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Cristiano Midnight

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Everything posted by Cristiano Midnight

  1. Yes, it would. That would be a minefield I don't think they will wade into. They make too much money off of users partaking in that adult content, and LL is owned by a finance company. That genie could not be put back into the bottle,
  2. EA has done nothing to block adult mods or content. The Sims has a very robust adult side. On the other hand, The Sims Online was a disaster for them ultimately because of sexual behavior in a game that did not even have any adult content.
  3. That is the million dollar question, and I fear yes, we all will suffer under new restrictions, and some communities in particular will be even more affected.
  4. Yes, but you framed it as "adult content is a problem". No, it is not. Adults do adult things, and SL allows a level of freedom most environments do not. Of course, there are some people doing things they should not be, and that needs to be addressed, not adult content in general.
  5. In the end, SL is just an extension of first life, where people do the exact same thing. In a visual space, people are going to always react to how someone presents themself, fairly or not. In RL, a lot of effort is extended trying to stop other people from doing what you don't like. Trans people and drag queens are the latest boogeyman(person?), but it repeats over and over and over. Human nature can be rather inhumane.
  6. Somewhere in my inventory in IMVU I have an adult-ish pool table made by the illustrious Anshe.
  7. Every environment has adult content if you have adults. I remember being in There.com prior to SL, and the things people did with chairs and a squat animation would make you blush lol.
  8. Adult content is not a problem. Permitting certain behaviors and content is. Adult content is a foundation of SL.
  9. They do, but it does not mean I don't enjoy taking the piss out of someone who clutches their pearls over language and sexuality either.
  10. It is filtered by that LSL function. It does not mean it is entirely filtered in the data sent to the client. Third party viewers do have capabilities not supported specifically by LSL functions (example, the posing tool in Black Dragon that allows manipulation of the avatar). Some are entirely client side, but that does not mean the data is not somehow accessible to the viewer code.
  11. LOL there is a certain very popular music venue that is that way. I revel in getting the DJs to play songs with swear words in them.
  12. Unrelated to SL, but my grandmother freaking loved the police blotter the Miami Herald used to have. She always knew what the hell was going on everywhere.
  13. You can be banned for language in an M sim? Uh oh, I have a filthy mouth and all of my land is M lol.
  14. It is short in SL when everyone is 7 feet because of scaling issues. I agree that height should not be a determining factor.
  15. Virtual Secrets is a cesspool. Hiding behind anonymity brings out the worst *****ing behavior in people, and in SL we already have one layer of anonymity. Adding even another to allow people to say anything without any fear of reprisal is scummy behavior. That site needs to die in a fire.
  16. Distilled down to its simplest terms, for a large amount of users, they want to shop, have pretty Barbie dolls to play with, and pixel bump. It really is not more high brow than that.
  17. Oh of course it is an issue, it has been in SL since the beginning, as it was in The Sims Online before it (child brothels) and in other environments as well (VRChat *shudder*). There are certainly things that can and need to be done to address it more broadly. I don't know exactly what that looks like from a user perspective. There are tools in place for us as users to report such things, but anecdotally you hear that often times nothing is done. Also, since SL is ephemeral, unless there is verifiable evidence, it is hard to take any action. It doesn't mean there are not ways for them to do so, it just becomes much more difficult where one can shape shift in and instant and chat can happen on voice or externally. There is also the quite real possibility of false accusations as well to damage someone. Still here, smoke, fire, etc. This particular tempest in a teacup is not the first, nor the last - but it is uniquely targeted in a way previous cases have not been. On Twitter, Daniel Voyager asked what the theme of SL21B should be. My answer was cleaning house.
  18. I recall reading in one of the discussions on my site or reddit that the server sends all attachment information, but the viewers specifically filter out huds. Considering that there are dodgy third party viewers out there, it is quite probable that there is one that can display all that a user has attached.
  19. Oh believe me, I am well aware of how SL mobs operate. All the crazy of RL mobs combined with the special online anonymous brand of crazy that lets people act even worse with impunity. Every time this comes up, child avatars all get painted with the same broad brush. It affects me not one iota, but it does not mean I think those using child avs for harmless reasons should be lumped in with pedophiles and restricted all the same.
  20. Yes, it is - though it sounds awkward compared to legitimize.
  21. Of course not, but there are policies in place to deal with that. Again, it is an LL problem of enforcement. What was so troubling about the allegations, among many things, was the appearance of tacit approval of the behavior or at best indifference to it, fueled by things like favoritism and people being untouchable. That is why I think they need to address their internal issues and find ways to enforce their current guidelines. This is not a new thing by any means, it is just the latest - though this time around, it very much is focused on the house of Linden.
  22. One of the most misnamed things around - common sense is in rare supply.
  23. I am glad you spoke up. You have had it so much worse on Reddit than I did, in part because Reddit, but also because people are idiots. I agree with all that you have said. I don't envy what you went through and continue to go through. Why should the user base be restricted further when this entire mess is about alleged internal behavior. They need to get their own *****ing house in order, full stop.
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