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Innula Zenovka

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Everything posted by Innula Zenovka

  1. If I'm properly visualising what you want to make, I think I would try making a long cylinder, using slice to cut it in half on its z axis, and then you can change its size on its z axis by script (llSetScale or llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast or whatever) without having to worry about repositioning it.
  2. What do you mean by an "illegal viewer"? There are plenty of perfectly reputable viewers that aren't on the Third Party Viewer list. Indeed, I notice from his feed that Torley Linden has been using Exodus, which isn't on the TPV list but is apparently certified by Softpedia and others as having no spyware, adware or viruses. My impression, for what it's worth, is that the nasty viewers -- ones with functionality that's against ToS, like being able to rip content -- tend to be anything but free; on the contrary, their developers charge a lot of money for them. Really, though, with anything other than the official viewer, it's a question of trust, as others have said. The Emerald viewer was on the official TPV list until shortly before it was banned, after all.
  3. If it's an estate sim (i.e. not mainland) the owner or one of the estate managers should be able to find it and return it to you using the estate tools (debug-top scripts).
  4. I dunno if my look is changing much, but everything I'm wearing I bought at the end of 2011 or the start of 2012, so maybe it counts. Outfit: Purgatoria from Avid, hair Shauna from Amacci, boots (which I love) Nemsis Black Angel from a wonderful store I've only just found , UnZipped at the Industrial Steampunk Megaplex and the Jolie skin from Dutch Touch.
  5. I honestly think you're miscalculating the rents people are quoting. Rents are almost always quoted in L$, not US$. So if you see a parcel on a private sim priced at L$400 a week, that means it's about US$1.60 or so. Not being an American, I don't know what things cost there, but I'm sure it can't be more than a cup of coffee would cost you. For US$ 400 a week you could rent 5 full private sims from LL and still have plenty of change.
  6. Oh, dear. As reported by Tateru Nino, Charlar Linden has -- at least for the time being -- rejected the offer. Charlar says, in the jira, Thanks for making this effort. Alignment and snapping are an area where there are useful enhancements to be made. However, we are not able to accept this contribution as it is. These are the primary issues we found which resulted in that decision: The feature should support the same modes as the other manipulation modes. It does not work for non-mod permission objects.This functionality should work for all objects that the user can manipulate in-world. It only supports World snap mode, not Reference and Local modes, unlike all our other manipulation modes. It packs and aligns to the face of the object bounding box. If objects are not cubes and do not share the same alignment, or aren't aligned with the world coordinates (see above), the result of the operation is unexpected. Ideally the operations would use the actual shape of the object for aligning and packing. There are also some coding implementation style issues that would need to be addressed. These can be covered in more depth after the functionality is dealt with. In it's current form, this is usable for purely prim-based builders under specific circumstances. It's less useful for building with non-cube prims, mesh, sculpties. It's minimally useful for building when the structure is not facing a global direction (ex: North, South, East, West). It's not usable by non-building residents who need to place and organize purchased items. Charlar later in the thread explains that To be clear, we're hoping that the submitters will make the needed improvements and resubmit. but it's rather discouraging news, and it's hardly as if LL are adverse to releasing functionality that has room for improvement (Windlight or Mesh, for example) and then improving it as and when. I've yet to meet anyone who finds the tool's undoubted limitations a reason not to use it, and some of the complaints -- "not usable by non-building residents who need to place and organise purchased items," for example ... well, neither is the texture picker much good for that, either, and for the same reason.. it's not meant for that -- seem bizzare.
  7. I would suggest looking at Brazen Women (marketplace: http://bit.ly/xmLRUM )
  8. This should do it for you -- both build the menu list and give the drink when one is selected integer dialog_channel;integer handle;integer i;key user="";list options;string caption ="Please choose a drink";//DilogPlus created by Ugleh Ulrik //Edited by Taff Nouvelle to put the buttons in correct order.list order_buttons(list buttons){ return llList2List(buttons, -3, -1) + llList2List(buttons, -6, -4) + llList2List(buttons, -9, -7) + llList2List(buttons, -12, -10);}integer menuindex;DialogPlus(key avatar, string message, list buttons, integer channel, integer CurMenu){ if (llGetListLength(buttons) >11){ list lbut = buttons; list Nbuttons = []; if(CurMenu == -1) { CurMenu = 0; menuindex = 0; } if((Nbuttons = (llList2List(buttons, (CurMenu * 9), ((CurMenu * 9) + 8)) + ["Back", "Next","Finished"])) == ["Back", "Next","Finished"]) DialogPlus(avatar, message, lbut, channel, menuindex = 0); else { llDialog(avatar, message, order_buttons(Nbuttons), channel); } }else{ llDialog(avatar, message, order_buttons(buttons+["Finished"]), channel); }}build_contents_list(){ options =[]; integer max = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_OBJECT); while(i<max){ options+=[llGetSubString(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT,i),0,23)]; //shorten the name if necessary, as dialog buttons can only contain 24 characters ++i; } llOwnerSay("ready");}present_dialog(key k ){ user=k; llListenRemove(handle); handle = llListen(dialog_channel,"",user,""); llSetTimerEvent(20.0); menuindex=0; DialogPlus(user,caption,options,dialog_channel,menuindex);}remove_handle(){ llSetTimerEvent(0.0); llListenRemove(handle); user="";}default{ state_entry(){ dialog_channel = ((integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)llGetKey(),-8,-1)) & 0x3FFFFFFF) ^ 0xBFFFFFFF; //very negative number based on the prim's uuid build_contents_list(); } changed(integer change){ if(change & CHANGED_INVENTORY){ state waiting;// don't want to be rebuilding the list several times if several items are put in } } touch_start(integer total_number){ key k = llDetectedKey(0); if(k!=user){ if(user){ llRegionSayTo(k,0,"Sorry, the item is in use by "+llGetDisplayName(user)+"; please try again in a moment"); return; } else{ present_dialog(k); } } else{ present_dialog(k); } } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg){ if ("Finished" == msg){ remove_handle(); return; } llSetTimerEvent(20.0); if(msg == "Next") { //If they clicked Next it will go to the next dialog window DialogPlus(user,caption,options,dialog_channel, ++menuindex); //++menuindex will turn menuindex plus 1, making it give the next page. } else if(msg == "Back") { //if they clicked back it will go to the last dialog window. DialogPlus(user,caption,options,dialog_channel, --menuindex); //--menuindex will turn menuindex minus 1, making it give the previous page. } else{ //If they choose anything besides Back/Next it will be in this section llSay(0,"Your choice was "+ msg);//Example used, change to whatever you wish. llGiveInventory(user,llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT,llListFindList(options,[msg]))); //need to find the index number of the object this way, in case we had to shorten the name remove_handle(); } } timer(){ remove_handle(); }}state waiting{ state_entry(){ llSetTimerEvent(5.0); } changed(integer change) { if(change & CHANGED_INVENTORY){ llSetTimerEvent(5.0); } } timer()// not changed contents in the last 5 seconds { llSetTimerEvent(0.0); state default; }}
  9. I'm not sure what you mean by "preset". If you mean you want to link the multiple prims to make them form one object, then after you've selected them all, you can either press CTRL L or use the link button on the top bit of the editor window. See https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_to_link_prims (the video is made with an older viewer, but the method is the same).
  10. There's a very useful list of viewers (and download links) at SLU: Chalice's list of SL Clients
  11. I don't know how it works where you are, Ceka, but I always get my home computers built to order here in the UK. Most computer repair shops here offer this service. I just go in and explain to them what I want to use the machine for and give them an approximate budget. Since I don't know much about the hardware side of things, I explain I want it for SL, so good quality 3D graphics are very important, and that I understand nVidia cards are usually preferred for SL, show them the SL specs page and any relevant discussions here or at SLU I've found particularly interesting, and ask them to come up with a reasoned proposal. I've always been very pleased with the results, and I've always ended up with something that seems to have a higher spec than something I could have bought for the same price in a store. Plus there's the advantage that if I do need any after-sales service, it's a lot easier and faster to call up a guy in the local area and say, "you remember this computer you built for me" (often meaning him personally) than it is have to go through a store's support system.
  12. You're going to have to find someone who knows more about web pages and php than me -- which won't take you long -- to explain how do it (if it's possible) but I don't think this webpage behaves quite the way you think it does. I simplified things, and used this test script, which I think is the bare bones of yours, to see what would happen if I said "water is wet" to your object and it was working. key request_id;default{ state_entry() { string final_Before_Is ="water"; string final_After_Is ="wet"; request_id = llHTTPRequest("http://thesaurus.com/browse/"+ final_Before_Is, [HTTP_METHOD,"POST",HTTP_MIMETYPE,"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"], final_After_Is); } http_response(key id,integer status,list metadata,string body){ if(request_id==id){ llOwnerSay((string)status); llOwnerSay(body); } }} What seems to happen, no matter what I put in for final_Before_is (whether it's English or gibberish) is I get start of the html for the web page and it ignores final_After_Is altogether. So, unless someone who understands web forms can help us out, I'm stuck.
  13. Nope. No obligation. LL don't get involved in inter-resident disputes about such matters: Linden Lab cannot verify, enforce, certify, examine, uphold, or adjudicate any oath, contract, deal, bargain, or agreement made between Second Life Residents. My suggestion would be to mute both your former bosses and AR them for harassment.
  14. No, she's using the latest LL beta (well, not quite because, there's a new one today, I've just discovered) , That certainly fixed a lot of Nvidia issues, but that's not what she's using.
  15. What official viewer number are we talking about? As Pussycat suggests, there's been a lot of changes in the code over recent weeks to fix various graphics problems, and I think (though I'm not sure) that Firestorm's set of fixes is mid-way between those in the Official Viewer but some way behind those in the more recent beta viewers.
  16. Yes, LL says that, like everyone else, people using Child Avatars must abide by the ToS and Community Standards (and in the case of Child Avatars on Adult Sims, the Policy Disallowing Ageplay is particularly relevant) and that if landowners want to prohibit particular sorts of avatar on their land, they may do. But there's no general prohibition, if that's what you're asking.
  17. I think that, with a decent graphics card and a computer that can take advantage of deferred rendering, projectors and so on, you will really really enjoy Nirans and Exodus both.
  18. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetRegionPos
  19. Like Peter, I'd find some more details helpful. Forget about the script mechanics for the time being. Could you give us a couple of examples of what someone might say to the device, what the device is supposed to extract from that to send to the website, and what you expect the website to send back as a result?
  20. Is it one of the adult ones? My understanding was that nudity is discouraged at all Governor Linden's info-hubs, whatever their rating.
  21. That certainly shouldn't be happening, and my first thought is that your friend isn't actually wearing the items. What happens if he wears one of the library avatars? Are the prim components visible then? /me wonders, in passing, about the wisdom of introducing someone to SL using Phoenix, since it means much of the help available in the wiki and knowledge base about the viewer and how to use it will be confusing or irrelevant, since many features will be unavailable to your friend or work rather differently from the way described.
  22. Whenever I find myself logged into any of the Adult safe hubs I find myself in a room full of people in a similar position to myself; that is, trying to rez and to tp out of the place to somewhere they want to be. And if that proves impossible, I simply log out and try to relog somewhere else. The logic of safe hubs rather defeats me, I have to say. All Safe Hubs, whatever the rating of the land they're on, have a G code of conduct as far as dress and behaviour are concerned; that is, people are no more supposed to wander around naked at A-rated LL-owned Safe Hubs than M or G rated ones. We were told that the idea was that you'd not get into trouble if you rezzed nude at an A-rated hub, despite this, but it seems to me monstrously unfair (and rather unlikely) that anyone should be penalised for being deposited nude at any Safe Hub, since it's not his or her fault that's where they've ended up. Since there's plenty of perfectly legitimate reasons someone on M or G land might be nude when they log out from their skybox or Linden Home, whatever maturity rating they're set at, I don't think there's really a way round this problem. Nor, though, do I think it's a particularly major one.
  23. As I understand it, the maturity rating of the safe hub at which you're deposited is determined by your avatar's maturity rating. The thinking, presumably, is that since the server has no way of knowing what you might have been doing when you logged out, if you've verified yourself as Adult and set your preferences accordingly, it's safest to put you at an Adult-rated hub. And, just as the server has no way of knowing what you were doing, it certainly has no way of knowing what your avatar looked like when you logged out. So if you're an adult human, a child human, a furry, a dragon or a vehicle, if you're Adult-verfied and have your preferences set to be able to visit A-rated land, you're going to end up at one of the Adult safe hubs. At least that is how it was once explained to me by Blondin Linden, when he was still here.
  24. It doesn't have them as yet. When I downloaded 1.26.3 a couple of days ago, it removed all my multiple layers, leaving only one alpha layer, one tattoo layer and so on, and there was nothing on the menu to "add" the layers back.
  25. Assuming the licence does permit operating online games across state and international boundaries (which it may not do), what grounds would there be for taking LL to court if they simply said, no, our policy is not to permit games of chance, licence or not?
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