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Selene Gregoire

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Posts posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. 14 minutes ago, s2Pandora said:

    Is it just me, or has anybody else seen some of their groups actually raise their joining price?

    Good grief. I hope no one is doing that. Some of the groups I have wanted to join have been asking 500Ls and more to join for years on the pretense that the price will deter griefers. There was one group a long time ago that I actually would have needed to join if I had bought their product and they wanted 2500Ls just to join the group! Needless to say, I didn't buy their product and didn't join the group because of the additional 2500Ls it would have cost me. Utterly ridiculous and completely unnecessary. Just plain greed.

    So, if anyone is actually doing this, I strongly advise you to rethink what you are doing and the real reasons behind it, then drop that join fee to a much more reasonable rate. Something along the lines of 10Ls or less, maybe, because really, if a griefer is determined, not even 2500Ls is going to stop them. Some of them are just nutty enough to spend that kind of money just to get revenge or harass someone.

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  2. 4 minutes ago, Vanity Fair said:

    From what I've read here on the forums and in other places on the internet, lots of SL users are feeling upset about the changes, one way or another. My blogpost with a summary of the changes and my comments has received over 2,500 views and it hasn't even been up 24 hours yet! (Google "Ryan Schultz blog" to find it.)

    Basic (non-Premium) account holders are feeling somewhat shafted by the reduction of groups from 42 to 35. It doesn't matter what LL's technical explanation is; what matters is how it LOOKS, and it looks like LL is being petty and cheap. But I personally don't have a problem with the price increase for Premium accounts (although I would love to know what extras the new "super-Premium" accounts are going to have, and how much they're going to cost).


    Somewhat is an understatement there, Ryan. Very understated. But I understand why you are understating it. 

    Raising prices has never been a good way to entice customers. When you "add" taking away things from basic accounts to give to the premiums and give even more to the premiums than what is being taken away on top of that just makes it worse. It reeks of "robbing from the poor to give to the rich". 

    Don't get me wrong (like so many others have)  I do, very clearly, understand LL's desire (not so sure there is a real need) to increase profits but doing it at the expense of your customers is a sure fire way to lose much needed income.

    There are other options but it would seem that LL doesn't have the finances to thoroughly investigate them. Perhaps due to the expense of developing and launching Sansar with expectations being set way too high.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Malin Sabra said:

    Easy fix. Let basic members keep their 42 groups, but still lower their offline IMs.

    Not really an ideal situation but it is one I could live with as I already make a point to remove any notices I've gotten while busy building that I don't need and keep only those I want to give some thought to. Yes, I know I could just go to the group window and locate them there but that's not always something I have time for. No, I don't use the email feature and no, I'm not going to add yet another email addy to the ones I already have and can barely manage. 

    It seems to all boil down to one thing. Basic accounts are on the way out. We've (other half and I) have been waiting for that to happen for years now. Seems the other half has been right all this time and I just didn't want to believe it. If that is the case, then it will be the end of SL for both of us. No more building to my heart's content and keeping my mind active and sharp and no more classic rock DJing.

    The really stupid thing? I've literally been in tears since the announcement came out. Angry and sad tears. 

    • Like 2
  4. 8 minutes ago, Willow Wilder said:

    Hi Selene. Refresh won't work very well as my roles have evolved considerably in the five years you've been off the team. Even so, 7 Firestorm groups is far less than some team members have, and I don't think relevant to my question(s)? A couple of Firestorm groups did fall victim to shuffling on previous occasions. Regardless of the nature of the groups, I'm just curious about choices people will be making. Of course I don't have to remove any groups just yet. Until I need to join another one for whatever reason. 


    Makes sense. Thanks. And sorry. I probably should have just IMed you but I thought it might help if someone responded with something.

    I'm not sure what I'm going to do about the reduction in groups. To the best of my knowledge (at the moment) the only option I have would be to use my alts and even that is going to be a very difficult call. Frankly, it's all going to hinge on whether or not I have a snowball's chance in hell of reviving my little shop so that I can continue contributing to the good of the whole of SL and be able to afford to be in SL. For now, the chances of that happening aren't looking very good. I even had to "borrow" some of the other half's hard earned Ls just to pay my rent on my skybox for one more month in the hope that things will change for the better for  me.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Blueray Darkes said:

    What part of "From what I know" didn't you understand? Also personally I don't go to many events anymore, I don't even spend money at the ones I do go to. Rarely I might purchase one item where as years ago before all these events, I would purchase a large amount of items before leaving said event. Cutting down on events would be a good idea, perhaps mashing those with similar themes together and give creators a breather.

    Heh. I've never even been to one of those "events", whatever they are. I probably wouldn't be able to get in anyway what with all the premiums having ... precedence... over basics. Don't much like crowded places anyway.

  6. 40 minutes ago, Grumpity Linden said:

    Whew, I'm having a hard time keeping up. Calling in reinforcements! And thank you for the overnight ponies... 

    There's still confusion about the pre-pay option.  Not surprising, because it's a bit different from how we usually do things, but here's what it will look like.  Say you're a monthly premium member today.  When you log into your account after June 3, you'll see these options:


    If you chose to extend by one month, you will be billed $9.50 and your new billing date will be +1 mo from where it was. 

    If you want to extend by a year, you'll need to change your membership type to annual, then do the prepay flow.  You'll be billed $72 and your new billing date will be +1yr from where it was.  The next time you get billed will be at the new annual rate (unless you change your premium membership before that).  But it will also be year 2020!

    Hope this helps.  


    Just trying to see if I can get it to work. I just can't stop myself from trying to be helpful sometimes.

    Oh well. Can't even upload it as an attachment and it's not due to file size (1.8mb and limit is 4.88MB) and none of the other usual workarounds are working. 

    Maybe, if you have the time, redo the vid and try again? Or just wait until the traffic dies down a bit and try again.


    • Thanks 1
  7. 37 minutes ago, LadyRosabella said:

    Es ist totalunüberlegt von LL dise Änderungen zu machen.

    Google Translation:

    It is totally out of your mind to make any changes. For years we basics hope that the number of groups will be increased. It is hardly possible to manage my business with 42 groups. I had to take a manager for advertising. To be able to build on events, I have to take several places. Then buying groups to do business and look at all. I have no idea which 7 groups I should delete to be able to do 1 events like Spring or later Easter, Christmas.

    Many basics like me do not have a credit card for different reasons. But we bring LL money by paying rent, go to events and thus raise the money in SL with others, so that the organizers can pay the rent for the event place.


    Others, who only spend their free time, so spend money in SL, or dance whatever you can to buy something. That brings LL all the money. For years, newspapers write when they write something overhanging or download portals on the Internet, Sl are dead or extinct. For me SL lives, in the last few days I did not come to sims because they were overcrowded. But Residents, who will now be cut with the changes, of which some will surely stop now. The beginners who are told you need the group and the group first, they will quickly realize that LL does not seem to want them. I had my 42 groups full within 2 weeks. That will apply to all assets. Now soon only 35 groups? You have a splin! The recipe for getting money is not to disgust the majority. These are all potential money-makers!

    As for the IM's. Even today, I always tell everyone, read it in an infinite number of profiles. Im capped, please send nc's. Now 25 down to only 15? Now finally the few people I know who have not had any difficulties now come to this point.


    At the Risenevents the booth rents are on average 1000 L and higher. Anyway, only premium people can pay that. They are also preferred, even by advertising groups. Customers are expected to be stupid and can not look further than 10 meters.

    Instead of improving these and other annoying points for basics now so this scolding.

    I'm assuming the changes will lead to fewer residents in the long run and that means LL will make less money. What use are cheaper lands for premium, if really the Sims become a whole bit emptier?


    No offense intended. I'm just trying to be helpful.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Lizbette Tearfall said:

    I think SL forgets a good amount of their players are retired or disabled an on limited incomes :(

    Most companies and people don't seem to really care one way or the other. We've become a disposable society as well as a "me me me it's all about me" society. Definitely not the world we were lead to believe would exist at this point in time. Those of us who are not in the "1%" are considered expendable, less than human. We have become "the Other".

    • Sad 1
  9. Hi Willow. I'm curious as to the reason you need to be in the 7 FS groups?  I'm thinking I remember you but I'm not remembering what your role is so I'm wondering because for most of the team it wasn't necessary to be in all of the FS groups. 

    Yes, I'm a little confused. No, the migraine hasn't gone away fully. Refresh my memory, please?

  10. 26 minutes ago, Elvina Ewing said:

    *I* didn't see any reduction on *my* rent. Not even a 1$. And my landlord seems to be doing just fine to this day. I was hoping he would indeed need to compete, but apparently not at all.


    One of my favorite creators. I love your outfits. I just wish I could afford to buy more... and more.... and more...


    /ends exceptionally rare fangirling

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  11. 1 hour ago, Amras Martynov said:

    I guess my only real point here is that whilst I understand the hardships of maintaining a service using inefficient software (cheap to develop, expensive to run, especially on a multiplier as large as the Grid itself, etc.) I personally know for a fact (from experience) that there are far better ways to handle this. LL aren't stupid, they've got to know that unless whatever it is they've got planned insofar as additions to Premium happens to be exceptionally and uncharacteristically great, that this is going to bite them in the bum. Yet based on LL's track record to date, I cannot shake the feeling that whatever it is will ultimately be found very wanting indeed. For me, that's one of the most frustrating parts of being a SecondLife Resident in the first place: Knowing full-well that LL could do so much better, but for some reason or another, they never do, and so the daily concurrent user count continues to slowly dwindle as the years go by. This is just the latest and greatest episode of that running gag, I suppose.

    Another kicker for me is that I also strongly suspect if the devs were the ones fully in charge, this sort of bizarre disconnect between the cultural ecosystem of a userbase and the policies which affect it (for better or worse, usually worse) very likely wouldn't be happening. It's nearly never the developers deciding stuff like this. It's almost always the financial Elites of the business with little-to-no programming knowledge or experience to speak of, what with their financial whips lashing the backs of the devs for not magicking more money for the corporate throne. Yeah okay, totally hyperbolic way of putting it, but still... There have indeed been platforms wherein the devs really were the ones running the show (SL itself, once upon a time) and they were always the best to be a part of in just about every way conceivable. Ah well...

    This. So much this. :(

  12. 30 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:


    In practical terms.. you are (potentially) loosing 7 groups and 3 less L$ for every hundred you buy.

    It's not the end of the world by any stretch  and those of us who do and are paying LL more cash than we care to admit are totally fine covering the cost of your access. In fact, it's actually nice to see that paying for the service does come with solid perks. I for one am looking forward to further improvements to the premium offering.

    Please try not to sound so entitled, it's taken years for good will towards basic accounts to reach the point everyone see's they have value beyond the raw numbers, it would be a real shame if that were to take a step back because of something so trivial. 

    You are in no way being driven out, your access and abilities are not being curtailed, you weren't paying for SL before and you wont be paying for it afterwards, even though access to the service and software costs actual money that you don't and won't have to contribute towards, you're more than welcome. We're glad you can join in.


    You are missing a lot of information to be so judgmental of my situation. I have been premium before  and wanted to be again. I was trying to restart my SL business so I could hopefully afford to go premium. I suppose I shouldn't expect those who have an income that is likely double what I can earn in a year to be able to understand.

    As for the rest, I call bs. Premium accounts have never carried mine. I have always paid my own way and never once did I ever cash out nor did I have any plans to cash out. I was planning on leaving it all inworld and using it to pay for land and everything else I would need to just break even and be able to stay in SL.

    So yes, I am being driven out regardless of your opinion.

  13. 17 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

    Write your own.

    There are those who simply can not wrap their brains around LSL well enough to be able to write scripts. I'm one of them. Sure, I can do a bit of editing on settings but that's it. The reason I can't comprehend LSL is due to TBI. 

    My point is, some of us are not capable due to health issues/disabilities.I feel that should always be taken into consideration when suggesting someone write scripts for themselves.

    • Like 2
  14. 7 hours ago, Atilla Thei said:

    SL has been doing gradually downhill ever since Ebbe Linden stepped as a CEO. This guy is just clueless.

    If you go through all the CEOs (except Philip) you may be surprised to find out how many of them worked for EA before coming to LL. Rod Humble (The Sims 3) comes to mind and I remember reading about a couple of others as well as some of the employees. I've often wondered if there is some connection between the mismanagement of SL and those that previously worked at EA. I suspect there is.




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  15. 7 hours ago, BelindaN said:

    I got properly shafted by Photobucket, as I'd used it a long time and probably had over 1000 images there, linked to a forum in RL I'm very active on. Had they drawn a line in the sand and said "from now it's this price", I might have had some sympathy. But they wanted a fortune so I left. I had all my images on a hard drive at home, so I reposted them all elsewhere, and then spent forever reposting all my old posts with the images. Then I wiped every image from Photobucket and closed my account.

    It's not often I get hopping mad, but that episode of an utterly ridiculous business plan really go me going. And still does.

    I'd been using it for years for personal things. I didn't even bother closing my account, I just left. It still chaps my hide, too. Just as being driven out of SL, slowly but surely, chaps my hide. Even more so when I've been spending money I don't really have to spend on buying all new mesh objects to build with so I could get my little business going again which there is now no point in doing since I'm being driven out. Thinking about that hurts so much it stings. Because, frankly, no one but me gives a damn about it.

    • Sad 1
  16. No I haven't read all 9 pages. I just woke up from trying to sleep off a migraine. Migraine 1 Selene 0

    Sorry @Grumpity Linden , nothing you said makes up for the fact that I am being driven out of SL. Slowly but surely. LL has no appreciation for anyone who has been here for 15 years and shelled out thousands of dollars to help pay your salaries.

    The worst part about it? No one cares. 

    Thanks for all the fish.



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