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Alexi Raynier

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Everything posted by Alexi Raynier

  1. Please return to sending out a popup warning of restarts. Putting your warning into a chat notice does no good if people are in IMs or building or scripting, and an unanticipated restart can cost them a lot of work, and LL a lot of good will. This is a minor courtesy that should not be neglected, as it does a great deal to improve your level of support.
  2. Oskar, Let's hope this restart fixes a lot of the problems the last ones have caused, because many more weeks like last week and you wont need to do them at all as it will just be you and and a handfull of transitory newbies passing through. Last weeks lag and massive crashes and inventory problems saw a huge drop off in business in all areas of sl as regular players stayed away in apparent disgust. If this is not alarming to Linden Labs, then it needs to be, because it is those people that use second life and keep it society and economy going, and their presense is much more important than a psuedo-improvement such as mesh will ever be, especially with the problems its implementation is causing is driving the very people off who might find it one day useful.
  3. Rather than blame this on an individuals connection or computer, like the standard sl script for help, face facts these crashes are occuring all ove sl, and effecting all kinds of viewers, also they are followed by probelms logging back in and more crashes. It is time for LL to take their collective heads out of the ground or wherever they have them buried, face the fact that they have created a major problem and fix the thing and stop making it worse by adding more poorly tested and prepared code atop an already overstressed system each week. Given the rapaid drop off of people online in the last week and business failure, you would think LL would recognize this and do something about it, but apparent they are still denying that anything is wrong and blaming it anyone but themselves, but let me ask this if the net is working fine elsewhere why is it that it suddenly becomes unstable the moment someone enters sl. The answer is obvious it you are willing to see and honest enought to look. Sadly though LL does not seem to be seeing or looking and so things just become worse and I shudder to think where this may end.
  4. Wouldn't be nice if instead of piling on new enhancements, LL spent a month or two actually trying to fix the database and lag problems that have been plauging us since these restarts began. At present this service is totally unreasonable with lag in virtually every operation including chat and inventory, massive transaction failures and apparenetly log in trouble as well. What we need now is no mesh and a new viewer but basic services and it appear that Linden Labs is either unable or unwilling to provide that. The solution is simple they can fix it or watch their core player base vanish. I hope someone with some degree of responsibility listens to this plea for help from the playing population but given the past history of Linden Labs, I rather douby it will even be notice.
  5. I am logged into the forums and now I am getting a box deminding I do it again, what is going on? Moreover when I attempt to log in it sends the same box again. Is this a bug or a LL ploy to discourage people from looking at the forums? Either way it is a problem that need to be looked at.
  6. Actually, it now qualifies as the longest running paid beta in history, and unlike most betas things are not getting better. So I think maybe these people do have a right to ask what is going on, though I do not blame the problems on Oskar and the reatarts but on the people that are preparing the material for them to load on the servers.
  7. Oskar could you please explain why there are so many sea based sims involved in the le tigre RC group. The fact that these sims are totally unpopulated and hardly used at all would I would think dilute any reports of bugs and make it very difficult for you to accurately determine what is going on with the integration of mesh into the main grid. Frankly, this makes me very suspicious of what is going on and I truly wonder if the RC program is any more than just another attempt to justify whatever it is LL wants to do this week.
  8. Since Thru, Le Tigre has been a mass of lag, crashes and inventory problems and if you cannot fix it soon we are going have no alternative but to remove our sim from the RC system entirely. Oskar you do an excellent job with the RC updates and are perhaps to best to run this program since it began, but the truth is the programs you are installing on the servers at at best poorly tested and at worse border on malicious and it is time either to step out of the RC program entirely or just shut down and leave SL. Currently we are paying for service we do not recieve and this is fast becoming not just an joke but a total insult to those who put their trust in LL to provide a decent product. So it is time for SL to either deliver that product and fix the mess they have created or face the consequences. Good luck because with the help you are getting you are going to need it.
  9. It appears too much to ask that LL make logins take less than three hours, that inventories actually load fully as intended, or that we get honest answers as to why these things are not happening, and not have them blamed on thrid party viewers or if we are unfortuanate enough to use a LL viewer our computers. The truth is these problems have been going on for a long time now, and are periodically fixed from time to time, only to be broken with the next restart or shortly after. I have been in SL now for over six years and in the last few years I have witnessed a steady decling in the level of effective service til it has reached the poing where I seriously wonder what I am paying LL for at this point, for it cant be service, or help. Since the weekly restart program has begun we have seen a huge increase in lag, huge inventory problem, an increase in sim crossing issues, massively failed teleports, the periodic failure of media and the web kit, huge rezz times and a host of other problems that all seem to begin and end in an overly stressed database that each week becomes even more stressed as LL adds new improvements to what amounts to an already failed program. The result is the chao we are seeing, a steady decline in business and probably the worst overall service I have seen in Second Life since 2006. In response to this questions go unaswered, complaints unreplied to, help is all but non existent and we are told the problem is always either our viewer or our computer or connection, and Linden Lab takes absolutes no responsibility for these problems, but crows mightly when they think they have fixed on like the problems with group IMs that have been a disaster for years now. Well, I have new for them they did fix them for about a week now they are back as laggy as ever, and are failing just as before, so congratulation LL your record is perfect and we will no no longer have to worry about when group IMs will fail again. I would be nice if I though LL would care that these things are going on but by their actions they have made it clear they don't, and in return players no longer expect problems to be fixed and when something goes wrong on an RC server dont bother to report it so really the weekly restart program is a failure as is seen by the constant rollback and disasters it has caused over the last month or so, and we are stuck with what amounts to the longest running paid beta in gaming history, though, unlike most betas, this one does not get better but instead gets worse by the week. Hopefully, LL will listen to some of these complaints and take them seriously but history offers little hope that they will and we will continue to muddle along til we eitehr tire of the problems and quit, a better product is available, or the database finally crashes and cannot be revived. As ofr LL taking this seriously and trying to fix these and the many other problems that afflict sl, gave up hoping for that long ago.
  10. Just in the case that anyone cares to look into it, or dare we ask fix it, teleports are failing about half the time now and have been getting worse since last weeks rollback and restarts.
  11. Would be nice if for once LL addressed these inventory problems and did not either blame them on a thrid party viewer, your computer, your bandwidth or poor connection. The fact is that these problems appear at random and proably result from database failure due LL not getting the timing right on the new MONO scripting. We have gone through all of this time and time again for the last year or more with the same result, things eventually are fixed for awhile then LL makes another change and they go to hell again, and all we get is more buck passing and blaming. It would be nice, if for once, LL would take responsibility for the mess and fix it rather than hiding behind the same tired denials.
  12. Oskar, this has been tough on everyone, but especially tough on business, and more are closing everyday. That is why people are so unhappy and critical. Your honesty and forthrightness concerning the problems we have is both appreciated and refreshing, just knowing there is a problem behind these things and not being told it is a problem with our computers or with our isps is a welcome change. It would be even more welcome if we were given more time between restart, because in all honesty we have no time to recover now and the ensuing instability is driving people away who have spent years making sl a better place. This is more than apparent from the economic datat that was put out that even as meger as it was portrayed anything but a healthy economy. In closing let you remind you that SL really is a creature of two parts, one the technological component which you and others ars stiving to fix, and the other the social and economic part that is just as if not more important. The truth is the two cannot be separated, but even if you manage to vastly improve the sl program and make it do wonderful and astounding thing, which indeed it does already, it is a totally wasted effort if in the rush to do so the society and economy which is SL is destroyed. Right now that economy and society like that of the world at large is under severstress and that is why I suggest that the pace of restarts slow somewhat to allow us time to recover and mend the wounds that have been placed upon us both by real life and the technological and programing problems of sl. Thank you for you effort and your refreshing honest, but understand that when you meet a bitter reception it often comes from weeks of pent up frustration a LL seeming indifference to the problems we face, and the seemingly self destructive policies often pursued by Linden Labs, despite the earnest entreaties of its playing population to do otherwise. Again thank you for your frank statement concerning the situation with the restarts it was and is appreciated.
  13. Enough is enough, since the weekly restarts began over a year ago there has been a steady diminshment of the quality of sl services, and a steady and constant interruption of normal sl activity. This has led to a serious drop in the playing time of established player, the closing of stores which had been economic institituions for year, monsterous inventory problem, a less reliable search, unprecedented lag and teleport problems, and a fantastic array of crashes that would make a beta test look. bad. What is worse we are paying for all this and recieveing for our money services that we no longer get or even expect, but which were taken for granted two or three years ago. What we have gotten in return if the merger of the teen grid, windows profiles, designer names, and an array of other "improvements" that were eitehr not asked for or openly asked to be reconsideered by the player community. This inturn has led to a monsterous depletion of resources and an apparent exodus of players from sl due to this dramatic dimishment of services. Would it be possible rather than foist more "improvements" on us you to spend a period giving us time to recover from the disruptions you have already created, and during that time concentrate of fixing things that woudl lead to an overall improvement of playing quality like search, lag and perhaps doing something substantial with the massive inventory problems that plague everyone. I realize that this is probably too much to ask, and that player concerns over game quality is not a high linden priority, but I also know that, unless something is done soon to improve quality dramatically you will loose the veteran players that have built this economy and society and with them SL will cease to be even the shell that it is now becoming. Please listen to this plea, give it some serious consideration and at the very least give us a period of stability rather than the ongoing disaster that has become sl restarts.
  14. By the way this is very frequent both on Blue Steel and Le Tigre.
  15. If you are still watching, we are getting heavy lag after porting that seems to be not only effecting the person porting and everyone near them, and which is often followed by crashes either of the one porting or someone nearby or both. This problem has been around for awhile not but seems a bit worse since the last restart.
  16. Appreciate you keeping tabs on this but seriously suggest you continue over the weekend as it is usually about that time that the really nast bugs tend to start showing up, and given the difficulty involved in this one it much already be pretty nasty indeed. Good luck and hope this bears fruit cause it has certainly been a nasty one so far, and both you and the players deserve a break.
  17. That is more than understandable and actually today's restart yielded some very unexpected bonuses in the behavior of beds and things that have been bugged for a good while now. Hopefully eventually we will see a fix for the broken quicktime problem some of us are having as well. I am sure though after the pattern of rollbacks we have experienced over the last several months you can see why we would view a late night restart with a large degree of anxiety and suspicion. It is good though to get a clear explanation and hope the hole is plugged for good.
  18. Oskar it is refreshing the hear you admit you did not know of the concierage agreement, apparently LL communiscates no better with you than with us, which is not your fault but says volumes about your superiors. Some questions that it would be nice if you would address with equal candor. One is this a rollback of all the restarts of the last two days and, if so will we be faced with another restart this morning. Two what went wrong here it would seem to be a security issue, but even a security issue can be described in such a way that no vital information is given out. Finally, how will this effect service and performance are we to expect more crashes and more inventory problems as seem to be indicated by the trouble I had loading inventory awhile ago. Please do not take this as a criticism of you but as a reflection of frustration at the arrorgance and utter lack of communication of Linden Lab as a whole and my growing doubts that sl is worth either the time or money people have invested in it. As for your, your performance with the restarts has, after a rocky start due to the Linden blackout has been generally good, and if the rest of LL were up to your standard, things might be better off.
  19. Thanks for the information Oskar. For what its is worth there have been some serious improvements over the last few weeks with most centering on Logins. Avatar loading is not much easier, and generally can be done in one or two attempts and inventories are generally loading much better too, though there is still room for improvement. This though is a major advance and if it holds will do a world of good. The down side is that crash and lag off ports has become a major problem with over half the ports sent by someone else resulting in one or both people crashing. Again since this does not happen immeiately, I am assuming it is a memory leak and should be easy to fix. This problem by the way is getting progressively worse and is a major problem for clubs and businesses that depend on customer mobility. On a related note sim crossing are again slow and causing problems so I suspect you need to revisit the protocol behind both problems since they seem to be closely related as a result of the work of prior restarts. Overall though there is improvement and opening this blog is a welcome step toward renewing communications.
  20. Certainly does not look promising does it, but you are right it does appear to be white, whether that is sympolic of a "whitewash" or just a vast emptiness on the part of LL's will and ability to create only time will tell. Still, for now I think we have reached a truly Orwellian status of communication thorugh non-communication and if that continues it does not bode well for Linden Lab or its players.
  21. Apparently it is not for Lindens to post information in or exchange ideas, but then that is a bit much to expect of them and small matters like player information about what is going on probably does not really concern them in their omnipotence.
  22. Two things are immediately obviously here. One there nolonger seems to be live chat or if it is it is buried so it is even harder to find than before, and two there is no direct link to grid status. Quite frankly this whoe thing looks to me like a pretty toy designed to mask reality and needed information behind a cloud of technology when, in fact, the emperor is running around quite naked.
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