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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. This is nice to see. A plus to the establishment.
  2. @Val She got a bum deal, both in marrying Louis and the headless end
  3. Thought you might like that idea, lol. Right back the chambers of Loius the xv. I would have said Louis the xvi but I didn't like the ending of that one.
  4. @Cato, You raise an interesting thought with your post, I am not sure if it was intended or not. But really why did we put our stories out there for all to see, I mean I never left my diary unlocked at home. I can only speak for myself. I guess it basically was the thought that if someone out there experiencing the same confusion, self analysis, awareness and misconceptions I did, would see that they can be overcome. If that helped one person (I will never know) then it was worth it. I know that it would have helped me to know someone else had experienced what I did. Was it therapeutic, maybe a bit of that too. Anonymity, there is that too, I am Dee here but the story is the the typists. Ridicule or open to the world well I don't really give a tinkers **bleep** (daamn) in that respect if it helped someone. I was fully aware of the possibilities. So why did we post, everyone has their reasons but there was also the feeling of kinship (community) and that helped. Cheers
  5. That's a rather interesting question. But I don't real understand what it's purpose is. I have personally never seen a reference to the "old Mentoring system" in a negative light , except for this. I would be interested in where the statistics of the reasons it was banded are available. Prokofy Neva wrote: It used to be a big problem with the old Mentors system (and among the reasons it was disbanded -- primarily there was the fact that the system simply did not help to retain newbies, and proved to be a refuge for those helping as a form of vanity or sales promotion). This particular comment seems to read a personal attachment in the post, which basically says you got sucked in and are still bitter??? It is true that people arriving new in SL are pretty bewildered on day one but when it comes to spending money SL or RL we don't tend to leave our common sense in RL. I see nothing wrong with lists being presented, I mean when a sales flyer comes to your front door in RL do you run out and buy. You may look at it but somewhere in the process the brain kicks in. Prokofy Neva wrote: More than once I personally caught these Mentors who were allegedly out there to help newbies friending the newbies to chat them up and get them to come to stores, and slinging them a folder of landmarks all of their friends' stores. I myself got Shanghaied to a store to spend my scarce stipend dollars when I was new (in those days there were no outfits in the library except a few really ridiculous ones). I was working in RL in the backyard on day and the icecream truck came by with the bell chiming away. You just know I dropped everything and ran to buy one?? I guess some people on the street would have loved to find a "mute" button, but they are the old cantankerous fuddies anyway. The noise passes. Now as far as "friending people" goes this I find pretty amazing. I do believe that friending people is a two way street. Some one offers and some one accepts or denies. That's pretty simple and if you screw up and accept by mistake the function to remove the friendship is pretty easy. So is it more a self inflected wound? When a sales person comes to your front door in RL do you invite them in for supper? I do see a need here for the application of common sense which should come to SL with you from RL. I know of people that have over 2000 others that they follow in twitter are they that lonely, do they call those they follow friends. I have never been interested in 2000 people in my life or what they have to say. If the friendship card is "debased" it's news to me how can you debase what you accept? We live and learn in both worlds and hopefully common sense is applied. As far as hustling goes would advertising your place of business in the signature line and making lots of posts be hustling? I have never used any of the tactics described in this post and never will but the fact that this OP is directed towards past or present mentors as the problem, something completely without foundation or proof, is an attempt to validate the problem that only the OP see's. Buyer beware. Noob beware. Common Sense prevails. Prokofy Neva wrote: I was fixing things up in the Moth Temple today and I heard this woman arrive and fly around the sim crying "Anyone want a cheap place to live?" and friending people. I'm all for hustling for sales and for a free market. It seems the friendship card is really debased, however, when it becomes a means merely to try to make a sale, chat somebody up and teleport them to a store. Thats my two cents
  6. Nice pic Storm Storm Clarence wrote: I only smile when I am with my family so this is the only photo I have available:
  7. @Val there are certian songs that belong to people and she has some just lovely ones. France did bring out another singer with her abilities but that singer rarely sang Edith Piaff's songs out of respect to her. This was the only one I could find.
  8. I have one comment for you Hippie Peace
  9. @Hippie /waves @Val Hi Val, you know as a born romantic when I see your name pop up this comes to mind. I know the lyrics but she could just as well sing about peanut butter and I would still love it....
  10. Good Morning Quiin, Based on your decision I to will respect your wishes Quinn Morani wrote: As for the future of the thread, I know it has many supporters here, so it's with a very heavy heart that I have made a decision not to attempt to restart it again. I'd prefer to let it live in happy memory of all the wonderful things it has accomplished, rather than see it limp along or become a battleground in the new forum. It's hard to let it go because it has personal significance for me as a result of some wonderful friendships that have developed. But the friendships will remain, and there will be other threads. Perhaps it's time to let some new topics shine.
  11. @Cato please be aware this is not directed to you it is just the explanation of my approach on the forums. “I may be adamant or out spoken about what I believe has a value, but I don’t fight, so we are both safe there. I will use the adult approach and step back, shake my head realize it’s pointless to argue and move to something else.” We are in a state of flux with respect to the new forums they have yet to find a personality although they lead more to the sterile industrial state then that of a community only time will tell how that evolves. The old forums in particular the GD became a snake pit as most that have lurked or posted over the last year are aware of. But from my point some real community based gems did come out of it and shine without having to be washed to remove the grime. By reading those two forums one can readily see who was opposed to them, but on the whole they were left alone while the hate and venom spun out of control all around. I refer to Hippiestock and Strengthening the SL Community. Both of these were open to the community as a whole, with no restrictions. One Hippiestock and its spin off threads promoted the idea of people gathering and meeting and enjoying themselves with others not unlike any SL based event but without the tools to promote or the capacity to handle more than 70 av’s at a time. The other was Strengthening The SL Community. This particular thread told personal stories of those that chose to post there. It was open to all to read or post or pass by. But it also allowed those that may have lurked in the background to see problems that have been overcome by others where the circumstances where similar to what they were experiencing. We will never know if others were helped by these stories or not, but they certainly were not hurt. Each poster was more than aware that the content of their respective posts could be used against them, yet even with the environment that was present around them they posted. Some people fail to realize that a community can be helped even if it is only one member at a time. Each member that is helped will have a spin off effect on those around them. But if one is narrow minded then the opportunity is missed. What the cause for me to be on shall we say a crusade with respect to those two threads is the fact that they were positive and community assets. Had the OT forum not been opened would they have remained under Make Friends were they started out? When certain people, that I don’t see much from recently, promote ARing on twitter to game the mods then I become more adamant in purpose. But back to the adult maybe it’s just time to walk away shaking my head.
  12. I'm in Maryanne Solo wrote: Can't we be a clique of three? Then we can call ourselves the castanettes. 8^) (such items made up of three pieces).
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