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Jordyn McGregor

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Posts posted by Jordyn McGregor

  1. 12 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

    Well, for goodness sake! With that much lead time, you could...

    Really, Jordan...you shouldn't need the President-for-Life to tell you these things. Get a grip, girl!

    Do they deliver to New Zealand? lol

  2. 8 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

    I like peanut butter, bacon & mayo on white bread toast sandwiches (sourdough if I'm feeling fancy). Huh, imagine that, some people think that sounds awful. (You really should try it though, they are delish!) 


    I support you with the bacon and mayo...



    I may need to go lie down for a bit.  I seem to have strangled myself pearl clutching!!

  3. 35 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    Peeve corollary: Why am I so tired of everyone?  (Which is a reframe of my stand by: Peeve: People!)


    Is that a person we should know with a hidden meaning etc? Or is that just a coffee drinking to match the words?

    Peeve: As stated to Jordan, not knowing anything.


    That is Rene Artois, a French cafe owner from a wonderful British comedy called Allo Allo about the French resistance during WWII.  I don't think @Sid Nagy has any hidden meaning behind it...but I have been known to be wrong before.  Once.  Back in 1986.

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  4. 22 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    I originally saw this on my phone and didn't realize what I was seeing. Opened the computer and am glad I had just set down my coffee, or I would be cleaning coffee spew off my monitor. :D

    Peeve: Not knowing ANYTHING... what is this squished boob of which you speak that apparently I need to be purchasing ASAP?

    Will we be wearing squished boobs while sorting inventory together alone in public trying to get picked up ignored?

    Peeve: (a two-fer!) Telling Jordan that "I'm done buying hair for a while" and then her posting this picture and... I need that hair! 😍 Where? Who? 

    We WILL be wearing matching hair (and matching boobs) while sorting etc etc etc

    Its a date!!!

    p.s. The hair is Kelsey from Doux.  It should be in their store by now.  And.....


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  5. 15 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Peeve: Choosing whether to "snooze" or "unfollow" friends on social media who post jokes about the Queen / Charles & Camilla / etc.

    Personally I would unfollow.  

    No matter what your feelings on her as a person, the role she had in her life, or your views on the whole monarchy thing - it's disgustingly disrespectful to another human being, her family and millions of people around the globe that are feeling a tremendous sense of loss, and it's just tacky. 

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  6. 14 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

    I just know that if I didn't state it was joke, I may get some people who would get triggered by what I said. That is why I said it is only in jest. Knowing my luck, I would trigger someone they would report me and I would be suspended from SL for a few days for being heartless. So ergo saying it was a joke before going right into it. 

    She was my queen too and I'm very sad about her passing.  You are entitled to your feelings and should not be reported or scorned for them.  It's no different than a celebrity I don't care for passing - means nothing to me, but I'm sorry for your feeling of loss.

    I hope you had a wonderful bday, despite it being hijacked by becoming such a momentous day in history.  At least you can use that as a claim to fame. 

    I also hopes this means Ginge and Whinge finally get what's coming to them.

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