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Tari Landar

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Posts posted by Tari Landar

  1. Lmao, gain cloud coverage, that never gets old. 

    This isn't the weather channel, that's not how this works, that's not how ANY of this works.  But, to answer someone else...

    14 minutes ago, MelanTheKitty said:

    Has this issue been resolved? Just please, without stupid and illogical comments about that this is a necro`d or anything else. I`ve got this problem just a day ago.


    Is the object you're getting unknown creator on created entirely by you, or by you and one or more other creators? This is far more common in items that have multiple creators, almost exclusively, if I remember correctly (and it's always been this way).  It's also more common for products that were created in full or part, years ago, versus more recently, too. 

    Also comments about things being necro'd aren't stupid or illogical, a quick search in any search engine will get you most of the answer you're looking for, so will checking the JIRA, usually, not sure in this case, I didn't bother looking. 

  2. If you are doing the action, the blocking, then it is you who will not "see" whatever it is you are blocking, that's the whole point. It's not a two-way action and even by definition alone, it wouldn't be. I also don't understand why it would matter to someone. If you are blocking someone, it's because YOU don't want to see them, not because THEY don't want to see you. If the latter were true, they would block you too and then it would be two separate actions completed by two entities.  I'm not sure where the confusion comes into play, lol. 


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  3. I'll just share what I said in a different discussion somewhere else (specifically about impeachment itself), much easier than typing it all up again. It was a much less heated debate than this one, but, some of the same sentiments about impeachment were there too, including a lot of confusion. It's pretty long. 


    I think a lot of people are somewhat confused on the effectiveness of an impeachment, along with the why how and when of it all. Hell even some of our politicians deciding on the matter don't seem to fully understand it. Sort of like that chapter they skimmed over, but didn't read, because they just knew it wouldn't be on the test and then bam, there she is. Many seem to be under the impression that an impeachment after leaving office is pointless, or, even worse yet, extra money being spent. It isn't actually extra money being spent, it won't cost more to bring forth an impeachment after he leaves office than it would for the very same people involved in such a process to do whatever job(s) they'd have been tasked with on those days anyway. That is to say, such things are already budgeted in, they're al getting paid regardless. So, the "wasted tax payer dollars" would be "wasted"(not really, and not my term) impeachment or no impeachment, on those days. This isn't a "we pay you by the hour" sort of deal here. This is a horse of a different color entirely, and the salaries and budget necessary are already present and paid for. 

    As for why to continue after he leaves office, many seem to believe it would be a fruitless endeavor, or that people will lose interest in the mere idea. But that is a political choice not a constitutional directive, we need to follow the latter. This has never actually happened in the US before, we're setting precedents here, although we really shouldn't be, there shouldn't be a need for it. The constitution doesn't actually state WHEN an impeachment needs to take place, just tells us the why and how of it all. The reason it's not specifically spelled out (aside from, who the hell would predict such a catastrophe) is because someone can commit misconduct late in their terms, at which time setting a select time period for legal accountability would be an almost impossibility, given how our justice system functions (slow, and typically rather precise in nature, so lengthy). 

    To not continue with impeachment, despite him being out of office would allow him to be immune from the one process that our constitution does have in place to specifically address an abuse of power to this magnitude. It allows us, the nation as an entity, to bar them from serving in ANY other federal office (not just president) or from receiving any federal pensions, benefits, and I do believe a few other things, while still enforcing accountability (which he threatens). So, yes, even AFTER he leaves office, going forward with an impeachment is extremely important. It would make even less sense to allow someone to step down, or in some way be removed (voted out) from the situation, simply to avoid a remedial mechanism built into the very constitution we are all bound by (especially him). To violate the constitution, the ruling law of our land, while holding a position such as his, is considered an abuse of power, regardless of the individual crime(s). 

    Some also seem to be under the impression that once out of office he becomes a private citizen, and therefore not impeachable, but, he does not. He becomes a former president, which holds a different position than a private citizen. It also comes with, we'll simply call them benefits, not afforded to the rest of us. An impeachment would strip those away, as it should, as our constitution calls for this. He also has more to be accountable for, and an impeachment would ensure that accountability remains as intact as we can legally force (which, in all truth, is still limited, but better than nothing). Even out of office, he's a pretty big threat to this nation, with or without impeachment, regardless of how individual people feel about him or his actions the last four years, and to think otherwise, would be foolish.  Even some of his most staunch (former and current) supporters feel this same way, especially now. It's not unreasonable to want the least amount of damage possible here and to put at least some preventative measures in place, just in case. 

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  4. I'm not quite sure why you're asking for help, but shooting down every single bit of help you get. DJing involves some (a lot of) footwork on your part, and knowledge of where to Do that footwork, the task(s) at had, and music in general, at least, to be any good it does. Why did you choose to go into DJing without any inkling of how to do it in the first place? What drove you to want to do it? If it's simply a means to make money, might I suggest finding another profession? If it's a love for music itself, or a desire to share that with others, it's not very apparent from any of your posts. It can be difficult to be a good DJ on a good day, but if you do what you love, you'll love what you do (as with most things). If the motivation is purely to make money, to be "different than everyone else" (for whatever reason(s)) or anything remotely like that, you're going to need a lot more experience with music, using search terms, finding that special niche, etc.. under your belt and shooting down the help people give you to get there is a really, really, bad start. It really isn't that difficult to find music, I don't understand why you're making it so. Hopefully your employer doesn't find this thread. I can imagine most good club owners would find red flags all throughout and opt to tell you that more training is necessary.

    I fear you're not going to get very far on your journey, but, safe travels all the same.

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  5. Things I do in sl, so, therefore, things important to me in sl:

    build/create- I am far more old fashioned in my creation, I use prims and sculpts more than I use mesh. I can't make my own mesh externally, so the mesh I use is made by someone else, and bought full perm by me. I prefer prim and sculpt, in that order. Obviously, I use external programs for texture creation purposes. I would love sl to have an inworld mesh tool, I would use it if they had one, but that's never going to happen.

    explore-I love finding new places, visiting old places and generally wandering around. You can do a search inworld and find just about anything to do,. I do a lot of things I can't do in rl, like scuba diving, parachuting, flying, surfing, golfing, drive around...etc. Through truth be told, I can't drive worth crap in sl either, lmao, it's loads of fun. I don't personally use the web search, but rather the legacy one in my firestorm viewer ( I prefer it, no real reason other than it's always worked well enough for my purposes). Others' experiences with either may vary from mine. 

    chat with friends-This one happens less than it once did, but it still does. Usually we're off doing something, more often than not, something we ought not to, we goof off a lot (no avs are harmed in our VERY harmless fun, we aren't griefers of any sort, not my idea of fun, really, unless we're griefing ourselves, but that doesn't count  lol)

    That's the bulk of what I do in sl these days, and has been for a long time actually. I don't much care for clubs, I can't stand gesturbating and most are full of it, which I find annoying and downright irritating most of the time (weird peeve of mine, really). I also don't like lag. But I do like music, so I have a lot of urls from clubs. I'll tp to them, take their stream and listen to it on either my own land or in an external player on my pc. They still get air time, I get the good music, and I don't have to deal with irritants or lag of any sort...it's a win-win.  (and yes I do sometimes tip them from afar as well, though rarely the club itself unless it's exceedingly impressive in some way). I'm not a shopper, although I do help people find things they're looking for quite a lot, I rather loathe shopping and find it boooooooring. But I also only change my clothes maybe once every year or two now, lol. 

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  6. try the "computer_username"(as addressed above) app data folder > roaming> second life > phoebe868_resident


    I don't think it's saved in local, but rather the roaming folder (I know it is firestorm, and when I just checked my own pc, it also is for Second Life, which is the Sl viewer, at least on my pc). I wouldn't have normally put them there, so this is the default location. IF the files are in neither local or roaming, then you either had them saved to a different location (which no one here would know, you could try a search on your system for your av name or even a friend's name you've talked with) OR they were deleted somehow, which is entirely possible. 

  7. 56 minutes ago, RowanMinx said:

    It's so much easier if WE do the work, it seems.  Same as other threads which is why I didn't bother with this one. Yeah, I'm snarky.

    I was attempting not to be, but I understand the desire, greatly, lol.


    I am constantly running into music, new and old that I've never heard before. I use search terms and sometimes I just let things do what they want with the generator algorithms. I am often, nearly always, quite pleasantly surprised at what I find.  I've even used the music threads that have been here on the forums to find gems that have always existed but I never knew existed. Music is such  vast world, I can't imagine anyone having such a difficult time finding it with the myriad of tools we have to do so.  There are literally millions upon millions probably upon trillions and, whatever the largest number there is...bits of music out there. One can't possibly only run into a such a small sampling that easily. In fact, I'd reckon it's actually quite a difficult task to only ever hear music you don't want to hear, lmao. It's not a task I've any sort of experience with.  It leaves me befuddled, to be frank, well, maybe not frank, I'm not a guy, I can't be frank, even if I wanted to, I'm more of a george, I think.

    Okay, maybe I can be snarky too, l just sprinkle it in verbosely ;) '

    I typed, and re-read that whole response up in a variety of accents. I really need some better entertainment material, I've resorted to entertaining myself. I'm a riot. 




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  8. You're waiting for these services and websites to provide or recommend music and not actually doing the footwork to search it out.  That's not really how most people find new/different music, and certainly not how any dj I know (sl, or rl, not dependent on the type of dj or style, either) actually finds music at all. If you want stuff that not everyone else plays, stuff you haven't heard or have only heard a little of, you need to actually do relevant searches. It's a bit of work at times, but once you start doing it, it's not that terribly dreadful. 

    Have you looked, as in done actual searches on youtube (or any other service/website, for that matter, yt is just an example) for record labels, accounts that literally post new music daily (from varied genres, artists, bands, there are a TON of them), specific genres, specific artists (not necessarily bands, some have solo gigs too, though, those as well, they all likely have stuff you've never heard), release year, some other theme, etc... What search criteria are you actually using, aside from relying on algorithms to make suggestions for you? While those generating algorithms may work perfectly fine at times, or even all the time for some of us, it's clearly not what you're looking for. Why are you relying so heavily on them?

    That's not intended to sound snarky, I hope it doesn't, but you keep shooting down everything people suggest and I don't think you're going to get very far on this venture by relying on your current methods (well, you've sad as much, hence your question, lol). I think you need to change your search criteria and start using search functions in different ways, or at all, rather than just relying on services and websites to know what you want without them. That's probably why you're getting the results you are.

    If you search "happy piano music" on a website, listen to a few, and then go back the next day with a desire to instead listen to grunge, you can't be all that surprised when the initial recommendations you get are all "happy piano music" before you actually do a search for grunge. 

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  9. If it makes you feel better, I often wear mismatched socks (though not purposefully, I'm just really bad at pairing them up after I wash them, lmao). I often wear clothes inside out without realizing it. My very fluffy and warm winter hat doesn't match my, very much bought in the kids department, gloves. I still wear snowpants and play in the snow with my, not very little, kids. I still play in sprinklers. I still make sand castles. I still make mud pies. I still catch bugs and frogs and toads and caterpillars and...I still play with playdough and kiddie board games. I play go fish, hide n seek, tag, kickball and rough around the yard with not only my, again not little anymore, kids, but also my nieces, neighbor kids, whoever. I still wear clothes that probably look like they should belong on a child, style wise that is, or so I've been told. I both still buy toys for myself and receive toys as gifts(not THAT kind...well, maybe that kind too, but I digress, not what I'm talking about, lol). I love arcades, chuck e cheese, playgrounds, jumping rope, hopscotch, drawing with chalk on the sidewalk, playing with blocks, make believe and pretend. And so very much more that no one in their right mind would likely associate with someone my age (granted, I'm not that old to be honest, but that's irrelevant here, which is my point lol)

    I both dress and act my age, which is, as old as I'd like to be that day. And I don't really care what anyone thinks about it. Very little that I do has anything at all to do with my age. The things that are related to my age are really only related to being an adult, not necessarily one of a specific age, I'm sure you catch my drift, lol. 

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  10. I shall tell you a story, a super long story, one only mildly related to one sentence in your post, but related all the same.

    In rl (and obviously, everywhere else too) I am mostly blind. I was born this way and we knew at birth eventually I'd lose it all. I have never had depth perception, either. That is to say, I have less than 15% vision left, and for most of my life have had less than 50% to begin with. When I was a kid, I'd do just about anything I wanted to do, much to my parents dismay at times. I ran into trees learning how to run, fell down stairs learning how to walk, walked into countless walls, walked off curbs, fell off my bike a ridiculous amount, fell off, walked into, dropped, spilled, etc... EVERYTHING. I had little fear of what anyone thought, probably mostly because I never thought about what other people thought. As I got a bit older, I developed this sense, like most, that I should care what others think, at least sometimes, mostly out of fear of how I'd feel when people did as people often do. As a teenager, that feeling got worse, I was more reluctant to do things because, people do what people often do. I cared more about what people thought. The same applied as a young adult, even worse so, because I was a young parent and holy hell the judgments (try whipping out a nipple on accident as an 18 year old in a crowded mall, no one realizing you hadn't put the baby up yet and weren't just giving a show). So, I can appreciate the fear of what others think, on many levels. Then, I started to go even more blind, and dreaded "what people think" more than I probably ever have before, because the issues I had were far more prevalent, or at least seemed so. Not only does one of my eyes actually look quite funny, but the lack of vision messes up all kinds of things people don't realize can be messed up, far more than some of the more obvious things. It can be dreadful to try and explain it too. 

    I'm more blind than I've ever been in my entire life. I make far more mistakes than I have ever made in my entire life. I sometimes walk into things simply because I literally can't see them in front of me, even though some part of me damn well knows they are/were there. Sometimes (a lot) I walk crooked, but think I'm walking straight. You should see how I bowl, play pool, ride a skateboard, bike, lmao... I still step off curbs and stairs weird, I miss a lot. When I create, sl or rl, things are crooked and often out of place. Sometimes things are placed wrong, painted wrong, messy, don't match, whatever else have you. All of this applies both in sl, and in rl. I make typing mistakes all the time, because I type without looking since I can't actually see my keyboard anyway, and sometimes (always, except where it counts and forums don't count) I just don't want to effin use a damn tool to make sure my words are the way they should be. I used to care about such things, more to the point, I used to care what others would think, say, do, about such things. It hindered a LOT for me, for far, far too long. It created a me I didn't like, and caused all kinds of problems for me that took far too long to remedy. I missed out on a lot of things I once would've been able to do...if only. 

    Now, I say eff it all, and if someone doesn't like it, they know what they can kiss. I don't really care. If I walk into a sign, laugh with me, give me a hand up if I need it, make sure I didn't knock myself out or need stitches, and move the hell along, lol. If I make fifteen million typos on my verbose novel length drivel, feel free to correct me, laugh at me, ***** at me, if it's what someone wants to do. If I create something and it looks wonky, don't buy it, or buy it, judge me, do whatever you want. Just don't expect me to always care, because I don't most of the time, not anymore, lol. It's much easier, much more comfortable for me, and far less difficult to get through life when I don't give a flying puck what anyone thinks. I don't really LIKE my mistakes, my goofups, my flat out fails, my oddities (physical and otherwise) anymore than anyone else does . I know what works for me and what doesn't better than anyone else, save my rl family who are used to me by now. They know when to stop me from doing something, or just let me, then laugh with me when I screw up yet again. I just don't have much use for caring about what others think of those things, because it has absolutely no bearing on whether or not I'll do it again. Odds are pretty damn good, I will, or worse. That's just who and how I am and there isn't a lick of anything I, or anyone else can do, to stop it. So others having an opinion about these things certainly won't make it any better or any worse. If I let others judgment of my mishaps stop me from doing things, I'd never do a damn thing again, because I mess EVERYTHING up at one point or another. I could LET it make things worse, but, I've been down that road before (when I cared more), and it's far too bumpy for this blind weirdo to travel safely

    It doesn't necessarily apply to being "too old" for something, but it does apply to not caring whether or not someone else thinks you're "too old" for something. If you think you're not, then you're not. If you're comfy with it, if you enjoy it, if you like it...run with it. That is, provided you're not harming anyone else with it, and of course in this instance, you're not. 

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  11. Personally, I prefer to use youtube and online radio stations, and then I go from there. In yt I can get recommendations based on things I've already listened to, which don't only include a singular artist, but also include record labels, accounts that offer up a myriad of different bands/artists, genres and things that, in some fashion relate to other things I've listened to. Not all of it is good, or to my liking, but it's the best way to find things, for me, especially new stuff or stuff I haven't heard. I don't use autoplay most of the time, but sometimes I do and I definitely don't end up listening to one long continuous bout of a singular band or artist. I'm not sure how you're running into that with autoplay on unless you're listening directly from an existing playlist or a specific band/artists' account in which case it would make much more sense. The  algorithms do have randomizers built in, although there are similarities between videos played worked into the algorithms too. Yt is also chock full of playlists, all over the place, most of them are definitely not one long run of a singular band/artist either, unless you look specifically for that. I have quite a few saved myself, and tons I've made for myself for when I want a specific list/genre/mood/whatever playing. 

     Internet radio stations often play both new and old, depending on what you're looking for, and there are literally millions of them at this point, all easily found with some quick searches. Wander around sl, and look at the music playing on sims, specifically those that use different radio station streams that you enjoy, not necessarily club specific (although you can get their information too if you'd like even empty clubs often have a stream going, oddly). Usually you can get the station name at some point from the broadcast, but if not you can get the URL (sound tab under about land), put it in whatever external player you use and it should pull/populate that information for you. Then you can go to that station's website, odds are good they have one, and probably have multiple stations/genres, as most do. That can give you a good starting point for finding music you will enjoy. 

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  12. Nearly every object I have ever created in sl would fall under this category. They all either duplicate or extremely closely resemble rl objects that have sentimental value for me. Some have more sentimental value than others, but they all hold some value. In fact, I can't really think of anything I've created in sl that wasn't inspired by, closely resembles, or even duplicates a rl item. There may be something, which is why I say nearly every object, but, I can't think of any at the moment. I have odd attachments to things, though and have my entire life. The first thing I made out of wood, as a 5 year old, I also have in sl, also made of "wood" (prims, not mesh or sculpt), and it's just as horrendous looking as its rl counterpart, but I love them equally. It's a car, with square wheels, well, square everything, I wasn't allowed to use a saw at 5. 

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  13. I don't like, so I don't often participate in, most political discussions, probably mostly so because I have a lot to say, and few like to hear it. It tends to get ugly, because, humans tend to do so at the very sight of anything they perceive to be a challenge. However, I do have some commentary on the actual topic, political beliefs aside.

    Choosing not to do business with an entity (in THIS particular context alone, this part's important), be it person, group or even organization, does not mean you, personally, are "shutting them out" or "silencing them". It does not remove their right to be heard or to exist. It does not violate their rights as given to them by whatever government oversees their proverbial existence. It does not prevent them from being heard, dealt  or worked with other entities (that's an atrocious way to write it, my mind is wandering). No one entity is obligated to offer a platform, or relationship of any kind, with another entity. There are no universal laws of any land or man, perceived or otherwise, that state all entities must always be willing to interact with, accommodate or in any way have a relationship with all other entities. 

    Personal politics and beliefs is where things get grey, very grey, and cloudy, and muddy and confused and disoriented... and I need not go on. People assume their personal interpretations of things, topics, opinions, events, whatever have you, are the very definition of those (stuff I already mentioned) and are the very reason for their existence. That is not me saying everyone believes they are always right, it is merely me offering up a basic function of how human beings think. In some cases, it very well may that they do know they are wrong, simply unwilling or not desiring to admit that. Thus, when personal politics and beliefs come into play we start hearing about censorship, rights being violated, entities being silenced, devalued stances and other such things. In some cases, it may well be true, has been, and probably will be well into the future after everyone reading this is long gone. In some cases, it couldn't possibly be further from the truth, though, too. Both are reasonable and potential outcomes, whether or not we as individuals like that. 

    That is my long winded way of saying... if a business chooses not to do business with another business, because that other business has proven to be problematic for the original business, they should be able to do so. In fact, we have laws that state they can, because of problems that fall under this umbrella. One entity doesn't have any more "rights", perceived or otherwise, than another in this scenario. If I don't want to sell my wares to someone who has caused me and/or my business problems, I should be able to do so, based on that fact. While I wouldn't be able to do so based on many other things, both as governed by my own government (or that of the person that wants to buy my wares, of course) and my own ethics and morals, such as race, religion, orientation, disability, etc.. I should be able to say "you cause me problems, no thank you" and be done with it. I am not preventing that person from going elsewhere for wares, nor would I be preventing them from shouting their side of things from the rooftop somewhere else, simply by preventing them from doing so within my establishment. I don't have to give someone who causes me problems the ability to be in my establishment or buy my wares, if I don't want to.

    What I see people essentially saying is that a tech company, in this case, big ones, should not be able to say "you cause me problems, no thank you". I don't agree with this stance. Even if I did agree with why the entity caused problems in the first place, I can't, personally, side with that problem causing entity and not the tech company. It goes against everything I have been taught and learned since my own inception. No one is preventing parler from existing, or telling users they cannot use it, they are simply saying "no thank you" when a desired (albeit it one way) relationship exists, and I am, personally, okay with them saying this. What other entities do, or allow, has no bearing on my opinion of the matter. The fact that other entities may also pose some problems has no bearing on my opinion, either. This isn't a whataboutism sort of thing for me. I have a difficult time understanding why it is for others. "What about facebook", "what about Twitter", "what about.....". So? If apple and google decided they no longer wanted a relationship with those entities, or never wanted one in the first place even, I would stand by my belief that they should be able to do so, whether or not I agree with the final decision. Its not my property, it's not my business, it's not my decision. 

    Yes, I do think the uplift is still a good idea, primarily because it's already been done and to undo it would, knowing LL's history of...well, I won't go there...wreak absolute havoc on sl and its residents. LL doesn't have a good track record in much of any area, right now, I wouldn't trust them to be able to put things back to where they were without mucking something up terribly. It's just not in their nature to be able to undo something, without breaking something else.



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  14. 19 hours ago, Desiree Moonwinder said:

    Back before no-fault divorces, one spouse would withhold conjugal visits to drive the other spouse to cheat, and thus obtain a better divorce settlement.  I think this is  still practiced in some high-end divorces.  Its also important for psychological reasons to make the other person the 'bad guy' when explaining a breakup to family.  

    What you have to ask yourself is whether she's

    (A.) Mad because you didn't come to her for attention, or

    (B.) Mad because you found an outlet for your energies that may not be as useful to her--whether in a court of law or the court of public opinion.  


    This has got to be one of the strangest, although perhaps interesting in a way, replies to this I've seen yet. Ignoring the fact that no one can drive another to cheat (free will and all that) for a moment though....

    How about

    C-Mad because OP is an inconsiderate sod

    D-Mad because OP broke/abused/misused her trust (in OP, their relationship,  honesty)

    E-Mad because OP's temporary sexual gratification was, at least temporarily, more important to OP than she was

    F-Mad, because OP deserves her being mad because of all the above...and likely more

    Whether or not sex in sl is porn or cheating to anyone but the OP's wife, is irrelevant, really. Though I do personally agree it very much can be both, and usually is to at least one party, that's neither here nor there. She says it's cheating, and porn, and she is the one hurt. Anyone that has to ask these questions..."Is it cheating?", "Is it porn", after first describing a life partner that was clearly hurt by the actions, is an (insert your own explicative here, mine are NSFF), and not a very bright one. 

    OP, I hope all your sl appendages are bitten off one by one by the sl version of the langoliers, never to be seen or heard from again for your transgressions.  Odds are pretty good, it wasn't a one off (and hopefully it wasn't even an off to begin with, since she caught you mid-off). If you want to salvage whatever relationship you have, get the hell off the internet and go fix it with the one person that matters (which I hope you've done by now, since you haven't returned). 


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  15. Ftr, not hating on curvy bodies, curvy, not curvy, whatever tickles your pickle, I say. Curvy women exist, I'm pretty curvy in rl myself, at least some parts of me are. Whether or not it's my cup of tea in sl has no bearing on what others enjoy, though. People have all kinds of looks in sl, hell even rl, that would never suit me, or my taste well, at all. If they're comfy with themselves, that's all that matters. I'm just relaying what I've seen and what others have talked about, and I've seen quite a few people try the demo and say "no bueno". Hopefully the creator can improve on it, take the immense amount of feedback already given, and the body will take off, so more people can create for them. It's pretty common for things to start off...eh...and then get...oooooooo. So, I wish nothing but he best for the creator. 

    I'm just quirky, particular perhaps, about human proportions and where bones/body parts sit, or should. If they're not made right or don't follow usual patterns, it can be really difficult for creators to create for them, which doesn't really hep the body creator at all. It can make things that would otherwise probably look decent, even good, look off and make people wonder. I'm a people watcher in sl, I look at people and sometimes just wonder if they see what I see (and usually, they don't, I've asked, a lot, lol). When it's a texture thing and textures don't look right, odds are good it's because I'm mostly blind, and a lot of things look ***** to me that are gorgeous to most people. When it's a shape thing, though, it's usually not me. I tend to focus on those aspects more, shapes and outlines, because I can actually see them. (well, most of the time I can, exceptions apply).


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  16. 1 hour ago, forbittenapple said:

    @Tari Landar


     I wanted to point out that the “hips” shouldn’t hold any negative bearing to the quality of the product because that would be hypocritical of all the other bodies that are accustomed with surplus hourglass figures like BBL or KUPRA. And it’s funny to me that the shape is even argued about, seeing as there are sliders for the waist and hips if you don’t like that sort of shape. But, I digress. Thanks for your opinion.

    The hips on this body don't actually sit where human body hips sit. No amount of changing the shape will fix this. It's simply how it's made. I do agree that some other bodies also don't do the greatest job at it either, but you asked about this one, and even the ones I think are slightly off aren't THIS far off, lol. It has built in saddles in places where saddles don't belong, too. I suspect it's a rigging thing (as in, it is rigged to bones oddly). But that doesn't mean SOMEONE out there doesn't like it, I'm sure someone does. I have yet to find that person, but I'm sure they exist :) 


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  17. The price is absolutely ridiculous, especially for a "beta" product, imo, and while I am certain my opinion on that matter doesn't mean squat, $6500 is excessive, even the $3900 (only for group members, and only temporary) is a bit much for untested territory (and it's not tested across the market, ftr, support is very limited among creators and most reasonable people won't shell that much out for something with little apparel support). I'm guessing the pricepoint is what it is because the creator needs the funds to improve it, rather than because the product is worth it  I agree with a previous poster that it's far more banjo shaped than any other mesh body I have seen, and I've seen them all (even though I hate shopping, I help other people shop all the time, this, is very much NOT a desired shape, people put in a lot of time to eliminate this look, lol). Your desires may vary, but I don't think most other people's will vary all that much. Unrealistic body shapes with odd proportions like that are more of a niche, especially now, than they have ever been. They exist, sure, but they're still a niche market. 

    You need deformers to actually get much of a butt, otherwise you are stuck with built in saddle bags that encompass most of the upper thigh, rather than just part of it where they actually sit, hips that don't match the saddles (they're almost nonexistent actually, even when adjusted using shapes), and a butt that isn't all that matching either. It's definitely not "more realistic" looking in the hips at all than any other mesh body, it's less so, because the proportions are off and it's seemingnly not rigged to have the hips where hips actually go, even when you can modify certain bits with your own shape. It's a bit off in too many aspects still for it to be even half priced beta, much less full priced.

    I'm not sure why you'd ask for opinions than shirk any that disagree with you, but, if it makes ya feel good, why not. Some folks may like it,  a lot more won't (and don't from my experience), but that has most certainly never been a defining point for anything that has ever been created in sl. I won't begrudge those who like it, whether or not it's my style, but I haven't found anyone yet who does like it r even even really find clothing/skin that's properly, and fully, compatible.

    I also have issues with some of the reviews which read like....well....not real when they all read way too similar in verbiage and the inworld experiences I have read definitely don't match up with the review experiences listed, lmao. But that has nothing to do with the product and more of a suspicion about some of the folks reviewing it and their relationship with the creator. 





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