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valerie Inshan

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Everything posted by valerie Inshan

  1. Monday morning and I don't want to go to work...
  2. Oh la la !!! Ladies, you are all lovely flowers amongst flowers here! Yay, spring is really in the air!
  3. lol Koto, seems you deserve the Kudo! :smileywink:
  4. @ Bella: thank you! Very pretty! How your dress seems to swirl! I love it!
  5. I don't know about Greece region but Santorino works fine for me...
  6. LOL, if you can find a cage for this one, I owe you 1000 kudos!
  7. Venus Petrov wrote: This is the 3+ year old Agnes Finney dress I mentioned in another thread. I had not worn it in years until I saw Cait's post. Thank you Venus! /me blushes at every compliment you make! You look lovely in this dress. Actually, I have noticed that very often "forgotten" dresses in our inventories are even more gorgeous as our avatars have progressed. The ballroom one I wore in this thread was bought more than years ago. Yours is adorable: sweetest colours and "motif"! Great taste!
  8. Seraphiel Galaxy wrote: I love all the colours in your pic Val and Marianne's has a floaty dreamy feel to it This is a lovely dress Seraphiel! I have a crush on white flowers dresses! And I disagree with you: your photo is really nice! You look adorable here!
  9. What a lovely spring dress Marianne! And you have such an awesome sense of composition in all your pictures! I love this one, you look so sweet and gentle. :smileyhappy:
  10. I would hate to consider my avatar as "a brand".I think the way each one personalizes it makes each of them pretty unique. In 3 years in SL, I have never met a "clone" repliqua of my avi. Being creative with hair, eyes, mixing clothes, AOs, etc, allow you to have your own special look which will make people recognize you in any circumstances. (not even mentioning the way you talk to people!). I call it personality.
  11. Charolote said : "Oh, and they can be online at the same time as you, you just have to enable multiple viewers." Sadly, this is impossible on Mac computers...
  12. lol, Rot, je n'aurais jamais pensé aux kudos en termes de bisous mais ton idée est adorable !!! :smileyvery-happy: (PS: pour lapeine je t'en donne un !!!)
  13. YAY for Spring!!! Goodbye coats and comfy sweaters! Let's see!
  14. I was "honored resident" right away when the new forum started, with 2 kudos from"Migration". I never understood why and actually did not try to! :smileyvery-happy:
  15. Kascha!!! A RAG??? lol, I could wear rags like this one everyday, it's lovely! :smileyvery-happy:
  16. Venus Petrov wrote: Yes, it is a challenge to get a good photo while dancing. I try to figure out in which direction to point my camera first (lighting, background, etc) and then snap and refresh until I think I have one. Trial and error, usually, and I am not a good photographer. Here is one from not too long ago: I think I've seen this gentleman's hair cut not so long ago...??? :smileywink:
  17. It was supposed to be lke that in Paris today: Actually here's what we have: I love weather reports...
  18. Seraphiel Galaxy wrote: Aww I meant to post this yesterday...........can I be fashionably late? Sure you can! Wonderful coulours Seraphiel! Woudl you like to share were it comes from? Wow! Spring is the air! Just lovely!:smileyhappy:
  19. Wicked Galaxy wrote: There is going to be a fund raising event on April 1st, 2nd, & 3rd. I (and all the staff at a club I work at) were asked to volunteer our time to help out. I think it's a great cause and have signed up to work 3 shifts. I don't have all the details yet (sorry for this being so vague, but I want to keep this forum post current, so this is my form of *bumping* lol). I will post again when I have the full details! Wiki Thank you Wiki, I hope this event also matches the European hours... Please advise! :smileyhappy:
  20. Hi Wilhiam! Happy satuday breakfast with a new Relief bear!:smileyhappy:
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