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Tari Landar

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Posts posted by Tari Landar

  1. There have been way more instances of customers not getting refunded lately than normal, whatever their normal actually is.

    So it's not true that *if a delivery fully fails, the money will be refunded within 24 hours. Lately a lot of people aren't getting refunded. But when they file a ticket with LL they either get the item redelivered by them, or they are told to contact the merchant for *redelivery(not a re-charge and then redelivery) if LL cannot redeliver the item. Either way the customer still gets the product and the merchant doesn't get the payment.

    This is becoming a very common thing. It never used to be this way, but it is now. I'm fairly certain there are JIRAs about this issue actually. I know there are plenty related to it.

    My customers, thankfully, haven't had any failed deliveries in the last week. But before that, there were a ton. The site wasn't showing them as failed though. I wasn't getting the money, and the customer didn't always get a refund, and rarely ever got the product to boot. It was a mess. Before this, I haven't had a true failed delivery since June. But recently(until this last week) I have had way more than my fair share. I've lost money, a lot of it, to this problem too, and it sucks. LL doesn't have much to say about it though. You always get a canned response from them, or pointed to a JIRA or something you've already both voted and watched. It's ridiculous that they don't even bother reading the tickets anymore. They take keywords and just randomly choose a canned response and hit send(assuming a human does it at all, personally, I think it's automated at this point).

    Thankfully, for me, it seems the worst is over, for now. But there are lots who aren't so lucky.

  2. I own arcade games made by Seven Shikami that I love.

    I use them for events, and have used them (or rezzed them out for others to use) for various charity events. Things like skeeball, basketball, a racing game, a fighting game, a crane-type game, a UFO thingy, a game similar to Dance Dance Revolution, and the guitar one too, whack a mole, actually I think I own all the games made by that creator, lol. I even have the ticket system that goes with it and prize counter and stuff.(and you just reminded me of something I need to get to work on too, lol, ty!)

    I also have a trashcan one(you throw the paper ball into the trash can), various carnival games, a gem one, a connect four type game..... I have a ton of them, lol. I don't even remember them all. Some of them I've had for ages now. I like taking them out from time to time, mostly when there is no one else on the sim, so I don't disturb if I get click happy. None of the ones I own are really intensive on the script times, but I don't usuallly leave them out. I'm just extremely mindful of others, and careful since I am sharing my sim.

    I like some of the card and board type ones, but some of them aren't nearly as fun as they look, and don't function super well either. I've had a few really bad experiences with them, lol. Especially some of the "game room" type ones. Various air hockey, bowling, tabletop type games haven given me nothing but grief. I ended up just getting rid of them because it became a huge hassle and there wasn't ever anyone around to fit the non-working stuff. Now if I want to go bowling I have to go find a new sim. I used to go to a really big place with friends, but it closed down a while back :( Was quite sad to see it go too. That place was awesome.

    I prefer fun, inviting, easy to understand, engaging, colorful....things like this. Not just ones you need other people to play. Sometimes I like playing alone :)

  3. I don't quite get the confusion, or suspicion about what's being asked, it's pretty straight forward, but whatever...

    You're looking for places to go, where there might actually be other people, preferably teens, I take it, correct? I would check some of the high school RP sims(you can find them in search pretty easily). All of the ones I have been to, are within your maturity settings, so you should have no issues. You don't necessarily have to join the schools or the RP to meet people there. You might find at times they are pretty empty, but if you find out approx when their busy hours are, you can figure out when there will be more people.

    Also check the destination guide, for hangouts and such. I don't really visit too many places anymore in sl. But since your viewer will restrict where you can go, for you, you won't have to really worry about the ratings for any sim you visit. Just start hopping about the grid until you find somewhere you enjoy, or find people if that's your goal. I've no clue where the teens hang out these days,s orry I can't really offer advice on that part. Your best bet really is to just start grid hopping from place to place. You *shouldn't have to worry about getting places you shouldn't be, the viewer shouldn't let you(I say shouldn't because you just never know, lol). But should you get somewhere you don't want to be, or shouldn't be, just tp right back out. No harm, no foul. It wouldn't be the first time it's happened, lol. The building classes are sometimes a great place to meet people(and learn new skills), but I'm not sure what their rating is.

    RP sims that fall within your rating settings will be a bit harder to find, but not completely unreasonable. Just check search and do the grid hop to find one that suits you. You don't have to settle on just one, either, if you find some you really like.

    Most of all, have fun. You might not find what you're looking for right away, but don't give up. There's something out there for everyone in sl and eventually you'll find what you're looking for. In fact you'll probably be surprised when you find something you didn't even know you were looking for.

  4. If it were me, I'd find a charity, and volunteer some time.

    Have a local charity that helps families with clothing or household items? If so, they're likely always looking for people to help sort. As a bonus, you could also take some time and rummage your home for items you no longer need. It's a win-win. Your house gets decluttered, you find a new hobby, and you're helping out those less fortunate. Awesome!

    Volunteer to help with story hour at the library for young kids. Volunteer at the local schools(assuming yours do this, some do not) with whatever they may need. Most towns, or counties, have food pantries-they're likely always looking for help. Visit your local animal shelter and offer to bathe, walk, play with, whatever, the animals.

    I could go on forever.

    I could think of a million and one ways you can find a hobby that'll benefit you, but, imo, a hobby that will benefit others DOES benefit you, and is especially time well spent when you're in the proverbial corner for misbehavior too ;)

    (or should be, for past actions, if not current :P)

  5. There are some sims I would LOVE to see get a break. But odds are, they aren't the same sims others would choose. So who gets to? LL? Do you really want them to make that decision? Honestly? Think about this long and hard. I'm not talking based solely on the revenue this sim, or the owner/builder of said sim brings in, because that would most defnitely not be fair(let's face it, there are some less, ummm, beautiful, sims that bring in a crap ton of revenue).

    If we want to base it on talent, I sure as heck don't want LL to decide. They don't even know what talent and good quality truly is. I mean, come on, lol, look at some of the stuff they've promoted. Their ability to tell a good quality image is terrible, can you imagine their idea of a quality build? Eeeep, I shudder.

    Back to the topic. Yes, in a personal way, I feel some sims ought to be given a break, or heck made a permanent part of sl even. But, the realist in me says, that's not going to happen. I can think of some places that are just beyond breathtaking to me. They probably don't bring in much, if any revenue, for their owners. The only revenue LL gets from them is the tier paid. But my gosh the intangible value of such things. Blows my mind. But none of those places would likely ever be deemed worthy by the powers that be.

    As for buildings, there are a CRAP ton that blow my mind, all the time. Both new and old builds, and builders. There are seriously some amazing talented people in this world. I commend them all. Even if what they build is not *my* particular taste. Even if, for it's time, it was magificent and I can look at it and say "awesome work....but", it's still pretty cool that people do what they do. Yet the amount of great builds, and builders in sl grows by leaps and bounds. What was once the most amazing build(or builder) in sl...WILL be replaced by another. That's just how things are. That doesn't mean that person, or that build, isn't (or wasn't once) great, it just means over time things change. New things come to be. I like that. I remember builds from years ago. I still see some of them. For their time, they were awesome. But now,while still awesome in their own right, compared to others they really aren't anything super special or unique anymore. They once were though. Them not being "the best" anymore, doesn't make them bad, either. Just means...new time, new things, new builders, new talent...and the world continues to revolve and evolve. I like that aspect.

  6. Storm Clarence wrote:



    Best response thus far ;)

    Thanks for that :D

    OP-Yes TOS needs translated, so does a crap ton of other stuff. But it's not a priority, never has been, never will be. Your rant, your original rant, had nothing at all to do with the actual TOS and everything to do with other issues(ageisms, griefing, and whatnot...speaking of the majority of "kids" in sl, as in actual underage people, probably can not only translate but most likely speak English just fine, them choosing not to because their native tongue is easier, doesn't make them stupid, or something. Just thought I'd toss that in there, for all those kiddies who speak "another language" out there). Issues that you're now throwing a verbal tantrum when anyone dares mention them. Newsflash, you don't get to decide which parts of your posts people respond to. Come across in a weird or unexpected manner, and people will respond in kind.I didn't expect your issue to have anything to do with age, or griefing, or anything like that, when I opened the thread, lol.

    Plus, convos derail all the time, and this one is on page 3(so far) and hasn't yet derailed, that's pretty darn special. You simply don't like that people don't agree with you on your crusade, or at least, a portion of it. (btw, spamming people is a form of griefing, are you sure you fully understand the TOS?)

  7. While I 100% feel for you, because there are idiots that to this at nearly every RFL I have ever attended(and this has been going on in sl since 2005, RFL that is).....They didn't ruin your event.

    I'm not justifying anything, or making light of what they did, or anything like that. You simply don't need someone else pointing out the obvious...you were griefed. It happens, it sucks, doesn't matter when/where/who...it sucks.

    But the point you ought to focus on, is not what these people did, but rather what they did NOT do. Because in the end, that's all that matters.

    I know exactly how you're feeling. I know it's beyond a pain in the butt. I know sometimes those idiots make you just want to scream and pull your hair out. But then, when they come here to read(and they're probably pretty certain you'll complain about it somewhere), you've now given them a gift they don't deserve. You've shown your weakness(human character trait, we're all weak, it's not a flaw, just a trait we all posess) and now they have something to say "see, we did good, we pissed them off, look what we did", and something they can gloat about. Fuel for their next fire, even.

    Hold your head high, know you've done good, and leave the bad stuff in the past. Because that's where it belongs, in the past. Don't worry about what they did, doesn't matter now. Didn't matter while they were doing it, didn't matter five minutes after it was done, and it matters even less now. THAT is how you deal with that stuff. Take my words for whatever you'd like. But thousands of people have been where you are/were, and will be again. Best way to deal with it is beat them at their own game.

  8. Why you signed up for Second Life? Originally(this was, about 2004, lol) because it looked neat. But I came and went, for years, because it wasn't nearly as neat as I thought, and I was too busy in rl  working and taking care of my family to "play" online for very long periods of time. I was still running a business and working outside of the home at the time too. The last time I came here to stay permanently, was mostly because I was coming in with a pretty darn big group of wonderful people. We ventured over from an online game that was being torn out from under us and we needed a new "home" as it were.

    Why you use Second Life? Umm, cuz it's fun. I enjoy it. It helps pay rl bills. It's a great way to meet people. In sl my avatar functions normally, unlike my rl self who unfortunately has limitations that kinda suck sometimes. Because I enjoy creating things, I enjoy challenging myself, I enjoy challenging others, I enjoy helping people, I enjoy being helped, I enjoy learning new things, I enjoy being able to fly, or drive a car(neither of which I can do irl), I enjoy spending time with friends and family, I enjoy..umm...everything. Sl is awesome.

    How often are you logged into Second Life a week? I couldn't possibly tell you. Some weeks it's a ton, some weeks it's not. Sometimes I'm logged into sl and wow at the same time-a true feat for me, since that sort of multi-tasking  is odd even for me(and I love multi-tasking). Suffice it to say, I am in sl a lot, when I want to be, and a little, when I want to be. I have no schedule (another win for sl). But I DO log in daily, if for nothing else, to keep up my business so people will know I'm a super cereal seller and not just a hobbit...errr...hobbiest :P

    Do you prefer your Second Life to your First Life? Uhh, no, lol. Sl offers me things rl can't, sure. But rl is still far more important and far more valuable than sl ever could be. Sometimes it's nice to get away from rl stuff, within sl, and sometimes it's nice to get away from sl stuff in rl.

    Are your Second and First Life similar in anyway? Yes, kinda, sorta. Ok, yes, they are, in some ways. I look a lot like my sl self, except.....she's taller, has eyes that function, doesn't have the same name as I do, can speak in whatever language the translater lets her speak in, has way more friends than I do, can fly, can drive cars, can make magic out of nothing but a plywood box, has super powers, can leap tall buildings in a single bound, has way more animals than I do, has way more clothes than I do, actually she has way more everything than I do...I could go on forever. There are a lot of differences, to be honest. But there are plenty of similarities too..

    Also, just a background to you First life would be interesting to know? and maybe a link to your profile? If you want to see my profile, click my name. I don't have a link handy, I can't say I look at my own profile all too much, or at least I haven't since, like,  November, at least. I don't think you want any background on my first life, in fact I'm fairly certain it wouldn't help your research whatsoever. You can learn all you need to know by clicking my profile. See, I told you I enjoy helping other people...I've now helped you :D


  9. Linna Magic wrote:

    You know the most wonderful thing about Sl ? is that people form their own likes and dislikes. While  this lady hasnt tried fish hunt Herself  she sure has opion thats easly influenced.  Fish Hunt Has Free Beginners rod you can try and make your own choice based on your own experiances.  Fishers are earning up to 500 L a day doing something they enjoy.  People like to toss Rocks at things that shine.  Give it a try yourself .

    You're really going to offer advice after attempting to insult, on your very first post here?

    That alone is one reason to avoid fish hunt(look in the forums here, as well as all around the web, you'll find other threads about it, and the same thing pops up every.single.time, new posters come to "defend" lol). If folks promoting it are, in the same breath, insulting others, it sorta rubs folks the wrong way. I'm quite certain the OP doesn't have an opinion that's easily swayed, I know I don't(despite what you might think). I'm also quite certain that person can make their own mind up, lol. Asking for opinions is, well, exactly that, doesn't mean you'll take any one of them as the be all end all. Most adults are quite aware we all have our own opinions and there will be folks who love fish hunt, folks who hate it, folks who don't care, you name it. Same with any other product on the market.

    Your information is incorrect as well. There may be a few, and I am using that term very generously here(because it's not even remotely accurate, and I know firsthand), who are making *some linden with fish hunt, certainly not $500L a day. Many of the people who are making some linden, are also then spending that linden in the worm craze, so it's a bust for them. I wouldn't promote it as a way to make money. But rather as just a fun thing to do-you'll get much further.There are folks who absolutely love the hobby, and don't mind this money sink(I personally have my own money sinks too, I understand their feeling on that one). But the majority of those who do it, do it for *fun* not to make money. Making money in any of those products is darn near impossible *right now*, because of all the issues. Not just fish hunt and products made by that company, but a LOT of the products, in that same sort of area. Do it because you enjoy it, not for the money. Creators should stop using "ways to make money" as an advertising tool for them, it's misleading, and disappointing for some to find out later.(yes I know, buyer beware, and a hard lesson learned for the buyer who isn't)

    Yes, I do have personal experience, so I'm not just talking out of my rear here, lol. I wouldn't say it simply based on hearsay, that wouldn't be right. I prefer to make up my own mind about things(hence why I try things out, lol). When asked though, I'll give a fair assessment based on not only my experience but also those around me and that which I can see with my own two eyes. I don't jump to conclusions easily.

  10. Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

    While I agree merchants should be able to removed reviews that criticize a product for something clearly not the creators fault (such as non delivery), for personal attacks, or negative reviews from competitors, its very disturbing that to me that your review was removed if you didn't include any of these things.  Giving a refund is not justification to remove a negative review because the customer was still unhappy with the product.  The merchant can alway add that a refund was given as comment to the review and let the potential customer decide for themselves to ignore the review or not. 

    If it were me I'd file a support ticket and protest the removal and ask why it was removed and also report the first merchant who is essentially reviewing his own products if he is the creator of them.

    A merchant can't remove a review on their own. It's done by LL. You have to request to have it removed, and then it gets reviewed. But if you contact LL and ask why a review was removed, they won't tell you. In fact, they don't even have to tell you.(I think they should, personally, but that's not their policy).


  11. Merchants can't have reviews removed willy nilly. Even if they WANT a review removed, it actually does get looked at, before removal.(surprisingly, lol, since the lab rarely looks at much of anything with more than just a glance these days). If your review was removed, it was likely the seller requested, and someone at the lab believed their assessment of your review was spot on. In other words, maybe your review was a bit hasty.

    Merchants can't have a review removed simply because they refunded you though, that's not one of the qualifiers. Many have tried, none have succeeded(that I know of).

    I do have to ask though, why did you leave a review immediately without actually contacting the seller first? Not that you're obliged or anything(or that you have to actually answer me, lol), but you did say you relied on the reviews because they looked good. For me, I tend to contact merchants first and foremost when something goes awry. A review, assuming I leave one(negative that is, I tend to avoid them entirely, positive ones I leave far more often), is my last resort. I wouldn't leave a negative review before contacting a merchant. Especially if I see that others do think highly, and they don't look like padded reviews. Could easily be a difference of opinion on something. I might think it's crap, while others love it, sort of deal. I prefer not to think too harshly on creators, never really did though. I'm probably a lot more lenient than I should be, lol.

    The review system is completely messed up though, has been for ages. I don't know anyone that actually likes it. So I'd always take what you see there with a grain of salt. Sometimes a ton of reviews, glowing(sometimes even same wording) in a short time frame, is an indication those are padded reviews. Some merchants pay customers to leave reviews, or offer an incentive to do so. Apparently, the lab doesn't much care, lol. Same with having friends, family, partners, whatever reivew your items. One of the only items I have ever left a negative review on(I've left three in the last almost 4 years), the seller had people add glowing reviews after mine, so it wouldn't be on the first page. I think it's a couple pages back now. Nothing surprises me in the reviews anymore(not thta much ever did, people can be weird).

  12. 7Seas hands down is the best.

    Don't waste your time with fish hunt, or any of the other products provided by that particular company. There is an awful lot of negativity and issues surrounding them and their products right now(and has been, for some time). Doesn't matter if what's being said/done is true or not, the negativity alone is enough to scare most people away(or, in most cases, annoy them away, lol). It's a pretty big money sink at the moment, and a lot of people have learned the hard way. :(

    7Seas has top notch customer support, always has. There's always new things to do, and hundreds, if not thousands of locations to fish all across the grid. Lots of creators make their own prizes, hold their own fish games and races even. There's really a crap ton to do inworld as far as 7Seas is concerned. It's a relatively cheap hobby too. Great way to meet people because most of the people you meet, aren't there to make money, they're more likely to actually speak to you, lol. Anytime there IS an issue (rare) they get right on it. I once had a misdelivery of a bait bucket, well, failed delivery. Not even an hour after I sent a NC and an IM the staff was online and resending my bait, and I even got extra to compensate for the wait. I wasn't in any hurry, but that was a really great touch. Plus they offer other folks around the grid the chance to make a little money too, with their vendors and whatnot. Lots of people make other fish, new catches, rods, all sorts of things to go along with their stuff. They have a developers package you can buy. I've rarely heard a negative word about them or any of their products. Some of the catches are pretty cool, they have some funny ones too.

    No I don't work for them, nor was I paid to say that :P lol, I just really like their style and think they represent a lot of what's missing from many similar things in their area. I give props where due. They get as many props as I can send them.

  13. I'm not completely up to date as I haven't used my kid av for ages, but there used to be a place called Rabbits Nest or something to that effect. There were some cute free items there (there are low cost items too, but just about anywhere you go for free stuff will have stuff for sale too, especially for kids). You can check out Cartoon Kids as well. There are always free things there and the owner Paty is an awesome person-she really does a lot for the kids of SL(and to toot her horn a bit more, she also supports a lot of charities in world which isn't all too common among kid item creators, and worthy of mentioning, imo). Hmm, let me think here...Babydolly used to have some free items. American Beagle did too. You'll have to plug those names into your search in-world, as I don't have the direct slurls to them offhand, and I'm not in world anyway. Oh for skins check out Mother Goose's, there are letter boards on the one wall(sorta around the corner after you land, you really can't miss it, it's a big pillar in the middle of the room, lol). There are some really cute ones.(there are a lot I don't quite think fit the kid genre, they look a bit older, but there are some more kid-like ones too)

    If I think of more, I'll come add them.


  14. If you're going to put it up in the sky, I recommend you not use a building at all. Just use a platform(add a fence, or something to keep people from falling off). That way you save yourself most of your prims.

    You can do this quite simply with two prims, one for the base(a little under the length and width of your plot), one sitting on top of it with the same width and length, hollowed completely, approx. 1.5m high(or whatever height you prefer). Then just texture them to look however you like. It's quite easy, and will likely save you some lindens.

  15. I still say the photo makes them look like dolls and nothing at all the way the majority of folks see sl. They remind me too much of playskool toys my kids have.

    It's not a knock on the photographer, the photo is pretty, or the work, but it most definitely does not depict sl in a way most will ever see it.

    But the lab has a horrid track record with the images they choose to use for all sorts of things. Sometimes I wish they'd hire actual residents to do actual shots, no fancy viewers, no fancy setups or settings that aren't typical upon joining, no fancy post-processing, but actual avs the way *most new people will actually see them.

    I know they want to go for "what could be", but, their vision is about as good as mine, and since I'm legally blind...I don't hold out much hope for them in that area. There are a LOT of people in sl that take some amazing photos without all the extra addons, even things like shadows are things many residents will never see. I love looking at those kinds of images. It's actually  one of the things that originally drew me to sl years ago (long before this av). A set of photos someone showed me of some things in world, granted they weren't the most fantastic photos but they were quite realistic given the environment. They were what most would consider "real time", actual events taking place in sl at the time. I thought it looked fun, and I joined. There was nothing extra done to them, no special settings, absolutely no post processing. I still have those images to this day, look on them fondly at times too. Even with the pretty clay l ooking system hair, lovely system clothes, and not so pretty skins, was pretty cool. :)

  16. I have an issue with portal park 1, every.single.time. It never loads the hud. No clue why, lol.

    I typically use portal park 3, and never have issues with it.

    I assume the most obvious of things, a mesh enabled viewer, isn't your issue, biut if you cannot see scenery and it all looks like odd boxes and circles, try using a different viewer. That's a known problem(hud not applying) when you use a non-mesh enabled viewer to go to the realms.

  17. lol, they just know the kind of responses they're going to get.


    That said, I don't use social media to connect with SL members, either. I have a facebook, rarely use it. I sometimes use it to sign up for free junk on facebook :P I think I *might have maybe 5 friends, maybe not even that many anymore, don't know.

    I don't use any of the other sites though.

  18. I reeeeeally enjoy seeing others' photos of various places of SL.

    Sometimes just random pics, that you just look at them and go "WOW". No altering permitted, no work on them at all, just basic pics taken from inworld of random things that make you go "WOW".

    Could be landscapes, homes, gardens, a rat crossing the street, a bowl of fruit, a bee on a flower, some weird build or sculpture you found while out and about...anything really.

    I like seeing stuff like that, and think it could be an interesting contest.

    I've about had my fill of "people photo contests", we see enough photos of people, they bore me after a while, lol. But there are so many lovely places in sl, even hole in the wall places you randomly find by accident make better photo ops than yet another av.

  19. Word of mouth will be your biggest form of advertisement.

    Forget all those ad agencies and crap, they're only there to take your money and despire what you might like to think, your interests aren't their top priority(in other words offering an inferior service that  *sometimes works and offers you traffic, is good enough for them...blah).

    Get out onto the grid, pass out NCs, get little people on your sim and get them to bring their friends. Advertise in kid friendly groups that permit ads (there are tons). If you DO choose to go the lucky chair type route you actually can and have it really draw in actual people. There are groups specific to kids that are always looking for new sims/creators to ad their boards/chairs/etc.... Tons of kids in them, but very few creators take advantage of this.

    Get involved in kids hunts. Talk to people that have kid friendly sims (especially things like adoption agencies and such). Do a swap for swap. You provide a place for them to advertise and in return they offer you a spot. Could be as simple as one little prim that offers a LM or TP to your sim. I don't know why more creators don't utilize this too, they should. Kid avs are always looking for new places to go that aren't either empty or full of idiots.

    Give them a reason to come, and they'll stay. Your first problem will be getting them there in the first place. That's where the things like events, hunts, chairs, boards, freebies, and things like this are enticing, and helpful. They don't have to be the ONLY thing, but combined with other methods they are far more helpful than some realize. They won't just turn into bot farms or afk spots...assuming you make the rest of the sim worth sticking around. They'll come for the free food and stay for the entertainment, basically. If your entertainment sucks though, they won't stay.

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