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Selene Gregoire

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Posts posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. 1 minute ago, Whirly Fizzle said:

    @Selene Gregoire

    Great to see you back!

    Hey Whirlz! <insert missing big hug emote here> Good to see you! Thanks! :D


    I plan on getting back in world as soon as I'm done winding down from that job interview. Pretty sure I got the job since they are hurting for cashiers. Just waiting on a phone call now. :S

    • Like 4
  2. 2 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Yikes. No kidding. You have more courage than I!

    i used to use Firestorm, and I've even downloaded the latest version, but I'm still using the LL viewer (which, yes, is as clunky as ever). I've been resisting Firestorm, which I gather is still really popular, because I'm not sure how it will impact on performance. I suppose I should just try it and find out.

    I used to be on the support team. :$

    It never negatively impacted performance for me. I image there are even more tweaks and tips for improving performance now than there was back then. I mostly just wanted to be sure it was still a thing before I went looking for the website in my bookmarks. It's gotta be buried in there somewhere. :o

    • Like 4
  3. 7 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Ugh. Yes.

    And a puck so small you have to press your nose against the screen to follow it.

    Such. A. Stupid. Sport.

    That's how I feel about most sports these days. Especially formula racing. It's all tech now which has taken all the fun (read thrills and chills) out of it. Although there have been one or two pretty spectacular crashes I happen to catch a few months ago. I do give them full credit for making the cars "safer" than they once were. I would have been devastated had my father ever died in one.


    ETA: Oh I almost forgot to ask. Is Firestorm still the most preferred viewer these days? I really don't want to use the LL viewer. 

    • Like 2
  4. 1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I do baseball. And I HATE hockey.

    They have, on many occasions, threatened to revoke my Canadian citizenship.

    (I also don't like poutine. Sshhhhh!!!!!)

    Aw. One of my best friends from an old YaHell chat room (NAC) just loved her toofless bastages. I used to tease her about that. :$

    Those were good times. I miss her. :(

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    And you don't have to stay up until 1:30 in the morning to catch baseball games on the west coast!

    This all seems very unfair, somehow.

    (Not that I have any baseball games I need to watch right now. Grrrr.)

    I'm sorry. I don't watch sports. I gave it up back in the 70s. :ph34r:

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  6. 1 hour ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    You changed "changed" to "challenged", Selene. Nobody enjoys being proven right more than I do, so withstanding a challenge is enjoyable. But there are "a-ha" moments when I discover I'm on the wrong side. By changing my mind, I can get on the right side. Until someone changes my mind again.

    Someone here has a forum signature that goes approximately "Keep your mind open to change, but not so open that your brain falls out." The more I know, the more I don't know. In areas where I have great interest but little knowledge, I can change my mind so often it does feel like my brain is falling out (more accurately, I feel like I should be able to take a firm stance on a thing, and I'm frustrated I can't). I just wait till the feeling passes.

     I agree! 

    Just so you know, at some point in our lives, we do get to take a firm stand on one or two things. ;)

    But, let's not get into all that because before you know it, we'll be getting our butts in a sling with the mods. :D

    • Like 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, Phorumities said:

    what i find very interesting is that in at least some shots with Arte Johnson there is clearly a Nazi eagle and swastika visible on the side of his helmet.

    That simply wouldn't be allowed today, and of course lets not even mention Hogan's Heros.

    Are those shows even allowed to be aired any more?

    Certainly. Why wouldn't they be? Laugh-In and Hogan's Heros were both sitcoms*.


    *situation comedies for those who weren't born yet :)

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    Finally? I have said that my self deprecating sense of humor is a defense mechanism.

    When I was a teen, I became aware of the Mensa organization, and wanted to join it. I had the necessary qualifications, as did both Mom and Dad. Dad demurred, saying "IQ is only a small part of the equation." He also refused to tell me what his IQ was (I've since learned it) stating "If I told you what it was, you'd wonder why I haven't been more successful. I don't need that." I now share his understanding.

    I enjoy deep dives with people who share my curiosity, if not my beliefs. I like having my mind changed challenged by a compelling argument. Yet I go through most days quite happy without that, enjoying the company of those people who carry themselves through life far differently than I do. I try to make them smile, because they make me smile, and do it effortlessly. For them it's a talent, for me it's a skill. And, as you can see, I've got room for improvement. I always will.

    The bolded parts. So much the bolded parts.

    • Like 4
  9. 2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Well yes yes. Fiiiiine.

    I don't really do mornings, though.

    ta ta!

    I don't do mornings either. Which is why my interview isn't until this afternoon. Being in the PNW does have the advantage of afternoons being later than most everyone else's. :PxD

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  10. 11 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Well, so long as I leave a lasting impression!

    Good luck! Let us (or even just me!) know how it goes!

    lol You do and I will. That is if I don't forget. I have to try to sleep between now and then. o.O

    And thank you! :D

    • Like 2
  11. 2 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    In some ways, the biggest part of it for me was, weirdly, the sense of being intimidated. It's not actually a small emotional investment to re-enter a world in which one has made so many very real connections.

    Give it a shot. Actually, give it two or three shots: it's actually difficult to know how one feels about it until one is at least a bit comfortable there again.

    What have you got to lose?

    (And give me a shout if you do get back in again!)

    PS. Sorry. I'm very verbose. Always. My friends almost forgive me for it.

    My sanity? Or what's left of it. xD

    I remember how verbose you are. lol  You probably won't remember me though. I've been a resident since 2004, but, this is the longest I've ever been gone. Most of the people I knew left before I did so I'll be starting over as far as friends go. Is there a such thing as a n00b oldbie? If not, there just might be starting tomorrow. ^_^

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  12. 31 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Yes, I think so? It fact, it's been kind of a hoot. Although ALSO surprisingly intimidating!

    To be clear, I've had a week with much more leisure than is usual, and I know that my in-world time is going to be significantly constrained beginning, well, tomorrow. So I consciously decided to use this week to catch up with the new mesh tech for my avi and her clothes, so that when I DO find a few spare hours and then to log-in, I can get right down to doing the things I want to do, and not worry about shopping, and so forth. (That said, and though I've never been a big shopper, I've enjoyed that element! The new mesh clothing is mostly pretty fantastic, and it's been fun remodeling my avi a bit. But I don't want to make that a priority in the future -- and if you're not interested in updating, I don't think it's entirely necessary anyway.)

    Of the three main things I want to do now that I'm back, I've been able to do two already. The first is reconnect with old friends. That part has been wonderful. A few of those old friends (such as Maddy) I've kept somewhat in touch with here, but some I haven't spoken to in 8 years or so. And even for those I've had contact with, the in-world dynamic is so different than exchanging DMs and posts that it's been worthwhile spending time in-world. (Perhaps Maddy can concur, or not.)

    The second thing was dancing, generally combined with reconnecting. I've always enjoyed that, and it was fun to do it again.

    The third thing was catching some in-world art. I haven't done that yet, but I'm really looking forward to it.

    You were probably just wanting a "yes" or "no," right? ?

    Yes. But I suppose it depends on how much of value you'll find still waiting for you in-world!

    lol Well, yes, sort of on the yes or no, but, I'll take what I can get. :D

    Thanks. You've almost talked me into it. Almost. ;)

    Maybe tomorrow after the job interview. :ph34r:

    • Like 2
  13. On 10/13/2018 at 11:14 AM, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Awwww! Well, aren't you just the biggest sweetheart ever, Ivanova! Thank you, and hugs!

    Oh, I've never entirely left this place, and I'll be around. I'm actually in-world (a bit) for the first time in 4 years or so, so that's a thing.


    Serious question.

    Was it worth it for you to log back in after being gone that long? I've been gone close to that and have been debating logging in again for about a year now. 

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  14. Danny, I was speaking of the Avatar Physics as they are in Phoenix and Firestorm. Judging by the number of people who ask for help with it in the support group (which is the quickest way to get help with most issues rather than filing a JIRA) there aren't that many who are having a major issue with it. No, it's not perfect (what is really?) but it is far better now than it was 2 years ago or even as far back as *cough*Emerald*cough*.


    Scroll to the bottom of this page http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/firestorm_avatar_physics and you will see the known issues and some known workarounds for Firestorm. Granted, they are not fixes per se (as in coding), but they are better than nothing and the devs are working (or were in light of the new TPV policy) on fixes for the next release.

    For Phoenix, http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/phoenix_avatar_physics and there is a link at the bottom to a PH JIRA.

    As I have said, the information is out there. You just have to look for it. :) 


    P.S. Yes LL does fix quite a few issues all the time. The sad thing is most of the ones that are fixed are, as you said, those posted by Lindens and not the "general population". That does not hold true for PH/FS. The support team and the devs do not post the vast majority of the JIRAs. Although they do occasionally when they have an issue they need help with ;). I admit I spend most of my time either in the support group or trying to get the forum updated after a long absence but I do keep up with what is going on. I have to. :)

  15. *tries to stop giggling long enough to make a reply*

    I'm not concerned about it. I countered the misinformation and provided the links so she could go look up the information for herself.


    *still giggling*

    I'm laughing because I don't use what is now called Avatar Physics. Never have and seriously doubt I ever will. And just fyi, it does seem to be working quite well for the majority of those who use it. :)

    And yes it does make one wonder (every great once in a blue moon) out of the hundreds of JIRAs posted on LL's JIRA in a month's time just how many have actually been resolved/fixed and how many were closed because LL has no intention of "fixing" them.

    Anyway, I believe the point(s) have been made so I think I will wander off and find something better to do. Like helping people get thier issues fixed. ;)

  16. What part of "I am not defending either JIRA" did you not understand?

    You want to know what the devs are doing/have done? Go ask them. Go read the website.


    Or how about the link for the change logs:


    I'll even give you the link with the SL names of the developers with the Project contact email addresses:



    Get the information straight from the horse's mouth. It's all there on the website and what isn't there you can ask the devs.


    ETA: I said absolutely nothing about billing supprt. I've been in SL for 7 years and I do know how things work.

  17. Yes, it can. I never said it could not be. The point you are missing is that more people do respond to the LL JIRAs because LL is the owner of SL, not the Phoenix/Firestorm team. Linden Lab is in control of the grid. The PH/FS team has zero control over the grid.

    Another point you are missing is that quite often the issue gets resolved in the support group so the person doesn't bother going back the to the JIRA to say "Hey it's fixed. You can close this now." And no the team members have no way of knowing if a JIRA has been filed or not unless the person has told them there is one (and provided a link to said JIRA) or unless the team member spends time searching for the JIRA to close it. Time which is better spent helping people.

    Basic accounts get zero support from LL. The Phoenix/Firestorm team quite often fills that enormous gap. Just because a group of people don't pay a monthly fee is no reason not to provide support. Basic accounts buy Ls to pay for things, they buy Ls to pay tier for thier rented sims or parcels. And who gets that money in the end? LL of course. So saying that not paying a monthly fee is reason enough to not provide support is nothing more than a lame excuse.

    I'm not defending either JIRA so much as I am pointing out the differences. One really can not be compared to the other. Phoenix/Firestorm members volunteer their time to help others because that is what they want to do. They volunteer out of the kindness in thier hearts. They do not get paid like the LL employees do.

    Frankly, (and quite bluntly) comparing the two JIRAs is comparing apples with oranges. There is no comparison.

  18. It would help a great deal if the people who opened those Firestorm JIRAs would ever actually go back and look at them and respond to them.

    You might be very surprised at how many JIRAs are posted that have been responded to by support team members and/or the devs that just sit there waiting for the person with the issue to let them know if the issue has been fixed or even if the issue still exists. Rather difficult to solve an issue when you get zero feedback from the person experiencing the issue. Some of the JIRAs have been sitting there waiting for a response from the OP for weeks and even months before it is finally closed.

    Resolving JIRA issues is two way communication and when the communication only occurs on one end there is nothing to be done. Reminders do get sent. We can't force people to respond.

  19. I stopped going to the beta grid 2005/6, nor do I have any desire to be one of LL's guinea pigs. I've been using the temp image upload since I started using Emerald years ago.

    Although, I have to admit the idea of all content creators going to the beta grid to work and only logging into the main grid to update vendors etc is quite amusing. I wonder how much that would reduce the number of people on the main grid on a daily basis. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

  20. Arwen, temp image upload has been around since Emerald days and it is just now on the beta grid? There is something horribly wrong with that picture.


    Also, read that last section of the policy again:

    "2.k : You must not provide any feature that alters the shared experience of the virtual world in any way not provided by or accessible to users of the latest released Linden Lab viewer." 


     It is not currently on the main grid and therefore is not available to everyone using the latest LL viewer. Thus, it is one of the features that will be broken in TPVs, unless LL relents and allows it to remain. I just don't see LL doing that in light of everything else.

  21. I'm so angry right now I have no words to describe how angry I am.


    What is LL's goal with breaking temp image uploads? Are they trying to push those of us who are on fixed, limited or low/no incomes out of SL and leave it only for those who have money?

    You are taking away every feature I use a TPV for and have remained in SL for 7 years for. There is no reason whatsoever these features can not be added to the LL viewer.

    Just as I was starting to have a little faith in Rodvik and LL, you have to go and pull this.

    I'm not saying people don't have a right to thier privacy and others should respect people's privacy. But there is a such thing as going too far and that is precisely what LL is doing. Going too far.


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