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Celena Galli

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Everything posted by Celena Galli

  1. hello i wanted to ask you scripters how its possible to make a logo animated mesh with neon like the neon signs that are lately appeared on secondlife fashion stores that are animated ( i will not place examples to not make an advertisment ) i just wanted to know if there is a specific script or a program for that
  2. Still looking. Please contact me inworld with notecard to celena galli
  3. Looking for an experienced rigger who can rigg clothes on the following bodies 1) Maitreya Lara Fitmesh body - most wanted 2) Belleza Isis & Freya Fitmesh body 3) TMP Fitmesh Body 4) Slink Physique Fitmesh Body 5) General Fitmesh 6) Standard sizes Contact me inworld with Notecard to Celena Galli. Only serious messages please. Thank you
  4. Looking for an experienced rigger who can rigg clothes on the following bodies 1) Maitreya Lara Fitmesh body - most wanted 2) Belleza Isis & Freya Fitmesh body 3) TMP Fitmesh Body 4) Slink Physique Fitmesh Body 5) General Fitmesh 6) Standard sizes Contact me inworld with Notecard to Celena Galli. Only serious messages please. Thank you
  5. Looking for an experienced builder to make for me a skybox interior Building. Please send me examples of your work direct to me. Payment will be discussed. Contact to Celena Galli
  6. at linden exchance menu are two options. Sell and Process credit. Could you please explain me the difference between those two options? i have read in tos for those two but its difficult to me to understand completely as my english are not good egnough.
  7. I have already search on marketplace but I cannot find what I want Did you know 1) Where I can find a script that close the hud? I mean I have make a hud with an X button for when I press it th hud close or remove itself from my screen. 2) Where I can find a script that plays sound when I move my mouse over the button? not to play sound on touch, only when i pass the mouse over the button.
  8. Hello! I'm Professional Photographer/Designer ! Im me in world for more info! You can visit our Studio here for more information too! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Swept%20Away%20Isles/61/31/21 we will be happy to help you with this! Celena Galli
  9. You can use many techniques. I will show you one of those tequniques that is very easy to learn. In 1st picture I shoot myself (my avatar) At 5.000 x 2619 Resolution with Ultra (without shadows and lights) and WL Sky preset [Analu] Studio 5. I do not change the light in photoshop because i like the way that Studio 5 looks I use the polygonal tool to select the neck area and i use the smudge tool to fix the bad sides of my neck..After this I use the Burn tool in Midtone 50% (without Protect Tones checked). I drag the brush from one side to the other only one time. I change the brush from midtone to Highlight and i do it again one more time. (Also you can do this with brushes or with Mask). I do the same with shoulders and chin. I use the Smudge tool to "paint" my skin... The smudge tool can move and blur the skin... You can test it by using the smudge tool on your skin. Drag the brush from the left to the right and from right to the left 3-4 times or more. I use the Polygonal Lasso to select some parts of my chest and i use the smudge to blur them..Also i use some cuts with lasso and Burn/Dodge tools to make it more artistic and with more chest/neck details.(I draw a shadow or light very closed to the selected area). I made the last picture with the polygonal tool/Smudge Tool - Burn/Dodge/Shadow Tool Only.(I select the lips and i use Smart Sharpen on them. I used to draw the hair and skin with my stylus/ Graphic Pen but i made them all with mouse so i used some addon ready made hair to do it more quickly.I also use white simple brush 1% size on her eyes,a little Skin tone color to smooth some parts of her face and at the end i change the tone of picture a little bit to looks more ice vintage.Of course if you want to make the picture perfect and more good looking,you need more hour than I spend to make it to show you this technique. hmmm maybe she need smoother nose and smoother neck but ok doesn't matter xoxo! If you want to make more realistic skin, you can use brushes like small dots for skins (you can find a lot on internet) If the previous information confused you or not helps you, i can make a quick video and post it here to show you how i do this!
  10. All designers/photographers/artists have different opinion about this years now. I confess that Its the 1st time i heared that secondlife do not compress images and maybe you have right.She said that even if she take shooting with very high resolution, the picture is not clear and probably she has already use some methods to increase the quality of shooting in secondlife viewer in advanced menu, thats the reason why i told her about the 300. Yes its true. the monitor do not cares about dpi cause it's ppi and we change it with the same way as we change the dpi for prints in document size. Web used to compress the images and as you said secondlife do not compress the images as internet does.So why the image appeared in her ps a little bit different than the original image? so things may will be a lil bit different Some old programs used to have 96 dpi 72 x 1+1/3 and are not appeared well in 72 or 120 ppi.Even though 72dpi is standard for the web, monitors have slightly different resolutions depending how you have the monitor set and how big the monitor is. For example, a 19″ monitor set to 1024×768 will show 70ppi (pixels per inch, monitors use pixels which are square not round but pixels and dots for the sake of this conversation are otherwise analogous). By comparison, a 19″ monitor set to 1280×1024 will have a resolution of 87ppx which means you fit more on the screen and get more detail, but everything looks smaller.So the 72 in web is only for having a small file size and fast loading and nothing else. Yes, the difference between a 300 dpi and 72 dpi it will not be felt in the eye, in web /screen because we used to see the images in 100%,this does not mean that does not exist.
  11. Are you sure that 700 linden PER 2 WEEKS is the highest payment for workers in secondlife? So 2,86 US Dollars every 14 days? ???? Maybe....this payment is from the lowest payments for workers in secondlife
  12. Copyright "The exclusive right to control reproduction and commercial exploitation of your creative work. Copyright protects any kind of artwork, including illustrations, photographs and graphic design. Except under certain circumstances (see “work made for hire” section), you own the copyright in your work at the moment you create it in a “fixed form of expression.” A fixed form of expression is any tangible medium that can be perceived by humans, including traditional forms—such as paintings, sculptures, writings—and new forms that require a machine to perceive (e.g., GIF files, CDs, websites)" "A logo that includes artistic or design elements, (i.e. not just the name on its own), is legally regarded as being a work of artistic creation and therefore will be protected under copyright law" First of all is hard to copyright a tapeface logotype because are not recognized from most of copyright agencys. This logo type is not Typeface, its Design so you can copyright it. Secondly if your logotype has at least 1 difference from another logo, you can use the logotype. If the logotype is fully registered, for example I made a cat face logo like yours'with all copyrights, and im sign to not use by others some modifications of logotype or look similar with mine, then, you cannot use it (but it always depends) Even if some logotypes looks like have rights on them,are not copyrighted or trademarked*. You need to make an extended search on it or ask a lawer. Even if the secondlife is a worldwide area, I think that you will not have any problem with your logotype but i advice you to make something more unique.
  13. Professional Graphic Designer / illustrator (specialization in illustration,Digital Art,3D animation, photography) with 10 years experience and ability to work with up to 22 Software editors (Computer programs) is Available for : Partnerships,Magazines,Shootings,Vendors,Events.E.t.c Portfolio Available Contact In-World via IM or Notecard : Celena Galli
  14. Thank you so much for your answers 1) I have placed it in inworld - employement 2) I have already inform the moderator who deleted me for the other links and he answer me "fill a ticket to linden lab"without just take a look at the links that i provide... 3) why other people can advertise their business and i cannot? please take a look with your own eyes at inworld employment..... pfff its very confusingd all this situation...
  15. I post my message and i get deleted in maximum 1 hour. All the other advetising messages are still up for a weeks now
  16. Advertising I was searching the forum and i find from a helper of secondlife forum the following message The only advertising allowed on the forums is: Land sales and rentals, in the land forumsServices offered, in in-world employmentthen I place in inworld employment an advertising message for a photography bussiness as services offered (Description - links) and i get deleted by a moderator with the following message Spamming, Solicitation and Advertising: Spamming is not allowed. This includes aggressive self-promotion. No advertising or promotion of specific Second Life merchants, Marketplace listings, products, or services, unless the forum area is specifically for the buying or selling of Second Life products or services, for example, a “for sale” or “wanted” forum. Do not reference other websites offering any product or service.Note: It is OK to have a signature line with a link to your Second Life profile or information about your Second Life business. After an extended search i find up to 20 messages ( in the front pages.. if i search more i will find a tone of those messages ) with the same message with me and advertising links e.t.c. and are still up in the Secondlife forum - Commerce forum - in world employment without any problem The topics that i find are - self advertising, business advertising and descriptions with links from other websites I will not start to listing here all those links....You can see with your own eyes.... I get confused.. is the advertising allowed or not? in which section i can place my advertising message?
  17. Advertising I was searching the forum and i find from a helper of secondlife forum the following message The only advertising allowed on the forums is: Land sales and rentals, in the land forumsServices offered, in in-world employmentthen I place in inworld employment an advertising message for a photography bussiness (Description - links) and i get deleted by a moderator with the following message Spamming, Solicitation and Advertising: Spamming is not allowed. This includes aggressive self-promotion. No advertising or promotion of specific Second Life merchants, Marketplace listings, products, or services, unless the forum area is specifically for the buying or selling of Second Life products or services, for example, a “for sale” or “wanted” forum. Do not reference other websites offering any product or service.Note: It is OK to have a signature line with a link to your Second Life profile or information about your Second Life business. After an extended search i find up to 20 messages with the same message with me and advertising links e.t.c. and are still up in the Secondlife forum - Commerce forum - in world employment I get confused.. is the advertising allowed or not? in which section i can place my advertising message?
  18. Services offered, in in-world employment in this section is not alowed they deletemy advertising message with the folowing message Spamming, Solicitation and Advertising: Spamming is not allowed. This includes aggressive self-promotion. No advertising or promotion of specific Second Life merchants, Marketplace listings, products, or services, unless the forum area is specifically for the buying or selling of Second Life products or services, for example, a “for sale” or “wanted” forum. Do not reference other websites offering any product or service.Note: It is OK to have a signature line with a link to your Second Life profile or information about your Second Life business. thank you autumnrusso and noone answer me where i can advertise business
  19. :manlol:Hey Boss! Her **bleep** are blinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blink Blink Blink
  20. When you write metal.. where is excactly the metal in this picture? sorry but i cofnused a lil bit! By the way .. greek? "Γειά σου αδερφέ! "
  21. Resolution : depends.. it used to be 5000x3000 less more or e.t.c. Graphics : Ultra Photoshop : Open Picture - unlock (double click on layer-ok ) - image - image size - uncheck resample image - change resolution to 300. Secondlife - google e.t.c. used to compressed the images from the original resolution to lower resolution. This helps to change the resolution but it resize the picture. but it helps and is must for any picture. edit: when i say it resize the picture i mean the file size
  22. I know people - as myself have done it in the past .. who charges for photos 35.000 linden/ each. and have a lot clients who are interested in them.example: In real life it used from people who have knowledge for this... to charge for 1 picture 100 - 150 euros (less more)... why someone must charge 500 linden for a picture if he charge in his real 150 euros? if someone use the photography as a job in secondlife is doesnt matter if its sl or rl. its the same. its graphics. its picture. you work for... (again it depends cause the secondlife economy its defferent) It depends. Many people are charging alot money for picture and the picture is very bad and other people are charging a price like 100 linden for a BOMB picture ... the people that charges 100 linden for example 1) are afraid to charge more and afraid that they could not find clients) 2) are not professionals and are doing this for hobby 3) i dont know why....People that payed for 300-500 for example are not put the best they can to the picture cause they feel 20% disapointed from the payment that will be given to them.... In the past i had charge a very big amount (from the amounts that used to charges people in secondlife for shootings) for a picture and i give my best for... You put the payment that you believe you worth and your skills. If someone want High quality he will not afraid to pay you and come to you. Thtas the reason many photographers disapointed by theirselfs and put the prices lower than at the begining of their business cause they do not see many clients or they do not make money. But it needs work and advertising.. If you are good in what you can and you believe in that and you put your self and your love you will get the payment that you want.
  23. it depends... in real life im professional graphic designer and i charges for example 1 cover from 200 - 500 euros (depends in work) . This with -per hour - is not very trusted cause the client isnt in your home to see how many hours you really spend to do an illustration for example.. so is more trusted to not charge per hour but per file.
  24. You need to learn how to draw in photoshop! most of the designers that making something like that they se graphic pen (like mouse but the pen with tablet) to draw like that!
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