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Yordie Sands

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Blog Comments posted by Yordie Sands

  1. Hi Rod... Welcome to Second Life. It looks like you are discovering some of the amazing things about this place. There's no question that Linden Lab has created something truly unique and of immense value, but I believe you'll find that the wonders of SL can be found in the Destination Directory.

    I hope your past background will help you understand that the people (the residents) who create the wonders of SL are as valuable an asset as anything on LL's balance sheet. Real people have been invested millions of hours in creating this world. Many of us think of this world as ours, and I hope you will join us at least in spirit.

    Kindest regards, Yordie Sands

  2. Amen Gwen.... and so much for a Philip bounce. The numbers show that SL is alive, but only in the minds and lives of the true believers (including yours truly). I'd like to think LL has some respect for us true believers, and care about our needs but every time they relesse of version of Viewer 2 I feel like the train left the station without the passenger cars.

  3. Shutting down AU makes perfect sense if the goal of Linden Lab is to focus on the needs of users of Second Life. I spent several hours trying to make a go of AU (check it out, i tried), but found it to be virutally useless.

    Yes, I did meet a couple new people I might not have otherwise. I liked the fact that M. Linden actually responded to a message. I liked believing that by having Philip Linden in my friends list it meant he might read a message if I sent one. Other than that, AU was useless to me.

    I think there's an ole saw in business, "stick to the knitting" and I hope that closing AU signifies LL is doing that. Good decision LL. 

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