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WolfBaginski Bearsfoot

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Everything posted by WolfBaginski Bearsfoot

  1. They've been working on that for a long time. Heard of web profiles and the new search? I don't expect Linden Lab to announce which third-party-viewers can see Mesh objects, though since everything is mesh anyway, as far as the graphics engine is concerned, I reckon there could be a v1.23-based viewer that can show Mesh objects. I've better things to do than struggle with the current Linden Lab UI.
  2. I'm not any sort of expert on 3ds Max, but the downloadable AV meshes which the Labs make available are formatted for Poser, which uses a data format derived from the .obj file format. I don't know how the Poser-specific rigging data would be handled by 3ds Max, but there should be a usable import format. As I recall, a Poser figure isn't a continuous mesh. Each body-part is complete in itself. So if you want to modify the figure mesh, be careful to keep the edges matched.
  3. Technical Note: Everything on the Grid is a mesh anyway. Prims are drawn on our screens as mesh objects. Our AVs are mesh objects. But we don't have to download the details of those meshes.
  4. I would have thought this would be under "Featured News"... Yes, it does depend on Viewers being available, and used, which support it. I hope we get a clear announcement of when a Mesh-capable Linden Lab viewer is available, and not a Beta. But past experience biases me towards waiting for Firestorm. With such a large number of people not using the Linden Lab viewer, this isn't going to be a fast take-off.
  5. I'm afraid, from my experience elsenet, that sophiaquo looks to me to be some sort of spammer, and I wouldn't touch the link in the post with a bargepole. It has the feel of something written by some sort of robot, possibly triggered by the word "Christian". Whether Second Life has enough Google-fu to be worth the effort of setting up an account, I am not sure. I anticipate there being a large number of posts, blog comments and in forums, from this account, and maybe from others with the same IP address. (The site I usually see suffering attempts at this sort of abusive SEO has developed an effective system of detection and control. Were this to have happened there, I wouldn't need to write anything this long.)
  6. I think the formal announcement will come when the Mesh Viewer comes out of Beta.
  7. I just got an invitation through the mails: "Your presence requested this evening, it's formal A top hat, a white tie and tails" What is this "fashion" of which you speak?
  8. I hope nothing goes wrong over the next few days. Little of this will make any difference under the Viewers are out there which can see Mesh objects properly, but I reckon the 64m Prims are safe to use.
  9. As I understand it, Megaprims up to 64m become editable. I can probably fix one which I am using, which depends on a "slice" operation to get the visible size.
  10. So all invisiprims are separate objects? Er, I don't think so. Are you on the same Grid as me? Another reason, it seems, not to use an "official" Viewer.
  11. I can see this making a huge difference. I don't know if scripts recompiled in Mono are going to use more of less memory, but it would be easy to slip this in to old scripts to bring them down to the old 16K memory use, and it should be fairly safe. There's some useful, simple, scripts which could maybe be set to a smaller size than that, not that it would justify script-in-every-Prim coding. But Particle emitters come to mind. They're setting properties on the Prim, right?
  12. So that's what happened... But what are they rolling back to?
  13. I suspect you're on the Le Tigre RC. Last week's roll-out supported Mesh. The latest doesn't and tests something else. It surprised a few quite experienced people where I was, a few hours ago. It's not really explicit in the server-deploy announcement, you have to work it out by comparing last week with this. But Linden Labs never seem to have done a good job of explaining what's going to happen. It's one of the many things which is making me reluctant to try things out.
  14. So does this mean that the Le Tigre sims will stop supporting Mesh and 64m Prims?
  15. Violet needs some attention, pronto. In the SE corner there is a parcel which is part of the sea route to Bay City, the connection between the Fuschia Channel and the Swanhild region. At the moment, it's set to block object entry, so vehicles stop dead. Which makes all the effort to build the route wasted. I'm pretty sure I sailed through there in the past.
  16. Keli Kyrie wrote: But it is just like hanging out with your friends and chatting in local but you do not need to be logged into a Viewer to do it. If that were all it was, no problem, but the intitial default settings for who can see stuff or post to the pseudo-chat area, were insanely insecure. A lot of it has been fixed, but the Lindens have had such wonderful success with hasty server changes that I'm not willing to trust it. And no sign of announcements or instructions. I;m not taking any chances with my (sometimes) personal Second Life.
  17. The way this is being done--no announcements for one thing--I find it hard to trust the Lindens. Defaulting to "Everyone" and not telling customers--why are they copying Facebook's stupidity? If the Lindens have a cunning plan for all this, I am coming to expect it involves a turnip.
  18. I can see why Linden Lab shut down their offices in Europe. With a business presence there, this latest scheme could have been subject to European data privacy laws, and likely illegal. Defaulting to wide open No notification to users If LL want to copy Facebook, why are they copying Facebook's mistakes?
  19. It seems to be defaulting to everyoine and everything. No sign of a blog post yet, which is damnably careless. Since I can't filter any more precisely than "Friends", and that covers a range of connections from business contacts to depraved intimacy, I've deleted my Friends list. It's the only way I can exclude myself from the current system. It's not as drastic as it might seem: I have "Calling Cards" still.
  20. I have now removed all information from my Profile and removed all my friends Linden Lab look to have destroyed my privacy without any warning. And I'm paying them for this!
  21. It would be useful to know what server version is being run. It should be reported in your viewer's Help > About. Best to cut-and-paste, there are some very similar build-numbers in use. It's been a rough few weeks for server versions, with some of the causes for lag spikes getting fixed, and some horrid problems slipping past testing. If I have it right, the current server code works OK. I've even seen one or two things improve.
  22. Maybe a single up-to-date list, with the time for the most recent change. Sort of answering, "Has anything changed since I last logged in." Something short and simple, that can be updated as part of the routine of a rollout or restart. It is. after all, the sort of information the Lindens should be recording anyway. It's the sort of information that would be useful for the support people--have there been any changes?
  23. Interesting Wiki page. There's a bit of link-rot: the blog post it references appears to either not exist or have a different address now. It must be a long time ago that the change was made.
  24. With all the server hokey-pokey going on ("In! Out! In! Out! Shake it all about!") I'm not sure just what is what. I infer that if the build number is the same, the RC label and date in the reported version ID is only of administrative significance. Could we have a summary of the current state of play, all in one place rather than scattered through Wiki pages and forum posts.
  25. Hm, you might not consider it to be well-known, but that bug affected the LeTigre release channel last week, and prompted the roll-back of the server channel. There's a wee bit more detail in the LeTigre info page which Oskar references in his post. All you can do is delete the faulty item and re-rez. Or scream loudly if it's no-copy. Looking at that page, Mesh-Prep seems to be having problems. If I read it right, we're not getting an RC channel restart this week, and there's been no announcement in Status yet.
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