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Akane Nacht

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Posts posted by Akane Nacht

  1. 3 hours ago, ChinRey said:

    Me, I certainly would have loved to have a virtual reality in the style this build only can hint at. A big, continuous but ever changing landscape you could immerse yourself in and where you could walk or drive for miles without interruptions. But maybe that's just me.

    This kind of thing you describe already exists in open world games. For non builders like me, we can find rolling hills and grand forests to gallop across seamlessly already, at a tiny cost.

    I think, visually, SL's strengths are in the details of small spaces, and avatar customisation of course. Large sweeping landscapes.. maybe not so much. I definitely see more people shopping or holed up in private homes than hanging around in big parks. I don't know of any other game where you can find the perfect sprig of orchids for your sideboard or the exact shade of butterfly to hover over your little wildflower patch.

    I suppose there is no reason why we can't aim for both tho. 

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  2. 13 hours ago, Orwar said:

    People who tattoo 'Carpe Diem' on their skin, who aren't ready to piss on people who displease them, are no better than the morons who tattoo Chinese symbols on their body without realising they've carved 'Shrimp Soup' onto their buttock. The misanthrope in me would rather see that these people never find love or happiness, so that they may never breed and raise more idiots into our society. 

    That seems a rather different description than the "vague-minded hippie types" you mentioned earlier. Even so, the distinction is in their intent/sincerity (I mean that in a morally neutral way, eg. they could have a sincere intent to misuse a phrase in order to be a jerk) - which you can't really know unless you ask them. In the absence of stated intent, I'd assume they really believe what they profess to, even if they profess it cringe-ily. 

  3. 13 hours ago, Orwar said:

    Others have created a confusing mix of Eastern religious philosophy, seeing themselves as part of a universe where everything is somehow connected, but seldom do such people appear to have reflected on this very much and come off as some vague-minded hippie types.

    That's probably because it's rather complicated to follow, and the average person doesn't sit down to read the Upanishads all that often (if ever) and even then usually in translation. The conversation between Yajnavalkya and Maitreyi in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad delves deeply into perception, and love as a search for/recognition of your own self. 


    "The love that you feel in respect of an object is in fact the love that you feel towards that which is called perfection and completeness. It is not really a love for the object [...] The mind does not want an object; it wants completeness of being. That is what it is searching for."

    "For the desire of the Infinite, which is the Self, everything appears to be desirable. Here, the word ātman [ie. Self, soul] is to be understood in the sense of the Totality of Being."

    "Things which are outside you do not belong to you; therefore it is no use crying over them.[...] If they become 'you' they cannot leave you, because you cannot be dispossessed of yourself. You are dispossessed of only those things which are not yours."

    I lifted these quotes from here: https://www.swami-krishnananda.org/brdup/brhad_II-04.html

    It's heavy going to read all that and unpack it, but it's also something we already (instinctively?) know, once we realise it. If searching for ourselves is the great journey, then love in that context is easy to understand. My take on it anyway, I'm no scholar.

  4. 2 hours ago, Gatogateau said:

    I was informed that yoga, because it came from India, and Hindus, was a devil worship practice, etc. etc.

    Aiyo 😄  I never took to yoga personally, though my auntie was a practitioner and instructor. I did learn some meditation techniques. I go to temple but seldom, but they are peaceful in a noisy way, if that makes sense. Here is a pic of one I visited in Malacca many years ago, that was under construction. From every angle the images peek down at you (easier to see before they are painted). It's very much the same feeling as walking into a church with the vaulted ceilings and light streaming through the stained glass windows. Different boat, same river. 


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  5. 6 hours ago, Lancewae Barrowstone said:

    Some who lack original thought like to quote others

    that's an interesting thought, though not original.

    is it possible to have original thought? 


    if so is it possible to express it in its full originality in language which is commonly understood yet nuanced by individual understanding?

    I think, therefore

    I'm confused..

    This is why I like poetry. If you don't really understand what you just said you can simply call it Art.

    • Like 2
  6. On 9/8/2020 at 11:15 PM, Dillin Woodward said:

    I have a question about acceptable forms of discrimination that might be allowed here in SL.

    Are we allowed to ban avatars from a sim, based on sexual orientation, race, age, or gender?


    Since you specify "avatars" I would say: Yes it's fine, because it's a dress code. If I were to want to go to a *men only* space in SL, I can simply swap my avatar to a male one. That would be a matter of courtesy as I am a guest in their place. Same as if they wanted black tie and ballgown. Not sure how they'd know sexual orientation, mind, unless I was declaring it to everyone. I assume that would be behaviour based, ie hopping on the pose furniture. In which case the owner is well within their rights to tell me to get off their couch for any reason they choose. Again, I am a guest.

    • Like 3
  7. 14 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    Most of the either/or choices in the test had me choosing the lesser of two evils.

    Yes, it reflects what you lean towards, but isn't a precise measurement. The most useful part, I think, is being aware of these differences in inclination when interacting with other people. We don't necessarily need a test to know not everyone is a hugger, or responds to praise the same way. This is just a handy way to remember 5 broad common categories.

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  8. 8 hours ago, Gatogateau said:

    Maybe I'm just a self-centered schmuck because if, say, someone buys me my favorite cup of coffee out of the blue, I will feel grateful (and warm and fuzzy) but I won't feel obligated to return the favor. I might return the favor, or something similar, but hopefully not out of obligation.

    Maybe "receiving gifts" isn't your love language...


    this is actually a really useful (and free) tool

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  9. 4 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

    I'm sure you know what you meant, but for various reasons I think it was a false equivalence.

    Thank you for the heads up, I didn't know Kora was still around. I'll check it out.


    Whatever brings you joy.

    Baal is the builder, Kora was the scripter. Not involved in this afaik. This sim has no meter, just freeform RP.

    Enough derail 😄 cheerio

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