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Alexi Raynier

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Everything posted by Alexi Raynier

  1. I noticed that Oskar but also noticed that there is no mention of when this code will be deplyed on the Blue Steel servers whose resources have been diverted to other project for now, and we are suffering heavily from this problem.
  2. Oskar lets make this very clear, when items and cloths wont rezz from inventory or vanish entirely from it, it really is not of great importance that outfits from the Linden Library rezz quicker or for that matter at all. LL needs to address some of the real issues that have cropped up on blue steel over thes last few weeks and quit adding to the problems we already have with new and likely untested material. Particularly the region crossing issue needs to be addressed and addressed soon, before the region is as empty as the sea areas that makes of a lot of its territory.
  3. Oskar would you guys please do something about the ports on the blue steel servers, you have put off fixing them for weeks now and they are getting progressively worse and it is severly hurting both business and traffic in these areas in general. As for the new stuff you are feeding us it is not half as important as the fact that core functions like inventory loading, rezzing, profile loading, search, and even log ins are becoming slower and slower and much less reliable. LL needs to seriously look at these problems and address them or face loosing still more businesses and players, and right now there are not signs that LL is either doing this or even acknowledging that the problem exists. At the moment though fixing the region crossing is a major priority in blue steel as teleports at times are totally impossible and we in these areas are starting to feel abondoned by linden labs.
  4. Since the last restarts lag and teleports have become a critical problem. On the surface idling, especially in the Blue Steel regions has dramatically cut down on lag and basic fps is much better. In reality lag in the implementaions of core program functions such as teleporting, opening inventories, rezzing objects and people, chat and IMs, and virtually any other function you can name has gotten much worse. Hopefully, this changes when idleing is implemented universally and is only a temporary glich, but it may equally be a serious bug and bears investigation now before it becomes much worse. As for teleports, which are in part tied to the region crossing problems they have gotten much worse with up to a 50% failure rate on ports into and out of some regions. Again this is especially noticable in the Blue Steel regions which have not been given the region crossing fix yet. This is especially critical for sl businesses which need stable ports so that customers can visit their shops, and as a consequence are suffering greatly compare to what they were doing before engineering "fixed things" and in the process created this mess. This problem is obvious when you look at online numbers which seem to be down a good bit, and at new sign ups which are also down. The previous run of problems drove away a huge number of regular players who owned businesses and played a major role in both the SL economy and social life and if this continues we will loose even more of these critical people. One would think that Linden Labs whose income depends on the money these people bring into SL would make a major effort overcome this problem, but as of yet all we have seen is failure and the fact that LL would even think of introducting idling on vacant land is ample evicence that there is a massive surplus of land that is eating up sl resources. and if the present trend continues one can only expect that surplus to get larger. It is time LL seriously made an effort to bring long term stability to SL and stopped introducing new and potentially troublesome resource drains to a system that is already stressed to the limits. Likewise, given the decline in the online population it is time to stop placing the onus of resource loss on the players and look in to the real sources of this problem with is LLs own policies. Hopefully this will happen soon because at the rate things are going the problem is already well beyond critical.
  5. I trust that restarts are done now, but we cant prove it by grid status. Would be nice to see a statement there to that effect.
  6. Given the record of the last few weeks in the context of that of the last few years, I can only say I am not optimistic, this sounds a lot like the hype that preceeded the MONO introduction which we have really yet to recover from. Hopefully, this works and fixes a lot of the mess you guys have created, or crashes the thing entirely so you have no choice but to fix it or end it. We have had enough of the quick fixes and it is time to put up or shut up and get this fixed or justify why players should be spending money on accounts that are fast loosing their value.
  7. Didn't we go through OS upgrades about a month or two ago, and did the screw up two weeks ago, destroy some of that work which seems to be what is being infered? If so judging by the experience we had in the first upgrades of OS when will this be completed and when will the grid return to the relative stability it enjoyed before this latest engineering misadenture. I really would be nice if someone in authority from Linden Labs actually stepped up took responsibility and stated clearly what is going on and what we should expect and for how long these problems are anticipated to continue. Unfortunately, that seldom happens and instead we get mysterious statements from what may or may not be Linden insiders, that serve no real purpose other than confuse the issue with vague references, and accomplish little other than raise the level of distrust for Linden Labs which is already dangerously high now. It would be good if LL would remember that those of us who choose to hold paying memberships and own land are paying far more for that priviledge than members of virtually any online game, in my case it is a modest 600L a year but some I know are paying much more and it is our money and creative effort that keeps SL going creates this economy, and the society on which it is based. For that you would think we would deserve decent service and a little respect from LL, but that seldom happens and the result is becoming a steady exodus of people from SL. Maybe it is time for LL to rethink its attitude toward players before they vanish completely and SL with them.
  8. The teleport problem seems fixed now on the RC channels so expect a fix on the main channel soon. The rest though is still a mess and getting worse and is now back to where it was a few months ago before the restart team began a serious effort to fix things. It is funny have in a short time engineering can totally destroy months of work with a few ill considers changes and sad that they lack the nerve to admit their mistakes or the ability to fix what they have destroyed. In the end probably the best they could do is apologize, but that is a likely to happen as it is for them actually making things permanently stable.
  9. Before LL announces any new toys it would help if they made sure the olds ones work and the program they hang them on is stable, which it is not now. As for the economy at the moment LL does not dare report on it because the problems they and the new toys they tried to introduce made sl so unstable that it barely survived and drove what was left of the economy into the ditch. That may not matter to you, but those who have worked to build the economy and society are concerned and if you and your "friends" in LL had any sense you would be too, because these are the people LL depends upon both for the huge fees they pay for service they do not get, and the creative thrust they give to the society and economy in general, and if you or they looked at current statistics compared to those of a year ago you would find they are rapidly leaving sl and as they leave SL looses enormously. But, keep your toys and when you are all alone with a pack of new players who will leave in weeks I hope you are as happily complacent as you are not.
  10. Let me preface this by saying it is impossible to accurately evaluate today's restart due to the work that is being done at night and the fact we do not know what areas of sl it is targeted at or what proposed effects it is to have. Still we can arrive at a tenative evaluation of the border crossing issue that today's restart seems to address simpley by walking across a number of borders and porting throughout the day. Sadly, the results seem a mixed bag, ports are indeed working better and probably are as steady as they were before the current problems started a few weeks ago, and for that we owe Oskar and the restart team our profound gratitude. Unfortunately, walking across zone lines, while somewhat improved, I do not crash about a third of the time as I did on my walk from Osbourn Walk to Zerango last week, but the crossings are anything but smooth and still contain huge amounts of lag though again not as bad as seen last week. This may well be something that will smooth out over time as various borders are tweaked and the timing set to meet their current needs, or this could reflect lag created in the overnight work that will be corrected as that work progresses. What is certain is that at groud level every area currently contains a great deal of lag and this needs to be correct, if those areas are to be playable. In conclusion there are signs of progress and improvement, but there still remains much to do before this problem is solved, and hopefully the night time work will yield some positive results and not undo those that have already been done. This though remains to be seen and once again for the good of all hopefully this crisis will be followed not by a spate of mad innovation but by a period of quite so players can have time to recoup the damage the last two weeks have done to their businesses, inventories and avis. '
  11. Thanks Oskar crossings were working fairly well til the last engineering disaster which seemed to undo all the good work you guys had been doing. Hopefully engineer will learn for this mess and the future be more cautious.
  12. Completed does not mean completed successfully, and things do not seem all that stable at this point. Looks for these unannounced Mainennance interludes to continue and things to get progressively worse, until eventually LL either hires some people that know what they are doing or just admits it cant be fixed and leave it alone and stabilize it to whatever degree that is possible. As of now neither is happening and it looks as if each time they have an episode like this we take a step backward toward further chaos. Prehaps LL should conside taking as thier moto "first do no harm" which has stood the medical community in good stead for a few thousand years now, but given their apparent attitude that may be beyond them.
  13. Looks like engineering is blundering around the core servers again and messed up the database some more. This is following the same path we saw ten days ago and does not bode well. Would be nice if they would own up to the problem and report it in grid status, but this is expecting too much of LL and we can only hope that in their blundering they dont crash the entire system. By the way as of now it seems logins are out, marketplace, transactions, likely ports, group notices, so we can warn others of this problem in lieu of LL doing it. In otherwords, they have created a major mess with no warning and we are all left holding the bag, but what more should we expect of these guys and should probably be grateful for the brief respite Oskar and the restart team gave us..
  14. This and many other problems are getting progressively worse since engineering worked on the core server Monday and created a bug in it the week before. Frankly, it is starting to look like in fixing the problem they created, engineering has recreated all the problems that Oskar and the restart team along with the inventory team have worked so hard to alleviate over the last month and a half. This, however, is par for the course for LL who despite the huges fees many of us pay for services we generally do not get continue to provide shoddy service, poor support and little honest information to the very people that keep them in business and pay their bills. One has to marvel at their poor business sense which has driven off huge numbers of paying customers since the first of the year and failed to hold the new ones the lure in. At the rate they are going one has to wonder if SL has any chance at all of surviving this dearth of leadship and ability. Right now the only bright light I see is the restart team which has made a wonderful effort to fix things, but which unfortunately has the ground routinely pulled out from under them by poorly planned and executed projects by other members of the engineering team who apparently do not have a clue of what they are doing or the effect it will have one the core program. This is pathetic and in a responsible company these people woudl be held responsible for their mistakes but with LL will likely be left free to do it again and again.
  15. Had the same problem this morning and it appears to be a memory problem cause by a memory lead coming from the server you are in. Seems to be two ways to fix it other than buy more memory, one relog and restart your computer thereby clearing your cpu cache, and two have the server reset, assuming you can get the attention of someone at LL. Third solution would be for LL to fix these leaks which apparently have again become worse since last Monday's "fix" of the bug they created the week before. Apparently in fixing that bug they managed to recreate many of the previous bug that were plaguing up before the restart team began making a concerted effort to fix some of our problems.
  16. Oskar I would suggest that since this problem was a minor issue until the last restart it is a server issue, though the source may well be the work done Monday which seems to have undone most of the improvements you guy have made over the last month and a have with your cautious and prudent Restarts. My guess is this stems from something done Monday whihc has caused the system to partially revert to its previous state of chaos. The assumption seems to be borne out by the fact that today I witnessed a seriers of crashes and log in problems that were also prevalent during that period, and I would hope though, honestly doubt that engineering would consideer that the Thru/Monday incident may not be over and that it has, in fact, set the stage for another period of sl chaos and dysfunction that this slowly recovering economy and society probably will not be able to handle. Thus, I sincerly hope they look colsely at this matter and not stonewall it or deny its existence as they have so often in the past. I might also add that the fact that these problems are happening on a wide variety of viewers in a wide variety of regions would indicate that it is a server problem going back to the core system, and that hopefully this problem will be seriously dealt with before it becomes worse.
  17. We are starting to notice an increasing number of crashes after teleports are completed, and they seem to have increased more after yesterdays restarts although they seem to have begun during the problems with the core servers last week. This may be something that you want to look at closely, since it is starting to look like the fix you installed a few weeks ago is no longer working. Also it is worth noting that these crashes seem to happen most frequently during teleports in and out of RC servers to the main server.
  18. Well they are well into the restart now apparently, so it looks like we are due for a big helping of mystery meat.
  19. I am getting a please check the highlighted errors and try again message, but see no highlighted errors. Looks like there is a forum bug loose.
  20. Oskar I hope something is being done about the large number of port failures and crashes that we have seen since the start of the weekend and that if they are messing with inventory they will somehow improve access speed for inventory which should not have to tie up a computer for close to a minute to open, search, or move from general inventory to new items. If any of these things are improved by the restart great, but if not LL is just wastng our time.
  21. Not to be sarcastic but if LL took out what they wont or cant enforce, there would not be a lot left to AR.
  22. Oskar I seriously hope that one of the questions you address this week is teleport problems as since the weekend ports have been a mess and we are getting reports of failed teleports occurring all over sl. Thanks in advance for the help and attention.
  23. I am so glad to hear no one gets away with violations and ARs are not ignored, that should be very comforting to the customers who were taken by a blatant SL con man who even bragged about SL not being able to catch him or her, and took one customer for over 2000uds and several for at least 100 000 linden. Funny thing that episode led to about 100 ARs was never acted up and the only response anyone got was further harassment for the con man who continues to brag that he is uncatchable and untouchable by LL, despite the fact that he or she depending on the identity he is using this week is continued to be ARed with no effect. I cant blame you though for not being aware of the realities under which player exist in SL since given your massive amount of posts to the forums you are obviously far too busy there to pay attention to what actually goes on in SL. Still one has to wonder where you priorites lie, though with every word you utter that becomes increasingly clear, so the next question is why cannot sl simple give a simple answer to the questions raised here rather than use trolls to muddy the waters and attempt to cloud what is a serious legal and moral issue that needs addressing.
  24. Bingo is an illegal online gambling game? Get serious! I just googled Bingo and got 36,800,000 hits most of which were for online bingo sites, many of which I assure you offer cash prizes. This not only makes you insinuation not only seem a bit silly, but cast some question on the merits of LL's case against Byngo in general, especially when added to this absurd situation, the very concept of the enforceability of the tos as a valid contract would seem to be a clear violation of the UCC. Could be that this will make a very interesting legal precedent.
  25. Why was the notice of server maintenance pulled from grid status after it was done and not marked resolved as it usually is? Likewise, is there an estimated time for when marketplace will be back online and are these two things somehow related?
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