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Cristiano Midnight

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Everything posted by Cristiano Midnight

  1. I am 45 - and while I can relate to people of any age, everyone I meet lately in SL seems to be around 30. I don't mind it, but I'd love some friends closer to my age as well. I had someone very aggressively hit on me, and then all of the sudden say "sorry, I am 36 and I only like people 20-35". That was lovely. Also, having a 2003 rezdate in my profile generally gets me "OMG you are so old!" on a daily basis. Not the greatest opening line.
  2. The more I've read discussions about this, I think part of Flickr's move has to do with the massive amount of porn on the platform, posted anonymously. That is problematic on several levels. With pro accounts, they have payment info on file, which at least provides some form of identity. Hosting user posted pornographic content is a challenge for any site. I am surprised Flickr has gone this long without locking it down more. Keep in mind, it is not just SL porn we are talking about - and not just naked pics. That said, I do think it is a mistake to include moderate images for pro only. The guidelines around moderate are pretty mild. By locking those down too, it is just alienating users. Also, with the ridiculous jump in price of Pro over the past 4 years (188% increase or something like that) with no added value at all, Pro cannot be justified for a lot of users. This move is not going to do much to increase their pro subscriptions. It's actually going to decrease the user base of Flickr, which affects Pro users as well who care about engagement. I do hope they rethink some of these changes. I doubt they will back off completely, but as they stand now, they've gone too far.
  3. I think having SL available on a streaming service like Nvidia's Geforce Now, Amazon's Luna and Microsoft's xCloud would be a benefit for those with older computers (and also allow you to access SL from any computer). The latency on a decent internet connection has improved dramatically with game streaming services (I use xCloud and Luna regularly to play games on my iPad). One downside would be that you would be stuck using the main SL client which would be a dealbreaker for me. As far as Steam, as someone else said, I think the issue is Steam taking a cut of transactions. Sansar was on Steam, and doing a quick Google search, apparently SL was going to be on Steam back in 2012. I'm not sure what happened with that. SL's adult content might have something to do with it as well. https://www.polygon.com/gaming/2012/8/17/3248748/second-life-is-coming-to-steam
  4. That is going to have a huge impact on SL Flickr users - there are a lot of free accounts with moderate and restricted content on it. Only a fraction will probably move to Pro. You'll end up seeing a lot of content deleted. I get the feeling it is a move they are making in order to sell the site - I can't imagine it is anything but a headache for them at this point, and they've not done much to improve it the entire time they've owned it. Flickr Pro doesn't also have very much value to make it that compelling for most people. For me, I take my pics at 8k resolution and Pro does offer full resolution and unlimited storage, so I just view it as paying for storage. More casual users of Flickr though don't get much value from it. I can't imagine a lot of people will migrate to Pro just to not have their pictures held hostage.
  5. I would recommend trying body skin demos from Birth - they come in a range of tones and have a lot of different body hair options, and they are all BoM. The built in Legacy skins are ok, but there are better ones out there and at this point limiting yourself to appliers is not a great idea. Nexus offers a lot of body hair options in BoM as well.
  6. Hoorenbeek and Deadwool are the two best male suit designers by far. Deadwool is pricier and Hoorenbeek tends to offer a lot more options, but both are top of the line.
  7. Aeros, one of the most popular makers of male genitals in SL seems to have completely disappeared. Their store is empty, marketplace is gone, and the creators profile is empty. Does anyone know what happened?
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