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Willow Danube

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Everything posted by Willow Danube

  1. Sure... No problem. But first.. are you a Willow human, or Willow Tree?
  2. 20$ should give you enough L to buy a good skin, shape & hair to make you look like a juicy bombshell model whateva... I adopted 2 newbies (a girl and a guy) the other day and brought them for a shop at LAQ store. Told them they need 3000L each and I helped them with their choices... in the end they both looked so good I think they may have hooked up together since then... I can only hope for the best cuz the guy is a hyperactive-omg-i-cant-stop-running french speaking Swiss and the Girl is wait-wait-slow-down-please Urdu speaking girl from India. God help them. :smileyindifferent:
  3. Ok.. Here's the thing... Creek :smileymad:.. had trouble 'waking' up so I had to literally drag Randall to my rescue. As gentleman as he is, he had graciously accepted my.. errrr... advances... and we went to the Avilion Grove for a few dancing shots. Here's one of them... as promised.
  4. Thank you... I was just thinking we have almost every single picture threads we could think of and we have not one for Dancing. I think we had one back in the old GD forum (RIP) but almost always they get scraped when its hogging the bandwith space. Now.... if only I can grab some poor soul to dance with me. Maybe I'll have to summon my alt from his slumber ... OR.. I was wondering if I could open invite a Linden to dance with me?.. LOL... I don't care if he is a flying jellyfish.. I'll still dance with him.
  5. I sure will, Valerie... . Why not you or Wildcat start a Dancing picture thread and I'll post not one but two pics just for it? :smileywink: I don't think we have a dancing thread yet, do we?
  6. Valerie, the first picture of you and Ajja dancing reminds me of the first dance venue I've been into when I was a complete newbie. I've been wanting to go back to this place but I couldn't remember the name... would you mind giving me the SLurl?
  7. Is it just me? Coz I'm seeing nothing here.. :smileyindifferent:
  8. Oh,Dear Mary & Joseph...!!! If the settings are viewer based like what it was before... I beg you people please do not make my avatar sway, jiggle and wiggle like Marigold's video!! If it looks painful to you its because it is .. :smileysurprised:
  9. I'm actually more curious as to why you are still keeping your partner's name after all these years?
  10. Oh, hush Darrius... Get yer own wee bonnie lass to fix yer holes. :smileyindifferent:
  11. Yes, NCI is G.. but Faery Crossings is M... but only available for avatars age 45 and below
  12. in Real Life, I'm a virgin tucked away high up in a tower somewhere guarded by secret police and 10 thousand folds of strong armies - on foot and on horses. My father is the overlord of a region in Ithilien, Middle Earth (I can tell you exactly where it is but it's against the forum TOS) and he is planning to marry me off to a prince for the price of 3 calves made of gold and 512kgs of Ganjas. It can be pretty boring living alone in a tower... my father's slaves would send me books, a harp for me to play and occasionally his men's socks for me to repair but its not enough... I mean, In due time, I would be marrying this Prince and I'm sure he is a very experienced man and I'm afraid I won't be able to please him much. That is why I come to SL... to explore and to learn the art of pleasing... and to build a house near a waterfront so I can sail as much as possible because I have never touched or smell the ocean since I was a wee bonnie lass. In RL, my feet are not to touch the dirt and I've been carried around in a high pedestal or in decorative coach made with cashmere and silk. In SL, I'm driving off the Linden roads with my old truck I got from Marketplace and i'm driving stick! Such liberating moment!
  13. MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote: Thing is, posting you are bored on this is a mistake cause then guys will be tryinhg to contact you "just to be friends" but then want something more. If the feeling is mutual.. I see nothing wrong with that.
  14. If two people are in tuned with each other.. 'anywhere' can be just as romantic. I say, go for the place where it is memorable for you. Doesn't need to be a romantic exotic sim.. perhaps the place where the two of you first met? :smileywink:
  15. Free Furry Avatar Warehouse by Fartthington Whetmore Search for the Name inworld and make sure you join his group. He's got one of the best Free Anthro avatars so far.
  16. I can adopt you and bring you around (.. if i'm not pre-occupied that is...) and pimp you a little.. Tell us what kind of a gal and I suppose your age range preference... I'm surprised why Randall did not say this already but if you have been joining building classes, another best place to meet up is the sandbox. Show off your creation and have the girls coming on to you... instant magnet! Actually it worked both ways.. I've met many interesting people just by hanging around at NCI and Hippo sandboxes practising my skill... and I'm not even that good! Finally, it is a brave thing to come here and pour out in the public with the chance of making a fool of yourself. Actually, you sound quite interesting,.. and fun to be with.. too bad because I'm too old to be your gal and also I have a thing for much older men.. ).
  17. HEH!.. Blondin graced his Lindeness through my posts and I'm getting AR'd here and there.. Did someone sed I should date a furry? But yeah Venus, i'm getting all mixed up... I might just lost me a screw. Anyway... his royal pain is history. I'm sailing off to Valinor.... PS: May I have Mike modding me next time? Blondin looks like Bruce Lee.. I'm scared of Bruce Lee.. I want Mike.
  18. False alarm.. turns out my guy IS a Royal pain in the butt. But no, I really liked that pompous pimplenickel so I won't wish him anything malignant .. just hair lost! That would be enough, right?
  19. Darrius Gothly wrote: (BTW: Are you serious? No secks till you're married? Hmm .. maybe you better not do that poseball thing. He might get the wrong idea and not even notice they're just cuddles ...) No, he's a dude alright.... but I am kinda serious with the secks only after marriage. Why not? I mean some people prefers the escorts, some with a sexy bunny, some with a sheep and some wants to be in a polygamy. I want to remain a virgin until I got married.. nothing's wrong with that..
  20. Luc, great idea... Or maybe, I should just take the hint that he is not really into me, dump him and ran off with the village's vicar?
  21. PS: I don't know, maybe he is a snob. I'm liek so hooked up with this minted toff but he can be a little bit of a git sometimes. What do I do?
  22. Griffin, I've been telling him to see a dermatologist and see if it was cancer but he refused. He said that is his aristrocate mole.. its a mole to distinguish himself from mere peasants like myself.
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