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Tari Landar

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Posts posted by Tari Landar

  1. In order for someone to be "gaming" something, don't they have to prosper from in it some way? Though typically it's a monetary gain, it can apply to other gains too, I suppose.

    So please explain to me how people are going to prosper from trending? Is it their psuedo-popularity you take issue with....or....?

    Yeah I'm lost, throw up a flare please because I have no friggen clue where you were trying to lead me, you lost me on gaming.

    I don't really use facebook(other than to sign up for rl freebies and junk :P), I definitely do not use twitter, and I use my.secondlife.(or whatever it's called) even less.  So you're going to have to dumb things way down for me. What exactly is it you take issue with? More importantly than that, WHY do you take issue with it? Even more importantly than that, why should *I* take issue with it? I mean if you're going to propose we take issue with something, stands to reason you should also explain it. I'm all for taking up new causes, but not when I don't understand what on earth is being discussed.

    Personally(and I mean absolutely no offense to those who use these outlets), I don't particularly give a rat's left nut who likes, loves, trends, follows, whatever....what another posts. I don't understand why anyone would, lol.

  2. The nicest compliment I've ever gotten came in the form of a few simple words regarding something in my profile. It's hard to explain exactly why it was the nicest compliment but it came at a time that a few kind words really meant more than anything else could. It was also about something that means a great deal to me.

    Sometimes I think people underestimate the value and power of words. A simple phrase can turn a person's day right around(in either direction). You really never know what impact your words will have. All too often people are afraid, for whatever reason, to say what's really on their mind. I'm a profile perv by nature, I admit it, I have issues. I tend to read profiles, just because. No real reason other than simple curiosity. I figure if it's in there, it's because that person wants it read, so I do. It used to be a very rare occasion when I'd actually make a comment to someone about anything in their profile. Until someone said something to me, that is. Granted the person who said it is someone I actually know and have known for a while now, but it still felt pretty good to hear. Since then I have had a couple other similar comments, and it still makes me smile. Not just the words they choose to send my way, but the simple fact that they took time out of their day to not only notice me but also felt compelled to share their thoughts.

    Like I said, hard to explain exactly why it was the nicest, and best compliment I've ever gotten, but it really is.

  3. Liisa Runo wrote:


    "i didnt steal this object, im just using it" == "i didnt kidnap this baby, im just raping it in my basement"

    That is one of the nastiest comments I've seen here in some time. You seriously believe the two are equal? They're not even on the same planet much less zip code. Statements like that will make people simply take nothing you say seriously. That's just wrong on so many levels.

    Ftr. people have been doing(or trying to) whatever they could to stop stolen content on the grid since the day it began(which was long before most people were ever in sl to begin with). Simply put you CANNOT stop it 100%, ever. As someone else said, the technology does not exist. Also you have to remember that not everyone who posesses something stolen, actually knows it IS stolen. Sure there are plenty out there who do know. But don't throw the baby out with the bath water simply because you're on a power trip and ban hungry(that's not to say anyone in particular is, but, should you find yourself in that situation, it would be applicable). That won't serve anyone any amount of good and certainly won't help solve the problem.

    Surprisingly(well not so in my opinion, but it is the opinion of others I've seen) I have seen a LOT less botted content in the last year. That's not to say it's gone, it never will be completely gone. But once people slow their role and bring their ramblings down to a dull roar instead of screaming from the rooftops about the injustice of it all....the copybotters get bored and go home. There aren't nearly as many now as there used to be. It was once a MUCH larger problem than it is now. Giving them all the love and attention they want by showing them just how fed up/angry you are, is simply going to provide all the nourishment they need to keep right on truckin'. If you believe you must, or simply want to, ban someone from your parcel, I strongly suggest doing so quietly. Why? Because not doing so quietly pretty much guarantees that a genuine copybotter is going to continue, and likely up the stakes even. Like I said, you'd be feeding them exactly what they want.

    I've had numerous things I created botted over the years. In fact someone does it on a regular basis with some of my textures. Eh. What can I do? I'm not really losing much by "allowing them"(and by allowing I simply mean by not persuing things legally, which is something I am frankly not interested in investing money in. I HAVE spoken with this person, quite kindly, but this person doesn't much care). They certainly aren't taking my customers away, or taking food out of my kids' bellies. So, I leave well enough alone. I learned my lesson the very first time I made a stink about it. I ended up with trouble up one side, back down the other and right through my gut. It wasn't worth it. I ended up unintentionally causing my own self more grief because I was doing exactly what they wanted me to(and didn't realize it at first). No I'm not telling people they shouldn't persue legal counsel or legal action-or any other action they deem necessary. What I AM saying is know what you're doing and what the likely consequences are before you jump in head first. If you think getting rid of one copybotter by having them banned, filing legal action, contacting SL, making a big public to do about it is actually going to stop people from botting your stuff(and more importantly that person, who likely has friends with the same knowledge), you are sadly quite mistaken. It won't stop them. As someone else pointed out, those people are pretty darn good at what they do. They know how to get around just about every barrier you can throw their way.

    I wish that weren't the case, but it really is. Every now and then the whole copybotting thing gets brought back out of it's cave and every single time it gets heated you'll notice the instances of botted things popping up on the grid grow. That's no coincidence, lol. For me when I find things I KNOW are botted(know as in, I have actual proof in my hands or at the ready that is, and can back up my statements with said proof) I let the person know. I do it in a kind non-judgmental way. I don't confront. I don't accuse. I don't get snippy. I don't threaten. I simply inform. Nothing more and nothing less. What they do with that info, is on them. If they know it's botted, they won't care and will likely just dismiss me..and that's that(and I don't/won't do anything to continue the conversation with them, either). If they don't know, they very well may converse with me on the matter(not always, but sometimes, I actually met a really great friend that way once, but I digress..). They're more likely to take it down, delete, turn in the person they bought it from, etc... if they didn't know. But whether or not they do know, if I come across confrontational, on a power trip with my banhammer at the ready and I make this known to them...well, like I said, it's simply going to quench their thirst. They aren't likely to stop. Not to mention, for me, I would feel as if I am stooping, if I did behave like that. That's not good, not for me anyway. I'd prefer to leave well enough alone and not give them any more reason to come back, if you catch my drift.


  4. Your first mistake is asking for advice and then calling what you get(and the people who give it to you) close minded.

    There is a reason why people tell you what does and does not work for others.

    In the club scene if you attempt to go all off the wall right from the word go, without even having any butts in the seats(feet on the floor in this case), you're more likely to fail. You need people in your club to really get it advertised. Patrons will be your biggest asset, but not if you can't get them in there first. Offering something that is comfortable, inviting and FAMILIAR will at least draw them in. Offering something so off the wall different the day you open might temporarily draw them in, but then you'll have to work even harder to keep them(and also gain more). If you start with something people are naturally drawn to(again with that whole familiar thing), you can build upon it. If you start at the top of your idea ladder, you've got nowhere else to go. I suggest you start more in the middle. Use what works for others to your advantage, and leave what doesn't alone. Asking people what they think about something and then insulting them by saying it wasn't what you wanted to hear, or that they are somehow doing *you* a disservice, isn't likely to get you far.(sorry if that's blunt but it's quite true, never ask for advice if you don't really want to accept it). Find a few things you can do differently(but not so wildly different that people will wonder what you're smoking), but don't lose the familiar, comfortable feeling. You can always go up, get bigger, get better and improve upon it over time, as long as you don't aim to begin at the top of the ladder. That's been one of the biggest downfalls of every single "different" club I've ever seen in SL. They only draw a crowd for a short time because they've got nothing MORE to offer once they are on the floor. So why would people stay, they can get the same thing and more from places they love to visit elsewhere.

    I can tell you some of the things that keep me from going to 99% of clubs in sl. Most club owners get offended when you tell them this though. Frankly I think some of them ought to take the advice of more of their patrons and they'd probably be even more successful(or heck even successful at all, for those that really aren't).

    Gestures-Don't tell your staff to use them...EVER, they're annoying. It's bad enough when patrons use them. Staff using them is EXTREMELY non-personal, it's commercial, it's a turn off, plain and simple.(and the ones asking for tips, yeah that's going to guarantee you won't get a tip from me...ever). If your staff can't take the time to actually converse with their audience without using gestures, they may not be the best fit for the job. This is where training comes into play.I highly recommend you implement a no gesture policy. Very few people actually enjoy them in clubs.

    Rules-If your venue has them ENFORCE them, and that goes double for ALL staff. If they can't follow the rules and lead by example, don't expect that all your patrons will either.

    Events-If you intend to have them, make them worthwhile. I realize that it's sort of difficult to stray from the norms as far as club events are concerned(and some might tell you they are tired of the same old same old), you CAN actually pull off the same *type of events, and still make them different. Try it sometime. You can have a "best in..." type of contest and not be the same as every other club on the block. They key is how creative you get with not only the contest, but the prize. Sure everyone loves lindens, and that can be a huge draw(if it's worth it) but try offering something others don't, or can't. Yes that means *you* need to get creative. Better yet, put your staff to work and let them get their creative juices flowing. They may mean contacting merchants in sl to see if they'd like to assist. It's great exposure for merchants, especially lesser known ones, as well as yourself and your club. It really is a win-win. But you can't simply IM merchants with "hey we havin a contest, you wanna help?"...no that won't really get you far either, lol. You need to be a bit more professional than that. Even if your club is going to be more casual, informal, etc.. you still need to treat it like it's a business in some ways(this would be one of them).

    Staff-Hire people that are actually interested in both the industry and your venue, not just the money you're willing to pay them. Expect a lot of them, but be prepared to train them too. Don't simply hire anyone in off the street because that's exactly the kind of work you will get. Offer a probation type period for the first month. See how well they do with the tasks they're given and THEN decide if they'll work out as a permanent employee. I'm not saying you can't, or shouldn't hire newbies. In fact the club scene is where a lot of newbies get their first real "work" experience in sl, so it's actually not a bad idea at all. But you NEED to train them. Don't just toss them out on the floor with a notecard of what to say when, or what to do when. You're setting them, your club and yourself up for failure from the word go. Your staff will be key in keeping the mojo going in your club so it stands to reason you'd need them to be on their game at all times. I recommend having backups too. Real life happens sometimes and there may be times when your regular staff can't be there. Having someone on call elswhere in the world will guarantee that your show will go on(or event, whatever).

    The build-Going overboard is a bad idea. Keep it simple. Tons of lights, flashing, particles, dance balls everywhere, spread out over a huge area with stores all over within 50m or so of the club...are all HORRID ideas(not the only ones, but some of the biggest, imo). Your build doesn't have to be overly unique to be special. In fact while the build can draw some in, it won't be what KEEPS them there. So putting a little less effort(and therefore prims, scripts, textures, etc...which contribute to client side lag...I'll get to that in a minute) in the actual build, and more into the atmosphere created by the staff, will likely hold an audience far longer than some magnificent build no one can move in.

    Lag-Well this is sl and lag is a reality, especially in areas with multiple avs. You can't really control what people wear to your venue. You can set rules, and enforce them, but you need to realize that by doing so, you're also limiting your audience. So if you DO set rules, I recommend not making them too strict. Server lag is something that will affect all of your club goers. There are some things you can to tohelp prevent, or at least slow it down a bit. Making sure your objects don't use too much of the sim's resources is going to be your biggest help in that area. This is where keeping things simple comes into play. Client side lag is something you can't control as easily. Because it varies and it will only affect the person "feeling" it. But playing it off as if it's something you have absolutely no control over, isn't going to go over well, either. So if you have patrons complaining about lag, or issues, see what you can possibly do to aid them(again, staff training in this area is a plus). Know what things can and do create both server side and client side lag, teach these things to your staff and make sure all of you(including club goers) know ways to help aid this. Clubs are some of the worst lag pits in sl, and it's mostly because people go into it with little to no knowledge of what they can and cannot do(or should and should not do) to both prevent and cure it. Most clubs have far too many scripted objects in them. Scripted objects that don't need to be running 24/7, should be shut off/taken into inventory, whenever possible. Remember every move you, your staff and your attendees make, DOES have an effect on both the sim as well as other avs in the area. Be mindful of your footprint. If you are not on a full sim by yourself, you need to be even more mindful of the others also sharing your sim. There's a club on one of the sims I am on and it's HORRID as far as lag is concerned. Absolutely terrible, and they don't really care. I'm not certain they even know what they're doing to be honest. It's the third one that's been built there in the last 4 months, lol. It won't last long ;)

    I think that's long enough. Take what you will and leave the rest. But as someone who absolutely loathes most clubs in sl, but still frequently checks them out "just to see", I am quite certain that I know what I do and do not like. I know what I can SEE works and does not work, what can be improved upon and what is near perfection. When asked for advice, I give it honestly, but perhaps sometimes blunt. I don't think you need someone to sugar coat it for you. Just like you don't need someone to tell you how much it will cost, it's quite apparent and that's the first thing everyone and their mother will tell you anyway.


  5. During a shopping trip recently while waiting on someone I stared for a good 15 minutes wondering what it would be like if I could just left click, buy, and have things sent to my home where they'd be waiting for me(I hate shopping). Same goes for being able to take copies of things, how cool would that be? Or being able to toss out prims and manipulate them right before my eyes into anything I desire, with very little work involved.

    I have frequent flying dreams too. I actually attribute this to the fact that I do not drive so being able to fly for real would be wicked awesome for me in more ways than one and leave me less dependent on others to get places. So in my dreams I'm always flying practical places, like the doctor or grocery shopping. I even have an awesome flying vehicle (since I have rl kids, they need to be able to come too, lol). It's sad how detailed those dreams really get sometimes.

  6. There is the ability to do thumb up, it's how I make thumbsucking animations.


    But I can't recall seeing a hitchiking animation anywhere. I'd try contacting some animation creators that do customs. A lot will say in their profiles how to go about discussing customs, some have mailboxes in their stores, or you can simply drop a nc on someone and ask about it. It might cost you a pretty penny, depending on who you ask.

    Or you can play with one(or more) of the free animation tools available and make it yourself. It's pretty easy with QAvimator, and it's free. http://www.qavimator.org/

  7. Freecilla Kuhn wrote:

    Ok, so I tried it and there is a way to search by rating, under General only the results came back as over 500 pages at 12 per page. That seems like a great of variety to choose from to me. So it doesn't seem to be that all Christmas trees are in the adult catagory only.

    She didn't say all trees were, or even that all of HER trees were. The problem she was having is that SOME of her trees(ones she sells, ones she listed) were showing as mature/adult and she couldn't figure out why because they are not.

    But she's found her solution so all is well again. YAY

    And yes it can be an interesting and painfully long process trying to figure out exactly which words set off the "adult words" alarm. The longer your descriptions, the more likely you are to run into the problem too(just based on sheer volume of text and the fact that we have no friggen clue which obscure words are on there, lol)


  8. Check your keywords(or post them here and someone will help you out with them). It's almost always the culprit. The  "secret list of no-no words" LL has is not known to us, but it does have some pretty odd(and not even remotely adult rated) words on it. It's most likely one, or more, of your keywords.

    Happens all the time.

    You can post your descriptions here for folks to read too, because again those words might be in your description. Or rather, the words we believe(through trial and error) could be the culprit might be in there. There have been some pretty odd discoveries that when removed lo and behold the item is no longer adult/mature.

  9. CommerceTeam Linden wrote:Please check to ensure that your Objects folder is clear.  If there are too many products in that folder your SL Inventory may not be able to show the products that have been received.

    If you have purchased the products through Marketplace remember to submit a Failed Delivery Report through the Support Portal so that the items can be redelivered to you.


    Been hittin that turkey day liquor a bit too hard, a bit too early eh?

    You-as in linden labs-have suggested a myriad of things customers can do to better prevent failed deliveries and even "recover" things that have seemingly gone missing....but I have got to say this is the FIRST time I have ever seen anyone tell someone to clean their objects folder. Or, for that matter, that the objects folder can have too many things in it. I actually know the lab's stance on "too many things in my objects folder" because I once asked that question quite specifically(back when I was having some inventory issues on another av). Their answer "there is no limit".

    So, uh, yeah, about that liquor......

  10. Phil Deakins wrote:

    It has bulk upload, or at least it's in the uploads options.

    I've never seen an "align textures" anywhere and I'd guess that copy rotation, position and size are Phoenix extras? (Don't answer that. I have seen them - just never even tried to use them. And there are a couple of "aligns" in the Phoenix's Textures tab but I've no idea what they do).

    I know that the so-called radar is a Phoenix extra, and I do find it useful.

    Come to think of it, copy UUID is a Phoenix extra that I also find useful. So I guess I'll continue with Phoenix for now and just use the V3 for editing mega-prims.

    You can use Phoenix to edit/create mega prims too. It's a setting under preferences-phoenix-build, there's a checkbox that "allows 64m prims". Phoenix is the only viewer I've used, for some time now and the option for 64m prims has been there for quite some time too(even though previously they weren't supported by LL).

    I use mega prims a lot, so having that option is pretty important for me :)

  11. You're welcome. It's what works best for me. But don't be surprised if, every once in a blue moon, you run across someone who actually isn't a bot and comes back to you with some choice words. Or, as in the case today for me, one choice word ;)

    But, it's par for the course, if someone can't be bothered to be adult enough to follow the rules, they likely can't be adult enough to converse on that level either, lol. Tell them to have a nice day, they hate it ;)

  12. Pannie, since I know it will likely happen to you again (it happens all the time, on a daily basis, at least) these are the steps you should take to stop it.

    With the group chat open, click the lil arrows so it shows who is in room, find the offender, unclick their ability to chat. Then and only then, eject them. If it's truly a bot(and it almost always is, lol) they will still have the chat window open(hence why they can chat), but they won't be able to input text. They will have to close the box, rejoin the group; and start all over. Most bots, well bot runners, won't go through the trouble. The few that do, or the few who aren't actually bots but rather just annoying people, will most likely only rejoin the group once *possibly twice(way less likely). If they do, follow the same steps.

    This is how I get rid of bots in ad groups. Works like a charm, only takes a few seconds of my time, and annoys the begeebus out of the true actual live spammers behind the screens...so it serves a few purposes ;)

    As for Live Chat, yeah they're good at getting sims restarted if needed. Sometimes they're good at following scripts. A majority of what they tell you is scripted for them, always has been, always will be, I don't think most of them have ever been in SL to begin with so they NEED the scripts to follow. Sometimes they're good at telling you where to find your actual answer, like point you tot he wiki, or something. But for a lot of the issues people have, and turn to live chat on, they arne't all that great. Technical issues and such I would always try forums first and foremost because at least the people here have actually been IN sl and even if they've never had the issue they can likely help you find the answer...or culprit, far better.

  13. Void Singer wrote:

    window shake (sometimes also referred to a s jiggling the window) is what some applications do to get your attention... the window (or likely in this case hud) would move in randoms directions from it's center for several step then return to normal. and all it is a movement script that saves the tart location and and adds a small position move to that several times (without overwriting the original position) then reset the orignial position...makes it look like it's shaking.

    Ahh, gotcha, wasn't sure if that's what you meant or something totally different.

    Yeah that is not the same as what I was thinking of when talking about jiggling, lol.

  14. I've had that happen, more times than I care to admit. It's almost always user error. In other words, I paste it in with an extra character, typically a space that doesn't belong. It's quite easy to copy a space.

    The only times I've had issues and it not been user error, relogging has always fixed it. I guess that kind of goes hand in hand with user error though. In that it's my viewer, or system, being stubborn and simply not loading. I've never had it affect other people though, just me. Is the air going dead for all, or just you? If all, I'd say it's likely an extra character, probably a space. If just you, it's likely a relog will fix.(some say to toggle the music on and off to get it to work right, that rarely works for me though, a relog is relatively painless, quick and works better)

  15. Void Singer wrote:

    Tari Landar wrote:

    [...] So a script that can make a prim jiggle like jello does, is what I thought of. the reason I thought of it was because of the goo comment. I've seen scripts that make prims move, but I've never seen a prim move with a "natural jiggle", if that makes any sense.[...]

    flexi with tight springiness and high reactivity to wind? or on demand via script manipulation of gravity? neither should affect a resize script, so I'm curious what's going on there.... now a window shake (like for huds) would probably mess with 50-75% of the current resize scripts (most based on free versions) and bork the object if they were both engaged at once... but shouldn't reset the objects size.

    To be honest my definition of jiggle, has absolutely nothing to do with resize scripts, and shouldn't(I'd say couldn't, but this is sl, I know better) affect any sort of resize script. I'm not fond of them so I don't and wouldn't, use them anyway.. Probably has nothing to do with what that person was asking for either. I was speaking about a prim actually jiggling like jello does when touched and once done jiggling going back to it's non-jiggling state. Or heck even one that worked on collision(ie, you walk into a wall of goo and it wiggles like crazy, eventually slowing and then stopping, until the next collision). It wouldn't change size at all, so if a prim had some sort of resize script in it, that wouldn't be affected. I also have no clue what you mean when you're talking about a window shake.  Maybe we're thinking of different things (a shake and a jiggle are not the same, to me, two different actions). I've tried using flexi with as many different settings as I possibly could, I've never been able to really recreate this jiggle. A shake, or lots of other movement, yeah, but that's not a jiggle. A jiggle is more smooth, but fast. A shake is more rigid(whether fast or slow). Makes much more sense in my head. But, like I said, probably not the same kind of jiggle that was mentioned.

    Think of a great big blob of jello or goo sitting on a plate in front of you. Touch it, or even move the plate, and it jiggles a bit(or a lot) and slowly stops reacting eventually returning to it's non-jiggly state. I've never been able to get flexi to recreate this. I've only been able to recreate it using sculpts and a script that changes the sculpt map(s) used. It changes quickly enough to make the prim look like it's wiggling-but it's not super smooth, not gradually slowing and doesn't return to it's "non moving" state when finished. In other words it doesn't even look remotely "lifelike".

  16. I'm not sure what the person asking about the jiggle script meant, but the first thing I thought of when I saw it was jello, lol.

    So a script that can make a prim jiggle like jello does, is what I thought of. the reason I thought of it was because of the goo comment. I've seen scripts that make prims move, but I've never seen a prim move with a "natural jiggle", if that makes any sense.

    To be honest something I would love to see, though I know a few exist they are not nearly as user friendly as people claim they are, are blue menu creators. So many things need (or the creators want them to have/utilize) the blue menu. But it takes a pretty big learning curve for some to understand. Or a lot of copying and pasting which leaves way too much room for error should something else pop into local while you're waiting for this product to finish "saying" what you need to c/p. I've helped other people who've bought these various blue menu creators, or products to help them learn how to create them....they are *not* new user friendly, period(and this also makes them not really affordable for the average new creator-which tends to sour the opinion of these new creators). I think anything thta better helps new creators is actually the best idea, right now. Anyone that caters to new creators is doing not only themselves a great service, but also the grid. Sorry long winded, I had a very long day yesterday helping someone with building and this is one of the frustrations we ran into, lol. (language barrier didn't help either).

    I had a whole bunch of ideas before I started typing and now my train of thought is gone. I'll come back when I remember what it was I wanted. I'm not the greatest scripter in the world, so I am forever looking for scripts or tutorials for making/adjusting my own to suit my needs as a creator.

  17. sydney Kobichenko wrote:

    Why do people invest in them? There are so many nice animals that don't need to be feed, why do people want to invest in a product that has you tied to always going back to get food.  What next? Cars that require you to buy gas? Tackle that needs SL little blue pills? And I know a woman who was given a breedable horse by a guy she just met. They're given those away...who sets up these huge raunches and thinks they're get rich??



    Why do people invest in anything at all in sl. I can think of things that cost way more, and many don't get a whole lot of benefit from them after the initial purchase(or the short time after). There are cars in sl that need gas, btw.(there's just about everything in sl, if you look for it).

    I'm not so sure why people care what others invest in. There are plenty of people who do make a pretty penny off their breedables, the offspring and/or creations to go along with them. It's a matter of business for those folks and personally I commend them when they do/can. I've done it myself. I've had breedables pay my rl bills, still do. Just because some folks can't make the breedables work for them, doesn't mean everyone can't. But then I've also never invested a ton of money in them. I never have and I never will. I don't believe you have to invest a lot to make a profit off them. You just have to know what you're doing and actually be serious about it. You can't go at it half-cocked and expect to benefit.


  18. I'm fairly certain the kind of information the OP is looking for, can be found by looking at (or asking directly if needed) what the creators have put out there. That's what I was replying to anyway, the desire for a general "go to" answer spot/faq/whatever you want to call it, about all breedables in sl.

    There isn't going to ever be a one-size-fits-all FAQ for "breedables in general" in sl. That's not even remotely possible. Speaking purely about the scripts they ALL vary. What applies to one breedable, won't apply to another. Script times aren't the same, the servers/databases aren't the same, the functionality of the products(even those that seem similar) aren't exactly the same, etc.. There's just too many differences.

  19. Each individual creator/team/company puts out their own info on their own breedable. It's sorta on the shoulders of the customers to go get it, or the potential ones that is. There is tons of information out there, but no two breedables are the same, so the info isn't one-size-fits-all. There is no "general breedable faq" and there couldn't be, because they aren't all the same.



  20. Just wanted to update that most of the listings have rectified themselves, for no apparent reason. I haven't done anything new to them, my boxes, the sim, etc... in at least a couple days. They just magically got better after I complained. I checked them this morning and about half of them were better. I checked again a couple hours ago and most of the rest are better now too.

    Still have a few acting up but since they're not things I sell often, I'm not as worried about them.



  21. Yep I did ask for anything, you just never know when you're simply overlooking something stupid.

    The rating is  what I was just checking and they're all set correctly. Running through them all one by one to try and figure this out. Makes me glad I don't have thousands of listings that's for sure.

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