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Porky Gorky

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Everything posted by Porky Gorky

  1. Ceka Cianci wrote: that's actually what fermi lab had been trying to do for some time..and now they have this bigger ring out in france or some other country .. colliding sub atomic particles to try to create matter.. a lot of doors are gonna open up if they ever can do that.. Yep, I think the LHC can be seen as a significant stepping stone towards the creation of an artificial universe. We need to understand all the elements that were present immediately after the big bang happened. This will allow us to better understand our own universe and to backwards engineer an artificial big bang of our own. As Phil said the Higgs Bosson particle is extremely important. It's discovery will validly our current understanding of the universe. Higgs is believed to be an exchange particle and responsible for giving stuff mass. WIthout understanding it, it will be impossible for us to create our artificial universe based on our current understanding of physics. There are also big repercussions for not finding the Higgs particle Without the Higgs particle, the universe cannot exist, but if the Higgs particle isn't discovered by the LHC, it means our understanding of how the universe works is wrong. The non-discovery of the Higgs would be as profound as its discovery, potentially revolutionizing physics.
  2. Phil Deakins wrote: Actually, it wouldn't prove anything about the creation of this universe, or about multiple universes, except that it could have been created that way, and there could be other universes. Exactly. It would be scientific proof that a universe could be created by intelligent design. I think an achievement like this would really blur the lines between science and religion. Imagine what would happen if we had scientific proof that a universe really could be created through intelligent design? Would there be any need or place for faith? Religions would have scientific proof that a creator or other omnipotent entity could actually exist. I hope if this ever happened that religions around the world could stop relying on faith and start relying on facts. Religion could embrace science and together they could set of on a voyage of discovery. Head off into space, the final frontier, to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.
  3. Irene Muni wrote: Griffin Ceawlin wrote: This just in: No more quarterly or annual Second Life economy reports, says Lab. Bravo! That means we will have bi-monthly reports, right? :smileymad: Speaking as an authority on the matter (see earlier gloating) I can safely say we will not be seeing any economic reporting from the Lab in the short term future, This may change if the numbers improve down the road, I will let you know in advance if it does. ::matte-motes-big-grin: Porky "The Master of Speculation" Gorky
  4. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Sounds cool, but weren't we supposed to have flying cars by now, and will the little people we create in our tiny universes be content to know we created them, or will they wonder who created us? Yes It won't help much in identifying the intelligence that created our universe, but It will add validity to the question, "were we created by an intelligence?" If we can create a universe then the chances are it's a common place occurance within the multi-verse. However, I agree with what you said, the lack of flying cars doesn't give me much hope that we'll be creating our own universes anytime soon. :smileysad:
  5. I was talking to a friend on Skype last night, He is a Theoretical Physicist at UCL. We were discussing the origin or the universe and he made a good point that I shall mention here. Many scientists have trouble believing in intelligent design or a creator because of the lack of visible evidence to support such claims. However he believes that will change within the next few hundred years because human beings will have developed the ability to create our own physical universes, He believes we will be able to replicate the big bang and create replica universes on a much smaller scale. We will be able to demonstrate our control over the universes by manipulating time, gravity, expansion rates, matter dispersal etc etc. By creating our own universe we effectively scientifically prove that intelligent design is both possible and likely.
  6. Hmmm, I sense The Master is behind this foul plot.
  7. Yeah I have seen Deadwood it's a good show but not in my top 10 or 20.for one reason Ian Mcshane. Can't stand him. Whenever I look at him I see that cheeky antiques dealing, David Dickinson inspiring, **bleep** sucker Lovejoy. I guess you would need to be British to have any clue what i'm talking about Thinking of Deadwood and Wild BIll got me thinking about Dexter. How could I forget about Dexter, it's awesome! I'll get rid of Fringe and shove Dexter in.
  8. My top 5 favorite US TV shows currently on air are: 1. Boardwalk emprire 2. Game of Thrones 3. Breaking Bad 4. Mad Men 4. Fringe My top 5 favorite US TV shows of all time 1. Battlestar Galactica (the sci-fi version) 2. Stargate Universe 3 Boardwalk empire 4 The Wire 5 Lost
  9. Phil Deakins wrote: It's a pity that the universe's expansion isn't slowing.... The universe's expansion may not necessarily be speeding up, in fact it may not be expanding at all. There are a couple of theories out there that suggest that it is time that is slowing down and that the acceleration we see is just an illusion. So the appearance of acceleration is caused by time itself gradually slowing down. Astronomers currently discern the expansion speed of the universe using the "red shift" technique. This technique relies on the understanding that stars moving away appear redder in colour than ones moving towards us. Scientists look for supernovae of certain types that provide a sort of benchmark. However, the accuracy of these measurements depends on time remaining invariable throughout the universe. If time is slowing down, according to this new theory, our solitary time dimension is slowly turning into a new space dimension. Therefore the far-distant, ancient stars seen by cosmologists would from our perspective, look as though they were accelerating. It is theorized that time was created during the big and just like everything else in our visible universe it can degrade and disappear all together. This could be distorting our view and leading us to wrongly assume that the universe is expanding at an increasing rate.
  10. PudgyPaddy wrote: Adjectives such as sluttish and idiotic are relative. I don't have a proper dataset to compute the last criterion, do you know where such data may be gleaned? Your formula is very much flawed. Sounds like you need to get the SLutish Idiot tracker HUD. Regarding the last criteria, you obviously need to put together a unlikely group of misfits similar to the A-team and launch an assault on Battery St to get the information. Based on your current lack of ingenuity coupled with your lack of faith in the formula I can safety say that you have no chance of winning. : You might as well just pack up and leave, then I can haz your fings! :matte-motes-big-grin:
  11. It's simple. Take the number of items in your inventory, divide it by the number of times you have been ruthed, subtract the number of failed teleports you have experienced, add on the total number of slutish looking avatars you have seen, divide it by the number of idiots you have met and then multiply it by the number of new accounts that have left SL forever within the first hour of playing. If the number you are left with is 42 then you have won.
  12. Top 5 Python Quotes. 1. “Your highness, when I said that you are like a stream of bat's piss, I only mean that you shine out like a shaft of gold when all around it is dark” 2.“Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government!” 3.“We are no longer the knights who say ni! We are now the knights who say ekki-ekki-ekki-pitang-zoom-boing!” 4.“He’s not the Messiah – he’s a very naughty boy.” 5.“I don't wanna talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! You mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!”
  13. Your top 5 favorite numbers don't include 42 or 69. I think you are the most grown up person I have ever met. :matte-motes-asleep-2:
  14. Greetings, welcome to Top 5's, a happy little thread that is intended to be a little bit of fun. Pick a catagory (any catagory) and list your Top 5 choices within that category. Give a brief explanation of your choices if you so desire. In turn, feel free to comment on other peoples choices and your list own top 5's in other people's categories. Categories can be SL related or not. Here are some catagory examples Top 5 Sims Top 5 SL Bloggers Top 5 Forums members :smileytongue: Top 5 Lindens Top 5 Bands Top 5 Movies Top 5 Mustachioed plumbers Top 5 Fascist dictators Top 5 Ewoks to name just a few. There is lots of fun to be had in the Top 5 thread so think up a category and off you go!
  15. For over 7 years I have logged on everyday to support my businesses apart from when I am on vacation or sick, but the time I spend building and "playing" has always fluctuated over the years as I loose and regain interest. RIght now I am more into SL than I have been for years This is mainly because of Mesh. After creating content for so long using the old restrictive tools I feel like my hands have suddenly been untied and I can finally make what I want, exactly the way I want it. Regarding all the changes we have seen over the years, LL and SL are almost unrecognisable compared to when I started here. I've rolled with the punches many times and always came out the other side with healthy and profitable businesses. As long as that continues I will always be involved in SL. It's all about the Benjamin's.
  16. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Creation is a room with a light switch.... I really that. You should get T-shirts made up and sell them on Ebay :smileyhappy:
  17. Will we still be able to upload temp textures for free as we can now with some TPV's?
  18. Anaiya Arnold wrote: Your creator assumption is not possible unless either something came from nothing or there was never a state of nothingness. Your whole reason for assuming a creator though is because you do not find either of these things believable, but your creator is not possible unless one of them is true. I think this is completely right and applicable to every single theory that mankind has ever come up with for the inception of the universe / multiverse. If you trace every single theory back to the initial source you have to accept the fact that the first thing that ever happened in the history of everything is that something appeared from nothing.
  19. I think the most currently accepted theory is that our universe is infinite. The universe is expanding faster than the speed of light and is speeding up. We have no idea why so we stick a fancy label on the driving force and call it Dark Energy. Ultimately all the galaxies move away from each other either on their own or in clusters and the only observable light will be from our own local cluster. Eventually all the stars will run out of fuel and star formation will be exhausted, any proton decay or other stellar remnants will disappear and only black holes will be left in a void barren universe that exists in a state of absolute zero. The Big Freeze. So I think the universe is infinite in it's expansion and that expansion will ultimately result in a virtual nothingness. I see our particular universe as being like a science experiment. The experiment in our case was a test to see whether or not matter or anti-matter would prevail. Matter won, barely. So the experiment happened, we are living in the dissipation of that chemical experiment. Eventually the experiment will end as the left over's from the chemical reaction fade away. The "intelligence" that triggered it will loose interest and stop watching. The universe or science lab will still exist. It will just be closed for business as there will be nothing left to see here.
  20. Rene Erlanger wrote: What else can you in your Crystal Ball? Any guesses when total Sims falls below the 30k mark? I've just paid close attention to what you have written since your return and based my speculation on that. So you tell me? :matte-motes-big-grin-evil:
  21. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: I was afraid of that. I supose we'll soon see you sporting an upscale hat/face bag too. No don't worry, I wont let it go to my head. :matte-motes-big-grin-evil:
  22. WHO'S THE MAN? what was that? I said WHO DA MAN? Yes, thats right, it's me. There will be no shutting me up now. :matte-motes-big-grin-evil:
  23. Lucinda Bulloch wrote: Just needs a bit of Drum N' Bass over the top and that could be a BANGIN tune!:smileyhappy:
  24. Sy Beck wrote: Good reply myself and one I have been ruminating upon to be smartass back at myself again. Before I'm able to answer myself I guess I'd have to answer what is conscious thought. It's not matter, it exerts no force by itself, it occupies no particular space, but in its operation it can be anywhere at anytime and these are just a few of its peculiarities. Once I've nailed that bit of fog to the wall I might have a better answer for myself me. Of course in this scenario I am God, so a touch more respect next time when you're addressing your deity otherwise I'll forget you, by which I mean me. Things get confusing and paradoxical in this concept. I LOL'ed. But then obviously you already knew that. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
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