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Tari Landar

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Posts posted by Tari Landar

  1. These aren't from this winter, they're just a couple of my favs from a previous winter :)


    This is what happens to the tree down by the road out in front of the house, anytime we get ice or snow. This isn't a weeping willow, but it usually looks like one year round now, because of this particular ice storm.


    What fun is snow if you're not going to play in it? Yes, he's trying to ride his bike in the snow. No, I didn't stop him. Yes, he did bury himself. Yes, I did laugh my ass off at him, before helping him up and out of the snow. :D This snow is a lot deeper than it looks. It's just heavy snow, and they're lightweight so they didn't sink too much at first. Eventually they both ended up stuck, lol.


  2. Fusionbolt2000 wrote:

    Nah, but my computer is pretty weak, and it's also Windows Xp.

    Win XP has very little, if nothing at all, to do with which viewer you can use. The system I'm sitting at right now can run just about all the viewers, to some degree, more or less. It uses XP.

    I'd probably try another viewer considering you're having other issues as well in other threads. I suspect your viewer may have something to do with at least some of your problems.


  3. Difficult to take a picture of my fav. gift, and share it,  this is as close as it gets


    My favorite gift of all isn't something many consider a gift at all, or so often forget it IS one, but I always remember.

    This is a gift I am blessed with everyday. The world sought fit to bless me with not just one, but three little beings that I get the privilege of raising. Three little beings who depend on me to provide them with the world and all it entails, good, bad, and ugly. Three little beings I am responsible for molding into amazing adults who will someday take over where I will leave off. They're intelligent, polite, loving, forgiving, friendly, well behaved, adorable, hilarious, grateful and so very much more. They teach me far more than I could ever teach them about the world around us. I couldn't possibly ever ask for, or receive a gift, better than them. The only thing that could possibly come in second, would be my hubby. But even he knows, they will forever sit in that number one spot in my heart.

    I posted it in the other thread too, and I'll post it here as well. For me, and them, presence means so much more than presents. Of course we love presents too, and tangible things are awesome. I'm not knocking tangible things by any stretch. They just happen to be my favorite gift of all time, and will always be :D

  4. Maybe it's just me but I find it more than a little sad that presents means more than presence to so many people these days, the world over. This time of year tends to drag the "real" for lack of better term, out of people. Some people show their true colors, and it can be more than just a little disheartening to see, when it doesn't paint them in a very positive light. I'm talking about all around the grid, and the world, in general.

    I watched some family members and friends of mine be very ungrateful for what they recieved and all I can think about is the fact that they could have got nothing at all. They could be one of the millions mourning the newly fresh loss of a loved one. They could have been spending the recent past or present burying a parent, or child. They could be one of the millions without anyone at all in their lives. They could be one of the millions struggling to feed themselves even one meal a day. They could be one of the millions without a roof over their heads. They could be one of the millions without employment. They could be one of the millions living in very unsafe conditions fearing for their life every single minute of every single day. They have so much to be thankful for, yet they focus on something they got and didn't like :(

    Maybe I'm just a weird sap, but even if I got something I didn't like, that something is something to be grateful for. Or maybe I just have weird priorities, lol. I especially hate to see such ungrateful behavior in children. Normally one could chalk such things up to innocence and immaturity, but sometimes you can tell it's a learned behavior and you can see right where it comes from. It makes me sad, very sad. My kids got to watch children act like little ungrateful brats today, and they were family. My kids didn't understand it anymore than I do. My son, being the sound mind he is, suggested to them if they didn't like what they got, they could always donate it to the kids at(our local children's hospital, where my daughter spent most of her first 6 years) because they would love it. The response, "I'd rather throw it away". :o

  5. I got the pure joy and pleasure of being able to spend the day with my family. Something some people in this world didn't get to have. The family I wasn't able to be with physically, I spoke to on the phone or skype. That in and of itself, is the greatest gift of all, my family. Even though my son and I are really sick right now, it was a fantastic day.

    I also got the joy of watching my kiddos open their gifts, completely and utterly grateful for everything they received. Not a complaint from anyone was ever uttered (not surprising, it's not in their nature to be ungrateful). A blessing I sometimes forget I have.

    I also got my littlest niece to take her very first steps alone today, right to me. That was pretty exciting too.

    As for tangibles, I got a stand mixer which I badly needed from my mother. My kiddos made me a huge lot of handmade gifts. I admit they're my favorite kind. They also gave me a calendar, votive holder, new incense, a candle, and some bath products(all vanilla, one of my fav scents). All paid for with money they earned doing odd jobs for grandma :D

    Yes I boast, I'm quite proud of my lil lot, they're pretty amazing kids.

  6. I can count on one hand the number of 3 star and under reviews I've made in the last 4 years. The rest have all been 4 or 5 stars-usually 5. A 3 would be mediocre product that I also had a problem fixing because a merchant wouldn't help me-also usually not left until I had no other recourse, usually weeks after I purchased because I give benefit of the doubt to most. So leaving a one star review is a pretty serious thing for me too. I had the same problem you're having now with one not too long ago though. The seller refused to work with me in-world. He downright refused to answer me, despite multiple messages and notecards being sent. It wasn't until I wrote a review that he finally contacted me. After leaving a reply to my review of course. My review was not mean spirited, didn't include foul language and discussed both the product and how he was handling the issue. It was really straightforward. I even offered a suggestion on how to make the product function the way he says it should. Since it was a hud that emoted from time to time, grammatical errors and poor context made it seem like it was created by someone who didn't really care to put much effort into it. I thought my review got removed too when I went back to add an additional reply after he finally refunded me the money. But I couldn't, because my review wasn't there. I rechecked the listing through my transactions and lo and behold, he had relisted it. He's done it twice since, too. Because I saw another less than stellar review left recently that's also no longer there.

    I tried to report it, but LL doesn't seem to care. So you can try reporting the new listing, but it won't likely do you any good. LL probably won't remove the listing. I agree it's not fair that merchants are able to basically stifle any customer they want to whenever they want to. I wouldn't dream of doing it myself. I guess it's just something we have to put up with. I personally think the whole review system is crappy at best and I can't even say what it is at worst. I wish they'd give it an overhaul.

  7. Surprisingly, no, my sales haven't dropped. But you'd think they wouldn't since I sell seasonal stuff. That's not actually the stuff that's selling the most though, lol.

    My inworld sales have been iffy for a while-I don't put a whole ton of faith into them, I mostly keep that for the people who DO want to shop inworld and the various groups I'm in. My mp went down for a bit, came back up, went down a little again, and seems to be steady now. So far the patterns I see every year seem to be repeating themselves this year though.

    That said, if you don't sell seasonal stuff at all, or very little, it's not surprising to see a dip, even a drastic one, as people are stocking up on that sort of stuff. That's exactly why I sell them myself, lol. I don't really think the hurricane had anything to do with sales. Well, I can't think of why it would. Although a lot of people were hit hard and aren't likely spending extra cash, they'd have to be your main source of income for it to have that big of an impact on you. I am guessing the areas, and people, hit hardest aren't the majority of your customers. Of course I could be wrong too, maybe they are.

    That all said, I'm not a high volume seller, of anything. My store's pretty small, I still have a bunch of stuff I need to add, list, and finish building. I've just been busy rl, and not had a spare few mins to get it all done. I might see bigger changes(better or worse) if I had a bigger store and product selection. Those who normally sell higher volume are more likely to notice the change than someone like me who is used to dips up and down. As long as my store pays for itself, I'm golden. Anything beyond that, is awesome. Most sellers call people like me hobbyist merchants :)

  8. There's a really pretty set of sims called End of Time.


    I recommend checking them out. You can visit anytime. They're so very beautiful, peaceful, quiet and for the most part, empty(or virtually so). I've seen them in and out and I still go visit just for fun. Hubby and I have sat and watched many a sunset here ;)

    You can always set your sun to sunset, fly up and find the best vantage point. But, there really are a lot here. Depending on what you're looking for.



  9. One of the items I got a bad review on once used to be my biggest seller. Actually it was my biggest seller for 3 years, despite the one bad review(and only review it ever got, which had nothing to do with the product but was an issue the buyer caused). I hate the review system, for all kinds of reasons. I've never agreed with the way it is and have been of the camp that believes it either needs a complete rehaul or done away with altogether since MP became what it is. But, I get no say, so I work with what they give me.

    When I read reviews I do so with a grain of salt. Sometimes you can smell a fake from a mile away, and sometimes you can't. Sometimes people are just in pissy moods and, well, their reviews reflect that. I don't think there is a person on these forums that can say with any amount of truth they've never overstated their position in the heat of frustration. So I look at both good AND bad reviews, with a grain of salt. I actually don't put a whole lot of faith in them unless you can clearly see the reivew is spot on(usually hard to do without owning the product).

    I can count on one hand the amount of 3 and less star reviews I've given since the days of slex. One of the creators yanked the product so the review would go bye bye. Shame really, because although the person EVENTUALLY made things right(not until I posted the review, inworld contact did no good), there was actually some constructive reviews left after mine regarding the same issues. It's a shame the seller didn't take those reviews to heart and actually improve the product. All they did was re-list it(a no no but LL doesn't enforce it).

    All that to simply say, I don't think most people put much faith into the reviews anymore, certainly not like they used to. Sellers feel a bit jaded when we get a review that's less than stellar, who wouldn't. But most consumers pay them very little mind, I've come to realize. Sometimes we just think they do, because we may be afraid of appearances, or proud of them even. I don't honestly think most reviews have any effect whatsoever on how a product sells, unless the product is clearly a piece of crap or so uber stupendous one simply cannot avoid buying it. Too many people know the review system is screwed these days and worth less than a speck of rice flour :P


  10. Melita Magic wrote:

    One thing I was determined from the beginning about, at the sim I used to run, was that every avatar would be welcome and equal. My only rule was about nudity and sexual content on an avatar, since we did get people from all walks of (real) life, and also, we got child avatars. So yes it was homogenized in the dress code sense, for the greater good, and also because those who ignored that rule seemed to break lots of other rules, while there, as well.

    I've never understood 'avatar prejudice' - I can understand dress code, obeying TOS about nudity/public sexual content, or sim theme rules. 

    But, people 'hating' a certain type of avatar?
    I mean, do they hate Bugs Bunny more than Popeye, too?


    He IS a wascally wabbit....



  11. I empty my trash when it needs emptied. Sometimes that's quite frequently, sometimes not for months. I ALWAYS scan over my trash folder before purging though. You just never know what might show up where it doesn't belong. Or if you accidentally delete and don't realize. Been there before too, lol.

    As far as sorting goes I do sort some of my inventory, but not all of it, not even most. That said, unless the asset server decides to eat something, temporarily or permanently, i don't lose things easily. My memory isn't always super sharp when I want it to be thanks to a health issue, but surprisingly I still remember where just about everything is in my inventory. I just can't always remember the name or where I got it, lol. I don't have to worry about outfits because although I have a lot, I rarely change. I tend to wear the same things. These days I spend most of my time in a bra and panties since I never leave my sim other than to pay my rent. That makes keeping my clothes sorted easy :D

    I do have some sorting products I throw my textures, sculpt maps and things like that in. Those suckers are handy lil things, but my main purpose for using them is that I can see things at a glance. They rez a prim and apply the map so I can see the sculpt and with textures they give me a quick view. I also box things up if I only use them around certain times of the year. Like a lot of my stuff I use for relay season, goes in a specific box just for that. Seasonal stuff, same thing. I just finished packing up a lot of my halloween/fall things the other day, and opened my winter/christmas/new year's box. There was a time when I didn't sort this way, and there is still a TON I don't sort this way. But it does come in handy at times.

    I don't pay much attention to my inventory count. I'm bound to have a crap ton and I deal with it just fine. I rarely have inventory issues these days. I used to have a lot more, when I had less inventory, oddly enough.

  12. My advice...some already shared..but I shall repeat..for **bleep**s and giggles..

    Be nice. Yep, be nice. You want people to be nice to you, so be nice to them. Simple :D If you can't be nice..walk away. It's not as hard as we like to believe to simply walk away.

    Get comfy. Find your comfort zone. A place you feel welcome no matter what. It could be anywhere..your own home, a sandbox, a club you go to, a sim that's typically empty, the middle of the ocean, in the center of th emost crowded sim you can find...whatever tickles your pickle. Make yourself a comfort zone. You may need it.

    Push buttons. They're there for a reason, and it's not just decoration. Just know that in doing so, the following WILL happen...

    Make mistakes. Yep, I didn't number this list, but if I had to, this would be #2. Everyone does it, and no one should feel ashamed. Though you might find others who want you to, ignore them. They're probably just not able to get over their own misgivings. At some point we all break rules(both written and unwritten), break objects and in fact do all kinds of things we probably shouldn't have done, or said. Eh, what do you expect, we're all human. It's not a character flaw, and should never be seen as such.

    Along with the push buttons...try EVERYTHING. Really, try it, you might like it. You also, might not. You won't know until you do. Unless of course your own ethics, moral compass, comfort, whatever, prevents you from doing such. No one should ever expect another to venture away from those things if they do not want to.

    Find the world, don't wait for the world to come to you. The grid is at your fingertips and just about anything you can imagine, is probably out there(or can be). Go find it!! It's not going to jump up and bite you on the ass. So take your ass to the bite instead ;)

    If you want relationships, go make them. Again, they won't come find you. If you want a bf/gf/so, go out and find one. Don't let others' horror stories scare you off. Sure there are tons, and probably more of those than the good fairy tale kind I have(mini brag..sigh..I love my fairytale online turned rl story ;) ) But you know, no one ever knows which ones WILL or WILL NOT turn out "right". So, go for it. If it doesn't work, move on. **bleep** happens, no matter where you go. It's not the end of the world. Of course you can learn from others' stories, if you so choose, but please never take ANY(good or bad) as an all or nothing sort of deal. Nothing in life would ever work in our favor if we did that ;)

    Ummm....yeah I'll add to this when I remember what else I was going to say. I forgot. Ooops.


  13. I have a boat that does just that. It's actually a dock that rezzes a little boat(and you can mod the hell outta the boat too, if you want). Lemme see what it's called here and I'll come back with it's name, lol.(I'm not logged in)

    It's not a sailboat, but it's a cute boat, and it works :D

     YAY I found it, lol. I like this little dock it works perfectly and we never had issues even with a lot of people using them at once, on a very busy sim. Your mileage may vary of course.



  14. jeeps wrote:

    i,ve been putting in messages to the gifts i send for months .turns out the messages never get delivered ???

    I don't think that's entirely true. If the messages are too long, they'll get cut off, but they still go at least partially through, in most cases. It's more likely that people just aren't looking at the messages sent. When the stuff gets sent while they are inworld, the message pops into local along with the delivery message. If they are offline, I believe the message goes to their inbox if they have it set to do so, but that is a sketchy thing anyway as the messages from MP have never been reliable since day one. That would be a case where the message might never make it to the recipient. But I would never recommend sending someone a gift while they are offline anyway, no guarantee it'll actually get delivered(more important when dealing with items still in magicboxes and not direct delivery as much, but I HAVE seen plenty of cases of non-delivery with DD as well)


  15. I won't be online myself, but I can offer a place to host one, if you'd like. I can probably place out some decor(though I don't think I have a whole lot in the way of Thanksgiving, I am more than happy to look). You'll have to bring the rest with you...and you'll have to invite people too lol. I've some prims to spare, and a space up in the sky you are more than welcome to as I surely won't be using the space. I can set a music stream to whatever you'd like it set to for the day(you'd just have to let me know, normally I'd offer to DJ, but like I said, I won't be home until later that evening/night).

    Send me an IM inworld if you'd like to use it. I'll log in and post the slurl here once I do. Otherwise you'll have to fly up to it on your own. It's easy to find, look in my pics for my store and go up. At the moment, it's just an empty platform.


    This is the slurl..


    Like I said, more than welcome, you'll just have to bring the party with you :) There should be plenty of prims available, if not, I can always yank some stuff here and there. There is an intan, and some light outdoor decor out now, feel free to see if it's an appropriate setting for you, if you can get what you need for a dinner/party. As long as you clean up when you're all finished, you can use it as long as you need. Let me know by Wednesday night if you want to use it, just so I know. I'm leaving my house early Thursday am.

  16. I think your experience just differs from others and you're having a hard time accepting that. Not everyone is going to agree with one another on issues. I have a feeling you're actually just looking more for validation than anything else, because you already know this. Your feelings are always valid, whether or not someone else agrees or has the same experiences. All feelings are valid.

    I can indeed use my HUD and the map to tp directly on top of someone's head. I do it all the time, lol(to people who don't mind, of course). Actually some of my friends and I have made a game of it-the whole flying falling thing is hilarious to us at times. I'm not certain why your experience with that bit is different, but, like I said, we're not all going to experience the same thing. I can also intentionally tp right next to someone too, using the same map.

    Respect should be a given anywhere in life. I don't think you'll find many here who disagree with that. What it seems you're finding is that people will define respect differently. Me, for example, I don't find someone tp-ing in on my head(no matter what/where/when) as disrespectful unless their actual intent was to BE so. Kinda hard to determine that without them saying it though, lol. You on the other hand, see this as a slight against you and a disrespectful act. Nothing wrong at all with thinking that, you just can't expect that everyone will agree. It's just not going to happen.

    People come to SL for all kinds of reasons. I see people saying that others need to respect their reasons all the time, but what I don't see, is a two way street. Maybe some of the people tp-ing in on you are simply in sl to explore the whole grid(or as much as they can) and perhaps don't see their act as being disrespectful. Shouldn't we then respect their reasons for coming in too, even if it might annoy that they have "invaded our space"? If we want them to respect our reasons, we've got to give too. Or maybe I'm just reading that part entirely wrong, it's quite possible. For me, the reason(s) for someone being in sl don't play much of a part, or rather, shouldn't, when it comes to issues like this. Mostly because the reasons are so widely varied. Not everyone views the avatars in sl as "people" as it were, despite their human controllers. So seeing you, or someone else, bumping pixels with another is not quite the same as walking in on someone bumping uglies in rl. There are lots of people who view sl as something "not real" and they should be just as free to do so, as you are to believe otherwise. Neither of us can, or should, say the other is right or wrong. It's just a matter of opinion. You'll find tons of people on either side of that argument. But that's again where that two way street of respect comes into play for me. I respect that some separate themselves from their avs entirely, and I'd expect that others would respect that I am not one of those people. Truth of the matter is, people on either side, fail to have that respect.

    I highly doubt that most people tp-ing in on you are doing so to grief. That would mean they're intentionally causing you some kind of harm. Which means they'd have to share both your definition of griefing, and your definition of disrespect(or harm). It would also mean you'd have to converse with them to find this out. Since not all are likely doing it on purpose, they may not even answer if approached. I've run into that before too. Mistakes can be embarassing for some. Of course some also probably wouldn't care less either way, too.
     When I've tp'ed in on someone's head before unintentionally, I've never once done it out of disrespect. I am sure that it's possible someone who shares the same opinions as you on the matter, might have thought so. They'd be completely incorrect, though. The people who pop in on me from the club on the other side of the sim, don't even always do it on their own. Sometimes they clicked something they shouldn't have. For a few weeks I had people pop in like crazy when they were trying to tp tot he club. We still don't know why, LL wasn't helpful, and neither was the sim owner. It's not been a problem for ages though. I chalk it up to some odd quirk, since I can't really explain it. It would have made more sense if the club were above me, but it's waaaay on the other side. So, who knows. Heck I've accidentally left on auto pilot or double click to tp before and accidentally sent myself somewhere I didn't want to be. It happens, lol, so that might be what happened in some cases too. I don't know. No one does.

    I'm sorry you feel SL isn't for you. Only you can decide that for yourself, of course, but if it were me and something were annoying me as much as it seems to be you, I might think the same. If, however, it weren't annoying me this much constantly, I might just find other things to focus on while I do what I can to prevent the acts driving me batty. Even if it means having to move so I can take advantage of the free tools available to me elsewhere. It's annoying to move, I've done it way too many times myself. But if something is really that bad, there's no point in sticking around anyway. You won't be able to fix the problem, from the looks of your reply. So maybe it is time to go somewhere you CAN fix the problem. The grid is pretty darn big and I am betting you can find some place that suits you perfectly and fills all the needs you may have :)

  17. I don't think you need someone else to tell you why the feature being removed would do you absolutely no good, it's been pretty well explained. But I do want to that that, even among those who use this particular viewer(well viewers), I don't know a whole lot of people nor have I come across them, that actually know the button exists. So it's actually less likely that the people popping in on you are using that feature, than it is likely. From my experience only, of course. I'm by far no expert on the viewers but I have had tons of conversations, and watched tons of threads here and elsewhere about them. You might be surprised to know that by my calculations(a guess, at best) less than half the users even know about most of the extra features. I have a hud for example that has a radar, spanker and all kinds of other features, that lets me tp right to people. That came out long before these viewers did. I've been using it since 2008.

    Also, I don't know why you added in the blip about some people being disabled, and why on earth is has anything at all to do with why you deserve respect. All people deserve respect, no matter what. Whether you are disabled or not. I'm legally blind and you don't see me demanding some kind of extra support from fellow residents simply because I choose to participate in a world thta might not always treat me the best-regardless of my disability. Actually, had I not said anything, you wouldn't even know I'm legally blind, now would you? What makes you think griefers(though I would not lump everyone who pops in unannounced as that, this is just a  difference of opinion) are either targeting you(or anyone) because of some disability? You must think that, or bringing it up would make no sense. Of everything said, that bit probably bothers me the most. Call it a pet peeve if you will, but I hate when people toss things like that into conversations where they have no business being tossed and are completely irrelevant to the topic at hand. It's almost insulting to people, actually to me it is insulting. We all have our burdens in life, some more than others. We're still all human...save for maybe the chipmunks and martians of the forums. I know, stupid rant of mine, but, there ya have it.

    I don't know why your landlord won't let you ban people. That seems so backwards to everything I've ever seen, it's not even funny. I understand why some don't want to allow a sim-wide ban for tenants, I suppose. But parcel bans? Yeah, that doesn't make sense and it's a pretty crappy landlord if you ask me. I can count on one hand how many landlords I've run across that don't allow bans, and they were/are terrible landlords. <shrugs>

    I have people pop in my house all the time. I always have, no matter what sim I lived on. In some cases it very well may be that my location used to house something else. I'm ok with that. I can't even tell you how many old lms I've come across over the years that now put me in someone's house, store, under water, whatever have you. Eh, such is life in a moving, thriving, ever changing, virtual world. I'm glad not everyone is offended when you pop in somewhere unannounced-since we can't really announce ourselves. I don't consider it insulting when people pop in on me and hubby. Unless of course they actually ARE there to grief. 95% of the people who have popped in on us, at any given time, are not, though. Sometimes it's because they're looking for my store-which is up above my home. Sometimes it's them using an old lm to somewhere else. Sometimes it's just them being curious. There's a club on my sim and I've had a crap ton of visitors pop in on me from there too. I don't know if they're using that feature, or not, nor do I care. If I don't want them there, I ask them to leave. Usually I let them be. People explore all the time, and I'm ok with that. If you're not, and I respect that many are not, then you have ways to stop them, so you should use them to your advantage. I'm not in any way saying people should be ok with visitors at any given time. But you've got lots of ways to stop them, and you're using absolutely none of them. I have all my stuff, furniture and whatnot, set so that only group members can use them, most of the time. Mostly because, like many, I don't really always want to let everyone use everything I have. They can still visit and whatnot, usually, and will without needing to use every piece of sit-upon stuff I've got. Most aren't there for that anyway. Sometimes I take the group only thing off. Like if I am gone for an extended period of time. I figure, why not, let them use it. As long as people are respectful of others who may or may not be there, I'm cool with it.

    But, again, I don't consider simply popping in on someone as being disrespectful. I know others may not agree, you're bound to run into differing opinions here on that one. Even if it's pixel nakey time, I don't necessarily consider it disrespectful of me, hubby, or our land. Like I said, if I don't want them there, I can stop that from happening, pretty easily. Not everything we find to be a slight against us, is something I'd qualify as griefing. But, we all define griefing differently too.

  18. I may not be of much help, but I'll tell you the things I like. Most are taken from sims that, sadly, did not withstand the test of time.

    First and foremost, I love scenic. I love beautiful sims that replicate nature, especially specific places. Even if slightly fictional. I do love sims that are overly finctional too, don't get me wrong, but nature... man, that can just awe me for hours and I think it leaves a lot more room for general population to enjoy. I cannot tell you how much time hubby and I have spent visiting various sims just because they were so, almost majectic, in their creation. Along this line, I also love simplistic. If you overdo it, you just blind me with too much when I land. I get overwhelmed. I may even get so overwhelmed I get bored. Then I leave, and you've really accomplished nothing. That doesn't mean the builder was bad, or the build was for that matter. Sometimes, too much too soon, upon landing, kills a sim. So, please remember that. Not everyone has the same type of system or even viewer running. It's important, if this is intended as public, to remember the public part, lol.

    One of my most fav sims ever in sl was the original Africa sim(s). Now replaced(I believe, I cannot find the original anywhere) by something, I hate to say it and sound rude, but...nothing even remotely similar, to the point that I was actually upset to see it :(. I absolutely LOVED those sims(that sim?), and I can't even tell you how much we donated to them because we(and by we I mean myself, and many friends) were always there. They had the most amazing hot hair balloon ride. Not because the ride itself was different, lots of places have that same tour product(even the new africa one does), but because of how the sims were laid out and how the tour was actually presented to you. It was just cool, as a group, as an individual and oh so romantic as a couple. The animals...omg, awesome doesn't begin to describe. Not all were built uber fantastic with photorealistic textures or anything like that, but they were still amazing. Animals at every turn. Being able to ride them, some of them, yeah that lead to some awesome adventures and great times. Zebra races were a highlight for us, for months on end. We could spend days and never tire. I don't know if it was one sim, it may have been, but it seemed like an entire grid of its own while we were there.

    I love places like that because they intrigue me. They give me something to do without telling me "do this". Yes they can come with some lag, but any place can, really. I just love places that keep me not only entertained but, well, inspired. I just think they're the bees knees. I can't say enough about them. I love that they are inviting to all, no matter who you are, you can find something to do or be intrigured by enough to stick around. I love that they weren't so overly done that you think "ZOMG how the hell can I get through all this.. where do I even start". No, no matter where you land, the "where to begin" is subtle and completely open ended. I love themed sims that are open ended. I am not nearly as fond of  "start here to begin your adventure" type places. Though truth be told they can be fun too. I love places that have things hidden in every nook and cranny. Places like the gardens sims and such where if you walk far enough, you'll find cozy places tucked away. The end of the earth sims(I think they're called that) are also like this. They're also always empty when I go, which sometimes just leads to me enjoying them even more. They're peaceful, yet fun to travel. I've seen them in their entirety, yet I'm compelled to return from time to time. That, defines a great sim, for me.

    I lost my train of thought dangit, but, if I think of what it was I'll come back. Maybe this will help you a little, maybe not, who knows, lol. Either way I wish you lots of luck with your new project. I am sure no matter what you do, it will be awesome.


  19. Porky Gorky wrote:

    Does editing a listing still destroy its search ranking?

    The question should be can it, and the answer is most assuredly yes, it can, and it does, often. Not every item, or every merchant will experience it, or will notice it. In fact I think many merchants never notice, because they don't bother to(and likely have no reason to). It might depend, for some, a lot on how often your products are searched/sold to begin with, I think. If it's not a super popular search item, it may take longer to recover from being re-ranked. But even that's sketchy. You'll never get a straight across the board answer to this one.

    I have products that when edited drop out of rank for a very short time. I have a few that take longer. I have another bunch that never did recover, and I still can't figure out why(they are still searched and bought frequently, so they're not recovering makes no sense). I don't bother trying to make heads or tails now. I do my best to NOT have to edit things unless I have to. When I do, I just suck it up and hope for the best.


  20. Melita Magic wrote:

    Thanks for that perspective. Why wouldn't someone have any money at all in real life, but would in Second Life?

    At any given time I can easily have lots of lindens inworld(sorry hope that doesn't sound snotty). While in rl I have kids, bills, holidays coming. My inworld money is, to be blunt, extra, usually. It does at times come in handy for rl expenses too, but for the most part what I make in sl pays for my sl. It also allows me the opportunity to be able to donate to causes that in rl I might not have the spare cash to extend. It happens. Life is funny that way. The economy may not be completely in the toilet but that doesn't mean everyone always has spare cash, or even enough cash. In fact most in this country(among others) don't even have enough, let alone extra. My rl budget is extremely tight, and there are weeks when I can't even cover the bills and need to rely on sl income. I know I am not alone. That's part of why I am very grateful my sl expenses have, and can,  provide the extra cushion I can't. I live pretty simply in rl, so it's not for lack of trying. Life just happens. I probably have some expenses many don't, they aren't whims or unnecessary expenses. But they do put a damper on anything extra, sometimes. I could easily have ten bucks to spare for the week in rl, yet have what amounts to maybe 20 or 30 bucks in lindens. If it's an extra and I don't reeeeally need it in rl, I like being able to share it with someone who just might need it. Easier than cashing out, and looking for somewhere in rl to donate to, sometimes. That's not to say I don't do anything in rl for charity, I do, as do my children, but that's really neither here nor there. My lindens, and your lindens and joe's lindens may not be much on their own, but combine them, and we can probably do a lot more good. Just my take on it though :)

    I am sure there are lots of reasons why someone wouldn't have spare cash but just might have lindens they can share with another. In fact, I meet them every year doing RFL. You'd be surprised how many people wish they could do more in rl, but can't(and I won't judge their reason, because it's not for anyone to judge, imo), but they can do something in sl. It's amazing and RFL in SL is a prime example of it-again I use that because it's something near and dear and something I have been watching for years now. I am sure others can attest to that fact too, if they so wish. The monies gathered for tsunami relief, hurricane relief, and all sorts of other aid in sl have made an impact, despite the fact that yes scammers exist everywhere. It's really pretty awesome, to me.


  21. Melita Magic wrote:

    No, thanks.

    While it is laudable to help people, it always puzzles me why some think charity drives must happen via Second Life, or in world. The same internet access can bring people to the charity's own website, where they can donate directly.

    The more 'middle men' get involved, the more the chance for corruption, greed, outright stealing to take place. If you don't think people take advantage of crises and tragedies like Sandy or Katrina, think again. I don't mean in SL I mean in RL and after all, the common denominator there, is people.

    I prefer things in which a merchant says 'this item will be 100% donated to X charity' and then at least those donating get something for their donation, in case it's a hoax.

    Sorry, I don't see the sense in this.

    I understand what you're saying but I can at least try to make some sort of sense for you, or well give you a reason why some prefer inworld donations. I'll use RFL as an example simply because it's something I've watched for years. My first year donating to RFL was before I had my store. Any money I had to donate was money I made in sl, not brought in from rl. Now, would it have mattered if I cashed out and then donated, or the the ACS avatar cashed it out and then put it to use? Probably not, we'd both pay fees(though I do believe the charity may pay less in fees, not certain though I can't remember now). But at the time, I wasn't cashing out lindens, didn't even have a way to, so it made much more sense, to me, to donate my lindens which I had readily available, than to try and scrape up that amount in rl cash and find somewhere to donate. What I donated may not amount to much in USD, maybe 100USD, but it was still something I could do. I am not alone in that. A lot of people can donate lindens, but cannot donate cash, for all kinds of reasons. Some people can't cash out their lindens, either, just like I couldn't. So with that in mind, giving them a way to help is a very good thing, imo.

  22. If it helps any, seem to be all kinds of problems all over today, but yesterday was perfectly fine for me too. Shrugs, who knows, this stuff seems to come in waves sometimes, lol. What doesn't work one minute, give it a bit, and it'll probably be fixed. Kinda like the weather here. Don't like it one minute, wait 30 mins :P

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