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Fashion Expert Lily Karlsbar: Passion for fashion – and lingerie!

Linden Lab


I love shopping in Second Life! I love looking at the designs, seeing how they look on my avatar, being as girly as I want – or being naughty! It all works in Second Life.

What I’d like to focus on today is lingerie – also known as panties and bras, underwear, unmentionables, skivvies, and drawers – LOL! I picked three of the many stores out there on the grid. Let's take a look at what I found.

ABL LAMU Group has this frilly bra-and-panty set that also doubles as frilly pajamas. Pink, orange, white, blue and back all mix together to give you a sexy, pretty, soft-looking lingerie set. Wear it to bed, wear it under a gown, wear under jeans – it goes with everything!



Next up, we have Insolence. The Insolence outfit that I chose is a gorgeous sheer tan and brown set. Stockings, panties and a bustier – all sheer, all hot, all to make YOU look sexy! Not so frilly as the LAMU group – but still sexy in a “get it done,” business-like way. Sometimes, the frills and bells and whistles aren’t necessary for a hot look.



Last but certainly not least, I chose Blacklace. Blacklace runs from basic to knockout. Actually – all three stores I chose have basic to knockout choices! This selection will definitely make him drool and make you feel “O La La!” You can wear the pieces separately or all at once, I think it looks SMASHING!

From plain, to frilly, to knockout – Second life has the lingerie you want when you need it. It’s only a click away!

Photo credits:
Skin: Belleza Elle Dark Deep Tan (cleavage)
Hair: Vanity Hair, Lemania Indigo
Makeup: *(Kiko Life)*
Remix: Bitch Mama
Lips: J.E.A.L.O.U.S

Jewelry: NOD Bangles

Visit Lily Karlsbar on the web.


Recommended Comments

Inclusivity, my darling.  Not all of us are trying to impress a "him" out there, yah?  Inclusivity in your writing will make you a superior blogger.  Exclusivity will narrow your audience considerably.  

"... This selection will definitely make him drool, her drool, and most importantly you drool..."  would be a nice touch.

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Bloggers write from their own perspective.  What about all the single people, the polygamists, the ones dating herms, etc.  Including every demographic possible is tedious and unneccesary.

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Nice pics lol

but i never experiece online shopping at secondlife ever. I am actually from india and like to wear Indian traditional dresses. And so for i usually visit at India online store. I prefer to shop at India Emporium store, which is just cool source for me to buy india saharees.



You can follow India Emporium at facebook.

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