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Perrie Juran

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Blog Comments posted by Perrie Juran

  1. Meh.

    Maybe they think because it is only premium members who will use the sand boxes that they won't need policing.

    And giving away cute little prim gifts, another 'meh.'

    While in the meantime the Welcome Areas are the bane of SL.

    And many tier paying land lords and ladies are having to abandon SIMS that the Linden Homes are robbing their customers from.

    I have over thirty years experience in Retail Sales and Management and all I can say is that if this is the best you can come up with to promote and improve Second Life, this is really, really, really sad. 

    As best as I can see, this kind of marketing management is based on Dilbert's World, Dilbert's Imagination.

  2. Wow.  Like Wow.

    What continues to amaze me is how much LL ignores its residents.  While I know that there are many people who like to climb on many personal soap boxes there are many here such as myself who want to see Second Life continue to grow and improve.  So the soap box I will get on here is this:

    We still get the feeling that LL ignores many of its residents concerns.  And what is bad about this is that you have at LL thousands of years of business experience at your fingertips in the form of Residents who genuinely care and want to contribute and help.  (Second life would fall apart without the volunteered time of the Residents who help in Second Life Answers in the Blogs.)  Some of us actually do have Real Life business experience and acumen we are trying to contribute.

    Sam Walton said, "Listen to your people, they are the best idea generators you have."  We, the Residents are your people.  And just now being told "we weren't paying attention to voting so in a month we are going to cancel it," is a slam in our face.  Sorry if that sounds harsh, but seriously.

    If you are talking about LL improving its lines of communication then an announcements like this should have been E Mailed to the residents if you want to keep us as informed and connected as you claim above.  Much more important than getting E Mails about breeding bunnies or "watched Jiras" The same should have held true for Rodviks "Getting Immersed" post.  Lets face it, it is a minority of the Residents who ever look at this stuff here.  If you want to connect you need to make better use of the simple obvious things and not force the Residents to do all the work.

    </end soapbox>


    Wow, Q, I just went to your public access link and clicked FB Like so I could comment there, and guess what? I can't. My comment was going to be Did you see there are only 6 Likes? One is mine and I wanted to leave my dislike comments.

    Get a clue here, those who want FB already have an avatar account there, and don't need you forcing us to jump through hoops to keep our RL bosses from finding out we like BDSM or are a gamer at all. Are you people insane?

    I'll vote for this also.

    And with all the supposed concern LL has for the safety and security of the teens who are now a part of the Main Grid,  LL thinks that this is a good idea????

    While there are some people who will blather away about anything on FB and Twitter,  I am of the opinion the greater majority don't want every detail of their life smeared all over the internet.

    LL wants to grow, and we support that.  But this is the wrong way to go about it.  You will only succeed in scaring people away by doing this.

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