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Lillie Woodells

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Everything posted by Lillie Woodells

  1. @ Storm and Dee: This is nice to see guys, it made me smile this morning. @Keli you scare me too! Don't hurt yourself with that pan! I have one like that, nice heavy cast iron skillet. hehe
  2. Oh Lia thank you! I did that musical when I was in theatre. Some of my fondest memories are of working on the set with the crew and helping my dear friends who played Don Quixote and Sancho practice their lines. I had multiple parts in that musical. I was a dancing gypsy, a prisoner, an inquisitioner, and a prostitute. I so loved the music. I used to sing the songs to my sister. I actually have a video somewhere of one of our performances. It's actually a very beautiful and touching story as well!
  3. Good morning Wildcat! I love cooking for large groups of people! I'm sure you can find something in this, if not, I can grill you up a mouse or something.
  4. Lia Abbot wrote: I LOVE that show. Seen it twice. The only one to compare is Miss Saigon, which I've seen three times. Thanks for the good wishes Llllie and Dee. New Jersey here I come! I've always wanted to see Miss Saigon! South Pacific as well! I must say Le Mis, the Phantom of the Opera, and The Man of La Mancha are my top three (of the shows I've seen).
  5. DQ Darwin wrote: Hugs to all this morning. The day here is dark and foreboding, I expect the odd zombie to stroll by the window, but what zombie isn't odd? /peeks around the corner at France and waves to Val<3 This popped into mind, I guess it's how one day more can mean many different things, I will share *sighs* I love that! I would so love to go see that again.
  6. Have a safe trip Lia! And have loads of fun upon arrival.. hehehe Hugs!!
  7. I can do that too! Only I have too open a package of sticky notes first... ETA: Keli, make a list of sticky notes vs. lists, then compare. I'll help with the first two. Lists: Sticky Notes: 1. You have more room on a list 1. Sticky notes are, well sticky!
  8. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Lillie Woodells wrote: Morning Celestiall! Been thinking about you lady, I hope all is going well with you today! Hugs!!! Lillie! Hi. I was actually thinking about you yesterday. Have an idea, (I know...who'd have thunk it?) and wanted to run it by someone, to see if they could envision, what I cooked up in my head. Another Hoosier is what I need. Off to work right now, but will send you an IM inworld later tonight. Have a great day! : ) Sounds good! I'll be there. You have a great day too!
  9. Peewee Musytari wrote: I do make random notes on any piece of paper that happens to be within arms reach & then have no idea where they go. /me makes a random note on the back of this envelope to start making lists. You reminded me of my last job. There was a gentleman there who used post it notes like they were going out of style. He had them all the way around his monitor, post its stuck to post its. His monitor sat on the desk top and the space between the bottom of the screen and the desk was piled high with post it notes. One day the boss decided to prank him and put fake phone numbers and girls names on some and mixed them in with the other notes. I swear there must have been about 500 notes on his desk at any given time. He NEEDED to be a list maker! LWL (Lad With Lists) Instead he was a LWALOPIN (Lad With A Lot Of Post It Notes)
  10. DQ Darwin wrote: Morning Ave, Lillie how's your gluteus maximuses this morning. It is noisy I'm not sure if I heard worshipers cuming or going. It's hard to tell sometimes. I did love Bobbies concert last night, that was not only unique but thoroughly enjoyable. Now that was worth listening to:P Um, my gluteus maximus is just fine thank you for asking. Yours okay? Bobbie's concert was fantastic. It brought back memories of when I played piano. I really need to start again. I have a beautiful instrument in my family room that gets little use. Classical music always touches my soul.
  11. Good evening, auntie Ave! Hugs! (I'm getting better with remembering everyone's time zones)
  12. Morning Celestiall! Been thinking about you lady, I hope all is going well with you today! Hugs!!!
  13. Goor MornAfterEvening everyone! Miss Valerie, I'm glad you're okay! Keep your chin up high! If you ever need to talk or just vent, let me know. I can send you my email address in world. Big big hugs!! Breakfast and for Wilhiam ontbijtkoek en koffie
  14. Screwdrivers Hammers Tape measure Allen Wrenches Pipe Wrench Ratchet Dremmel Caulk gun Jar of Nails Jar of Screws Jar of nuts and bolts 250 pc Drill Bit and Socket Set Cordless Drill Extra Battery Package of Sandpaper Small First Aid Kit Small Painters Tarp Duct Tape Masking Tape New package of Paint Brushes Flashlight Telescoping Magnet Needle Nose Pliers Regular Pliers Voltage Meter Tire Gauge about 20 Zip Ties Ooooh, you mean as in a drink! You got me going on the list in my tool box.
  15. Keli Kyrie wrote: Lillie Woodells wrote: Keli, my grandmother was also a LWL. I do not see those traits in my mother but I do fear that it may have skipped a generation and come down to me. She was a Lady with Lipstick, drawers full of the stuff! She had them organized. If you opened the top drawer of her dresser they were all there, sticking up in neat little rows, all the red on the right all the browns in the middle, all the pinks on the left. Hundreds of lipsticks, mostly Avon. A virtual rainbow of colorful waxy sticks. My great uncle was a LWL as well. As a child he struggled with the label of being a Lad with Lisp, but you know in the end he came off pretty good. All of those school yard fights encouraged him to learn how to box and he eventually became a Golden Gloves champion. I guess being a LWL isn't all that bad. You sound like you have a wonderful family full of very determined people and that is a wonder thing. I have just a brief list of question for you. 1) There is a Ladies with Lipstick Club? Not yet, but I do believe one is in the works 2) What do they do at there meetings? I think we shall trade hints on keeping our lipstick fresh and trying new colors 3) Did she let you play dress up with the lipstick? Oh yes there was a seperate drawer for that, with lots of little Avon samples 4) Shhhh... I won't tell but when you were a teenager did you ever take one with you out and a date thinking she has so many she will never notice? I snuck a stick out when I was 13 and kissed a neighbor boy in the woods behind the house. When I came home she told me it was the wrong color. I was mortified 5) What is your favorite color for your lips.? I am a natural redhead so I'm a dark coral, copper, bronze, or brown girl.
  16. I think I'm doomed Keli.. I checked: my purse: 3 lipsticks my desk drawer: 2 lipsticks my desk top: one compact with 4 colors in it. Which lead me to ask: 1. Does that count as belonging with the lipstick IN my desk? 2. Does it count as a lipstick if it is not a stick per se? 3. Does it count if I have not worn it in awhile 4. Does it count if it was a gift and not my color and I have not worn it at all? 5. Does it.. OMG I'm a LWLWL!!!! (A Lady With Lists With Lipstick) 1) Are you a LWL? (Lady with Lists) Apparently I am 2) If not how do you keep track of things? I am 3) Do you use your phone to make lists? Yes 4) Do you use your computer to make lists? Oh yes 5) Do you use some form of handwritten list. Yes, yes, yes 6) Do you make the list or do other people make them for you? Yep 7) Do you think this list is too long? No you missed one 8) Do you make lists of lists? YES!
  17. Keli, my grandmother was also a LWL. I do not see those traits in my mother but I do fear that it may have skipped a generation and come down to me. She was a Lady with Lipstick, drawers full of the stuff! She had them organized. If you opened the top drawer of her dresser they were all there, sticking up in neat little rows, all the red on the right all the browns in the middle, all the pinks on the left. Hundreds of lipsticks, mostly Avon. A virtual rainbow of colorful waxy sticks. My great uncle was a LWL as well. As a child he struggled with the label of being a Lad with Lisp, but you know in the end he came off pretty good. All of those school yard fights encouraged him to learn how to box and he eventually became a Golden Gloves champion. I guess being a LWL isn't all that bad.
  18. /me waves Hi there! Lia it was so good to meet you inworld! I'm sorry I didn't have much time to talk with you. I was going to offer friendship. Hugs!
  19. Sylvia Tamalyn wrote: Hahah love that one! How about the original Duke from Busch's Baked Beans? Rooooll that beautiful bean footage!
  20. one of my favorite commercial characters Morris! My grandma had a cat that looked just like him show up on her door step. They lived right next door to us at the time I must have been 4 or 5 but I remember begging her to keep him. She did and named him Morris.
  21. Canoro Philipp wrote: a very entertaining character was the Noid OH Canoro! I loved those commercials! I still think that is sound advice.. Avoid the Noid!
  22. falconblue wrote: I won't miss the Burger King at all. That frozen smile of his gave me the jeebies. But to answer your question, I miss the Aflac duck. I would only see the commercials during the baseball games on TV in the summer and they stopped showing them 2 years ago. Wow we still see the Aflac duck, though now he has a new voice. I know what you mean about the King.. he was one creepy dude. The commercials when the guy wakes up and the King is in bed with him... talk about nightmares. Just think, he might have been my step dad! *shudders*
  23. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Lillie Woodells wrote: So in bidding farewell to the King, what icons do you recall from the past? The Marlboro Man He was pretty commonplace in Germany too before our government heavily regulated and mostly banned the advertising of tobacco products. Like Burger King's mascot, the Marlboro cowboy also promoted addictive drugs that kill hundreds of thousands of people each year in the USA alone. Right! And don't forget Joe Camel too!
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