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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. With more simple words you will lose your place. That's why i suggest to all to pay (when we speak for private estates) per week always and never per month.
  2. Your Windows run maybe in 64-bit? If yes, this is the problem. have a look for the system requirements: https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/index.php?lang=en-US
  3. Hello MCashley. You can not change your avatar's name. The only you can change is your display name. More about display names Here
  4. LoveAngeL Lyre

    Help mee!

    Hello Xirena. Your purchases are at the second tab in your inventory called Recent in Viewer 2. If you dont see your objects there (after a relog you dont see them there), you will find that into the folder called "Objects" in your main inventory (first tab).
  5. Hello Odin. In Viewer 2 open your friend's profile --> Actions (click the down arrow) --> Permissions --> unselect "See my online status: --> Save
  6. Hello Jeffery. When an object is no copy, you can't copy it. We could say that it is unique for you. When it is copy, you can copy it and make as many as you wish. When an object is no transfer, you can't transfer it to another user. When it is transfer, you can. When an object is no modify, you can't change it (for example the texture, size etc). When it is modify, you can.
  7. You are welcome Cashley
  8. Hello. You need to change skin. This moment you wear a default skin and you can't remove them. If i am right you can find 1-2 skins for nudity between your default ones. Alternatively ask a friend to give you another free skin, or buy a new one at Marketplace
  9. Hello MCashley. You need to change skin. This moment you can't remove them. So if i am right, you will find 1-2 skins between your default ones for nudity. Alternatively ask a friend to give you another free skin, or buy a new one at Marketplace
  10. Bonjour Eyrina. Si vous êtes membre premium du mieux que vous pouvez faire est d'utiliser le Live Chat: https://support.secondlife.com/?lang=en Sinon, vous pouvez appeler ce numéro: France: 0805.101.490 Il s'agit d'un numéro local gratuit, disponible 24 heures par jour. Le soutien est uniquement en anglais, mais il n'est pas impossible de trouver quelqu'un pour parler français. La dernière solution est d'envoyer un mail à: support@payments.secondlife.com
  11. Hello Corset. Did you log in Advanced Mode with Viewer 2? Do you want wait till your textures to be loaded before to do anything else ?
  12. Hola Kyruky. Trate de llamada con el siguiente número: España: 800.300.560 Nuestro equipo de facturación está disponible las 24 horas del día, siete días a la semana. Local números de llamada gratuita. El apoyo es en Inglés solamente. Si este número no funciona para usted, usted puede enviar un correo electrónico a: support@payments.secondlife.com
  13. Hello Reesha. At first you must to log in Advanced Mode in Viewer 2. If you are in Basic Mode relog in Advanced Mode. With the new web profiles, you can't use directly a pic from your inventory as profile pic and the pic must be uploaded by your computer. So, if you have the pic in your computer, open your profile --> Edit Profile --> Upload --> Save. The pic must to have one of the following extensions: a).jgp b).gif c).png. If your pic has another extension you can't upload it. In that occasion use a program for pics and save as the pic with one of the extensions i reported. If you have a pic in your inventory, open it and choose save as in your computer. The pic has the extension .tga and you need to save as it, using one of the acceptable extensions. If you havent a program with which you can open .tga files, open the pic in world --> use the commant PrintSceen (its a key in your keyboard) --> open a simple program for pics like for example Microsoft Paint --> Paste there and save as with an acceptable extension. After you are ready to upload the pic.
  14. Hello Willow. My feeling is that you hided accidentally the favorites bar. You can do right click on the Menu bar --> Show favorites bar. The folder Favorites is a system folder in our inventory and that means that we can't move, modify (rename, edit or delete) them.
  15. Open the Marketplace use search there typing the words pet troll and get them ! For more results, use only the word troll. You will have unlimited and maybe you will get confused. Have fun!
  16. Possible causes: 1)The region you are has lag especially when you need to click stop flying 2-3 times to work eventually 2)If you use an AO maybe it has a malfunction. Better to turn it off when you fly 3)You use a script for super fly or speed, so its difficult to realize where exactly you are, so often you get out of the sim's limits and you crash.
  17. Hello Billy. The best way is to use the Destination Guide . Also better to log in Advanced Mode in Viewer 2 because if you are in Basic Mode you can teleport only to a variety of preset destinations in Second Life. Have fun.
  18. Hello queenbaee. What's exactly the problem? You get any message? If you joined in SL when you were under 18 and recently you turned 18, the system has some problems and sometimes you cant be recognized as an adult. In this occasion use this link https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ and fill in a Ticket in Account Issues, describing with details your problem. Check also a very good answer i read recently here about your problem: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/unable-to-do-the-age-verification/qaq-p/853853/comment-id/3272
  19. Hello Soraya. You open your profile --> Edit profile --> Remove --> Save.
  20. Signup for your Linden Home Existing Premium accounts Go to Linden Home registration and log in with your Second Life account and password. View the four themed communities and home options within each theme. Click on your preferred home image. Name your home. Read the Terms and Conditions. Check the box agreeing to the Linden Home Terms and Conditions. Click Submit. Review your Linden Home information on the confirmation page. Click Go to your Home or use the SLurl provided. You will get 300 lindens every week and 1000 lindens as a gift 45 days after the date you upgrated. Have fun.
  21. Hello Roseet. Did you started to play SL when you were under 18? If yes, we have some problems by the system to recognize them when they turn 18 even they verify. Use this link https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ and fill in a Ticket in Account Issues, describing with details your problem.
  22. Hello Rhowyn. If you cant wear attachments maybe they aren't fully loaded? Open your inventory type something in search there and wait fetching ALL your items till the last one. After try again. Also move to a region with less lag. Smith is a protected land which is recommended. Another possible reason is the Avatar's limits: Max. # of attachment points - 30 for avatar, 8 for HUD. They can be viewed by right-clicking your avatar and choosing Take Off > HUD or Detach. With the formal introduction of multiple attachments to a single point in Viewer 2.4, you can attach up to 38 total objects, and they can all be attached to a single point.
  23. Hello Mugetsu. From: http://secondlife.com/corporate/cs.php The Community Standards sets out six behaviors, the 'Big Six', that will result in suspension or, with repeated violations, expulsion from the Second Life Community. All Second Life Community Standards apply to all areas of Second Life, the Second Life Forums, and the Second Life Website. Assault Most areas in Second Life are identified as Safe. Assault in Second Life means: shooting, pushing, or shoving another Resident in a Safe Area (see Global Standards below); creating or using scripted objects which singularly or persistently target another Resident in a manner which prevents their enjoyment of Second Life. Reporting Abuse Residents should report violations of the Community Standards using the Abuse Reporter tool located under the Help menu in the in-world tool bar. We review these abuse reports, and the identity of the reporter is kept strictly confidential. More details now about the report abuse you can read at the following topic: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/How-can-I-make-a-complete-report-abuse-and-how-long-does-it-take/qaq-p/854971
  24. You need to type it without any space. Another one difference, maybe more important is that your code was 482 letters with spaces and i made it only 183
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