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Innula Zenovka

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Everything posted by Innula Zenovka

  1. For an in-world shop, try the Seraphim shop (free for group members, which is free to join). They've got some very nice stuff there.
  2. If gambling does return to SL, I would imagine that -- to satisfy the requirements of the online payment processors like Visa or PayPal, if nothing else -- it would have to be conducted by someone with an online gambling license acceptable to both the US authorities and the payment processors. A more likely scenario than LL introducing gambling, I think, would be one of the established online gaming operators starting their one in-world casinos, using their own scripted applications. I'd suspect we'd simultaneously see the end of Zyngo and so on, unless the operators could themselves obtain gaming licenses.
  3. Since it's an intermittent problem -- you say sometimes it lags badly and other times not -- the problem might be to do with your ISP (though it's difficult to say on the basis of the information you've provided -- anyone's viewer is going to run slower in a crowded club than on an empty sim, for example, and if there's a lot of textures to download, that takes time, too). Following these suggestions might help. But since you say you're hoping to upgrade your graphics card, I agree that a good Nvidia card will make a big difference, as will -- of course -- a fast cable connection. If you get an Nvidia card, following the advice here about tweaking some graphics settings -- basically telling the viewer not to bother with some things and to let the card handle it, instead -- makes a big difference. On V3 and V3-based TPVs I can increase my framerate by about 20% or so, simply by changing those settings.
  4. I don't use freebie shops much, so I can't make many recommendations, but you might be interested in the FabFree blog, which primarily lists freebies on offer at regular shops, as opposed to shops devoted to them, and also this thread, Show Your Freebie Style, over at SLU.
  5. Yeah, I often reply to offline IMs by email; I think that works for 4 or 5 days after the IM to which you respond was sent. But in Domitan's position -- "When I am not in SL (horror!) I sometimes do want to send an IM to a friend without having to launch my viewer (and appear in-world)" -- now I simply go to https://my.secondlife.com/, find my friend's profile, click on the "message" button, and send them a Private Message. This shows up as a notification in-world and also as an email for them, as well as leaving something in the messages section of their profile.
  6. Thanks. That's a much better way of doing it than any of my ideas. I guess most discussion of teleporters has to take place, now, in the light of the fact we should have llSetRegionPos in a few weeks and that some form of llTeleportAgent should be available before too long.
  7. How are you tp-ing them? If you're using warppos, then testing for llSameGroup() is straightforward enough -- go ahead and warppos off to the destination if they're in the right group, and don't if they're not. If, however, you're trying to use llSitTarget(), it gets tricky, because you don't know what their active group is until they've sat down, and then it's too late (I think there are ways round that, though the ones that spring to mind are pretty unpleasant, and it would be far better to use warppos if at all possible).
  8. Ah. That's the normal edit view; the child prims are highlighted in blue and the root prim in yellow. In V3, the highlighting vanishes when you touch the arrows to move the skirt around, so that's not an issue. I can't remember what it's supposed to do in Phoenix but I think there's a setting somewhere in Phoenix preferences to control the thickness of the highlight. Someone who uses Phoenix would be able to tell you.
  9. In answer to your question, to dial the USA from anywhere abroad, you need to enter 001 and then the US city code (415 for San Francisco) and then the local number. However, the course of action LL recommend -- and, I would think, require -- in such cases is that you submit a support ticket, as described here. So that's what I would do in your situation.
  10. Make sure that "Select only my objects" is *not* checked (under Build>Options).
  11. Congratulations, JolieElle. To be specific, you are now eligible to upload mesh models to SL. To do this, you need to be using a recent version of the official viewer (I'm told you can do it with Firestorm, too, but that the results are sometimes not particularly satisfactory), to have model to import, of course, and to follow the instructions here: Uploading A Mesh Model
  12. JeanneAnne wrote: Yeah! "Common thieves" like Robin Hood: "One hacker said the goal was to pilfer funds from individuals' accounts to give away as Christmas donations..." Well, that's not too bright a way of doing it, to my mind. As the article explains, the breach doesn't necessarily pose a risk to owners of the credit cards. A card user who suspects fraudulent activity on his or her card can contact the credit card company to dispute the charge. So all they're actually doing is causing a deal of inconvience and expense not only to the card users and the credit card companies, but also to the recipients of these donations. The credit card companies can, if they want, recoup the administration costs through their overall charges, but the charities are being put to unnecessary work in sorting out the mess for no good purpose other than to give these people some lulz.
  13. As I mentioned when we spoke in world, that sounds to me as if you are somehow going into wireframe view -- I have no idea how that can be happening -- it should look more like this If that's what's happening, you should be able to restore the view to something like the second picture by using CTRL+SHIFT+R (assuming you're using Windows -- not sure what the equivalent Mac shortcut is). But I am baffled as to how you're going into wireframe by accident. You mentioned you're using Phoenix -- maybe their help group could suggest what's going on (there may be an option in Phoenix to go into wireframe when editing -- which can be useful at times -- that you've turned on by accident)
  14. Agreed about counting backwards. That's always far easier and more efficient when you're deleting stuff. I think the issue with an automated takedown by LL is that -- at least going by previous attempts to do them -- there's a very serious risk of removing the animations from sexgen products people bought before Stroker distributed the animations full perms, and (at least in the case of Craig Altman's animations) from legitimate products that are nothing to do with sexgen.
  15. Mayalily wrote: I didn't know they upgraded V1 to mesh until I read this. Why on Earth did LL put us through all that waste of time with the V2 and V3 viewers when they just could have upgraded? How many "bugs" on the mesh V1 viewer? LL haven't upgraded their viewer. Henri Beauchamp and Siana Gearz backported mesh code into their viewers, Cool VL and Singularity respectively, quite some time ago, and Phoenix have recently adopted Henri's code. I don't think any of them, as yet, allow you to upload mesh, since that relies on proprietary code, and none of them, as yet, allow you to wear multiple clothing layers, which could make wearing mesh while using one of these viewers rather difficult (since mesh frequently requires you to wear an alpha layer, too, as frequently do shoes, too, and you won't be able to wear both while using one of these viewers -- though Henri is working on that, apparently). Other than that, there's no major issues with viewing mesh using any of these viewers that I know of. I don't know about viewer-specific bugs, but there's nothing major, as far as I know, in Cool VL. If you want to continue using a Snowglobe-based viewer (V1) and to see mesh, there's nothing to stop you, IOW.
  16. Hi, Sue. Welcome to SL. I'm not sure what you mean by "negative type mode". The edges of the skirt should glow when it's selected, but that doesn't sound like "negative type mode" to me, so I'm wondering if it's something else. In general, I'd recommend finding a pose stand from somewhere (many merchants give them away free with purchases, and I know the Adult Hub has free ones, but if you get stuck, IM me in world and I'll send you one). They normally put you into a dead straight position with your arms stretched out, which makes aligning stuff easier. There's a couple of video tutorials about editing attachments on YouTube. There's a very and a far Because they were made some time ago, the user interface is rather different (assuming you're using a recent viewer) but the main editing tools are unchanged, and they might be some help.
  17. I don't know about showcasing. All I'm saying, I guess, is that there must be plenty more people than me who are interested to see what's available in mesh, either because we've heard so much about it or because we've seen some and formed the view (at least I have) that there's certain things that mesh is very good for. Certainly, the next time I want some jeans, I'm going to get mesh ones, and if I can find a short skirt or dress I like in mesh, I'll get it. Also, I've seen enough mesh dresses to know that, if I can find something in a style I like, it will be worth having. It's just that the styles I've seen, by and large, while very nice, just aren't what I normally like to wear. At the moment, if I don't find out about it from a store update group, I'm having to make a conscious effort to look for stuff, at SLU or in blogs. And it would be nice for me, and I would think for a lot of other people too, particular Phoenix users who can now at last see mesh, to be able to look in the Marketplace and readily find out what's available. It's something new, and there's increasing interest in it, and I'd like help finding it, is all.
  18. I don't see any necessary connection between the number of people who can see mesh and whether or not it's a good idea to make mesh goods easier to find in the marketplace. While we can debate about number who can see mesh, the fact of the matter is that a not-inconsiderable number of people certainly can, that there are plenty of viewers that now support it, and mesh could certainly be made easier to find. The fact of the matter is that -- as someone who is quite interested in seeing what's available in mesh -- I find it considerably easier to use SLU's new products section, where I can easily filter for mesh (and not get hundreds of listings for stockings) than do I find it to use the search tools available in the marketplace. And this seems to me unfortunate.
  19. Cat Slade wrote: And to above posters - there are plenty of viewers that don't 'see' mesh yet. LL's 1.23 doesn't see mesh, and neither does Imprudence (I think) nor old versions of Phoenix. Which other ones don't?
  20. Tari Landar wrote: Showcasing mesh when the majority of your customers(and even more of your potential customers) cannot even see or make use of it, would not only be a waste of time, but also just give more cause for people to wonder what exactly the powers that be are doing up(down?) there. I'm not sure your figures are right there. According to Charlar Linden, on the 19th, "it looks like 55% of users logging in are running mesh capable viewers.." It's not quite clear when those figures were collated, but since Phoenix had released their mesh capable viewer only a week before, the figure must be higher now than then it was.
  21. You don't need a poseball. You can achieve exactly the same effect, and save a prim and have a better looking vehicle, by putting the animation in the root prim of the bike, adjusting the rider's position using llSitTarget(), and letting the main bike script handle animating the rider. That's a more sensible way all round, to my mind, since the main bike script has got to plenty of stuff anyway when the rider sits down or gets off -- it might as well handle the animations at the same time. That's the way vehicle scripts normally work. And my strong suspicion is that if and when you get round to putting a vehicle script in your motorbike, that's going to fight with the poseball. There's a very good, very old, script buried in the old Scripting Library by Cory Linden, which is a heavily commented example of how to make a basic motorbike script. It's what started to learn about vehicles from. I'll drop you a copy in world.
  22. I think the idea is that, since there's clearly doubt about whether Stroker was within his rights to distribute any of the animations, other than the ones he made, full perms, prudent content creators -- and particularly those who remember the Eva Capalini debacle (which I do, all too well) -- might not want to run the risk of the aggrieved animators filing DMCA take-down notices at some point in the future and LL then deleting the animations from items in customers' inventories. ETA -- @arabellajones -- if you check the link in the wiki that appears in the script, http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Stroker_Serpentine_Sexgen_Animation_Set, you'll find the views of one of the animators, Corsi Mousehold, on the subject. Another animator affected, Craig Altman, made his objections to his animations being thus distributed very clear over at SLU. The script also includes a link to a google spreadsheet I made that lists who made what animation: http://tinyurl.com/5wk3mr2
  23. Assuming it's a simple box, try pathcut start=0.125, end=0.625 and adjust the size accordingly.
  24. I think I've seen that error before, and I'd assumed -- I can't remember why -- that it meant the Marketplace had not been able to get a response from the vendor's "Magic Box" that sends out the goods in world. This may have meant there was something wrong with the box, or just that the sim where the box lived was offline at the time. I'm pretty sure I got an automatic refund, though.
  25. Animations are all rendered client-side, I thought. What we should be hoping for, to my mind, is that LL adopt these improvements as part of the standard viewer.
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