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Varistentia Varriale

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Everything posted by Varistentia Varriale

  1. Ok I did new tests with LOD since obviously I wore clothes in the first image: Lod 2 and 3, anything beyond those zoom settings will make body vanish, I don't think this is a big issue tbh.
  2. Not in Cool VL Viewer, I will try 2 and see what happens. Edit: It works just fine I even tried some insane value like -100 Lod and I was still there but the boats began to fall apart, I'm that little bright blue guy down there to the left. https://paste.pics/0e36fbf02cccf5be94ffebaefcdff941
  3. I think there has to be somekind of miscommunication going on I have LOD 3 and my body does not vanish no matter how far I zoom out.
  4. Legacy already supports BOM. https://www.meshbody.com/updates/
  5. Legacy now has BOM https://www.meshbody.com/updates
  6. Hmm I see well time will tell what happens, then again it's Second Life nothings for certain, we have to live in the moment. The alpha tearing issue is being investigated and tbh all mesh gets these tears the higher you go including clothes but it needs to be fixed atleast at ground level. I don't have a neck issue at all head fits perfectly but I have a skin both for my lelutka head and legacy body (StrayDog), if you use the included skins for the body and another skin for the head there will be obvious issues.
  7. Apparantly quite a few https://www.flickr.com/photos/siuvhne/galleries/with/72157710161561231
  8. Internet is a dangerous thing, it quickly becomes he said and she said something when at closer inspection it might not have gone down that way at all, then rumors become facts. They have been very active in the inworld groups like the Livehelp group, so I dunno my image of TMP is exactly the opposite of yours. Of course I have read the past experiences that likely you had and others but I wasn't there so I don't know how much of this is true or not or what the underlying causes of the problems actually were, not saying anyone is lying here, but it's very easy to blame the big bad corporation. And often this comes down to the corporation doing a bad job communicating reasons for the state of things and then customers "fill in" this information themselves through speculation and conjecture and that's just how we humans operate I guess. All I know is TMP or The Shops or whatever they want to be known as now are doing a good job on the communication front atleast and updates are flowing fairly well, but time will tell if this is lasting or not.
  9. They did a test with BOM the other day so I would say it will come sooner rather than later.
  10. Cool VL Viewer is the best, I have been using it since I can't even remember but probably around a few days after the "new" official viewer came out.
  11. Bowing out here as well and I would like to apologize to Matty for derailing his thread, my original comment was more aimed at making Matty stay in Bellisseria because he is so awesome.
  12. Or it was an unique event that only happened to a few people or more, otherwise one would think it should happen to everyone with a Winchester but it's doesnt.
  13. I have had mine up since 28th of May and they are still perfectly in place so there is clearly something else going on here and it's likely the house that's moving somehow for some people.
  14. My walls (From Xia) have stayed in place in my Winchester so this might not happen to everyone.
  15. It's possible that some creators have seen a decline and if they convert their entire line to this new body (mostly tattoos for obvious reasons) then they will stand to make quite a bit of cash fast. But to drop the other bodies, that's just strange since they already have the rigging tools and are familiar with the body. I mean just because I have a Legacy body doesn't mean I don't want a Jake or Gianni user to have the same clothes.
  16. Yes Xia Xevious the creator is very friendly and approachable and she would no doubt want to hear about this, in fact I'm going to show her this thread.
  17. That makes no sense yep, one would think a creator would want to sell as much clothes as possible.
  18. As a male you dont even have to use deformers since Gianni clothes fit almost perfectly and obviously this is both because many male clothes cover the entire body and that shapewise the legacy body and Gianni body are similar.
  19. Hmm that's odd mine has stayed in place or atleast I think it has only problem is the values I have written down are for the entire rezzer, when its done it divides itself up into the individual rooms. I checked very carefully and it looks as perfect as when I first put it up, did your house move perhaps? Of course the house shouldn't move but I know someone else mentioned a while back that their house had moved slightly.
  20. Well look on the bright side it gave someone a chance to create something and sell, this is also how SL has always worked provide basic "something" then let users make the missing parts desired. Also if LL made the perfect world there would be no need for creators and hence we would all have to pay alot more for land and free membership would likely not even exist. To me it doesn't matter who makes it I'm only interested in if I can get a certain experience or not, but as it stands with what I just said I actually believe it's best exactly like it is so the economy works and since SL is still here after 16 years and apparantly doing rather well LL is doing something right after all.
  21. You can change the colors of each wall in all the rooms with this little gem https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/GIVORIA-LH-Winchester-Paint-Walls-Mod-Version/17355685
  22. Us BelliSanctuaryHoomans will also support Hamster in any way possible. ♥
  23. DJ Hammy rocking the 80s tunes on the party boat like its 1989.
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