaining about it. This is an issue that's been raised since EEPs first inception, all throughout testing, and even still today, and it's a problem that has persisted. At some point, long before the JIRA was made, even long before the other thread about it was made, it stopped being just anecdotal evidence though. It's the number one complaint, always has been, and it HAS been demonstrated (as far as I know, numerous times), but that takes us back to...LL doesn't listen.

    I've only seen a few people say they haven't had a performance issue. I've talked to some who have said they didn't really notice if there was one or not, so it's a bit hard to take those experiences into account (obviously), though I do to some degree anyway. But at this point, enough people have said there IS a performance hit for LL to have already listened, if they intended to ever listen to the residents on this matter. What's really demonstrable here is that LL doesn't give two *****s if there is a performance hit to residents, or not, it's something shiny and new that they spent years upselling, pretending to work on, and now they have to get it out to the masses, without taking any of the feedback given during the testing phases into account. 

    There are some changes to sl that have had impacts on performance, of course, and we should all expect that, absolutely. Many of them I would too consider to be very worthwhile, even if I, personally, cannot enjoy them. I know many, probably most, people do enjoy them and that alone makes them worthwhile, even if we don't like it. I don't believe the negative impacts that EEP has, or will have, at this stage, would put it anywhere near worthwhile for the grid as a whole. I think there are far too many for whom it is or will be problematic, and that will negatively impact the entire grid.

    But, take my opinions with a grain of salt, they come from a very disgruntled person. Take the experiences of others who have demonstrated a negative impact, instead. My experience is likely even further down in the minority than most already there and it means very little, in the grand scheme. 

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  12. 1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    But this will impact, mostly positively, on how all of us experience SL, as sim owners begin to implement customized EEPs for their sims. It will impact positively on role players -- it's much much easier now to share environmental settings, so that everyone is seeing exactly the same thing (if they choose to do so) in their viewer. It will impact on new Experiences, on art installations, and even on stores.

    Just using your post as a jumping off point, seemed the most appropriate to use., for me.

    I don't want to see sl the way everyone else does, or the way an experience, sim or product maker does, or, rather, I should specify...I CAN'T. I am in the minority on this, I do realize that. But if the implementation of EEP messes with the way I see sl now, using the WL setting(s) I use now, I can't enjoy sl, and that pisses me off. (this is why I do not like updates that are requirements but don't offer a fix to something broken, and instead merely add some kind of cosmetic change, which is what EEP is, after all...I digress on that part for a bit though). (and ftr, EEP does, I already tried it, headache inducing is the kindest phrase I can use there, making me want to throat punch someone goes hand in hand with it)

    I can only use certain settings in sl in order to be able to see things at all, which I already see minimally to begin with. Aside from the fact that I don't have the best graphics in the world (my fault, purely, but it is what it is, and I accept that, always have, I don't expect viewers, others, etc... to dumb down to my graphics level, lol..just wanted to clarify that part).  I NEED to be able to use the settings I use now, without EEP phucking them up royally, I just do. There is no compromising on this for me, there can't be. It's not easy as it is, and sometimes it sucks that I have to "break the immersion" as it were, and use my own WL settings versus whatever a sim owner/creator wants me to use to "see their stuff optimally", but I've accepted this as a reality, for me, for many years. Now add in that fps can and sometimes does drop dramatically, which are already nowhere near what others get, again, my own fault, I know, on TOP of not being able to use my settings the way I need to, just to be able to see...

    My inner devil spawn gnome will come out, because that's a load of horse ***** if ever there was one. There is literally no functional reason for this to cause a drop in fps, for ANYONE, if it was implemented correctly by LL(which it was not, and that was made clear all throughout its testing phases).

    I love that people love creating their environments, their EEP creations, their experiences and things that in their own vision are beautiful, magnificent, amazing, even if I can't see them that way. What I don't love, is an update that would force (thus far, this one does not, it's not a required update, just to clarify) me to use those things which would completely and utterly break MY sl, MY vision, MY enjoyment of sl. So, really, no, it won't positively affect all of us even remotely. I think there are probably more people that don't give two *****s than there are people who actually like these new EEP changes, and probably more people that don't like them, than those that do like them. The small minority of us for whom they simply do not work right at all may be small, but we probably still outnumber the people that like them too. 

    I'm not updating until I have to, and if that day comes, and the issues EEP presents are not fixed and I don't find a solution that lets me keep seeing sl the way I do, then I'm really not going to be a happy camper. 

    I also don't want a bunch more crap filling up my inventory just so I can not see things the way people think I should be able to see them with their self (or not self) created EEPs. That's just utterly stupid, imo, making them an asset at all was, is and will always remain, an idiotic implementation, which will also end up being even more problematic, eventually.

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  13. This is quite likely an extension of last year's secret santa that was done on the forums here. 

    I can admit that I have done things like this before, and will continue to do so for as long as I'm in sl (this anonymoose isn't me though, ftr)) and to this day no one has ever known it was me, nor will they. 

    You'd be surprised how easy it is to gift people things they never realized you gifted them because they either aren't paying very close attention, or you're just way better at being sneaky than people realize. 

    Sometimes the best way to bring a smile to your own face, is to bring one to that of another, even if it makes them suspicious and overly cautious. Sometimes, some people really need that feel good warm fuzzy feeling they get from helping/gifting others, without those others actually knowing they did it.

    Sometimes it's just fun to make people squirm with suspicion too, though, lmao. 



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  14. 53 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

    Would you think less of me if I admitted that at one time early in my second life, my first partner and I used to get a big kick out of breaking and entering.  Well not breaking, but entering.  I never meant to cause any harm and I would not do it if I could see that people were home. It was harmless fun, reminded me of the way it felt to be a rebellious teenager. The fear of being caught in flagrante was part of the thrill.

    I wouldn't think less at all, specially considering I would imagine if someone asked you not to, or to leave, you would, even if perhaps (probably) laughing your asses off. 

    Then again, we used to have frequent guests meander into our home at random, and it never really bothered me (I am not judging those that it would bother, however, different strokes and all that). In some cases I am quite positive that the location used to either be their home or a place they'd been to before it was our home. 

    I can't tell you how many times I'd log in and find people mid-whatever the heck they were doing, on my furniture, in my house, or somewhere else on the property. I used to rez out a box that handed out shamwows (well, they were towels that attached to your hand, some of them animated with a wiping animation, lmao). and let them know they were free to enjoy but if they could clean up after themselves, I'd appreciate it. Or, I'd just hand them the attachable and say nothing at all, except "smiles" in local, lmao. Sometimes I'd stand there to see if that alone would scare them off, sometimes it did, most times, it did not. Sometimes I'd chat them up in local, most people don't respond, but it's funny to know they were probably squirming at the mere thought I'd interrupt their special time. Sometimes I'd wander off to another room and pretend to be busy doing other things while chatting them (or not, depending on my mood). 

    Once I had a couple stay put right where they were doing, what they were doing, emoted out cleaning the house with the occasional "don't mind me", changed my clothes, pretended to have a phone convo, sat down to read a book, fed my pets, took care of my prim kids, etc.... all in all the whole interaction lasted a good almost two hours. It was rather amusing for me. When they were finished I got a "thanks" in local and they wooshed off somewhere else.

    That same couple visited quite a few more times (most without me there, I just had a visitor thing out that I could check on whenever I wanted, or would email me), and it was because of them I put random tip jars out around my property and ended up making a decent chunk of change from random visitors. 

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  15. 3 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    I fail to see why any security device would have to be in two parts. Makes no sense. Those that have to be deeded to a group often have a function where you click to get the prim that you then deed to the group. But it comes from clicking a menu, not in two pieces.

    I don't know why this one is in multiple parts either, to be honest, other than it being part of the products basic functionality (allowing it to turn, fire, set access, etc.. the way it does).  That doesn't change the fact that it IS in multiple, and the creator did not "bork" anything, as suggested by the person I quoted. In fact, the person I quoted is the one that "borked" the product and then complained about it being subpar, not mesh, and "borked" because apparently it's easier than taking responsibility for one's own ignorance and failure to read a product listing. 

    I have little patience for the willfully ignorant sometimes, and this is one such case.

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  16. 9 minutes ago, iceing Braveheart said:

    I found exactly what I wanted and what I was looking for homeland security but it doesn't work because creator borked it, it also falls apart while animating breaks any emersion. it is a two peace item once placed cannot move it it falls apart pretty cheap quality doesn't say 100% mesh shame it is not animesh relic's from the past abandoned by there creators. store front needs to list the date items were first listed and the last time they were updated along with creators last login time nothing like paying for abandonware



    If you take both parts into edit mode at the same time, like you're supposed to do with multi-piece objects, it doesn't break at all. Just because something isn't all one piece, doesn't mean the creator borked it, it means you need to read up on how to edit things properly. It not being mesh doesn't mean it's cheap quality, either. It literally says NOWHERE in the listing that it's mesh at all, but you ignored that and bought it anyway, that's not on the creator, that's on you.




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  17. Other than very early on, and with people that I considered very good friends in rl, not just sl...I won't give someone a gift for an sl wedding. I think it's weird for people to expect them, and I find "registries" for them super tacky in sl. I  have been told by people it's "offensive" and "hurtful", on more than one occasion (I've been to a LOT of weddings in sl, even officiated at some) to not give a gift for such occasions in sl, and it's soured my entire opinion on the matter.

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  18. 5 hours ago, halebore Aeon said:

    So basically people are on their own here, is what you are saying. Kinda unfair don't you think. And yeah people will have to find work arounds, if certain words are banned. You need to find other vernacular to describe it. I can understand if they didn't make such a vague statement. Like hey there are some words, that we don't want you to find a work around. But it does kinda feel like we have to use trial and error here.

    Yes, it is unfair, and yes we are on our own with this. Even worse still is that "the lists" that LL uses (and yes, they have them) change CONSTANTLY, and we are never made aware of this until someone runs into an issue, especially with something that is actually benign. We have been making a big stink, as it were, about this since LL basically stole all marketplaces from us (as residents) so they could run MP as their own product. LL has no idea HOW to run a marketplace, and no one has ever really understood why they bothered (other than...money, god forbid some other party who knows what they're doing run this show and make a little profit....but, sigh).

    We have always been on our own on this, and we always will be. LL will offer no guidance, no support, no information, just placation every now and then with "we're listening" to you messages and links to the listing guidelines, when in reality, they are not listening and those guidelines don't help in these situations. These "lists" they have run the gambit too, everything from words that trigger a de-listing, to words that trigger a moderate or adult flag, and very little of it makes any sense, plus they're not even used across the board in all situations, complicating things further. You can sometimes tell when they've altered these lists, because you'll see more complaints about it, but that's the only hint you'll find when things change. Sometimes it truly is that a word means one thing in one language and something else in another, but mostly, it's just pure ignorance on LL's part, including not knowing HOW to use/create/implement the algorithms and processes necessary for these things to be effective. (you can read my prior posts on this subject here on this forum to get a better idea of what I'm talking about...LL is ***** at listening when it comes to MP, don't believe them when they say they are, ever, lol). 

    I give LL props when they're due, but when it comes to MP,  it's a huge flop on their part. It's just a flop we've all got to deal with if we want to use it, as merchants or consumers. 


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  19. It's the weekend, this only just happened, you didn't lose your account or your stuff. Give LL the chance to even help you, lol. 

    I'm beginning to think it has nothing to do with a failed password attempt at this point (since you now claim even your alts have been put on hold for the same thing...seems suspect for someone to have this happen multiple times).  Not many people would freak out this easily over something so silly unless they did something that caused their account to get put on hold. 

    I've forgotten passwords more times than I care to admit over the years (not sl, but other things, lol). If you've done no wrong, it'll get sorted. If it keeps happening, you should probably find a better way to keep track of your passwords. But in the meantime, crank up some good music, and chill, you'll be fine, being high strung about it is only going to make things worse. 

  20. 23 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    I'm trying to figure out what the 'sexgoddess3' even has to do with this post?  It is not the display name of the OP or the other account she is worried about. Per search, it isn't the display name of anyone.

    I'm trying to figure out why OP is using two different alts in one thread...about not wanting to temporarily use her alts, lol

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  21. It's actually super easy to find, lol.

    There are a ton of stores on MP (I'll link a few below), but if you type kid furniture into the search in sl, you'll find a whole lot of places. 

    Athy  https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/85722

    Soken https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/81249

    Aphrodite https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/31025

    Sweet Potatoes https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/178947

    Old Barn Door https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/181415

    Closet Chickies https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/159514


  22. Like many others, I truly miss prim builds, even sculpt+ prim builds. I still build with both, but most others get absolutely no enjoyment from that, and I find it sad, really sad actually. It was a simpler time when mesh wasn't the be all end all of everything, and anything less than mesh is considered to be supbar.

    I also miss many people who have long since gone, or simply parted ways, even some people with whom the ways were not parted on the most happy of terms, oddly. 

    The original Africa sims. I LOVED that place, more than any other sims I have ever seen in sl. There has been at least a couple replacements, but they have never come anywhere near as good, nor as fun, nor as inviting...sigh.

    I miss being able to enjoy sl a bit more. This has nothing to do with the evolution of sl, though, but rather the tremendous deterioration of my own vision (literal vision, not proverbial). It really sucks going blind, even if I've been at least halfway there most of my life, it just...sucks.

    Class field trips to Xcite. Yes, really, we (me and a group of friends) used to take new folks there, mostly folks that came over from TSO with us, or after us, people we spent years with over there, to get their first bits. Not only was it a teaching/learning experience, but it was sooooooooo entertaining. "Can you fix my nipples?", "Are these your nipples on the ground", "Oh *****, I lost my ass"... (no longer possible to help others with their bits since the products are no longer transfer lol, but way back when, they were, so, we had fun with them, a LOT of fun)

    Exploring sl on a wider scale with friends, sitting on pretty much anything that would let us sit on it, wandering here and there, to and fro, frolicking through the meadows without a care in the world...and then trying to figure out how the hell we ended up there. 

    I still miss prim building more than anything, though, I always will. I HATE the approach so many people have to prim building these days, absolutely hate it. I hate it as much as I hate the approach many take towards those who choose not to use a mesh av. I think a huge part of my hatred for others' dislike of prim building is because prim building is one of the things I CAN still do, despite being over 85% blind at this point and I hate that people think so little of one of the only skills I still possess worth a lick in sl, as if I am a lesser creator because I can't do mesh (no depth perception has a huge effect on this)...ugh. I shall shush on that subject though, it makes me very angry (and sometimes skews my opinion of people), perhaps unreasonably so, but angry and opinionated all the same. 



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