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Selene Gregoire

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Posts posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. 30 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

    Confession time! 

    Up until this thread started, I thought you were black. I never bothered to ask because I don't particularly care, but I was taken aback for a moment when I realized you're white. I was really looking forward to having some intelligent, in-depth discussions with you about growing up in America as a black woman, so I'm really kind of disappointed. 😋

    That makes two of us. Sorry GiGi.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  2. 1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    Wow - another indication of just how much the Police don't "get it".

    All 57 remaining members of the Buffalo Emergency Response Team resigned from that unit because of the suspension of their fellow officers after pushing someone down and then walking past them as they were bleeding on the sidewalk.  

    "Our position is these officers were simply following orders from Deputy Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia to clear the square," said Buffalo Police Benevolent Association President John Evans. "It doesn't specify clear the square of men, 50 and under or 15 to 40. They were simply doing their job. I don't know how much contact was made. He did slip in my estimation. He fell backwards."


    They truly see nothing wrong with the actions of their fellow police officers -- or they are too scared to buck the system and go against their fellow officers.

    That was very benevolent of him. /sarcasm

    Sometimes I just want to get in thier faces and say "That was mighty white of you." and then watch as they try to figure out what it's supposed to mean. Most never get it.

    • Like 2
    • Sad 1
  3. 12 hours ago, Eban Curtis said:

    Apparently, the word "fantasy," when used in titling events, is restricted to adult rated regions.  I've tried "High Fantasy" and "Fantasy Fiction" descriptions when explaining the themed style of costumes.  According to the rating filters, likely determined by the usage of the word within Second Life culture, it must have strong sexual connotations.   In dictionaries and encyclopedias, it is primarily a designation of literary genres.   It does not matter if I define the word in the description and define the expectations of conduct for a G-rated sim.   

    So, I'm waiting for the Second Life Dictionary of Words, with maturity ratings assigned to each word, something I obviously can't live without because I'm unable to moderate my PG/G life and plot in a PG region without the help of Linden Labs.  

    Well... that explains a lot. No wonder I can never find anything that isn't adult rated using the term "fantasy". :S


    And people wonder why I rarely leave my home sim except to go shopping.

  4. 38 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

    I love this! It even makes me want to see the movie!

    (I have no idea what the movie is...)

    Marvel Comics


    That's just one of the movies. There are several others, all well worth watching, imo.

    Recommended watching order:

    • Captain America: The First Avenger (takes place during WWII)
    • Captain Marvel (takes place in 1995)
    • Iron Man (takes place in 2010)
    • Iron Man 2 (takes place after Iron Man)
    • The Incredible Hulk (time unspecified, pre-Avengers)
    • Thor (takes place six months before Avengers)
    • The Avengers (takes place in 2012)
    • Iron Man 3 (takes place six months after The Avengers)
    • Thor: Dark World (post-Avengers, pre-Ultron)
    • Captain America: Winter Soldier (post-Avengers, pre-Ultron)
    • Guardians of the Galaxy (sometime in 2014)
    • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (after Guardians)
    • Avengers: Age of Ultron (takes place in 2015)
    • Ant-Man (takes place in 2015)
    • Captain America: Civil War (post-Ultron, pre-Infinity War)
    • Spider-Man: Homecoming (post-Civil War, pre-Infinity War)
    • Doctor Strange (takes place in 2016)
    • Black Panther (takes place in 2017)
    • Thor: Ragnarok (post-Ultron, pre-Infinity War)
    • Avengers: Infinity War (takes place in 2017)
    • Ant-Man and The Wasp (ambiguous, but fits nicely between IW and Endgame)
    • Avengers: Endgame (starts in 2017, finishes in 2022)
    • Spider-Man: Far From Home (post-Endgame)
    • Like 2
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  5. 53 minutes ago, AyelaNewLife said:

    I'm answering this for your benefit Luna.

    The Church of England is potentially unique among the major branches of the Christian faith. It was founded at the height of the Reformation, when the political power of the Catholic Church was torn asunder by a mass movement that emphasised faith over structure. Yet unlike almost all other denominations that sprung up at this time, the Anglican Church was not formed around a theological idea or difference. Instead, it was a petty dispute between King Henry VIII and the Pope (with a side order of a large unpaid tax bill that needed paying) that led to us breaking free of Rome and forming our own church.

    What followed was a few decades of struggle over the direction the Church should take - cling to Catholicism in all but name, or strike out to a more puritanical form of Protestantism? Several generations followed of swinging back and forth with the changing of the monarch, with a divided population so used to practising their faith at least in part in secret, yet always under the umbrella of the same Church. What emerged was a broad, permissive organisation which encompasses a vast range of beliefs and views.  When later waves of reformation swept the nation, these breakaways were just allowed to happen and co-exist in peace, and in many ways lived cooperatively. 

    This means we avoided organisation vs organisation conflict. We avoided the dictation of theology by the state church, which took the rest of Europe two more centuries to fully break, and we avoided the senseless slaughter of conflicts such as the French Wars of Religion or the Thirty Years War. And it laid the groundwork for the symbiotic relationship between Church and State that exists here, rather than the parasitic one infecting much of the USA.

    If it sounds like I'm describing a completely different organisation to the one you quoted, then I'll leave you to decide which one of us is grounded in reality.

    (I could also talk at length about how this period resulted in enclaves of extremists of all colours fleeing to the colonies, and how that legacy of an uncompromising, puritanical outlook on religious or moral differences is still eating away at America to this day in a way that does not occur in Europe, but I'm wary of opening that can of worms... whoops, too late.)

    Funny that. It's precisely what I was taught in Theology I in a Catholic high school. And I've never been Catholic, just attended the school. In the US.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:

    Were you getting a little cabin fever with your alt and your DOG, Scylla? Fomenting civil unrest with bad spelling and worse grammar?

    /me strolls up to your feet, looks at fuzzy toes (not mine), flips over for a tummy rub, looking oh so cute, "pet me!" (or is it a trap?)

    Don't do it Scylla! It's a trap! She'll rook you into the back scratch next and after that it's the comb and then the brush! Flee while you still can! flee.gif.af3fb16c88648b581af9220632b23eac.gif

    • Haha 2
  7. 7 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:

    I don't understand why some individual posts get removed quickly and other things even worse are allowed to remain for days or permanently. I don't understand why some people get slapped, even suspended, for extremely minor infractions and others get nothing for the same thing or worse.


    • Like 1
  8. 26 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    Every since LL mentioned the region shortage due to them working on their 'migrate to the cloud' project, every time there is a hiccup in SL these days someone makes a post saying it must be related to the cloud.

    Which family?


    • Haha 2
  9. 29 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    You said you're in Canada now?

    I'm not allowed to ask where (and so I won't), but I WILL say that I'm glad we've got you. You're not permitted to leave.

    Now, if we can just steal @Janet Voxel back. And there are a few others here I wouldn't mind Kidnapping for Canada.

    Well poop.

    *crosses list number 28,259 off her own list and then suddenly realizes she isn't even on her own list!* 


  10. 15 minutes ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

    And I am back! Scare'o'meter is down to 1 again (Since I can avoid Covid by staying at home all day)

    So yeah, this is how it went: I went there, had to wait approx 30 minutes (so, very shot wait in my book) and explained that while I had an appointment next wednesday, I'm afraid is was more pressing. They made their checkup, took a blood sample, and told me to wait - if it's truly this bad, they will propably make that surgery asap. Guess it was that bad, since I got wheeled into the surgery room in no time. Seriously, I didn't even really have time to tell my boyfriend, lol. I went under - I actually enjoy that, lol, woke up half an out later (It's a really minor surgery actually) and was up and running again in no time. I've always been like this, my body recovers from that super quick and well. 
    They're been super nice to me, very competent, explained everything to me, didn't neglect me in any way.
    The hospital itself puts up a lot of visible and invisible measurements to prevent a spread of corona - seeing that really did put me at ease.
    So yeah, glad I went, glad I have it done and am now not in danger of slowly dying.
    Now I want cake. Cake me, my lovelies.

    And again, I cannot thank everyone enough for all the kind words and encouragement and words of support when I needed it the most!




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