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Lillie Woodells

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Everything posted by Lillie Woodells

  1. Oh my. I don't like the image that just came to mind of you meeting close friends in the washroom. I said Dee writes on washroom walls not on washroom toilets. She has some class you know. @Dee Which marker? What color is it? Do you remember where you last had it? /me keeps her arms behind her back and shifts from foot to foot.
  2. You better watch your wording when Dee is around... she likes to start rumors and write them on washroom walls, and an occasional outhouse door...
  3. Sylvia Tamalyn wrote: A good number of my in world friends post regularly on the forums, but I can't say I actually met them here...most of them I met in world at the Hangout or through other friends, then I started posting more often here because I felt more comfortable seeing people that I knew also posting! BTW, Valerie...you are one that I did meet here and would love to meet in world sometime! :smileyhappy: Excellent point Sylvia and exactly my sentiments! I am actually incredibly shy, but having become closer to people I've met, initially through the forum and then inworld, it is much easier to make a pos or two. I feel like we kind of build confidence in each other. I think most of my friends list is filled with people that I've met from the forum.
  4. As soon as I saw him, my heart stopped. For the first time, since this whole thing started, I faltered, just momentarily, not enough that anyone would notice, but I did. I felt my heart pounding in my chest and my stomach filled with that unmistakable fluttering. I thought I was seeing things. That in my tired frustration, lack of fresh air being cooped up in my "apartments", that my eyes deceived me. The assistant that lead me to him was focused on the paperwork in her hands, she didn't see my face, by the time she looked up to turn me over to Quinn, composure had settled back over me, but my heart was still pounding. For a brief moment he had the same surprised look that I had. I caught it, of course I did, but no one else could have. I held his eyes across the room as Quinn and I walked closer. She began introductions, I'm quiet certain of that, but I don't believe I heard a word that she said. I was aware that we were staring at each other, I was aware that we were standing far to close together, I was aware, but I did not care at that point. Quinn asked him a couple of questions and his eyes never left mine as he answered her. The moment he spoke, shivers ran up my spine. She walked away and we stood for a moment our eyes locked, before he tore his gaze from mine and motioned to the room ahead. My hand brushed against him as I walked past to enter the room. He pushed the door closed behind us. I turned slowly to face him again aware of the thumping of my heart in my ears. "Tell me you didn't know all along! Tell me that you had no idea about my past when we met!" I knew the answer from the surprise on his face before he spoke. I looked hard into his deep brown eyes and as the smile spread across his face, I couldn't stop myself from smiling back. For a very brief moment, I wondered what Guido would have thought if he had known that the gypsy I'd settled down with was a MISL agent.
  5. /me waves Morning all! Happy Friday! *In this case, ^ I'm glad I missed casual Friday! I think I work with these guys!! *
  6. Dillon returned from placing her call with M and seemed quite relieved. She asked me again if I would be willing to sit with a sketch artist to help them determine if who I saw at TOS HQ was truly a mole. I agreed. We agreed that we should arrive separately at the meeting point with the artist from MISL. I arrived first, at the grand hotel and took a seat near a window with a cup of hot coffee. The door is propped open and there is a lovely breeze blowing in, the scents of spring blossoms mingling with the mechanical smells or coal and oil of the nearby train station. I sit patiently, trying to imagine what it would be like to sit in a place like this and now wonder if someone was waiting to blow your head off the moment you stepped through the door. I take my eyes off the door momentarily to glace out the window, it's not easy to keep your eyes trained on two spots at once. A movement catches my attention and I look to see a petite young brunette standing before me. She smiles at me sweetly, almost too sweetly. "May I have a seat?" She gestures to the open chair at my table. I look around at the plethora of empty chairs, but nod. I don't want to seem impolite. She sits and orders a coffee and we wait in silence. My senses are heightened once again and I listen to the sounds of the trains in the distance, and the click clack of a woman's heels on tile floor above me. I sip my coffee and regard this girl over the top of my cup. After some time she speaks: "So, shall we get started with the sketch?" My surprise does not show through, only dismay. "Excuse me? What?" Her surprise is not so well hidden. "Oh, um, I am the sketch artist. I'm here to make the sketch. Are you ready?" I blink a few times for effect: "Sketch? Oh! Do you do portraits! Oh my husband would love a portrait of me! How much do you charge?" My voice rises with excitement. She looks baffled. As she leans down to reach into her bag, my right hand reaches under the hem of my skirt and my fingers touch the cold metal near my thigh. She comes up with a sketch pad and pencil. I smile and make a big production of fluffing my hair and sitting up straight in the seat. "Should I turn to one side or the other?" She blinks at me and closes the sketch pad. "I think you misunderstood." I had never seen this girl before. I memorize her face and can see her growing uncomfortable. She gulps the last of her coffee and stands. "I'm sorry, I must have gotten the wrong hotel." She mumbles as she drops some change on the table and walks out the door. I lean back in my seat and watch her leave. She walks like she's packing something. A few minutes later Dillon walks into the hotel lobby and sits in the same chair. I look up at her then down at the change on the table. "I had an unexpected visitor, a young brunette who wanted to make a sketch for me. I think she had something more than pencils up her sleeve though." I sip my coffee and watch Dillon's face. We wait a bit longer, both on edge but not showing it. The sketch artist must have been detained. We decide it's time for another plan and return to our rooms for a conference.
  7. I quickly cut through the vendor's booth and shove open the door of the building next to it. I rush though the building silently my senses still heightened. I cautiously open the back door and make my way back outside and find myself at the back of the building where I saw the glint of light. I pull Dillon's nine from my bag and toss the nearly empty purse into a bush nearby. There is nothing in it I can't replace or really care for, I don't need my lipstick if I'm going to be in a fight. I notice the back door is slightly ajar and carefully enter the building. It seems to be some kind of vacant store, empty display cases line the slowly decaying walls. The building smells of mildew and sweat. I spy a staircase and my skin goes cold as a chill travels up my spin. I tentatively place my foot on the bottom step testing for any noise or give, then slowly proceed to the next step, my back against the wall, trying to watch two places at once. It takes me forever to reach the top of the stairs that open into a mid sized empty room, well, empty except for two things. On the window sill are two objects, I recognize both immediately. One is an unspent 7mm round, the other a still burning Marlboro. I spin around quickly to look at the empty staircase. He knew I'd come here and was leaving me a clear message. I check decide not to take any chances and climb out on the tiny balcony and make my way down the rickety fire escape. I stay low, ducking behind buildings and zig zagging my way back to the hotel. I don't enter via traditional means, carefully observant to everything around me, I slip into the room of a young couple too engrossed in each other to notice me slip in their open window. Despite my desperate mission, I grin to myself and resist the urge to tell him "She's faking it, nobody says THAT!" and instead slip unnoticed out the door and rush to the room to meet Dillon. I'm 20 minutes late, and she is pacing near the door when I burst in. I'm sure I look a mess, having been for a swim at one point to keep the trail clear. I stand in front of her my hair dripping. "We have to move, right now!"
  8. After I'd told Dillon what I knew, and watched her blanch momentarily, we headed quickly back to the hotel to pack up and acquire transportation. Dillon placed some calls with no luck. Any transportation out of here would have to wait for hours and possibly until morning. After carefully discussing our options, I suggested I could scout out surrounding area and see if I could something to get us out in a more timely manner. Two hours had already passed, and that was far too long. Dillon reluctantly agreed, I sensed the hesitation in her more than heard or saw it. I only hope that she knows without a doubt she can trust me. She MUST trust me, because she I started out the door, snatch up the purse with her borrowed nine in it and tossed it to me. I promised to be back within the hour and closed the door behind me. I head out into streets that are mainly deserted. The fresh ocean air feels good against my skin as I walk cautiously down the street. I can't help but think about all that has happened, and wonder in what direction I'll be spun this time. I have no doubt in my mind that I am now on the right side of things. Dillon has proved to me to be a trustworthy and honest companion. Being on the run with someone tends to make you closer to that person. I hope and pray she knows her allies as well as she thinks she does. I make my way closer to the harbor area looking for a watercraft that may have been a bit carelessly moored. It's easy at times to lose your way in this place. I slink from boat to boat, checking carefully for one that is worthy of a good beating. I spot one that looks promising and check it out carefully, I think this one will do. I quickly begin heading back toward the hotel when the hairs on my neck stand on for the second time tonight. This time is different. Everything seems brighter suddenly, I can hear the sound of people laughing in the distance, I hadn't noticed that before. The sound of the seagulls circling near the fisheries is almost deafening. I freeze, my heart pounding, instinctively I reach for Bess... Dammit!!! She is still in the room. I wait what feels like hours but couldn't have been more than a minute, bracing myself for what ever is to come. The feeling passes almost as quickly as it came upon me. I duck quickly into the booth nearest me and glance nonchalantly over my shoulder. In the window of a building down the street, something catches my eye. A brief flash of a street light reflecting off of glass.
  9. I continue toward Dillon with my new found suspicion of a mole fresh in my mind. I feel the vibration of my cell phone buried in the bottom of my purse. I pause and quickly pull it out, having forgotten even of it's existence until this point. The battery indicator is at the low end as I hesitantly open the phone. I can't believe my eyes: [incoming secure TOS transmission] Hello, miss Woodells Who the hell are you? I am referred to as Big O and you will show me the respect I have earned young lady! Oh I guess you didn't get the memo "O" I quit! Well.. I'm sorry.. but at TOS people don't quit.. They get retired I've tried that already didn't seem to work out so well. I guess I'm allergic to retirement I guess you don't know MY meaning of "retirement" I think I do, but as I said.. I'm allergic to it. I'm gonna cut the red tape Lill.. G was smug.. and I know he is as smug as he is stupid mmmhmmm We do not have enough Intel.. but I can tell you this.. it was NOT us who bombed M's supposed residence I think you are missing an important point Being? I did not ask, nor want to be part of this But you are, Lill.. and honestly.. I'm afraid you are getting yourself into a web out of which there is no escape. I must close this channel soon.. MISL is intercepting it as we speak Just so you know, I always find an escape. I guess you don't know your former agents all that well.\ I know that you are one of the finest.. Send me an SOS when you need help with that.. You still have our channel.. and believe me.. you WILL need help! [secure TOS channel closing] I close my phone and pull the battery quickly and increase my pace to catch up to Dillon. "Dillon, there are a couple of things I think you need to know about...."
  10. As I take my first step toward Dillon, a breeze swirls around me and stir something inside, like the sudden rush when a door is opened in a sealed room. A sense of deja vu washes over me and I chill from the inside out. I feel the little hairs stand on end starting from the back of my neck and working across my entire body. I pause just momentarily in my step, a slight miss, an imperceivable hesitation as a face flashes across my mind. From the beginning I took note of details, even before I was recruited to TOS. My mind drifts back so long ago when I was young and full of misguided ambition. I was going though training at TOS HQ and was waiting for my instructions in the Transit Lounge when the door burst open and chaos entered along with the rush of wind. I shrunk back in my seat willing myself invisible while I took it all in. A man, heavily armed strode past me without a glace, I soaked in every detail of his face, the color of his eyes, the shape of his nose, the set of his jaw, his body shape, the length of his stride and the way his foot hit the floor with each step. He was surrounded by security, all chattering at the same time about breaches and consequences, and O. But this man, he was the point of interest. He was the center of attention. He could have been anyone, but I put together later that he must have been a defector of MISL. I'd filed that bit of information away in the "not really useful" bin until this very moment. Could it possibly be that he was not a defector? His arrogance in his stride, the way he held himself as if he owned the place, could that confidence be derived from inside knowledge. He had no fear of consequences. A double agent, a mole, would be valuable to O. He would have no need to fear breaking security protocol by bursting into O's office. I wonder if I had better mention this information to Dillon. I glance in the bar as I walk past the door soaking up the bartenders features. No information is unimportant.
  11. This place has an exquisite beauty that makes me long for home. Home. That was a word that was foreign to me not so long ago. I had been in the process of rebuilding a normal life, a life that felt right to me. I just wonder now if that is all gone. As I sit in silence and wait for Dillon to complete her task I allow my mind to wander. Part of me is relishing in the thrill of once again doing what comes so naturally for me. The other part is longing for what is left behind, what I didn't even know I wanted until I found it... I shake those thoughts out of my head and refocus my attention on the quiet little bar. We've been here an hour and nothing worth noting has occurred. I begin to wonder if her contacts will refuse to show. I sense more than see the disappointment in her as she pays her bill. My keen eye catches the addition of something other than change that the bartender passes to her and I watch him mouth the words "for later". Things are just never as they seem. I finger the metal beneath the fabric of my purse as I watch her walk from the bar, keeping keenly aware for any movement to follow. I am silent as I make my way to meet her near the shops, but inside my heart sighs deeply.
  12. The journey with just Dillon and myself has been pleasantly quiet and uneventful. It's seems like so long ago I was able to relax and let my guard down. The tension of being on the run seems to fade between us as we continue on. The danger is still there, and the anticipation of what may come if we aren't careful, but the atmosphere is a bit more relaxed, well, as relaxed as a couple of girls like us can get. I decided the morning we docked on the little island that a swim might do me some good. The sun was just rising and the contrast of the cool water and the warm sun on my body was a welcome feeling indeed. I know we'll be here only briefly, but the feeling of being clean again is heavenly. I can't help but think as I float silently, listening to the sounds around me as the world begins to awaken, what is next? How close is G? I know he won't give up easily. This time it's not just a matter of a missed mark, but hurt pride as well. I give a soft chuckle to myself as I imagine his conversation with O. It must have gone something like "I can get Lill back working for us, I have her wrapped around my finger." Cocky man that he is. I catch myself laughing out loud now. I wonder how O took the news that I had walked away from him yet again. I close my eyes and relish the sun's increasing warmth, but my minds eye is open wide... We have to move on again soon, but a moment of reflection is always a thing to treasure when you live like I do.
  13. Unbelievable! I take deep breaths to maintain my calm, but inside I'm screaming, raging! It was bad enough to trick me into doing his dirty work, but then to leave me in the dark! What did he hope to accomplish? Mind games? Trying to make me feel helpless so I would lean on him for support? Oooooh did he figure me wrong. You would think after so many years of working together, he would have learned me well enough to know I don't take kindly to games like that. Not to mention that his eagerness to blow things up has put both myself and Dillon in danger, unnecessarily drawing attention to us. What were we, decoys? *takes a deep breath and gazes out at the water* So here I am once again hiding, running, for sure both TOS and MISL are after me, us! Dillon gave me her word to help me in any way she can, and I gave my word in return. Now I have two backs to watch.
  14. How could I have been so blind! Fury can't describe what I'm feeling right now. I made a phone call early in the morning 2 days ago that I'd been dreading. I did not want to ask him for help after our parting. G was not happy at all that I'd chosen to depart TOS "before my prime". So the phone call put me in a position I'm not happy to be in... Begging. I managed to sputter out the words "G, this is Lillie" *mumbles* "I need your help." Oooooh he played it up good! "Who? Do I know a Lillie.... Let me think? No, I can't recall.. OOooh yes! Now I know!" I kept my patience and waited for his smugness to settle to it's usual place before explaining the situation to him. The nerve he has!! "Oh Lill, tsk tsk, what have you gotten yourself into? I don't know if I can help you or not. I don't feel right about using TOS resources to help a fallen angel. Let me think about it and I'll get back to you." *click* The next phone call was even less pleasant. I paced atop my perch as I waited for him to answer... He didn't even wait to hear me speak. "Lill.. Lill.. Tsss.. Are you losing your edge?.. I would have thought you would see right through a simple lure like this.. C'mon, a free trip!?.. Guess this gypsy is clouding your sharp eye!.. hehehe *smugs*" *softly* "Lure?" *louder* "Lure?" *shouts* "Lure!?! You set me up you son of a...... " *Low growl," I took a deep breath to regain my composure* "To what end G? What the hell do you want? Who are these people and what exactly have YOU gotten me into!? I won't even go into all the rubbish you spewed about trust and faithfulness. BAH! You better hope, no you better PRAY that I don't lose my temper here." *from his end of the line, G hears the sound of my rifle being loaded* G snickers on the other end. "I hear you brought Bess.. Good!.. You will need her. "Lets cut the BS Lill.. And lets continue with the briefing, shall we?" I growl, "Just tell me what you want from me, I want to go home."
  15. Some vacation! I think I've finally gotten myself to a safe spot. Anyone approaching me here, I will see first. Not to mention I have a great vantage point of the city from here. What I truly need is information. Who are these people, and what's more, why are they following me? Do they know who I am, and if so how!? More than anything else, I hate not knowing. I hate to do it, but I may have to make a phone call. I only hope that G is willing to help. It's been awhile. I reach for my phone but hesitate. (G would have pointed at one of his silly motivational posters that says "Indecision is the thief of opportunity.") I lay Bess down delicately and pick up my phone....
  16. Since most of what I had with me was displaced with my unfortunate boating "accident", I decided on my way to higher ground, I better look for some supplies. Luckily, I came across some useful items. I did manage to hang on to my cell phone, and a few other important items. I will regroup myself and see if I can find the wrecked boat and make sure I didn't leave anything else important behind...
  17. I really feel as if I have to exercise even more caution now. I have no idea why someone would want to follow me! I've been very careful to put my past behind me and move on to something simpler. I see some movement from some of those strange metal men, so I let my instincts take over (old instincts and training come back quite easily in this place) and I drop down to observe. ` I need to find higher ground where a girl like me feels more comfortable.
  18. I walk though the deserted streets, there is no one in site. The city looks well maintained, yet resembles a ghost town. I can smell faint scents of meals cooked but how long ago? The silence in places is deafening. I can even hear clocks ticking inside the seemingly abaondoned homes. I still can't shake the feeling that I'm being followed... this is kind of creepy.
  19. Strange goings on... I don't have much time to write, as this place makes me quite nervous. I feel like someone is following me. Someone warned me about going into dark places, but I didn't listen. What ever could this be??? There is no opening in this thing, I've searched, I did manage to fit my camera phone and hand through one of the slats.
  20. So they say "Curiosity killed the cat" but I am not a cat, so I thought why not. The beauty is astounding. There did not appear to be anyone around, so I decided to have a look around and maybe snap some photographs of the beautiful architecture. Suddenly I found myself falling from this terrifying height to the water below. Was I pushed?? I managed to snap a few pictures underwater, but there is nothing that can be seen from them. It's a good thing I know how to swim. I found a row boat and decided maybe I'd be safer closer to the ground and water. Then suddenly, this massive robotic cat is coming straight toward me! I couldn't row away fast enough and sure enough I was rammed... I managed to grab a hold of it's tail amidst the wreckage of my little row boat, I climbed on it and rode it to the edge of the city where it literally disappeared....I'm getting very sick of getting wet. I can see that something is defiantly fishy here. ...
  21. I think I may try to build an SL version... This could be a fun challenge.
  22. Quinn Morani wrote: Lia, of course a new home takes priority. I'm so glad to hear that things are taking shape with it. Sounds like you like the area you've landed in, too. That's great news all around. You've definitely been missed around here. I sure hope to see more of you as your time permits! That is one of the things that is so great about the friendships forming here. We can see that our stories are ever changing. We are adding new chapters every day, so there is always something else that can be contributed. Just like Lia's move! It is a new chapter in her life. Our old stories have brought us this far, and the new additions carry us forward.
  23. Lia Abbot wrote: Er, when you say he has a stunning estate, are you referring to his house, or his car? Well if you look at the photo above, that is his estate. Looks like a combo unit to me.
  24. You know Quinn could always go after my ex, I'm not sure of all the legal speak but I'm sure it could be made to be his fault! He has his new stunning estate she could try to put a lien on as well.
  25. Lia!! Now that sounds like a lawfirm for Quinn. I'm sorry but my last turnip was stollen last night. I officially have nothing.
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