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Akane Nacht

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Posts posted by Akane Nacht

  1. 26 minutes ago, Paul Hexem said:

    Also, there are people that willing to pay for things they never use, for whatever reason. Those parcels are no less abandoned. A quick look at last login dates confirms it pretty easily.

    There are some really nicely decorated places that belong to people who pay for them, but don't log in for years. I know some people who do this. They haven't lost interest, they just have really long windows of distraction with other things. Meanwhile, I can enjoy their builds for free!

    • Like 5
  2. 7 hours ago, Kathlen Onyx said:

    One of the reason why I don't just jump on any Tom, Harry or Dick until by chatting with them I can tell they are older.  

    I will even test them by asking some obscure question that unless you are older you wouldn't necessarily know about the event or whatever I'm asking about.

    I'm 61. My youngest child is 37 years old. I don't go lower than that and yes, I know it's hard to tell but I do my best. 

    the time has come for us to add another maturity rating - S for senior!  Must be at least 50 to enter. Let's see if the kids dare sneak in there 

    • Like 1
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    • Confused 1
  3. 13 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    i very much agree. This is not a place for actual minors and we would have better standing if that was policy.

    Half the fear over child avatars is the confusion some have thinking a child avatar and a child's avatar are one and the same.

    Adult land doesn't protect you from actual minors with adult looking avatars. It protects you from people who can't find a selector to enable adult content, and now child avatars, and short people.

    There is zero barrier between an actual minor and SL adult land. None at all.

    Either know your playmates well, or not at all and hope ignorance covers your ass.

    Yeah, kids can always lie and create an account and go where they aren't supposed to, but I did like that SL was officially an adult-only place. I really don't want to chat with kids on SL at all. SL is like going to a bar - I don't expect or want to strike up a convo with a 16yr old here. Makes me think 'Vincent Adultman' from Bojack Horseman..

    • Thanks 1
  4. 6 hours ago, MissSweetViolet said:
    14 hours ago, VanVox said:

    Finding modest clothing options for women can be challenging. The marketplace seems to prioritize revealing and form-fitting outfits, with very few choices for those looking for more conservative attire. I've spent countless hours searching for clothes that provide adequate coverage while avoiding tight fits and excessively short hemlines.

    Agreed. If it helps Ison, Thalia Heckroth, some items at Pink Cream Pie and Just Because, and if you don't mine a more old fashioned style, S@bbia, all have some fashions that lean to the less revealing side.

    Most of my wardrobe is 'modest' attire. COCO, spectacledchic, c'est la vie, even big shops like Addams has plenty. S@bbia has been a favourite for years. But I'd call them cute not old fashioned 😆 

    Not always easy to find on MP, that's true - I find new shops at events, hunts, and weekly sales.

    • Like 1
  5. 22 hours ago, Extrude Ragu said:

    Adults need online space too.

    back to the original post... this is one of the main reasons I joined SL in the first place. Not on account of the slex content so much as it being a kid-free zone. Mostly anyway.. I was miffed when they allowed 16yr olds in. I'm still miffed come to think of it. Hurray for Adult land.

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:


    That looks kind of like an Erhu -- there's a woman in SL who plays the Erhu RL and even hosts an event with Erhu music Tuesday mornings.

    somewhat, but morin khuur has the "horse head" on top (not easy to see from this picture), and the sound box and tuning pegs are different shape from erhu. The sound is deeper too. I've never played either in rl, I just love listening to them. 

    • Like 4
  7. 17 hours ago, TechLawProf said:

    I just want to understand how people think about their digital identities/goods and what kind of deprivation it would be if they lost them.

    15+ years and if it all vanished tomorrow, so be it - it was fun while it lasted. I knew this when I signed up. I might feel differently if I'd created a lot of content, but I'm mostly just a consumer.

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  8. 17 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

    Thanks, that's interesting. Now I'm even less sure how Alphabet gleans enough from the sparse traffic through Authenticator to profit by providing the service, not having an account-worth of other data to associate with it. But we're not surprised when Search works in an incognito browser, so maybe monopoly still buys largesse. (That's a little tongue-in-cheek. Trending Search data can improve all searches, with or without knowing who's doing the search. The value seems less obvious in knowing brief peaks in logins to various services, even by geography. Evidently Google is a better spy than I am.)

    It may not be directly profitable but maybe it makes them look good to be doing their due diligence by making 2FA easy and free, plus they already have the lion's share of the mobile os market. They can afford to throw us a bone to keep us happy and locked in. 

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    That's interesting, I would have assumed the password is stored at the computer's "user" level, so if you're using multiple Windows / etc. user accounts on your PC, you'd at least not have that problem. I don't use "accounts" on my home PC, so that's not surprising for me personally. (Technically then, mine is a "shared" computer but I live alone.)

    I was just talking about the SL viewer 'remember password' option or whatever it's called, not across mulitple users on my pc. I only have one user setup on my pc, as I exclusively use it at home. Anyways perhaps the viewer is meant to work like that 🤷‍♀️

  10. 16 hours ago, Paul Hexem said:

    I was recently thinking about how easily people are manipulated and if there are SL specific examples. What are some ways you see people in SL easily manipulated?

    Literally everyone who has had their password phished?

    and then say they were "hacked"..(perhaps this part should be in the peeve thread 😛

    • Like 4
  11. 3 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    I think it hasn't been mentioned a lot (or I missed it), that depending on your setup and karma, one is rarely prompted for the MFA. YMMV.

    I noticed I wasn't asked for MFA if I saved password (I use SL viewer). So if i used a shared computer anyone could get in without MFA. 

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