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Tari Landar

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Posts posted by Tari Landar

  1. Venus Petrov wrote:

    Tari Landar wrote:

    My kids love music as well.
    Even while doing their schoolwork during the day we have music playing. 
    Of course they have music class everyday as well, in addition to learning piano

    I did that, too, and continued the practice through college and grad school.  However, I only listened to classical music during study time and then much later read that it was a good thing to do (specifically classical music).

    Oh they love it. They listen to all sorts of music while working though. But they're kind of quirky kids. The 8 yr old likes doing his algebra while hanging upside down over the edge of the couch listening to neoclassical. I'm a pretty umm...relaxed teacher. I figure the more comfortable the environment, the better they'll do, and they've proven that theory to be quite true.

  2. I listen to the radio all the time. If not the radio, there is some kind of music playing in my house most hours of the day(rl that is, not just sl, but sl does mimic rl a lot in that respect).

    My kids love music as well. Even while doing their schoolwork during the day we have music playing.  Of course they have music class everyday as well, in addition to learning piano ;)

    They're not big fans of talk radio but they do have a very eclectic taste when it comes to music and I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I'm always listening to it. We definitely listen to way more radio and don't really watch that much tv. In fact until a couple years ago we didn't even have cable, and hadn't since 2002. Even when we're outside there's some kind of radio playing.

  3. Just from your replies, I'm not thoroughly convinced you've actually wandered the main grid much at all. You should try it, it might surprise you.

    You don't have to pay for the majority of things, regardless of your gender. It's simply a matter of actually looking for it. The teen grid, rather the old teen grid, is not the same thing as the main grid. You should probably drop the assumption that things seem to have vanished off the grid simply because they existed in the teen grid and MUST have existed here. That's not the case. Even though the grids have merged, that doesn't necessarily mean their environments did. They simply closed the teen grid and opened the front door on the main grid to it's residents.

    How people "play" sl, varies greatly. For some their av is simply a characterized version of themselves. For some, their av really is a totally seperate entity. You can'tr really knock one or the other and doing so probably isn't going to garner much positive response from those you're looking to for info. That's the long way of saying you'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Try not being so judgmental of others and how they enjoy their sl and you very well may find you fit in far more places than you think. Your assumptions about men, and women, are not exactly fair either. Sure sometimes things go that way, but it's not always the case. There are just as many relationships all across sl that are absolutely wonderful and don't involve anyone being, well basically taken advantage of, as you describe. Though there are also ones out there that the one being taken advantage of actually enjoys it. Who are we to knock that? Whatever tickles your pickle, I say. If they have no qualms with it, you shouldn't either. (I try not to meddle and highly recommend others do the same)

    Try visiting the destination guide, or opening the map, randomly finding a place and teleporting there. Try searching both inworld and marketplace for the things you're looking for. My guess is you really haven't tried all that hard if you believe you HAVE to put money into sl. I'm going on 4 years here in sl on this av(had previous ones for years before, just dumped them for this one in 2008) and I haven't yet put a dime of rl money into sl. Some will knock me for not contributing to the economy, but that's ok. We all have our opinions on what contributing actually is ;) You don't HAVE to put money into sl to enjoy it. You DO have to be willing to actually put effort in to find the fun you're seeking though. It's out there and ripe for the picking.

    You didn't say what sort of things you're looking for though. Perhaps if you tried that, people would be able to point you in the proper direction(s) to find what you seek. Developmental skills are, well, easy as heck, to come by. It's just a matter of figuring out what you want, and how to achieve it. It's really not as difficult as some people make it out to be. It's more reliant on being willing to work for it than it is on posessing the skills beforehand. Anyone can learn how to contribute to sl in some way, developmentally speaking. But not everyone is willing to try, nor do I think they should if they have no interest.

    I'm not really sure where the heck you've been when you say the public areas, nothing is free. Because it's actually quite the opposite, and a huge amount of public area is accessible to all, not just those age verified. If you can't access anywhere outside of general you probably need to update your account to indicate your age. I never participated in the teen grid, but I'm quite certain there was a process in place when one left that grid for the main grid and it's likely there still is one when someone turns 18. I can't really expand on that though, as I have no clue where it would be found. If it's not on your dashboard somewhere, you can always try contacting LL about that. There's no reason for you to be limited at 18 to only general areas unless that's what you desire.(and not everything outside of general is "adult" in nature, despite the mature/adult ratings, there's far more that isn't than is).

  4. Actually I can :D

    I haven't had any issues, major or minor, in a little while.(yes I know, I'm the minority, no I'm not discounting the issues others have, this just happens to be a breath of fresh air for me after having some serious issues for a bit, lol).

    Surprisingly a couple of things I added for a holiday not a lot of people around the world celebrate, are selling. I wasn't sure how effective they'd be but since their sister products for a similar holiday did extremely well this year and last I figured I'd go for it. It paid off nicely. Or well, it is paying off nicely.

    Also another very obscure object I added ages ago is selling quite a few everyday. It's not expensive, not that anything I sell is, but it is quite hilarious. The funniest part is the sales go up and down in waves according to how much MP, and SL in general, is screwing up for others, hahaha.(not that I am laughing at others' misfortunes, just the fact that this item even sells at all much less the way it does)

    My MB is still working wonderfully. Yes, I AM one of the idiots who hasn't migrated entirely to DD yet. I tried it, had nothing but issues, and decided MB is it for me for a bit, until they fix some of the issues that seem to only plague me with DD, lol. Unfounded fear by some standards, but, eh...it's working for me. When I find something thay actually works on MP, I go with it, until it no longer does. I think that's important, sometimes, knowing how epic the fail at MP can be, lol.

    I take the good and go with "awesome" rather than "just okay" because I know what the other side looks like and it's fugly...(and it is no surprise my typo there was toke instead of take...that very well may be why I'm not nearly as miffed at some of the MP's antics as of late too..)

    So all in all, my experience(s) both as a merchant and customer, as of late, have been fantastic. The only issue I did have, which was minor, I guess, is that a customer bought something and I can only presume they tried to take it apart, and didn't know how, because they claimed it had no scripts. It did, and does, they're just not in the root prim. That's not the first time that's happened in the last two weeks with the same product though, it's happened 6 times since, which tells me something fishy is going on.(but the script is full perm, on purpose, so, they're not doing a very good job of being sneaky, lol). Not really an issue, or MP related except it only sells on MP, it's just my best complaint for now :P

  5. Kallyanna wrote:

    This is absolutley soooo immature.


    going to bed

    thanks for the help 45 viewers

    lol your reply isn't at all immature to you?

    You have 45 viewers because quite a few people read the forums. But that doesn't mean any of them will have the answer you need. Or, the previous answer you got, IS the answer, so they've nothing to add.

    (and btw, the previous answer IS the answer)

    I'd be more than slightly miffed if a "friend"(one has to assume you're at least somewhat friends to own land with them) pulled a stunt like that. Pranks are fun, and can be hilarious, but there's just some lines one probably shouldn't cross. Messing with land/permissions sometimes falls under that category. I hope your land doesn't have tenants, or at least others reliant on being able to use the sim at all.


  6. You don't need to own a big store, or even a well known one, to make a decent profit. You just have to actually want it, and be able to put forth the work to do it. I'm pretty sure if you actually polled every single business owner in sl, most probably fall more under the hobby umbrella. They enjoy what they do, and if it profits, fantastic, if not, also fantastic. I do believe in order for any business to succeed, you actually have to enjoy what you do, to some degree. I have seen some very well known creators who seemingly make a really great profit, actually not make squat because their overhead is ridiculously high.

    Contrary to what some believe, you also don't have to shell out a ton of rl cash, in order to have a business be profitable(in rl cash as well as lindens kept inworld). Some feel they need to, in order to succeed, and of course that's their choice. But it really is entirely possible to build a busiess from the ground up in sl, with very little overhead, and still come out way ahead in the end.

    Not everyone who makes a profit, goes around stating so. Not everyone who makes a large profit turns it into rl cash, either. I know of plenty of folks who make a pretty penny that never cash out-they simply recirculate their money on the grid. I'm not sure if the statistics we do see count funding that's never cashed out and turned into rl funds, though.

  7. I've personally seen ARs be effective. Are they always 100% effective? NO, nothing is. Not even reporting things in rl is always 100% effective. But there is one advantage we have online, that we don't  have in rl. That is that we can get away (usually, most of the time even) and not have to see/read/hear that which we don't want to. Of course that's not always the case. But in rl, you can't mute people. You can't derender them. You can't put people on some magical blacklist(this really is a bad idea, no matter where you try it). Even a protection order isn't always going to guarantee someone stays away from you-and breaking those usually holds a legal penalty. But in sl, yeah, you can basically issue your own self an order of protection against those you wish to be away from-in most instances.

    You can't say ARs are ineffective simply because yours might have been. There may be many reasons as to why. You may not be taking all the precautions you possibly can. You may not have filed it correctly(hey, humans make mistakes, all of us). You may be dealing with someone who is just going to test every single boundary until none remain. Does it make their treatment right? Of course not. I'm not going to say "it's your fault, because you're not doing all you can to prevent it", but I will say that MOST people who complain are not doing all they can. Those truly hell bent on doing whatever they can to ruin the experience of another, will be determined and will likely stop at nothing. Most griefers don't fall under that umbrella though. Most fall somewhere below that, and they actually do have a threshold they won't cross. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to find out what that is before you can really make them go away.

    I will say that giving them more attention, is honestly what most of them want to begin with. All it will do is feed into their childish antics. It certainly won't make things better. You can mute people, you can derender them, you can make sure friends of yours also know what's going on in case they too get involved-that includes places you're a regular patron should that become an issue, you can follow all the proper AR procedures using the tools LL gives us, you can simply choose to ignore(a hard one, yes, but not impossible)...there really are a lot of things we can do to rid ourselves of people, places and things we wish to be rid of. That doesn't mean the AR process is always going to stop everyone, or everything. It's just not possible. It's entirely possible to have someone ARd, they get a temporary ban, and then come back either on their usual av or an alt-or they get someone else in their place. That's not unusual at all. If you want LL to be able to keep a hold on that type of person regardless of what account or computer they use, you're asking for too much. That's not a reasonable expectation. Not when, as I said, people who are hell bent on doing these things, can get around just about anything LL wants to throw at them. Especially if they aren't breaking any rl laws. Again, not condoning their behavior, just saying it's not as easy to stop as you might think.

    I'm not sticking up for griefers, far from it. I've seen people treated so badly they up and leave sl for good. I've seen one girl treated so badly she decided her life wasn't worth living(granted this began in sl, but escalated far beyond that). I won't condone what happened to her, or anyone-even the mildest form of griefing. But I also won't pretend everyone does everything they can possibly do, when they come across folks like that.  There comes a time when we, as adults(because we all are, right?) have to say "enough is enough, I'm not going to let someone else ruin my day", and move on. Will it stop everything? No. I don't know how many times that needs to be said. There is NOTHING anyone, including LL, can do to stop everyone or even the majority of people. We have far more power in our own hands than we seem to think we do, though.

    ARs do work, about as often as their rl counterpart works. In the meantime, you've got to use whatever tools you have available to you, for yourself.(of course, without stooping down to the level of that which you're trying to fight). I would NEVER support some group, any group, having any sort of list, as suggested here. Humans make mistakes, humans are a judgmental species, and humans can be quite manipulative when we want to be. I don't want some other human judging whether or not I belong on some list, simply because I pissed off the wrong person, on the wrong day, under the wrong moon. If you think that couldn't possibly happen, you are fooling yourself. Groups like this have existed in sl for years, they do not work, and are often more problematic than the folks they stick on their little lists. It's another form of griefing, when you think about it. No better than the original act. It doesn't matter how vulnerable an adult, or even child, is. We still have all the same tools available to us and are expected to utilize them to the best of our ability. When that doesn't work, that's what the AR is for. If that still doesn't work you've got a choice to make. Either move on and make that which you dislike disappear from your sl, or move on from sl in general. Harsh? Maybe. Sometimes life decisions are harsh. A list(or group, whatever it is you want), is not and never will be, the answer. I can guarantee you that. That's like creating a wall of fame for griefers. Great way to stroke their ego, bad way to eliminate them.

  8. Me, personally, I make money. Not always a ton, but my profits cover all inworld costs, allow for fun money inworld(for general hobbies, goofing off and whatnot), allow me to contribute to some very near and dear to me charities(rl ones), and also pay some rl expenses. Sometimes, all my rl expenses even, sometimes not though. I don't have a huge store-tiny in fact. But I also don't have a huge overhead, and can keep my actual business expenses at a minimum.

    I think part of why some don't make as much as they could is they just don't really try too hard. Not always a bad thing of course. Some people really don't want to pull out a profit. There are lots who really are in it just for the fun of doing it. That's actually where I stand. I'm in business because it's fun, and I enjoy it. The perk is that it also pays for itself. But I had my business long before it started paying for itself, lol. So that's not really the reason I do it. Just a nice side effect. I do think if someone truly wants to bring in a big profit, and works at it as hard as they can, as best they can, they can make it just fine.

    Some people close down shop for reasons other than financial. in fact I've seen tons close because they just didn't want to do it anymore, or couldn't. Rl changes will often affect our sl as well, so that too could play a part. Sometimes people get burnt out on what they're doing and need time off. I've seen loads of merchants come, go, then later come back with something totally different. I think that happens a lot. In fact one of my fav. stores from early on did that. Closed up shop and stayed gone for a while, then came back with something brand new(and a new brand, at that). Although the creator still makes clothing, it's a completely different style than it used to be, and primarily mesh now.


    I would say that most merchants I have seen, aren't in it for the big bucks. If they are, they're not doing the most stellar job. Sometimes the ones who make the big bucks, aren't doing a stellar job either, they simply have a product that overshadows their shortcomings.(that's not a bash on any creator, group of creators, or anything like that, just the blunt truth-I've realized it myself with some of my bigger sellers over the years, I definitely could have done better on some of those, and am lucky they sold as well as they did). I never look at the revenue made by a company as an indicator of it's success, or failure. Well, not in sl anyway. Because sometimes, it really is just dumb luck, be it good, or bad.

  9. Madelaine McMasters wrote:

    I agree with this, even though I'm still contemplating my stance on 
    (I don't think it matters for this discussion). What is bothering me about this particular thread is the idea that we must be all inclusive or we'll miss out on something, and that the solution for disharmony is for those with thin skins to thicken it.

    It's been suggested to me by good friends that my ignoring bullying and griefing can, at times, appear as approval of it. By definition, they are correct. It is their observation. I counter with my usual argument that if they too ignore the bullying, they deprive the bully of his/her oxygen. That's true, but there are other sources of oxygen and it doesn't take long for the bullies to find them.

    So there's the dilemma. Do you just walk away from the bully and let those with thinner skins fend for themselves, with the belief that the school of hard knocks will whip them into shape? (I often do). Do you offer assistance to the victim of bullying, with the hope of helping them grow that thick skin faster? (I often do). Do you, without becoming a bully yourself, call out the bullying behavior? (This is the most difficult for me).

    I haven't got the answer, my friends and enemies alike will confirm that. But it does seem to me that blindly embracing everyone is not the answer. Discrimination is not an inherently bad thing.

    I definitely agree with some points, blindly accepting any and all things is no more the answer than standing up to each and every thing or person(well verbally standing up to, in many cases). That's why I said that we all do, and will, react when things bother us. That's just part of who we are. It's not so much the fact that we do react that puzzles me as much as how we react. That's where you can draw a line, if you're going to draw one anywhere that is, as to how far you can/will go with your reaction. The line that separates the receiver from the producer of the grief/harassment/bullying/whatever is going on, is an important one that we all too often cross because we simply feel that we have to react.

    I certainly don't have any direct answers either for every situation. But I do know what doesn't typically work, what sometimes works, and things that are hit and miss based on the situation at hand. I also know that a lot of people never learn from their own mistakes-which is why molehills turn into mountains and why griefers truly hell bent on creating problems continue to thrive. Because some people, somewhere, let them. 

    Sometimes standing up, for yourself or another person, is your best option. But even in doing that, you can still come out ahead of the person you're standing up against. Reacting doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing, or a sign that something has been ruined either. I'm not so certain that calling out another is always, or even mostly, the best option though. But it would depend entirely on the situation at hand, and how you go about doing it. Most times, such action would likely backfire before it would be even remotely helpful.

    There's a difference between standing up to a bully, and trying to put one in it's place, imo. Sometimes it might seem like a grand idea, in theory, but once brought to fruition-not so much. Most of what I see, read, hear, have dealt with, etc... all falls under the "is it really worth my effort to even care" umbrella, or my "would reacting openly, and addressing this issue/bully/griefer directly actually make things better", umbrella. If my answer is no then those are times when walking away is probably the best option. If you can't fix the problem by standing up to or confronting it directly it(without getting bent out of shape yourself of course), you're more likely to only fuel it, making it worse.

  10. Please. What you're talking about would only apply if the person with "free will" had a perfect childhood, a perfect adulthood, spent a few years in talk therapy, had attained cosmic consciousness, and even then they'd probably still get upset if someone pooped on them. All of us get our feathers ruffled...and, your avatar bouncing around gives me a headache.


    Sorry it's not letting me quote, that stupid error again....

    There is a huge difference between getting upset, feathers ruffled, whatever you want to call it when another person says or does something...and allowing those feelings to actually direct how you feel about everything else around you, how you react and/or how you treat others. Of course everyone gets upset, dislikes things and even acts on things from an emotional standpoint. That's just part of our human nature, and not something I'd consider a character flaw, by far. But you can feel a certain way about something, yet still not necessarily act on those feelings. Like when I get upset, I don't have to tell everyone and their mother. I don't have to let what griefers, or even a general bully, get me down all the time. I can be so extremely frustrated, angry even, at someone or something, yet still not allow those particular feelings dictate how I am going to live the rest of my life that day/week/month/year/whatever.

    That's my point. Free will is the ability to make choices for ourselves. That includes how we react to others around us and what they choose to do with their free will. You don't have to have had perfect life, or any of the above things at all, to be able to deal with things, people or situations, like a mature adult. Of course no one is a mature adult at all times, we've all got our moments. I wouldn't ever suggest otherwise. But sometimes, some people, let things get to them way too much. Griefing is actually a prime example of that(even here on the forums). By that I mean, how people deal with those they determine are griefers. If you constantly take their bait-as many do-you're not doing anyone any sort of service, including yourself. Same goes for griefing elsewhere in life-because it's not something we can get rid of entirely. We can however change how we let it affect us. We can't change the choices others make, but we can change the choices we make.

    I don't need to have gone to therapy to know that allowing others to dictate how I should feel, or act, isn't a healthy way to look at things. It's going to happen, from time to time, but I surely don't make a habit of it, lol. At least, not anymore, I used to though. That's exactly why i know just how odd that sort of idea really is. The idea that others can really "ruin" an experience for me, that is. I don't have to let them ruin it. No one does. When it happens though, it's because we choose to let it happen.

  11. Madelaine McMasters wrote:

    Tari, while I'm in general agreement with the idea that we can walk away from unpleasant people and their behavior, that doesn't always ensure happiness. I have watched some of my friends endure the aggravation of unpleasant characters here in the forums and feeds. They are, to varying degrees, able to weather the abuse by ignoring it. But, to the extent they cannot, my enjoyment of SL is diminished by their unhappiness.

    So it's not quite true that no one can ruin your experience unless you let them. While we can try to make the best of a situation, as long as we have empathy and friends, our happiness will be affected by others. For this reason, I do not advocate inclusiveness to the point of amorality.

    Sadly, it is sometimes necessary to walk away from people we like to avoid people we don't.

    I disagree entirely. Absolutely no other person can control your emotions, or your reactions, no matter what. It is entirely possible to have some of the worst things said, done, whatever, and still be able to walk away, head held high because you didn't allow that action or those words, get you down. Saying that's not possible is basically saying you have no free will. I don't believe people lack free will. It's a conscious choice to let what others say and do, affect you(negatively or positively). So you can always make the choice to allow things to only affect you in a positive way, and leave the rest behind, if you want to.Hard? Sure it is, at times. Impossible? Absolutely not.

    Although I never did say ignoring that which you dislike will ensure happiness, I think there's much more to happiness than just that, lol. I can guarantee that making different choices when it comes to how you will deal will offer up a different outcome. If we let everything others say and do, affect us negatively all of the time, we'd be a very unhappy species-generally speaking. My opinion on that matter doesn't change simply because this is sl.

    This is the same thing I tell others who have dealt with people who truly try their hardest to bring others down. Sometimes those people are successful, but it's only that way because their intended audience allows them to do that. I lost a friend a couple years ago to one such person. Her inability to realize that this person couldn't possibly ruin her life, if she didn't allow it, ended up being her literal demise in the end. I miss her terribly, and of course I don't support the way this man treated her, nor do I blame her or anything like that. But she could have walked away. She could have done a lot of things to change the outcome. It was her choice not to, and in the end it was her choice to deal with it in such a permanent way. Was I happy she was so miserable? Of course not. Did I let her unhappiness ruin my sl? Of course not. I can be sad, upset even, at what's happening to another and still not consider my sl ruined, lol. To say otherwise would mean she had complete control over me. That doesn't make a lick of sense.

    I would like to think that had I, and others, not been there from the word go, trying to help her realize she could just walk away from it, things would have ended even sooner. Our positive attitudes, had just as much of an effect on her, as her negative one had on us. Positivity should always win out, in the end. I find it tragic when it doesn't, and unfortunately that happens way too often. You can counteract the negative with a positive, you just have to put forth the effort to do so. We're all human though and we are often lead by emotion, which can be both a positive and negative thing. I still see no reason to give up our free will simply because others are choosing to utilize theirs with bad intentions.

  12. Keli Kyrie wrote:

    Tari Landar wrote:

    Personally I'm not fond of any opinion that supports the thought that another person can actually "ruin" sl for someone,or any aspect of it. If that makes any sense at all. No one can ruin your experience, unless you let them. I live my Sl the way I choose to and believe others ought to be given that same opportunity. We each control our own sl, for our own self.

    If something, or someone, annoys me, sometimes I speak up and sometimes I simply walk away. It depends entirely on the situation at hand. I don't find it difficult to avoid the things I know I dislike, though. Or to, at least, pay them no mind when I do come across them. I don't really need to use mute, or give them more thought than I think they deserve. I don't sit and wish they were banned, or continue mulling over whatever it was that happened. It is what it is.

    But that's just me.


    Very good points Tari and I wish more people would handle things the way you do. But what do we do when these different people come together in the Forum? There is no mute button here and the Dragons, Trolls, and Vampires (virtual and metaphors) have just as much right to be here as the rest of us. How do we react when we can't walk away?

    You can walk away, you can always walk away. You don't have to react to everything and the thought process that drives people to that conclusion is one of the very things I avoid like the plague. It's also something I don't fully understand. Why do you feel you have to do(or say, or deal, whatever) anything at all? Even acknolwedging they exist is likely giving them more thought than they probably deserve at that time-if they truly are attempting to "ruin" an experience for others. That's a general you, of course.

    I just don't see any real reason to worry about it, at all. Everyone has every right to be here and provided we stick within the rules we're given, we all have a right to say and do as we please(here being inworld, forums and such). There are lots of things people say, and do, that others are going to dislike-greatly even. How we react to someone, or something is not dependent upon that person(or thing/situation), it's dependent entirely upon us. We don't have to do anything, though. Doing nothing is just usually way better than what most choose to do.

  13. Personally I'm not fond of any opinion that supports the thought that another person can actually "ruin" sl for someone,or any aspect of it. If that makes any sense at all. No one can ruin your experience, unless you let them. I live my Sl the way I choose to and believe others ought to be given that same opportunity. We each control our own sl, for our own self.

    If something, or someone, annoys me, sometimes I speak up and sometimes I simply walk away. It depends entirely on the situation at hand. I don't find it difficult to avoid the things I know I dislike, though. Or to, at least, pay them no mind when I do come across them. I don't really need to use mute, or give them more thought than I think they deserve. I don't sit and wish they were banned, or continue mulling over whatever it was that happened. It is what it is.

    But that's just me.

  14. The ability to moderate the ability to chat in a group has been around since long before V3 came to be. It's been out some years now.(I don't know how many, but at least the last 3, that I  know of-I started using it over 3 years ago in one particular group, just never paid attention to it before then).

    That's actually the easiest way. Creating a new role specifically for chat works too, but whether or not it's effective depends heavily on the kind of group, rate of new members and whether or not there is always someone online to add new folks to that role..and double all of that if it's a very active group. You could be creating more work for yourself with this method.

    I just disable chat priviledges for people who can't behave. I've only had to leave it permanently on for one person in the last 3+ years though.

    Kicking them out of the group doesn't really work unless you require a hefty membership fee or don't have open enrollment at all(but again you run into the problem of someone needing to be on to invite them, should someone want to join, etc.. etc..). People just keep coming back, otherwise.

  15. I stand rather middle of the ground on this matter. I don't much care what others choose to do, such as paying customers with some sort of incentive, to leave a review. That's their business, not mine. If they think it's working for them, all the more power to them.

    Me, I don't do it. I don't find a need to and don't personally think it holds much value to even bother. I'd rather my reviews come from people that actually want to leave them of their own accord.

    There was a time when reviews meant a little more. Now, they don't mean squat. Even before when all people really had to do, was rate with stars and they didn't need to leave a text review, the ratings held more water with more people. But these days, I don't believe it's the same. Which sometimes seems a bit odd, given that in order to leave a review now you do have to leave a name and some form of text in the pretty little box. You would think the reviews would mean more to people, right? But really, I don't believe they do.

    Then again I am one of those people that thinks the entire rating system they have is stupid and either needs done away with entirely(not my number one choice) or completely overhauled(my number one choice). This way when a customer sees those reviews and ratings they might actually believe what they s and won't wonder if it was artificial(in a sense).


  16. Can't quote at the moment, keep getting a weird error... but, anyway.

    I'm not real certain what you read in my message. But I wasn't angry about anything that was done. I'm well aware of what not having auto return on and allowing others to rez on my land leaves open. I'm also well aware that, at times, I may have to deal with someone deciding to take advantage of that fact. Though it's a pretty rare occurance these days. It was simply a shared story, nothing more, nothing less. Not some giant tirade about "zomg he stoles my land, and stuff". Nope, I'm not that person, not in the least. There are some folks who don't understand how things "typically" work(I say typically because, well, there's not really a written manual on what we can and cannot do, in all scenarios on all land, at all times, etc.. etc...) I'm more than happy to help them learn. There are also others out there who are well aware, and will still touch the hot stove after getting burnt, simply because they can. I'm more than happy to help them learn too. There are very few instances that will shut off my willingness to help someone learn. It just so happened this gentleman decided to cross that line.

    I've had plenty of other experiences in the past with people rezzing on my land(aside from simply opening things or checking them out, lol), not necessarily realizing what they were doing, or heck even realizing it and not necessarily caring at the moment, that have gone much much more smooth(fun even). This was merely one incident, and not really all that huge of a deal. Not something I'd get my panties in a wad over, for sure.

    I do use the settings available to me, when I find appropriate. I just don't always use them all 24/7, and have actually never had any reason to. Most people are pretty darn cool actually, reasonable, don't misuse the permissions given-even if given the opportunity, and even if they do overstep(perhaps slightly so) have no qualms fixing any errors. I run across very few who behave otherwise these days. Sometimes, when it does happen, it's pretty amusing to me. Like in this case. But then I am patient as the day is long so, that likely has a lot more to do with it than anything else. I wouldn't recommend my choices or methods to others. I do what works for me, and I tell others to do whatever works for them.

  17. My sl has morphed over the years.

    Currently my sl is pure fun. I come in sl to have fun, to work, to spend time with hubby and to help other folks. I do a lot of builds for various charities which I find very fulfilling because some of these charities I can't help as I'd like to in rl. (rfl being my top priority 4 months out of the year, except this year, making me a very sad panda, people don't like it when you're not on a team apparently, lol) .I used to spend more time with friends but over the years we've pretty much gone our separate ways. Such is life, right? I do spend time chatting with other folks too, don't get me wrong, just not with the people I used to be very close with-family even.

    I don't have a really big business, and I'm not so certain I'd want one. I don't even have a specific kind of business, lol. What I have now works fantastic for me, does exactly what I need it to do, makes me money(ie, pays for itself), and serves all kinds of purposes I'd never imagined it could, or would. Even when I'm working, it's still fun. I'm always sharpening my skills on things to. I guess actually liking what I do has a huge impact on how I view my "business side" as it were, lol. I do sometimes wander the grid as well, but not nearly as often as I used to. I'm not into the club scene. Usually my sl hours are spent working on projects for other people more than anything though. There's just something about creating something and knowing the recipient really likes it that gives me goosebumps. I know, it's probably weird, and a bit sappy, but I really do enjoy it a lot. Creating for only myself isn't nearly as much fun. Plus, I really love the challenge. Over time, things get more and more difficult for me and it will only get worse(some days better than others) so being able to do something and have it come out more than just "alright" makes me feel pretty good. I'm legally blind, and have some other issues thanks to scar tissue on my brain so most things get made a LOT before I'd ever let anyone else see them because I make a TON of mistakes while making them, lol. Occasionally, I still screw up and some kind soul helps me out and lets me know something isn't quite aligned, or a texture is a little off, etc... So, always sharpening my skills. If for no other reason, to benefit my own health and well being. It keeps me sharp.

    Hubby and I don't really do a whole lot on sl anymore. We do build together, dance, and cuddle, but we do that at home and it's pretty much just our avs acting out what we're doing in rl, lol. Hard to explain that one I suppose. But we watch movies and tv, spend time together, cuddle and such every night and while we do our avs are usually logged inworld cuddling on the only furniture in the house-a rug. At least until the region restarts and kicks us off(does once a day, usually, early morning hours while we're still logged in). I really love this aspect a lot, but can't explain why to be honest. I just do. It's not really necessary, obviously, since there's the whole rl aspect, but we both still love it.

  18. Scout Schwager wrote:

    Yes, well I am not new at adjusting poses. I've been working with MLPV2 for 3 years, programming up dozens of different beds and other items, I seldome need the position information, I work it up myself with the tool included with MLPV.

    I suspect, don't know, but I believe these independent customer service agents also have the tools to set the positions for dancing animations, but Intan will not share that down to the cutomers. The agents have a revenue stream 'loading' dances in these balls so their is no motivation to share a "how-to".

    Yes a company in Indonesia is an issue, I have a lot of issues with non English-speaking programmers and the subesquent lack of good instructions. The market in SL is primarily English-speaking.

    I've looked at that TIS Hybrid Dance Machine that was mentioned above, They replied to some questions I had. They have a different approach, maybe not all great, but I am going to try it out, and post more later.

    OK and for web site owners. The copyright at the bottom of the page. In 2008, you put "Copyright 2008 yada yada.com". In 2009, you put "Copyright 2008-2009" etc. Otherwise folks will think you are asleep at the wheel.

    Your suspicions are completely unfounded. I have been using intan for quite some time now(if were' boasting about our experience with various systems, I've been working witht he very one you're comparing it to, for even longer than 3 years as well, but I see no need for that sort of information to be added).

    You were, and are, clearly biased from the word go. I have had absolutely nothing but the best of service from intan, ALL of their staff, and even other members in their group chat. I have watched people literally write the position cards for people(both staff, and other members) right there, on the spot, at no charge. It happens ALL the time. They are evry helpful should an issue occur.

    You quite clearly have something against people not from the US and/or those who don't have English as a first language. That is 100% YOUR problem. Saying it out loud, in a public(international I might add) forum, makes you come across terribly. It doesn't speak well for you at all. You shouldn't assume things the way you do about people simply because they aren't from your preferred country or speak your preferred language. Then again, you have every right to be as, well, judgmental, as you'd like to be, I suppose. So have at it. But I have to say, reading that makes almost everything you've had to say seem more like sour grapes on your part about something either unrelated, or buyer's remorse, or some other stupid nonsense.

    Intan doesn't have to "share" anything down to the customers. People can, and DO make their own position notecards all the dang time. Try actually spending some time doing it yourself instead of complaining about how difficult it is. Since you want to boast about your skills, it should require very little work on your part. Better yet, create your own system and then you won't have to worry about anything at all. I don't know why you find it a bad thing for someone to charge money for a service, such as creating the position notecards for people. Do you expect everyone to do it for free? Seriously? What then exactly are these people supposed to be doing at their "jobs" and getting paid for? It's quite clear you've got absolutely no business sense whatsoever.

    Try joining the group inworld, your eyes might be opened just a tad. Maybe you'll see that their staff, and company, isn't nearly as bad as you wrongly assumed. (fair warning, that chat can get busy, or at least, used to). There is always someone around who can and will help, should an issue arise, though.

    As for the website, while I agree keeping the date current ought to actually happen, it's not that huge of a deal to me. It's certainly not a deal breaker and certainly not indicator of anything other than someone didn't pay very good attention to that part. But then I guess it could be that they've been busier making products inworld, creating all these notecards you, and the rest of us, will surely need when the creators haven't been able to provide them and such. It's a pretty insignificant piece of information for me, personally. I wouldn't get hung up on it, nor would I make any sort of assumptions about them based on it. It's not their fault you assumed they weren't at the wheel. That's entirely on you.

    It seems more and more you didn't even actually try to read the information that came with your intan, read the website, or get any sort of assistance at all. Which leads me to a previous statement that your entire complaint is based entirely off some other nonsensical thing that has nothing at all to do with the performance of the product, or company.

    I'm all for people being held accountable and poor functionality being called out when/where needed. But this...doesn't fit that bill at all.

  19. Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    Tari Landar wrote:

    He had no issues at all telling me about his grand idea to set up home there when he saw I had "all these great prims going unused" (I had 154-ish). Then he decided to invite some friends over, and seeing the "furniture and stuff you have"(aka the eh hem, rug, and intan ball in my otherwise empty home)" thought it would be great to throw our own orgy. He told me he thought as long as the land had room and prims, people are free to set up home anywhere they want and do whatever they want.

    ALWAYS set an auto-return.


    Nah, I don't like it :)

    I use it when necessary, but prefer to not have it on at all times. I have my reasons :)

  20. Hippie, I can completely sympathize.

    Having just a few days ago dealt with a person quite similar(though not a female, and not a noob).

    I don't rent land. I do occasionally allow friends to use my land.

    A few days ago someone was in the store doing a hunt, and I happened to be there checking on something(a dino glitched and apparently was rocking itself off kilter, still don't know how, but, thats a different story). We got to talking and he decided to open some packages and was quite pleased that he could. Well yeah, I don't really prevent that. I expect that most use common sense(and really, most do, I don't let the bad apples spoil the bunch). We chatted a bit more and then I had other things to do so I parted ways while he continued opening packages, cleaning up after himself as he went(cool, another one with common sense). Roughly 12 hours later I come home and said gentleman has made himself a home about 10 meters above my home(ftr. my store is 300m in the sky, my home is on ground level). He took all but two prims and was having himself a quaint little get together. A quaint little adult sleepover is more like it, a very vocal one, in local chat. Now not only has he decided to, well abuse the ability to rez objects, but he's decided to squat on what he KNOWS is not abandoned land.

    Scratch head

    I IM him, ask him how his evening is going, if his little shin dig is going well. Mind you this sim already has a club on it, and has it's own issues with lag and whatnot occasionally from that. My store does not get a ton of traffic, barring hunts of course, so I don't usually use even my own fair share of resources. But I did very much worry this gentleman alone was using the entire sim's worth of resources. Something I'm used to others doing, but not something I'd ever do.(still bothers me to even think of what sort of footprint he was leaving during the time I was away to be honest, I don't like disturbing others, or using more than my fair share, at all). He had no issues at all telling me about his grand idea to set up home there when he saw I had "all these great prims going unused" (I had 154-ish). Then he decided to invite some friends over, and seeing the "furniture and stuff you have"(aka the eh hem, rug, and intan ball in my otherwise empty home)" thought it would be great to throw our own orgy. He told me he thought as long as the land had room and prims, people are free to set up home anywhere they want and do whatever they want.

    Hmm, now I could have gone any number of ways with this. I went this way though. I asked him, politely, to please keep the vocal levels(as in actual voice, which frankly sounded worse than low budget porn), and local chat down. I let him know he had one hour to wrap up his little sleepover, and that I would greatly appreciate it if he'd make certain all of his stuff was picked up at the end of one hour. Because this is not just my business, but also my home, and not just an open invitation to all. I apologized if that was the impression he got, though.

    He still decided that wasn't good enough, went off on me like, well I don't even know what to call it, started trying to rez even more stuff(which he didn't realize was throwing his own stuff back at him, not mine) and throwing a literal temper tantrum verbally and physically. It was actually somewhat funny to watch. I tried to explain that his views on how things are supposed to be, are way off, and I tried to explain it as if he was a noob, despite the fact that he's a good few years old. Didn't work, he wanted to hear none of it.

    Eventually I banned, muted, returned, you get the picture. I have since had to ban a few of his guests, which actually saddens me, I can count on one hand the number of people I've had to ban over the years before now :(

    Some people truly do feel entitled to do whatever the heck they want, wherever they want to. This guy could very well have simply been a jerk, playing some kind of joke, or really that clueless, I don't know. Frankly, I don't care, either. I was quite nice, and gave ample opportunity, I thought anyway, but such is life, right? You can't educate them all. I'm all for trying, but sometimes, you really gotta know when to fold them.

  21. Not getting into all the other shpeals or sharing my $0.02 on the whole bloodlines....but...

    a blood doll is basically just someone they feed off of on a regular basis, ie their "nourishment" aka "soul", it wasn't an unfinished sentence, though it's not one typically used anymore I don't think (I haven't seen that used in some time actually)


    carry on

  22. Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

    It is called adapt to survive, they need them for the malls, but the mall owners will go by sales, as bots drive people away, example I went to phils store and only saw sex bots there to try out beds, so after throwing up in the sick bag which he didn't provide I tped out.

    That's a pretty low jab at another creator, actually.(and as a personal aside, it doesn't speak well for you, no, that's not me conforming to some "everyone is told to hate you" mentality, lol, I rarely hate anyone, I'm just not keen on underhanded moves like that)

    Those kind of "bots" are actually agents, and serve a purpose that has nothing at all to do with traffic. In fact, I'm pretty certain they don't even register in the traffic counts-at least most of them anyway. You can register bots with sl. I used to have a couple of registered bots with LL back when camping was more widespread and a-ok(but they weren't for gaining traffic-registered bots don't count in traffic, they were there to answer questions, when I was offline). There are stores that use bots, or agents, of some sort for legitimate purposes. Increasing traffic, in my personal opinion, is not a legitimate purpose these days, though I know many disagree.

    I know there are a LOT of clubs that use bots and alts. In fact, on in particular is actually only high on the search results(and has been for a couple of years) because each staff member has at least three avs there at all times. Eh, what can you do? It's not something LL will do anything about, so I prefer to simply allow my feet to do my talking. I don't patronize those places. I used to have a friend who loved them, swore they were "super popular", :always had people", until she realized 90% of those people are actually the same couple of people. Then she was a bit bummed, lol. I told you so, didn't seem so appropriate, so I pointed her to places that don't use such tactics and now she's content again.

    There really isn't much you can do. You can AR til you're blue in the face, but LL won't do anything at all about it. Better off simply not patronizing, and using word of mouth. It is, after all, the absolute best advertising tool ever and flows faster than the speed of light ;)


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