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Dillon Levenque

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Everything posted by Dillon Levenque

  1. I don't know why the Forum would not let me just EDIT this post instead of QUOTING it to create a new post, but so be it. I just found that 'list of links' I mentioned. Turns out it's just a single link and from a source I should have known would provide it. Naturally I shall call it "The Missing Link". I am considering turning my back on the shape that has defined me for the last 8 years and switching to Mesh (trying to salvage as much of "me" as I can) but there are so many things I don't know. I see people drop these terms all the time here and all I know is that they have something to do with Mesh. I can keep my head comfortably in the sand and ignore 'em, so I do. Tonight I started poking around in earnest, and a lucky search phrase brought me to a blog post from Nalates Urriah, one of Second Life's most savvy ladies. Everything I always wanted to know about Mesh but was too embarrassed to ask. Right there. One blog post. A short read, but then good instructions always are. The Missing Link: http://blog.nalates.net/2017/04/10/second-life-mesh-vs-classic-bodies/#comment-173439
  2. I'm glad I added that 'preparation' caveat, then. I figured that was probably the issue. As for asparagus....we're almost there! By late February the farms in the Imperial Valley will be producing (and they're not half bad); by March the San Juaquin Delta will be going strong and we'll have the finest asparagus this state produces. In the midst of this I'll get the local crop from some farms in the north end of the Salinas Valley. Once upon a time I was introduced to asparagus by the canned version, just as you were. Then I learned. I do steam it now and then but normally just cut it up and blanch it, just long enough to get that bright green color. Drain, toss in a dish with a pat of butter or two and we're good to go. Lacks elegance but still doesn't lack flavor. Thank you for reminding me that Asparagus Season is almost here. From start to finish every important meal (including Sunday Dinner if we don't have anything else to get cleaned up for) will have asparagus as the vegetable side. Once the good stuff is done I stop and wait for next year's crop.
  3. Well, if the Pyramid formed that at least means Maddy was there; it was her creation. I really meant to make it this year; did the first three and have missed all the rest. Hippie does such a good job with it, it's a shame I didn't show up. Was Dres there? I don't see him; there aren't any naked guys and that was his usual costume :-).
  4. Backs slowly away from Rolig, wondering if first guesses at acronyms equal preconceived ideas.
  5. They do look similar to lima beans, with a slightly different shape and a brighter green color. The taste is not very lima-like, though. I prefer favas, but I almost use them as an addition to a sauté or a quick sauce; lima beans have always been served to me as a vegetable side. Well boiled, I might add. That could have a lot to do with why I wasn't impressed with the flavor.
  6. Well, get out the cotton balls, then! Actually none of the clips I dropped is comparable to the Nashville formulas that tend to make mainstream country a bit too theme-repetitive for many people's taste. I do have one of those, though. Dig it.
  7. Daffy is not quite my favorite; he is second only to Bugs. A whole lot of attitude, or maybe insouciance, in a character is something I can't resist. Daffy's got a bit of that, but Bugs just drips with it. Like a lot of people, my favorite individual cartoon is "Duck Season" which of course has both of them.
  8. Interesting. I had never heard of yellow fava beans, but Googling that phrase did show them. They are quite different from the ones I see in stores here (California, where they are quite popular with our long-established residents of Portuguese ancestry); if I type 'fava beans' on Google I get taken to articles about the ones I'm familiar with: dull green main pods, bright green beans inside. After blanching and chilling, you squeeze the beans to pop them out of their snug outer skin (which is discarded) to reveal the light green and quite flavorful bean you actually eat. A couple of links, if you're interested: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://toriavey.com/images/2017/03/IMG_8863-Edit-720x960.jpg&imgrefurl=https://toriavey.com/toris-kitchen/fava-beans-how-to-cook-soak-peel-freeze/&h=960&w=720&tbnid=DTtVlEW4iPaU4M:&tbnh=186&tbnw=139&usg=__CTfK-eqC2oIEBNylxn-w3p1vyxs%3D&vet=10ahUKEwj8wZ_pvffYAhXMzFMKHU-nAx0Q_B0IuQEwEw..i&docid=qXzZ8YkQpw9fkM&itg=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj8wZ_pvffYAhXMzFMKHU-nAx0Q_B0IuQEwEw https://www.thespruce.com/sauteed-fava-beans-2217303
  9. I don't know how those were cooked; I suspect overcooking. Fresh favas cooked right are still light green when ready to eat. That stuff looks like hominy, almost.
  10. That was very nice; I'd never heard it. Rodney Crowell's another keeper; I think I first heard him with Johnny Cash in "The First Time I Heard Johnny Cash Sing 'I Walk the Line'." There are just so many of them. One of Crowell's very cool song was one he co-wrote with his then mentor Guy Clark (She's Crazy For Leavin'). And that brings up the late Guy Clark, who may have been the greatest singer-songwriter of them all. I had just heard one of his songs for the first time recently and sent it to a friend of mine. He wrote back that he didn't like Country (a friend on these very forums has that same opinion). I'm trying to lead them to the light. The forum friend didn't even like DYLAN! I named myself after him! I was crushed, but I persevered and I actually got her to admit she was starting to like him. Country's next. This is the song I sent to my friend; it's really what we used to call "Folk Music" (which we loved) but all I got was "Don't like Country". Sheesh. Guy Clark (another Texan), "Desperados Waiting For A Train."
  11. She will be missed by many, Maddy included. Ages ago someone decided to create a WWII swing dancing group. It didn't last, but I went to the first event and was Lindy-hopping with Maddy as Rosie. She had the red scarf but as I recall she did get all cleaned up and wore a dress.
  12. I did not know him, regrettably. I wish I had. Condolences to all who did, and hang on to the inspiration he must have been with that positive outlook.
  13. Well, since you asked, I will. And yes, I'd thought it was Shaver's song as well, but Google and Wikipedia suggest otherwise. I think I'd need to see a BMI reference to be positive; they can't afford to get it wrong. I'll start with what might be every Texan's favorite; it's certainly one of mine and I'm a Californian! The girl in the green plaid shirt right at the end is having such a good time. Gary mentioned Amarillo..... And armadillos I can't leave out Lyle Lovett; he's been a favorite of mine since I first heard his music many years ago. He and Robert Earl Keen are doing shows together these days. Pretty sure this the first of his I heard. And just for fun, Ray Wiley Hubbard.
  14. You've missed entire episodes of trauma and strife, Akasha. Threads locked. People warned off by moderators. Flouncing like you can't believe (mostly you can't believe because nobody ACTUALLY flounced, they just announced it). A few of us managed to survive, clinging desperately to the wreckage. We've mostly been engaged in our usual frivolity, spiced with occasional sprinkles of wisdom. In other words, all you've missed is just typical day-to-day Second Life Forum conversation. Welcome back, and keep your head on a swivel. ;-)
  15. Ha! It is on YouTube. I dinna ken what "Georgia" has to do with it; the song was apparently written by Willie Nelson (Texan) and first recorded by Billy Joe Shaver (also Texan). Funnily enough, I was thinking of doing a musical derail of Texas songs; Texas has produced a hell of a lot of really good singer-songwriters.
  16. Well, yes I did actually know that, having managed to stumble through the eighth grade (perfect song derail just came to mind; hope it's on YouTube). But it's still fun to call people out with that term and maybe get others to join me, pointing at people and mindlessly yelling, "Mutant! Mutant! Mutant!". And a bit of chocolate never goes amiss with me, as it happens.
  17. Well, some interesting news. "But, cilantro lovers may be genetic mutants that have an inability to smell the unpleasant compound." You're all a bunch of mutants!
  18. I don't know if it's vanity or something else. Why anyone would be part of such a publicly open place as SL and then still try to shield themselves is odd. That's like the people you see who have stuff like "My Groups are hidden, Bitches!" in their profile.
  19. You get that; I'll go with the chicken and diced jalapeno wontons (for some reason I've never liked the taste of cilantro) and I believe I'll have a nice porter with those.
  20. All is right with the world. I was thinking about this thread earlier today but logged just before it picked up again about 7 hours ago. At the time I left it was still on Page 1 and Prokofy was being, it seemed to me, calm and almost at human normal. I thought, "Has Prok rehabilitated herself?" I do apologize for speaking of Prok in the gender of the operator rather than the avatar, something I would normally never do (being transgender myself stuff like that matters to me), but it's just that she puts herself so publicly 'out there' that it's quite a stretch to speak to and/or of her in the male gender. I'm assuming the avatar is still male, of course. Haven't been keeping track. Anyway the good news is that the rest of Page 1 and all of Page 2 so far, have featured the Prok I remember. There's been no self-rehabilitation. You'll never change, will you, Prok? I feel so much better about not having to revise my opinion of you after all. Why in Hell can't you just be satisfied enough making money from SL and knowing that seemingly the bulk of your rental tenants all are quite happy with your product? I've never heard any complaints about you as a landlord and have heard plenty of praise. Why is that not enough for you? Why do you always have to claim that you know more about everything? You can ignore me altogether. I am not now nor have I ever been a business owner/merchant/creator in Second Life. That should make my opinion without merit in the Court of Prokofy.
  21. Meant to do this when I first saw it, somehow forgot, got reminded from another direction and am now back in the middle of my night and the wee hours or later for a lot of others. We can team up, Rhonda. Combine teams and support both efforts. And never mind sad puppy: I brought B.B. King.
  22. Watch your back, ma'am. Every two-bit gunslinger (and some that are much more expensive) in the Territory will be looking for you. *spins the cylinder*
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