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Akane Nacht

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Posts posted by Akane Nacht

  1. 6 hours ago, PheebyKatz said:

    He originally built it as his private home, and he's really into authenticity. I'm so happy he opened it up to the public, finally. It used to be invite-only. Castle Dracula is one of the coolest builds I've ever seen; I used to send people to the dinosaur adventure to get his dinosaur avis, and I'd tell them to cam way up and see what was there. Everyone always went, "WOAH~! AWESOME!"

    He's one of my artist gods in SL, it's such an honor to know him.


    I wondered how such a place eluded my travels, as I really like gothic horror builds. I've done the journal hunt and been back a few times just to wander the halls and check out all the details of the decor and ghostly effects ^,..,^

  2. 6 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    My husband used to work for Sun Microsystems.  We were throwing a party one year and my husband sent an email invite out to his team and then sent the same email on to me at work so that I could forward to my team.  The email contained his normal work email signature.

    A member of my team, who happened to be Jewish, reported me to my manager because he thought I was sending emails out with the swastika symbol.

    Here is the Sun Microsystems logo:


    So yeah, there will be plenty of folks that can't distinguish what symbol is what.

    Goodness. Swastika is a symbol of the sun in Indian culture (and suddenly it dawns on me that might be the inspiration for the logo 😜). It's about the triumph of light over darkness ie. symbol used at Deepavali, which is today!. Also a harvest festival, and a chance for my neighbours to stick sparklers in my door grille and make a mess.

    There's also the Red Swastika Society, a Chinese philanthropic group, which does charity work and runs schools. 

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  3. 5 hours ago, Gopi Passiflora said:

    Yes, it's me again, with the topics that everyone hates. But try to forgive me, because it came to my mind again after recent experiences that happen time and time again. And I just want to vent, is all.

    I will just say this: Woman avatars are basically "IM bait". If you have a woman avatar, you'll get way more IMs from strangers than other kinds of avatars will.

    I'm not saying this to disparage anyone who has a woman avatar; I have one too and I like them. But this is just an observation I see time and time again while I'm playing as those avatars.

    I don't hate your topics 🙂

    I can't really give a fair assessment on this one though as I primarily go about as a female avie, sometimes as a demon or mermaid (also female) and occasionally as a small black cat. I have only noticed that I get less random IMs the longer I am in SL. A friend once hypothesized that this is because old avatars are intimidating. Perhaps because we know too much? 😱

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  4. Mainland isn't great for mermaiding. But there are plenty of private regions that have swimmable seas that welcome mermaids eg. Underwater | Second Life

    Try those instead. Far less frustrating.

    3 hours ago, NevaehHeartstrings said:

    forming a peaceful protester group to help nudge the landowner to do the right thing

    As a part time mermaid myself - nope don't try that. At best you'll get muted and banned from the parcel. I certainly would.

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  5. Sometimes I want to be totally undisturbed too. So, I log on to my alt, who I never friend people on and have "Do not disturb" in the profile. I work in a public sandbox and the only time I was disturbed in recent memory was when someone rezzed something near me and messaged me to apologise. I don't know why most sandbox loiterers have become so polite these days - maybe we all just grew up.

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  6. Yes - in terms of technical knowledge. I started from knowing virtually nothing (no pun intended) to being able to host my own opensim, do simple scripting and 3d modelling, and set up my own little shop. It sparked my interest to try other virtual worlds and games to see how they work (I hadn't played computer games since space invaders on commodore 64). All of this was a total mystery to me when I first started, and SL (both platform and community) gave me a sandbox to tinker with things, which is how I learn best. I also learned a lot from reading posts on this forum.

    All that helped give me confidence to do other projects like build websites for work, and now I'm taking online courses in cybersecurity. Also, I can be cool and say I've worked in the metaverse for 14yrs and it's totally true 😎

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  7. 16 minutes ago, tako Absent said:

    I think she stated that she is on medication and refuses to stop because of repercussions. It is a good sign that she has taken a professional help. What I think she's asking for is some (natural)self help tips from people who are also experiencing the same medical problem to go along with her ongoing therapy.

    Thing is, we don't know anything for certain about this person, and any suggestions would be blind guesses and potentially cause more harm than good. That's why it's better to seek help from someone in RL.

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